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Big Question: Why do we Record History?

Each student was assigned a topic from the following list:

1. Apollo 11
2. World War II
3. Cold War
4. The Great Depression
5. Vietnam War
6. Renaissance

This bimester we will grade the students by a project; the sixth graders are expected
to investigate and explain in a power point presentation. The students are
expected to become “experts” in their topic. These are the expectations for their
1. Power point presentation (USB ONLY).
2. No more than one sentence on each slide.
3. Images are very important.
4. No flash cards will be allowed.
5. No reading of any kind will be allowed.
6. Presentation must last at least 7 minutes.


Students will be asked to write, read (to the class) and turn in a printed copy of
a paragraph.
- The paragraphs topic will be: Why do we record history?
- The paragraph will be focused on their specific topic. Example: Why was it
important to record the great depression in history?
- The paragraph must include the following:
1. At least 10 vocabulary words; these can be found on pages # 110, 111,
117, 118, 119, 132 in their Student Book.
2. It must also include:
a. Passive questions (present perfect) Student Book # 115
b. Passive (past perfect) Student Book #123
3. The paragraph must be at least 15 sentences long.
4. Printed
5. In a folder with a cover page.

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