Affidavit of Explanation Leslie

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Republic of the Philippines) S.S.

City of Malolos, Bulacan ) S.S.


I, Leslie O. Valencia, of legal age and currently detailed at the Provincial

Operations and Plans Branch (POPB) Bulacan PPO hereby deposes and states;

That on June 20, 2018, the undersigned was not on proper Wednesday NUP
Uniform during the Finance Family Conference due to the following reasons;

That on June 20, 2018, at about 8:30 AM after the Daily Formation, the
undersigned asked for permission from the Chief, POPB to fetch her child from
school because there was no available from her family to pick-up the said child;

That since the undersigned was already permitted by the C, POPB to fetch
said child, she changed from Wednesday NUP uniform to civilian clothes;

Than when the undersigned was in front of the PHQ Bldg. and was about to
proceed to the school of her child, the undersigned was diverted by SPO1 Elmer
Bato and asked immediately to fix the laptop because it was unable to connect to
the projector;

That although the undersigned was time constrained because the safety of
her child who was waiting alone on his school could be compromised, the
undersigned took into consideration the sake of the said conference and without
second thought agreed with the favour and proceeded at the Conference Room
and fixed the laptop;

That the undersigned did not intended to disregard the directive regarding
“Tamang Bihis”, that she was very remorseful and assure that she will exert diligent
efforts to prevent same incident to happen again; and

That the undersigned respectfully prays that she absolved from any
administrative sanction/s. Other reliefs just and equitable are likewise prayed for.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned here unto set her hand this 21st
day of June, 2018 in the City of Malolos, Bulacan.

Leslie O. Valencia

SUBSCRIBED AND SWORNED TO before me, this 21st day of June, 2018
in the City of Malolos, Bulacan.

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