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Explanation: El Papel

 His glass is full of air, Que No Se

the which exerts
pressure on the water Moja
preventing it from.
 If we continue by
immersing his glass
deeper down, the
water would eventually
overcome the air
pressure and would
enter into his glass.

Nombre: Josué, Jerson

Apellido: Acuña, Juscamaita
Área: English
Profesor: Sonia U.
Grado: 5°
Sección: “F”
I.E: Vila los Reyes
MATERIALS: Procedimientos: 3. After that, we put his
I. a large bowl 1. First, crumple the glass upside down and
chunk of paper and put it
transparent. slowly we introduce into
in the glass. the container.

II. a transparent

2. Then, fill the recipient 4. Finally, we get

tank to the level at the glass of water
III. Water. which the glass can be
and we get that
left completely
paper this dry.

IV. a sheet of paper

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