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To me, the real essence of knowledge which I have gained in 16 years of education is to implement it
in some useful way, discover new and efficient ways rather than doing crammed steps again and
again, which could be done using robots. To me, if I contributed something new to the existing
literature that will be the part of my life’s goal, which can only fulfill through research. Innovation is
what we are looking for a most research project, so doing research or MS will bring me closer to
achieving my goal. I want to pursue a career of lifelong learning, research and new applications, I
dream of creating a business that is centered on innovation.

Throughout 12 years of schooling, I have always been a bright student. Due to all this hard work, I
was able to secure the prestigious award of Prime Minister National Research and Development
Scholarship (ICTR&DF), that was a very competitive exam and I was among 300 students from the
total pool of around 10,000 students who appeared for the scholarship test. So, as a result, I was
selected in Pakistan top-ranked university in Information Technology, COMSATS. Educational
expenses were funded by scholarship which is of worth around 1.5 Million PKR. In COMSATS I
have completed Bachelors of Science in Electrical Engineering in 2017. The undergraduate program
at COMSATS Institute of Information and Technology was a well-rounded program. It introduced me
to basic Electrical Engineering concepts effectively, then gradually focused on specialization subjects.
During my stay at the university, I was interested in getting concepts about Electrical Power Systems,
due to this fact I was able to get 91 percent in Introductory Power system course. In the last two years
of my bachelor studies, I developed a keen interest in the field of Power System Analysis and studied
Introductory Power system, Power transmission, Power generation, Power electronics which further
strengthen my concepts in this field.

My main field of research is Power System Analysis, Power System Protection and Automation,
Stability of complex control systems, Sensors calibration, and Interfacing. I have written a research
paper on Micro Hydro Power Plant Dummy Load Controller, presented by me in IEEE International
Conference (ICPESG, MUST 2018) and later on published in IEEE Xplore Digital Library.
I have completed couple of internships as well, in reputed organizations both in public and private
sector, for example, I was selected for 6 weeks internship at Pakistan Ordnance Factories in their
Power House and Engineering Sector. Here I was able to analyze POF Grid System, Power
distribution system, Substation and Power Transformers, Digital Metering and Testing. Beside this, I
also earned practical experience in Power distribution Planning, Reactive Power compensation,
Reliability and Stability of overall Power System. My work was highly appreciated and I was
awarded the certificate at the end of my internship. I also have done an internship in leading cement
manufacturer of Pakistan BESTWAY CEMENT UK limited. During my stay, I was introduced to the
manufacturing process of cement and how energy is produced through Waste heat recovery Unit. At
present, I am working as a Trainee Engineer in Heavy Industries Taxila (the only high profile
organization for manufacturing of battle tanks, heavy armored vehicles in Pakistan); and China has a
huge share in its establishment. I was appointed to Advance Research Development and Integration
Center (ARDIC) of Heavy Industries Taxila. Here I worked mainly on Projects namely as Digital
Driver Panel, Fire Control System Electrical Wiring, and Stability of 12.7 mm gun using feedback
system. In Digital Display Panel, I thoroughly analyze the existing analog Display panel of the tank
and afterward, I study individual sensors like pressure sensor, temperature sensor, tachometer, tilt
sensor. Being military sensors the complexity was quite high, firstly I analyze temperature sensor and
find out that it is K-type thermocouple sensor , I checked the voltages produced on the probes of
thermocouple , they were of few milli volts (mV) , then I used a comparator amplifying IC
(MAX6675) which will amplify the voltage difference on both the probes and then I used an Arduino
UNO to analyses the input signals from comparator IC and then interface the Arduino UNO to
LABVIEW thorough LIFA and generate the Display in Lab VIEW, which shows the temperature
variation in Digital form. Along with this Project, I also worked on the Stability of 12.7 mm gunusing
MEMS gyroscopes and compiled a report.
I chose my Final Year project as Micro Controller Based Baby Incubator , the reason behind was,
during trip to Sindh Province, I came across a very alarming news about the death rate of newborn
child, the reason was due to harsh weather condition and unhygienic environment , so I makeup my
mind to do something tangible for these poor people , so I searched and came with a solution of Baby
Incubator, I with my two other members of FYP Project team started building a cheap incubator
prototype equipped with temperature control, Humidity control, light control facilities, and hygienic
insulated Body. The temperature was sensed by using the LM35 temperature sensor, Humidity by the
AMT1001 sensor, Light by LDR. Our team efforts were highly appreciated by our Supervisor and


I want to apply for the Master's Degree in Electrical Power system and Automation in Xian Jiaotong
University (XJTU). I am a very practical person and my understanding is prodded by actually seeing
things work. I am a quick thinker and learner. This university could be the nucleus to accomplish my
goals, as ample opportunities exist for students like me to initiate an independent study and to become
involved in active research programs, both experimental and theoretical. I believe that this Master’s
Program will provide me with the chance to know with Electrical systems and affiliates me
dedicatedly to the industries and smart grids, which are living examples of the art of Electrical and
Power Engineering.


I first came to know Chinese in person when I see them working in Heavy Industries Taxila, they
were very friendly and always concerned about their projects, I communicated with some of them,
talked about their culture, civilization, likes, and dislikes. I was really impressed by their way of
talking, always they pose a respectful gesture in end of every sentence.
This is the fact that China has given a new definition to existing research methodology. China has
achieved technological advancement with the best global ranking education institutes in it. Thus, such
kind of positivity has boosted my decision for choosing china a destination for my graduate studies.
Moreover, Pakistan-China eternal friendly relations from past to present, promote a peaceful
environment among both countries; also my family fully supports my choice for China being my
preference for graduate studies. All these reasons put together to make China an ideal place for me to
do my Master’s degree. Concluding it, with high hopes I believe this application will receive your
favorable consideration.

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