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AC1 51 7.2R-87
(Revised 1992)

Accelerated Curing of Concrete at

Atmospheric Pressure-State of the Art

Reported by AC1 Committee 5 17

Luke M. Snell Lee Polisner LeoB. Walbert

Chairman Vice Chairman Secretaiy

Robert M. Bamoff Steven H. Gebler Robert E. Price

Russell J. Burley Mark B . Hogan Leo E. Rivkind
Frank V. Camarda Joseph J. Jerome Jere H. Rose
Kevin D. Callahan Nicholas Kozin Thomas H. Sadler
Sidney Freedman Roman Malinowski Joe A. Willett
Richard E. Galer W. cahiin McCall*

Committee members voting on the 1992 revisions are listed on p. 517.2R-17

Accelerated curing of concrete is used extensivly in lhe production of precast con- Chapter 3-ERect 5f variati5ns in accelerated-
crete structural members, pipe, masonry units, and presíressedproducts. Steam curing cycles, page 517.m-4
curing isprobably the mosi widely used meíhod at the present time. Recent modi6 3.1-General
cations and changes in this method are discussed, as wellas effectof the curing 3.2-Curmg for concrete masonry units
cycles 3.3-Curing concrete pipe
In addition to steam curing, the effect of variaiions in the concrete materials on 3.4-Curing of precast andíor prestressed concrete products
accelerated curing is discussed, as are special cements and accelerators. Special
treatments, including carbonation, accelerated drying, and heating prior to mold-
ing, are also cover& Chapter 4-Special treatments, page 537.m-57
In addition, other accelerated curing methods such as &~ca[ oil, and in- 4.1-General
frared heating, are discussed. 4.2-Carbonation treatment methods
4.3-Methods of accelerated drying of concrete products
Keywords accelerated curing; admixtures. atmospheric pressurre steam curing. ca-
4.4-Heating prior to molding
cium chlorides; carbonation; concrete blocks, concrete pipes; coolin& curing; electric cur-
ing; heating; infrared heating; kilns; masonry; pozzolans; precast concrete; prestressed con-
crete; regulated set cements: reviews.
Chapter .j;=E!ectrical, oil, and infrared methods,
page 517.2R-?2
5. 1-General
5.2-Electncal curing methods
5.3-Use of hot oil or other fluids for heating forms
5.4-Infrared curing of concrete

Chapter B-References, page 537"2R"16

6.1-Recommended references
6.2-Cited references

Chapter 2-Accelerators and special cements,

page 517.m-3 AC1 Committee 517 was organized in 1958 as the coin-
mittee on Low Pressure Steam Curing. Since then, its scope
2.3-Special cements has been enlarged to include means of accelerating curing of
structural concrete members, concrete block, pipe, and pre-
cast concrete, and the title has been changed to Accelerated
AC1 Committee Reports, Guides, Standard Practices, and commentaries Curing of Concrete at Atmospheric Pressure.
are intended for guidance in designing, planning, executing, or inspecting
conshuction and in preparing specifications.Reference to these documents Copyright O 1987, American Concrete instituie.
shall not be made in the Project Documents. If items found in these docu- AU &?ha merved, includingri&is of rcQrduction and use in any form or bv anv
nieans, including the making of copies by any photo process, or by any electronic OT me-
ments are desired to be part of the Project Documents they should be chanical device, printed, written,or oral, or recording for sound or visualreproduction or
phrased in mandatory language and incorporated into the Project for use in any knowledge or retrieval system or device, unless permission in writing is ob-
tained frornthe copyright propnetors.AcI5172R-87supe~~AcI 517.2R-80. The 1992
Documents. --`,,,,,,,`,`,,,,`,,``,,``,,,,,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- changesconsisted solely of deleting the year from the reference standards in Chapter 6 and
became effective Nov.1,1992.
Copyright American Concrete Institute
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*Assumed chairmanship March 1986.
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A previous report1 of the committee dealt exclusively 1.3-Aggregate

with steam-curing methods and the effects of various ingre- Concrete aggregates should be tested for compliance with
dients, i.e., portland cement, aggregate, water, and appropriate specifications such as ASTM C 33, C 330, or C
admixtures. 33 1. Aggregates with different thermal and absorptive prop-
Accelerated curing involves the addition of heat and erties, however, will react differently when subjected to ele-
moisture to expedite concrete curing. By definition it in- vated temperatures, such as concretes made with normal
cludes, but is not limited to, steam curing. The primary weight versus lightweight aggregates.
purpose of accelerated curing of concrete is the early devel-
opment of strength. Forms, casting beds, and curing devices 1.4-Water
or facilities can then be reused at frequent intervals, and a Water quality requirements for concrete subjected to ac-
low in-process inventory maintained. celerated curing are the same as for normally cured
The objective of this report is to review new develop- concrete.
ments in accelerated curing including new types of cements,
curing methods, techniques, and their effects on products. 1.5-Admixtures
Regulated set cements, shridtage compensated cements, 1.5.1 Chemical admixtures-Most air-entraining and
and other special cements for high temperature curing are water-reducing admixtures perform as effectively in con-
covered in addition to the effect of variations in steam- crete subjected to accelerated curing as they do in concrete
curing cycles, special treatments such as carbonation, heat- cured under normal temperatures. However, optimum dos-
ing fresh concrete, pressure molding, electric curing, and age rates of water-reducing admixture may be different than
steam injection. manufacturer?s recommendations. Before an admixture is
used, it is advisable to malte trial batches to determine op-
timum dosage for a cost-effective curing cycle.
Water-reducing admixtures complying with ASTM C 494
types A, D, E, F and G requirements may allow mixing
water reductions of 5 to 25 percent for concrete having
1.1 -General
similar or higher worltability.
Concrete products subjected to accelerated curing at at-
Concrete containing Types F and G high-range water-
mospheric pressure use the same basic materials as nor-
reducing admixtures are particularly benefited by delayed
mally cured concrete. Trial batches should be made to
addition to the concrete mix. Laboratory and field data indi-
determine the effects of accelerated curing on the properties
cate that the increased compressive strengths associated
of the concrete. Rapid hydration, for example, may cause a
with heat-cured concrete containing high-range water re-
reduction in the strength usually attained at later ages. The
ducers are a result of their lower water-cement ratios. Most
production benefits derived from rapid strength develop-
concretes with and without high-range water reducers have
ment must be balanced with the possible detrimental effects
comparable compressive strengths and comparable density
on ultimate properties.
for the same water-cement ratios.
Concretes containing chemical admixtures that retard the
1 .2-Cement set normally benefit from an extended preset time, even
All types of portland cement described in ASTM C 150 though the total curing cycle remains the same as for non-
can be used in concretes cured by any of the various acceler- retarded concrete. As is true for nonretarded concrete, the
ated methods. In addition, the blended cements described in initial set must be attained before application of the steam or
ASTM C 595, as well as the special cements discussed in heat. When accelerating admixtures are used, the preset
Chapter 2, can be used. time may possibly be shortened. The time of initial set for
The cement type to be used is determined in the same freshly mixed concrete should be determined by the stan-
manner as normal curing. It should be recognized, however, dard method of test ASTM C 403.
that different cements of the same type will have signifi- Comparative evaluations are necessary to determine the
cantly different characteristics when cured under acceler- most cost-effective class and type water-reducing admixture
ated conditions. Types I and III are used most frequently; to use for a given set of concrete materials and an acceler-
but where special conditions warrant, such as sulfate ex- ated curing cycle.
posure, Types II and V or blended cements should be used. 1.5.2 Pozzolans and slags--Fly ash that meets the re-
Air-entraining cements which meet the requirements of quirements of ASTM 6 18 has been used as a partial replace-
ASTM C 150 and C 595 can be used interchangeably with ment for portland cement or an additive in concretes cured
comparable results except in the production of cellular con- by accelerated means with satisfactory results.
crete. For cellular concrete there may be an adverse reaction High-temperature moist curing is a means for accelerat-
between the air-entraining addition and the foaming agent ing the slow reaction between a pozzolan and the free
used to form and stabilize the cellular structure. The op- calcium hydroxide Ca(OH)2, liberated during cement hydra-
timum accelerated curing cycle will depend in part on the tion. Temperatures above 190 F (88 C), however, are re-
type and source of cement selected. quired to accelerate the reactions sufficiently to increase the
The complex cement hydration reactions are influenced early strengths.
by temperature, time, humidity, and other curing
Ground iron blast-furnace slagl.1 that meets the require-
Copyright American Concrete Institute
ments of ASTM C 989 has been used as a partial replace-
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ment for portland cement in concrete production. When When requested, admixture manufacturers generally will
cured in accelerated conditions, it has been shown to be disclose the amount of chloride in their admixture. AC1
highly active resulting in increased early strength gain. Cur- 212.1R and AC1 2 12.2R provide detailed information on
ing temperatures above 140 F (60 C) result in further activa- accelerating and other admixtures.
tion of the slag.

2.3-Special cements
Calcium aluminate cements have been used to shorten the
CHAPTER 2-ACCELERATORS AND SPECIAL time of setting of portland cement.2.6,2.7 Due to problems of
CEMENTS strength reduction by conversion of the hydrates, the com-
2.1-General mittee recommends it not be used for this purpose.
Materials which accelerate hardening and promote early 2.3.1 Regulated-set cement-Regulated-set cement is a
strength development of concrete are advantageous in the modified portland cement which contains a substantial
manufacture of many concrete products. Early attainment of amount of calcium fluoaluminate. Initial and final set occur
strength in a building block, for example, compensates in almost simultaneously, and therefore the time between mix-
part for slow hardening in cold weather and decreases the ing and set is often referred to as handling time. Regulated-
time required to produce a fully matured block. Similar set cement can be manufactured to have a handling time
advantages are obtained in the manufacture of other con- from 2 to 45 min. The level of early strength gain is adjusted
crete products. During warm weather, accelerators must be by the cement producer by controlling the amount of cal-
used judiciously so as not to produce too rapid a set. Many cium fluoaluminate.
plants employ high temperature curing without accelerators The time of set is reduced and the compressive strength
during summer months and a combination of high tem- gain rate is increased in regulated cement mortars and con-
perature curing with an accelerator during the winter cretes when: (a) the cement content of the mix is increased,
months. (b) the water-cement ratio is reduced, (c) the mix tem-
perature is increased, and (d) the curing temperature is
2.2-Accelerators In hot weather it may be necessary to slow or retard the
Chemicals that accelerate the hardening of mixtures con- setting action of the cement to have adequate time to place
taining portland cement and water include some of the solu- and consolidate the concrete, especially when batch mixing
ble chlorides, carbonates, silicates, nitrates, thiocyanates, and manually transporting the concrete. Setting time usu-
fluosilicates, hydroxides, and also some organic com- ally will not be a problem when the regulated set portland
pounds. Use of accelerators may result in a reduction of cement concrete is being produced in a continuous mixer
long-term strength. Those with a chloride base have occa- and mechanically conveyed to the forms. When too rapid a
sionally had detrimental effects on plant equipment. Any set is encountered, citric acid can be added to the mix as a
chemical accelerating admixture should be trial tested prior retarder. Conventional retarders for portland cement are not
to full production use. effective in slowing or controlling the set of regulated set
2.2.1 Calcium chloride-The use of one percent calcium cement. Where it is practical, the setting action can be ef-
chloride by weight of the cement is usually sufficient to fectively controlled by adjusting the mix temperature.
accelerate setting and increase strength sufficiently for cold All exposed surfaces of newly placed, regulated-set port-
weather concreting, with protection as described on AC1 land cement concrete should be protected from moisture
306R. The selection of the optimum amount should be loss. Chlorinated rubber, butadiene styrene, or styrene acry-
based on the setting time and the early strength desired. A late sealing and curing compounds, as well as polyethylene
complete discussion of the use of calcium chloride in con- sheets or wet burlap are recommended for this purpose.
crete is given by Shideler.2.1 The effect of calcium chloride When mixing mortars or concretes containing regulated-
on corrosion of reinforcing steel is covered in AC1 201.2R, set cement, it has been found that excessive accumulations
AC1 212.1R, AC1 212.2R, and AC1 222R, as well as in a of hardened material in the mixers and processing equip-
number of other papers. 2.2-2s Proprietary organic acceler- ment can be avoided when certain batching sequences and
ators are available for use where chloride-bearing admix- practices are followed. For example, it will usually be bene-
tures are not acceptable because of the likelihood of ficial if at least a portion of the mix water and some of the
corrosion. sand or aggregate for the following batch is added to the
2.2.2 Water-reducing accelerating admixtures- Water- mixer immediately following the discharge of the previous
reducing accelerators conforming to ASTM C 494, Type E, batch.
may be beneficial in accelerating setting time and in increas- The best utilization of the fast strength development char-
ing strength at early and later ages. acteristics of this cement is possible when the concrete or
If adequate information is not available, tests should be mortar is prepared in a continuous mixer with as low a
made to evaluate the effect of a particular admixture using water-cement ratio and as high a mix temperature and ce-
job materials with expected temperatures and manufacturing ment content as will permit proper placement, consolida-
procedures. Since most of these materials contain calcium tion, and finishing of the concrete. It is desirable to keep
chloride, the user should determine the percent by weight of placement and finishing time as short as possible because of

the Institute
Copyright American Concrete cement which its use will introduce into the concrete. the short setting time.
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CHAPTER 3-EFFECT OF VARIATIONS IN sure) steam-curing lulns. The first footnote, however, im-
ACCELERATED-CURING CYCLES plies that the preset time need be increased by only I hr
3.1-General when ambient temperature is below 32 F (O C). Research
The application of steam at atmospheric pressure to the indicates that a longer period of time would be required to
curing chamber is one of the oldest and most widely used develop the same early strength as that achieved at 60 F (16
methods of accelerated curing of concrete. Reference to this C). When ambient temperatures are below 32 F (O C), the
technique can be found in literature dating to 1912. best practice would be to introduce the molded units into the
Under ideal conditions the curing of concrete by steam at luln and slowly raise the temperature to at least 60 F (16 C)
atmospheric pressure (low-pressure accelerated curing) has (in 1 to 11/2 hr). Then use the minimum preset time indicated
the advantage over other methods of accelerated curing in in the table prior to increasing the temperature at the rate
that the curing environment of the concrete is near satura- shown in the table. Research with lightweight aggregate
tion in regard to moisture. Evaporation of water from the block’3.1 indicates that it would tale about 41/2 hr at 35 F (2
product is minimized, which is especially important where C) to achieve the strength that could be achieved in about 1/2
demolded or partially demolded products (block, pipe, etc.) hr at 90 F (32 C) or in 1 hr at 70 F (21 C). The same research
are involved. with sand and gravel aggregate block indicates that it would
Although the steam curing of masonry units, pipe, and tale 5 % hr to achieve the same strength at 45 F (7 C) as
precast or prestressed concrete products follows the same could be achieved in 2 hr at 75 F (24 C).
basic rules, curing procedures are different for each. As an
example, masonry units are of small mass and have a rela- 3.2.1 Effect of variation in the curing cycle on com-
tively large area-mass ratio. Heat transfer and evaporation

pressive strength and other properties of concrete ma-
will be fast. Pipe and precast products may be cured in a sonry-All portions of the curing cycle are completely
form where evaporation is minimum, or may be of such interrelated. A change in one part of the curing cycle may
large mass that heat transfer is slow, and large temperature cause adverse effects in another portion of the cycle. For
gradients and resultant stresses may exist between the center example, the lack of an adequate preset period could be
and the outside of the mass. Therefore, the curing of each partially corrected by a slower rate of temperature rise, and
type of concrete product is discussed in a separate section of conversely, a long preset period could be followed by a
this chapter. relatively rapid rate of temperature rise exceeding even the
maximum of 60 F (16 C) per hr indicated.
3.2-Curing for concrete masonry units The prime reason for talung care in planning the preset
As in the curing cycle for all concrete products, an ade- time (time-temperature related) and steaming rate is due to
quate supply of moisture is essential to insure hydration of the different coefficients of thermal expansion of water, air,
the cement. During steaming, ample moisture is generally and the cement paste and aggregates in the mix. If the
provided through steam condensation. Lack of adequate concrete does not have sufficient early strength to resist the
moisture may result in reduced strengths and plastic expansive forces during heating, damage can result. Under
cracking. conditions of mass production and rapid turnover in auto-
The most distinguishing feature of concrete masonry mated block plants it is possible to reduce the time required
units is the use of zero-slump, nonplastic concrete in man- for preset and temperature rise periods if the concrete tem-
ufacturing the product. The concrete becomes plastic only peratures are elevated above ambient conditions at the time
through intense vibration and pressure employed. of mixing. There has not been sufficient research on this
Table 3.2 applies for the majority of those plants employ- method with concrete block, but studies3.2 indicate that ele-
ing accelerated curing in conventional (atmospheric pres- vating the temperature of the concrete mix through steam

Table 3.2-Accelerated curing cycles for concrete masonry units

Temperature and rate of
temperature change
Curing period Time, hr deg F deg C
Lightweight block
Normal weight block
Rate of rise
II I minimum
2 minimum II 60- 100
II 16-38
22-23 perhr
Maximum temperature 12 (minimum) for
Lightweight block combined maximum 180-190 82-88
Normal weight block temperature plus 150-165 66-74
soaking periodst
Soaking SFperhr 2.8 C per hr
(duration of time of maximum average maximum average
initial set) declinet decline$
’Increase presei time (oc)
Ir hr when ambient temperature is below 32 F
+When pozzolans are employed as pari of the cementing medium, maximum temperatures of 200-2 O F (93-99 C) should be
investigated for both lightweight and nomial weight aggregate units.
Soaking period-In steam curing, the time during which the live steam supply is shut off and the concrete products are
exposed to the residual heat and moisture. The curing cycle may include a “soaking” or a constant “maximum temperature pe-
riod,” but need not include both. Soaking plus maximum temperature time should total 12 hr minimum. Soaking time may be
reduced by an amount of time equal to the time at maximum temperature.
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injection would considerably shorten the steam-curing time In the most extensive series of tests conducted on steam
now commonly used. curing and drying of concrete masonry units at atmospheric
pressure, W. H. Kuenning and C. C. Carlson,3.1 report in
3.2.2 Preset period for concrete masonry-As noted, a
their summation that “it appears that block concretes have
minimum preset time of 1 hr is suggested for lightweight
some tolerance for high temperature curing conditions
block and 2 hr for normal weight block prior to applying
which provide relative humidities in the luln atmosphere
steam. This recommendation is based on average conditions
that are less than 100 percent, but humidities lower than 90
and may be restrictive in some cases and inadequate in
percent cannot be used without some loss of strength. As a
others. For instance, with a coarse-textured, poorly com-
general guideline it is suggested that relative humidities as
pacted lightweight aggregate block it is entirely possible to
low as 90 percent can be tolerated without serious effects on
begin raising temperatures in the luln immediately without
the strength and other properties of concrete masonry units.
significant detriment to the concrete. The porosity allows
3.2.5 Conventional kilns and appurtenant facilities for
the air and water to expand without causing internal tensile
steam curing concrete masonry-ACI 51 7 includes infor-
stresses. On the other hand, with the very high strength
mation with regard to equipment required, design of lulns,
concrete block currently being produced for some architec-
and the sizing of steam boilers. More extensive coverage is
tural facing units and for high-rise, load-beating construc-
given on this subject by R. E. Copeland in an article pub-
tion, a preset time of 2 hr at 60 F (16 C) may not be
lished in 1971.3.5
adequate. With these units, which have strengths of 3500 to
3.2.6 Continuous or automated curing systems currently

6000 psi (24 to 41 m a ) , it may be well to consider a
employed in the concrete masonry industry-“Continuous”
minimum of 3 hr preset time at temperatures in excess of 60
or perhaps more properly termed “automated curing sys-
F (16 C) and a minimum of 4 hr with temperatures between
tems” are claimed to have a number of advantages over
40 and 60 F (4 and 16 C).
conventional materials handling and curing systems. Some
3.2.3 Temperature rise period for concrete masonry-As of the claimed advantages are lower operating costs, less
with the preset period, the temperature rise period or rate of plant space required, and lower initial investment. These
temperature change should be tailored to the product and to systems are designed to eliminate forldift truck handling of
its history prior to steaming. If the plant layout and facilities racks or cured block, less fuel consumption, and shorter
are such that long preset times are generally used, it is curing cycles. While it is claimed that these systems pro-
possible that for normal production units the rate of tem- duce a better product, some of the relatively short curing
perature rise could exceed that indicated in the table, that is, times employed are open to question. Because of the variety
60 F (33 C) per hr. However, with high-strength block 3500 in the different systems, it is not possible to discuss in detail
to 6000 psi (24 to 41 MPa), the rate of temperature rise the operation of these systems. The reader is referred to the
should probably not exceed 60 F (33 C) per hr, even if preset manufacturer’s literature for more information.
periods of 4 hr at temperatures above 60 F (16 C) are em-
ployed. In both the preset period and the temperature rise 3.3-Curing c o n c m t e pipe
period, it is important that the relative humidity of the With few exceptions, concrete pipe is steam cured at
chamber surrounding the block be above 90 percent. atmospheric pressure. The particular methods, curing cy-
3.2.4 Steaming and soaking period for concrete ma- cles, and temperatures employed depend on the type of
sonry--The most common practice in the concrete masonry manufacturing equipment used and the manner in which the
industry is to employ steaming and soaking periods of 12 or concrete is placed and consolidated. For example, in some
more hr of the normal 24 hr molding and curing process. It processes the molds are removed immediately after place-
has been found that a combined steaming and soaking pe- ment, while in others, all but a small portion are enclosed in
riod of 12 hr is sufficient to produce the strength needed for the form during curing.
purposes of product handling. If the steaming period is fol- Another difference important to the curing is the amount
lowed by a drying cycle, it is quite common to use less than of water in the mix. Consistencies for the various processes
12 hr of steaming and soaking, followed by a drying period range from “earth-moist’’ to slumps in excess of several
within the same luln. It is generally considered good prac- inches. Depending on these and other differences, curing
tice to employ drying temperatures under 250 F (121 C) cycles affect pipes made by the various methods in different
unless plant tests are conducted to show that higher tem- ways and to differing degrees.
peratures would not be detrimental. Some steaming and As in all curing systems, an adequate supply of moisture
drying processes have employed drying temperatures as is essential to insure hydration of the cement. During accel-
high as 450 F (232 C) without affecting the units; however, erated curing, ample moisture is provided through steam
these high temperatures usually have damaged the roof and condensation or by other means such as mist or water
walls of the lulns. sprays. Pipe made of the drier mixes where the forms are
Individual plant tests should be run to determine a reason- stripped immediately, however, often require additional
able drying cycle. The length of the drying cycle subse- water during the preset and early temperature rise periods.
quent to the steam curing would be determined by the Lack of adequate moisture at these times may lead to re-
moisture content that is desired in the block. There is some duced strengths and plastic shrinkage cracking.
information given in the literature3.3,3 4 with regard to drying 3.3.1 Delay or preset period-For optimum results, the
times that may be expected for units manufactured with preset period should be the same as the time required for
Copyright American Concrete Institute aggregate types. initial set determined by ASTM C 403. These times are
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generally 2 to 3 hr for Type I and III cements, and 4 or 5 hr temperature from 140 to 120 F (60 to 49 C) may not signifi-
for Type II and V at 70 F (21 C). Where concrete or ambient cantly reduce early compressive strengths.
temperatures are significantly higher or lower, the time When the accelerated curing time required is in excess of
should be adjusted accordingly. During the preset period the 12 hr, it is common to interrupt the curing to strip and reuse
ambient temperature of the curing enclosure should be kept the forms. American Water Works Association standards3.6
as close as possible to the temperature of the concrete and require at least 6 hr before this interruption, but in practice it
mold. is generally longer to insure adequate stripping strengths.
The use of a shorter than optimum preset period can There appear to be no noticeable effects on the strength or
cause thermal expansion of the concrete before the structure other qualities, but further studies are required to determine
of the material has attained sufficient strength to resist the the exact significance of interrupted curing cycles.
internal stresses. As a result, cracks develop, usually micro- Large variations in temperature during accelerated curing
scopic but quite large in extreme cases, and the strength of due to the intermittent application of heat should be
the concrete is reduced. The drier earth-moist mixes used in avoided. While the product can usually withstand thermal
machine pipe and the dry-cast process are able to withstand shoclts relatively well, proportional controllers should be
relatively short preset periods without damage because of employed wherever possible to minimize temperature varia-
their lower water content. At a total moisture content of 5 tions, particularly with larger pipe and also toward the end
percent some mixes have shown no significant decrease in of the cycle.
compressive strength with preset periods as short as 1 hr. 3.3.4 Cooling period f o r concrete pipe-There is no re-
In centrifugated pipe where the moisture content of the search to indicate to what extent rapid cooling of concrete
interior surface is quite high, an insufficient preset period after curing is detrimental. Under extreme temperature con-
will lead to blistering and scaling of the surface. Also, ditions, cracking during cooling has been reported where
where the fresh concrete is dependent on the mold for sup- the pipe was restrained by the mold and large temperature

port, early application of heat may cause the mold to expand gradients occurred. A controlled cooling period, however, is
away from the concrete, resulting in slumps and cracks. both practical and beneficial to the extent that thermal shock
Too long a preset period is generally not as harmful as is minimized.
one that is too short. Although some reduction of strength
will occur, it is usually not significant. Pipe in which large 3.4-Curing of precast andlor prestressed
surface areas are exposed, however, are susceptible to plas- concrete products
tic shridtage cracking if evaporation rates are high. This In the curing of precast and/or prestressed concrete prod-
vulnerability is particularly high in centrifugated pipe where ucts, all factors are interrelated. A change in one part of the
the water has been forced out of the concrete and there is operation may affect the others. The optimum curing cycle
little if any bleeding capacity left. Where such conditions can generally be determined only by trial. Also, the size of
are prevalent, fog sprays are used to keep the ambient hu- the structural member may affect the optimum steam-curing
midity as high as practical. Refer to AC1 308 for more cycle. As an example, small masses become heated faster
detailed information concerning plastic shridtage cracking. than larger masses; however, a large mass of concrete will
3.3.2 Temperature rise periodforconcretepipe-Fol- generate and retain more of its own heat through hydration.
lowing the preset period, the temperature of the curing en- Such a large mass will reach a higher internal temperature
closure should gradually be raised to the desired curing than indicated by the ambient temperature. The water-ce-
temperature. Controlling the rate of temperature rise is ment ratio employed will also affect the steam-curing cycle.
important to avoid damage to the pipe. Should the tem- Low water-cement ratio concrete generally requires a
perature be raised too rapidly, stresses will develop because shorter preset period. In some cases for members with high
of the temperature gradients. Cast pipe cured with the inner volume-to-surface ratios, the heat of hydration is all the heat
and outer molds in place are particularly susceptible. The that is needed to cure the product. In all cases, it is a
steel molds expand before the concrete has an opportunity significant contributor to the curing heat. The insulation and
to do so, resulting in longitudinal cracking. Large-diameter coverings used to protect and insulate the forms and fresh
pipe are more vulnerable than the small-diameter pipe. concrete must be designed for maximum thermal efficiency.
Whereas small-diameter cast pipe have successfully with- This insulation should minimize air leakage and moisture
stood changes in temperature of 60 F (33 C) per hr, it is loss.
often necessary to limit the rate of temperature rise of a Since the heat of hydration is a significant contributor to
larger diameter pipe to temperature changes of 35 F (19 C) curing-cycle efficiency, the internal concrete temperature
per hr to avoid cracking. rather than the ambient air temperature should be monitored
The point of application of heat and moisture is also to realize this quantity of heat.
important. Care should be taken to avoid localized overheat- 3.4.1 Preset p e r i o d - 7 h preset period can be defined as
ing of the product and the distribution should be arranged so the duration of time after the concrete has been batched until
as to minimize expansion of the molds. initial set is obtained. During this period, heat is not nor-
3.3.3 Accelerated curing period for concrete pipe-Gen- mally applied unless it is necessary for maintaining the
erally, the higher the curing temperatures, the lower the 28- initial temperature. The preset period should be established
day strengths. The maximum temperature used should be by determining the initial setting time of the concrete by
the lowest possible consistent with production require- procedures in ASTM C 403. It appears that energy conser-
Copyright Americanments. The reduction of the maximum accelerated curing
Concrete Institute
vation and optimum early-age strengths can be achieved by
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starting the heat-curing process at times close to the initial precast concrete members cool off slowly at a maximum
set time. rate of 10 F (6 C) per hr during the first 4-hr period of
3.4.2 Rate Of temperature rise-The rate of temperature exposure, no greater than 8 F (4 C) per hr during the second
rise employed in curing precast or prestressed concrete 4-hr period, and no greater than 4 F (2 C) per hr during the
products normally varies from about 20 to 80 F (1 1 to 44 C) third period when exposed to freezing temperatures. These
per hr. The rate of temperature rise during the initial heating low rates of cooling suggest that thermal shock does not
period has little influence on early-age or later-age com- occur in typically sized precast prestressed concrete rnern-
pressive strengths as long as a proper preset period is used. bers. The data show that this gradual cooling period pro-
For Type I and III cements, rates of 40 to 80 F (22 to 44 C) vides additional curing and air-drying time prior to the time
per hr provide slightly higher early-age strengths than 20 F when internal water might freeze. The data also show that
(11 C) per hr. The 28-day strengths are not significantly even if the water did freeze, the compressive strength was
affected by variation in rate of rise from 20 to 80 (1 1 to 44 not reduced.3.9
C) per hr. Even though extensive investigations show that rapid
3.4.3 Maximum curing temperature-The rate of tem- cooling rarely affects the concrete products, there are times
perature rise and maximum curing temperature can influ- when rapid cooling may cause the formation of cracking in
ence the required time of curing. Generally, a higher the surface layers of very thick and large-sized units. A
maximum temperature during the curing cycles reduces the lower rate of cooling has been recommended for such units
type of curing required at the maximum temperature. This (AC1 224.1R).
time period at maximum temperature is based upon the Occasionally, transverse cracks have been noticed in
compressive strength obtained immediately after heat curing beams subjected to cooling prior to detensioning. For this
and possible at later ages.3.7 reason, pretensioned members should be detensioned im-
When the proper preset periods were used during the mediately after the steam-curing cycle has been com-
investigation by Brown,3.8 he concluded that no significant pleted.3.9,3.10
differences in early strengths could be found with Type II 3.4.6 Effect of variations in the curing cycle on com-
cement concretes for maximum curing temperatures of 140, pressive strength and other properties-There is no one
160, or 180 F (58, 70, or 82 C). curing cycle that is best for all plants. Each plant is unique
The 28-day strengths of concretes cured at temperatures and the curing cycle that is optimum for one plant may not
of 160 to 180 F (70 to 80 C) are slightly reduced from those be effective in another. Many factors act and interact in the
cured at temperatures of 120 or 130 F (48 or 50 C). Con- curing cycle, and they influence the strength and other prop-
cretes cured with a proper preset period will typically un- erties of the product. Factors that are conducive to high
dergo a 5 percent strength reduction at 28 days. early strengths usually conflict with the factors that are ad-
3.4.4 Duration of maximum temperature-The duration vantageous for later strengths.
of the maximum temperature should not be confused with The use of automatic heat-curing systems for control cyl-
the time that the heat source is actually turned on. In most inders using heated water or air were developed by John
prestress applications, it is advantageous to turn off the heat Laing Research and Development of England and by Pfeifer
after the temperature of the product has stabilized at the during the period of 1972 to 1976. These “master-slave’’
maximum.3,7 temperature-controller systems allow the off-bed curing of
Numerous plant studies have shown that if the heat is cylinders so that equal maturity of the cylinders and the full-
turned off after the maximum temperature has been reached sized prestressed concrete members is assured. These sys-
and the curing environment is well insulated, the 12-hr com- tems have been used in actual precast plant conditions, and
pressive strength is not significantly reduced. they were found by test to be accurate in providing equal
Significant strength was gained from age 4 to 10 hr, and maturity, i.e., equal time-versus-temperature curves for the

then the rate of strength gain diminished very rapidly after cylinder and the full-sized concrete product.3-9 Under these
10 to 12 hr. The initial rate of strength gain from heat-cured conditions, the “master-slave’’ system also provides proper
concrete was measured to be as high as 900 psi (6.2 MF’a) graduated cooling for the cylinders and overheating because
per hr and was as low as 300 psi (2.1 MPa) per hr for of improper positioning on the forms will be avoided.
different but typical mixes used in prestressed concrete. The
lower rates were associated with Type I or II cement con-
cretes having moderate water-cement ratios. Generally,
when a very high rate of initial strength gain was realized, it CHAPTER 4-SPECIAL TREATMENTS
was obtained by using a low water-cement ratio in combina- 4.1 -General
tion with a Type III cement. The rate of strength gain after This chapter covers special treatments employed in the
about 10 to 12 hr of total age is small. When a low rate of manufacture of precast concrete products which are used as
initial strength gain is expected, longer duration of max- a part of, or as a complement to, conventional curing pro-
imum temperature may be needed.3,9 cedures. The treatments discussed are carbonation, hot air
3.4.5 Cooling period-There is little evidence that rapid drying, and preheating of concrete prior to molding.
cooling, even to freezing, after accelerated curing is detri- Artificial carbonation treatment was introduced on a com-
mental to strength or durability, provided that with pres- mercial scale in the concrete products industry during the
tressed products, detensioning is performed immediately late 1950s and early 1960s. Research demonstrated that car-
Copyright American Concrete the removal of the enclosure. Tests show that typical bon dioxide (C02) in the normal atmosphere (about 0.03
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Reversible, 5 H P Tripie coil

bonation induces shrinkage which, once having occurred,
rieom hcoieir
tends to stabilize the moisture content and the volume of
concrete. Thus, intentional carbonation as practiced by in-
dustry is an effort to promote drying shridcage prior to
Recovery installation of a concrete product.

L20’ -
Since the average concrete block requires about 1 lb
(0.4536 leg) of CO2 to fully carbonate, an economic com-
promise to partially carbonate steam-cured block by intro-
ducing waste flue gases (from the boiler furnace) into the
steam luln was necessary. Due to variable effectiveness, and
the long time needed to produce favorable results, this pro-
cedure was not widely used. Various commercial systems
evolved which combined a shorter than normal steam-cur-
ing cycle with hot air drying provided by gas and fuel oil
burners. Even though the in-plant systems do not afford the
degree of carbonation achieved in laboratory studies, some
benefits are obtained by drying with hot air containing the
3-250.000 e T u
- products of combustion (including C02).
Most of the carbonation treatment systems used today are
actually a part of the curing process, but some are separate.
In either case, the treatment is more correctly described as a
Fig. 4.2.1-T~uoexamples of use of boiler flue gases for curing and/or drying process using hot air containing CO2
drying-carbonation treatment gas. The often-used term “carbonation curing” is really a
misnomer as the improvements achieved in product proper-
ties in plant operations (more rapid strength gain, reduction
percent) reacts with hydrated portland cement to cause in moisture content, and reduction in potential drying
shrinkage4,l and indicated that concrete products could be shridcage) are affected more by the high temperature than
artificially carbonated to reduce subsequent shrinkage.4.2 by the presence of CO2 gas.
Hot air drying of hardened concrete products is achieved 4.2.1 Drying with gases containing CO2 after acceler-
in a number of ways in addition to the use of flue or burner ated curing-A number of plants have used a product dry-
gases containing C02. Early in the history of precast con- ing system that uses the heat from flue gases which are
crete products, units were partially cured in damp air or fog diverted from the steam boiler. A stack switch automatically
rooms, or with steam, and then partially dried with steam controls the flow of flue gases into the luln while prohibiting

radiators built in the luln walls. Some block plants built the entry of heavy smoke when the burner is first started
separate rooms and used oil-fired furnaces and duct sys- (Fig. 4.2.1). Some of the plants also use steam-heating coils
tems, similar to those employed in home heating systems, to obtain higher luln temperatures. A large diameter, pro-
to dry their concrete masonry units. Other plants accelerated peller-type fan is use d to provide circulation within the luln.
the natural air drying rate by directing hot air through can- Tests conducted in plants with this type drying facility
vas-covered cubes of block in the storage yard. Both of these showed CO2 concentration in the lulns ranging from less
latter systems were primarily used to meet specifications on than 1.0 to 3.8 percent. This low concentration, compared
moisture content rather than to promote strength gain. to the 8-10 percent desirable, was believed to be due to
Preheating concrete prior to molding is accomplished in intermittent input of gases (to maintain constant maximum
one of two ways. Either the aggregates and/or water are temperature), dilution by luln leakage, absorption of CO2 by
heated prior to mixing, or the mixture itself is heated while water in the luln, and depletion of CO2 by the carbonation
still plastic. The first method is the natural adaptation of reaction.4,4 Results of the plant tests showed that reduction
cold weather concreting practices, while the second is pri- in drying shrinkage ranged from negligible to 42 percent for
marily based on European production techniques. a 24 hr drying treatment. The plant reporting best results
with concrete block used a maximum drying temperature of
4.2-Carbonation treatment methods 175 F (79 C), 25 percent relative humidity, and a 3.8 percent
Carbonation of concrete is generally considered as an CO2 concentration in the atmosphere of the kiln. Reduction
ongoing chemical reaction between CO2 gas and selected in drying shridcage of up to 37 percent for concrete brick
compounds formed in the concrete during the hydration of was obtained using normal production procedures with a
the portland cement. The principal reaction involves cal- treatment of 24 hr at 200 F (93 C), 30 percent relative
cium hydroxide, Ca(OH)2, which, when exposed to C02, humidity, and about 2 percent CO2 concentration in the
combines to form calcium carbonate (CaCO3) and water. atmosphere of the luln.
Theoretically, the process continues until such time as com- It is recommended that plants considering a system of this
plete carbonation has taken place, i.e., no Ca(OH)2 remains type try the following: maximum temperatures of 150-2 12 F
to be converted. Other hydration products which may have (66-100 C); relative humidities of 15-35 percent; CO2 con-
calcium oxide (Cao) as a constituent also appear to partici- centrations as high as possible; and a treatment period of
pate in the process, but not calcium sulfate (CaS04).4.3 Car-
Copyright American Concrete Institute
about 24 hr, consistent with production requirements.
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Fig. h o versions of a popular commercial curing-drying-carbonation system

4.2.2 Acceleruted-curing carbonation drying systems Steam andbr hot moist air generated by gas
using kiln burners burners passing through pipes immersed in water ta&- &stem combining boiler-generated steam and This process is widely used in the concrete block industry,
gas burners-A system using a low pressure boiler to gen- and two such systems are shown in the schematic drawings
erate steam for the kiln, combined with gas burners to fur- (Fig. The system with circulating ductworlc has a
ther increase temperature during curing and promote better performance as it decreases the variation in curing-
drying, is used by a number of concrete products plants. drying temperatures between the front, back, top, and bot-
The curing-drying procedure is as follows: the block or tom of lulns. When the steaming period is completed, the
precast units are allowed a presteaming period of 1 to 2 hr; hot gases carrying the CO2 are diverted from the vaporizing
the steam is then introduced through steam headers located tadc directly to the luln.
at the rear ceiling and front floor locations; temperature This system has the advantage of low cost (with few
increase is usually about 40-50 F (22-28 C) per hr (achieved lulns), low fuel consumption, and relatively good one-day
with steam and burners on “low fire”); a maximum luln strength and reduction in drying shridcage. Disadvantages
temperature of 160-200 F (71-93 C) is held about 6 hr (with are that costs would be greater than a steam boiler system
steam and burners); the steam is reduced to the minimum for a large number of lulns. Also, long-term compressive
sufficient to help circulation of heat in the luln and the strengths (60 days) are usually less than those of conven-
burners are turned to high fire; and lastly, a maximum dry- tional low pressure steam-cured block (especially with rela-
ing-carbonation temperature of 220-450 F (104-232 C) is tively dry block mixes).
achieved in about 4 hr and is held for an additional 6-8 hr. Oil-fired burners used to vaporize a mist
The advantages of this type of curing-drying-carbonation sprayed onto steel plate-A system used in Australian con-
system are that one-day strengths are higher than normally crete products plants is illustrated in Fig. and de-
obtained in ordinary steam curing, potential drying scribed in the referenced document.4.5 Gun type oil-fired
shrinkage is reduced by about 25 percent, and low moisture burners are fitted with a combustion air blower which forces
content is obtained. Disadvantages are high fuel consump- hot gases into a mild steel combustion chamber (refractory-
tion and disruptive stresses on existing kiln walls and roofs. lined) and then into the luln. Water is added with spray
Plants that used this system had problems with cracking of nozzles directed onto the hot entry duct. Axial flow fans,
luln walls and roof slabs which were not designed to stand
fastened to the rear wall of the lulns near the ceiling, pro-
the Institute
Copyright American Concrete higher temperature differential required in the process. vide some circulation. In the Australian concrete block in-
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Fig. Australian curing-drying-carbonation system

dustry, 86 lulns use this method to cure and dry block. It is 4.3-Methods of accelerated drying of concrete
reported that a 10 percent reduction in compressive strength products
can be expected if the atmosphere is dry. There were some Products specifications often contain a moisture content
reports of color change and efflorescence by some pro- limitation to improve dimensional stability. High tem-
ducers, but others reported that the CO2 gases helped reduce perature drying after steam curing (separate chambers) has
these problems. It was reported that this system is more proven satisfactory in reducing the moisture content of con-
economical than a steam boiler system if not more than 8 crete well below 30 percent of total absorption without sig-
lulns are involved. nificantly affecting other physical properties. Tests have in- Miscellaneous curing systems-There are dicated some reduction in ultimate compressive strength and
other types of curing-drying-carbonation systems used in impact-fracture resistance when drying temperatures in ex-
the products industry. Two such systems were developed by cess of 240 F (1 16 C) were used.4.6 These results, however,
concrete block machinery manufacturers. The first consists are not necessarily consistent, and plants should conduct
of a doughnut-shaped boat which floats on heated water. their own comparative tests when considering using high
Racks of freshly molded block are lowered into the boat and drying temperatures for shortening the drying cycle.
allowed to cure for two revolutions in the hot, humid atmo- In addition to the two types of commercial drying runs
sphere. No drying cycle is included. The second system shown in Fig. 4.3.1 and 4.3.2, yard storage drying of tar-
consists of a round, doughnut-shaped luln with a continuous paulin-enclosed stockpiles via forced warm air heating is
rack mounted on wheels that ride on rails. The “round- used.4,7 In this system warm air from portable heaters is
house” is sectioned into areas for preset, steaming, steam ducted into the enclosures which are vented at or near their
with hot air (from burners), and partial drying. The cycle is tops. All surfaces of the block piles are kept clear for cir-

quite short, after which the block are expected to have suffi- culation of air within the enclosure, and the tarpaulins are
cient strength for stacking. Further strength development held tightly closed except for the vents. A frame may be
comes with yard storage. required to support the tarpaulins and to assure adequate
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Ex haust Stack

-Mixing Plenum

1,500,000 BTU Oil Furnace

Fig. 4.3.1-Drier at Cleveland Builders Supply Co.


Fig. 4.3.2-Dryingroom at Standard Building Products
I, \


airflow along the outside edges and across the tops of the 4.4-Heating concrete prior to molding
piles. Block may be stacked with the cores either horizontal Heated or “hot-mix’’ concretes are defined as plastic con-
or vertical, the important consideration being their align- cretes having a temperature i n excess of 90 F (32 C). Heat-
ment so that channels are formed to allow a relatively unob- ing water and aggregates independently generally results in
structed hot airflow from the heat duct to the exhaust vent. mixtures where the concrete temperature is less than can be
It has been reported that butane or natural gas are the readily attained when steam is injected into the plastic mass
preferred fuels for drying, as the use of oil has resulted in during mixing. Since the shorter curing time depends on
some staining of light-colored concrete products. This prob- being able to maintain elevated temperatures for some
lem with oil can be reduced if the burners are adjusted for hours, the process necessarily includes heating andor in-
maximum efficiency. sulating forms and molds. When steam injection is used,
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4. Cost of fuel needed to obtain stripping strength is

1 claimed to be much lower with steam-injected concrete

mixes than with other heating methods. It is reported that
only 57.4 lb (26 kg) of injected steam is needed to obtain
demolding strengths for lightweight concrete, as compared
to 840-1340 lb (381-608 kg) of steam required to heat
Disadvantages or problems which should be anticipated
with steam heating concrete are:
1. Increased corrosion of mixing and batching equip-
2. Difficulty in controlling the desired amount of mix
water, and more variable performance with different ce-
ments (due to variable percent of aluminates in cements,
with higher aluminate contents resulting in lower strengths).
Fig. 4.4.2-Concrete mixer equipped with steam injection 3. Ten to twenty percent less strength at age 1 year than is
system typically obtained from concretes cast and cured at normal
temperatures. This is comparable to that experienced in
steam curing of concrete products.
there appears to be additional benefits with the use of high
4. An increase in the amount of mix water may be re-
pressure steam attributed to its capability of penetration
quired with hot concrete to obtain the same workability as
coupled with reduced condensation. While both methods
obtained at normal temperatures.
suggest the need for additional care during the production
5. Thermal shrinlcage should not be a significant problem
process, control of water in the mix when low pressure
with precast concrete, but it may be a problem with cast-in-
steam is used demands greater attention because of its vari-
place applications.
able moisture contribution. It should be expected that the
Overall steam injection heating of concrete in mixers of-
ultimate strength of hot-mix concretes will be less than that

fers potential for accelerating the hardening of precast con-
of concretes which have equal water-cement ratios but are
crete products with a possible savings in the amount of
molded at 60-70 F (16-21 C) and subsequently are moist-
energy required.
cured in that temperature range.
4.4.1 Hot water and a g g r e g a t e d number of plants
have used hot water and warm aggregates to increase the
temperature of concrete prior to molding, especially during CHAPTER 5-ELECTRICAL, OIL, AND INFRARED
the winter months. The degree of temperature increase ob- CURING METHODS
tainable with hot water is rather small, especially for low 5.1 -General
water content mixes such as those used in malung concrete Methods discussed in this chapter include electrical, hot-
block and pipe. oil, and infrared curing techniques. In all of these methods
4.4.2 Steam injected into mixer to produce hot con- heat is used to accelerate cement hydration. Generally, high-
crete-Commercial mixers can be equipped with steam early-strength portland cement is also used to further accel-
outlet jets to inject steam into the mix to heat the concrete. erate the strength gain of the concrete.
One such arrangement is shown in Fig. 4.4.2. This method The first attempt to use electrical curing was made in
of accelerating the hardening of concrete is used for produc- America in 1924. In Sweden, formal recommendations
ing precast concrete panels in Europe, the Soviet Union, were made in 1932 for the accelerated curing of concrete
and Japan. The mixer steam-injection process does elimi- using wet concrete as an electrical conductor. Following the
nate the uniformity and condensate problems associated Swedish work, additional investigations were conducted in
with the heating of aggregates in silos. Heating with steam Germany, France, England, USSR, and Japan.5.1-5.6 These
injected into the mixer, however, can result in too much studies also generally used the fresh concrete as a
water when aggregates are wet unless superheated steam is conductor.
used. Other methods of using electrical energy for curing pur-
As with any method or process, both advantages and poses were tried in England, Japan, and the USSR; however,
disadvantages are encountered. The advantages claimed for the first wide-scale use of electrical curing took place in
steam heating in a mixer are: France in 1960.5.1 In addition to accelerated curing, the
1. Time for stripping of molds can be appreciably re- French engineers found the method to be effective in pre-
duced. Stripping times as short as 4 hr have been reported vention of freezing of fresh concrete in cold weather. To
for lightweight concrete wall panels. avoid problems encountered in earlier work, the French in-
2. Steam-mixed concrete can reduce the cycle times nor- troduced insulated resistance wires.
mally employed with subsequent curing, and possibly elim- Infrared radiation curing was first used by Russian en-
inate the usual delay period prior to steam curing. gineers. Concrete cured by this method showed a more
3. The steam-heated concrete process can be used during rapid strength gain than concrete cured by steam. The sys-
the winter months to help standardize the production-curing tem used by the Russians was particularly applicable to the
Copyright American Concrete on a year-round basis.
manufacture of hollow core concrete products.
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5.2-Electrical curing methods form is a separate system, heat can be applied and regulated
Current applications of electrical curing in the United along the length of the precasting bed.
States are mostly limited to precast, prestressed concrete The most efficient method of using electrical energy to
members. While fabricating plants have installed electrical accelerate curing is to have embedded, insulated resistance
curing systems, and the method has progressed past the wires in the concrete. Proper spacing of the wires can pro-
experimental stage, it is still being improved. This method vide a uniform heat throughout the cross section. After the
has several advantages, among which are: desired strength has been attained, the wires are cut and
remain in the concrete member. Control specimens can be
1. Low capital expense for equipment cast and cured with conditions identical to the prototype
2. Relatively small amount of equipment required member by using independent automatic controls to regulate
3. Automatic and reliable controls the heat intensity. The use of internal resistance wires to
4. Small labor requirement heat concrete has several advantages including low cost,
5. High-early-compressive strength can be attained uniform heating, automatic controls, and safety.
6. No fuel storage
5.2.1 Equipment f o r internal electrical curing-The
7. Uniform temperature and curing over the entire cross
equipment required for electrical curing of concrete varies
with the method used. In general, the equipment consists of
There are several methods available for using electrical heating elements, power supply, heat controls, and elec-
energy as a heat source to accelerate concrete curing. One of trical measuring devices. A brief description of equipment
the first methods used the wet concrete as an electrical con- that is commonly used follows:
ductor. Although the basic theory is sound, there are several Heating elements. There are three types of insulated
problems associated with the method. One is the difficulty conductors that can be used for the curing process:
in controlling the temperature as the electrical resistance 1. Longitudinal reinforcement coated with synthetic
changes during the hydration of the concrete. Difficulty is films. Compounds with a base of phenolformaldehyde resin
have been found to insulate the steel, while a good bond to

also encountered when reinforcing steel is used in the con-
crete, as there is a possibility that corrosion can occur. concrete is still formed.
Another method tried uses the electrical resistance of the 2. Insulated, center core wire of a prestressing strand.
reinforcing wires or bars to produce heat. To accomplish This method may be the most effective. At the present time
this a large current at low voltage is required. The method the only production of this type strand has been experimen-
accelerates the hydration of the concrete near the reinforce- tal and is very expensive.
ment which creates an internal core of hardened concrete 3. Insulated resistance wire. The type commonly ac-
permitting handling of the members at an early age. Since cepted for large-scale adoption of electrical curing as an
the reinforcement is heated to temperatures higher than the economical process uses low-cost insulated wire. This wire
surrounding concrete, the differential temperature causes a can be drawn from common metals which satisfy the mini-
slight prestressing of the concrete upon cooling and further mum strength requirement. The insulating sheaths must also
resistance to cracking. The use of reinforcing steel as a have sufficient resistance to high temperatures, be flexible
conductor, however, also has problems. One is the high enough to conform to the shape of the product, and tough
current requirement which affects the economy of the enough to withstand the tensile, bending, and abrasive
method. Other problems are the danger of corrosion and the forces. Irradiated polyvinyl chloride (PVC) or Teflon coat-
tendency to short-circuit through metal forms or other metal ings satisfy the requirements for insulation.
reinforcements. 5.2.2 Heat controlling instrument-One of the advan-
To overcome some of the above problems, a seven-wire tages of electrical curing is that temperatures can be easily
prestressing strand was developed having a center wire controlled. The same curing temperature can be reproduced
which is electrically insulated from the surrounding wires. repeatedly in the product. There are several major instru-
Pilot tests on this strand were promising, but projected pro- ments which can be used for heating control, some of which
duction costs have restricted its use. are briefly described below:
Still another method developed to use electrical energy as 1. Circuit switch unit: An instrument which can be oper-
a heat source is the utilization of electrical heating blankets. ated manually on and off to obtain temperatures following a
The heating blankets are economical, portable, and can be design curve.
used for heating large areas such as slabs. In addition, if the 2. Variac: A variable voltage transformer. Increasing or
blanket is properly constructed, it acts as a vapor barrier to decreasing the voltage will change the power input to pro-
prevent the escape of moisture. In Europe, wire-mesh heat- d u c e the desired temperature curve.
ing elements have been used for heating slabs. Problems 3. Versatronilc control and circuit breaker: An automatic
with the use of electric blankets are that hot spots can occur circuit breaker controlled by the desired temperature. The
if complete contact is not maintained between the concrete temperature can be monitored with a thermocouple.
and the blanket. 5.2.3 Limitations and suggestions for internal electrical
The most popular method of using electric heat at the curing-Although the resistance wire is well insulated,
present time is electrically heated steel forms. The heating there is no guarantee that the resistance wire will function
elements are applied directly to the outside of the forms and properly after casting and consolidating the concrete. Per-
then covered with insulation, which is very efficient for thin sonnel using vibrators must be trained to prevent damage to
precast sections such as T-beams. Since each section of
Copyright American Concrete Institute
the heating elements. It is recommended that the voltage be
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kept low and other precautions talen to insure the safety of ated the modulus of elasticity, ultimate strength, coefficient
personnel from electrical hazards. of linear expansion, heat of hydration, modulus of heat
Research on the compressive strength of concrete has transfer, and specific heat of concrete for the first 24 hr of
shown that the strength at a particular time is a function of the curing cycle. These tests were conducted on a high-
the total thermal energy absorbed by the freshly cast con- early-strength concrete having a design strength of 6000 psi
crete.5.7 From an economic point of view, it is preferable to (41 MPa). Curing temperatures studied were 75 F, 125 F,
use the minimum number of heating elements and locate and 175 F (24 C, 52 C, and 78 C). Concretes cured at 75 F
them where they will be most effective. In addition to the (24 C) were used as the basis of comparison for the higher
heat source provided by the electrical resistors, the heat of curing temperatures. In addition to studying the thermal and
hydration of the cement provides a significant amount, thus mechanical properties, an analytical procedure was devel-
reducing the total power requirement. oped to predict the temperatures and energy requirements
Results from temperature distribution shidies5.7 indicate for heating irregular-shaped concrete members with either
that with internal electrical curing the temperature along the internal or external heat sources. While only one concrete
surface of the beam is uniform due to the high thermal mix was tested, these results are indicative of the behavior
conductivity of the steel forms. It is also noted that the heat of most commonly used portland cement concretes.
flows from the inside of the mass to the outside, which is Mechanical properties-Since the effect of
opposite to the heat flow in steam-cured members. the preset time was studied in previous research,s it was 93s.10

Cores talen from test specimens5.7 showed some variation not considered as a variable. Specimens cured at elevated
in the modulus of rupture and compressive strength. This temperatures were heated immediately after casting. As a
variation was similar for the specimens with equal distribu- result of this zero preset time the mechanical properties
tion of heat, unequal distribution of heat, and specimens exhibited erratic behavior. The results, however, did indicate
cured by steam. Higher strengths were obtained from the that the modulus of elasticity of concrete cured at 175 F (78
thicker sections of all specimens. For all specimens, the 28- C) for 24 hr was 25 percent higher than that for the same
day strength exceeded the design strength of the concrete. concrete cured at 75 F (24 C). Also the compressive strength
5.2.4 Effect of internal electrical curing on properties of at 24 hr for concrete cured at temperatures above 125 F (52
prestressed concrete beams-Extensive tests were con- C) for 24 hr was 50 percent greater than that for concrete
ducted at The Pennsylvania State University5.7 on pre- cured at 75 F (24 C).
stressed concrete beams to determine the effect of electrical ï!iíerrnal properties-To investigate the coeffi-
curing on prestress loss, bond, transfer length, cracking cient of linear thermal expansion, concrete specimens were
loads, and strength. These tests were conducted on small cast at room temperatures 75 F (24 C) on a roller assembly.
beams and full-scale I-beams with steam and internal elec- At different preset times for each specimen, a uniform heat
trical energy. was applied, and the elongation of the specimen was care-
The prestress loss studies indicated that a 10 percent fully measured. Results of this series of tests are shown in
lower prestress loss was obtained with the electrically cured Fig. This graph, which plots the coefficient of
beams than with the steam-cured beams. The bond transfer linear thermal expansion versus the preset time, shows that
length in the electrically cured beams, however, was 20 the Coefficient of expansion varies by a factor of ten during
percent greater than for the steam-cured beams. the first few hours after mixing the concrete. Therefore, it is
Hammerhead-type beams were tested to evaluate the flex- important that when heat is used to accelerate the curing of
ural bond strength of the concrete cured by the different concrete, it should not be applied until a preset time of 4 or
methods. These tests did not show any significant difference 5 hr have elapsed to permit the concrete to reach a constant
in the flexural bond strength. coefficient of thermal expansion that is very close to that of
Four full-scale, prestressed I-beams were cast from iden- the steel forms and molds.
tical concrete on the same prestressing bed. Three of the Previous tests indicated that preset times less than 4 hr
beams were cured with electrical energy, and one was cured affected the compressive strength of the concrete, but data
by steam at atmospheric pressure. No significant difference are not available to indicate the probable cause of this loss of
was found between the two curing methods in camber, flex- strength. The free water in the freshly mixed concrete may
ural stiffness, beam cracks, or surface strain under load. be the cause of this large variation in the Coefficient of
The electrically cured members showed less prestress loss expansion. After hydration is initiated, the amount of free
than the steam-cured beam, but more strand slip at transfer water is decreased and the thermal properties of the solid
of the prestressing force. The ultimate strength of the elec- materials become predominant. This phenomenon is also
trically cured beams was higher than for the steam-cured apparent in the other thermal properties discussed below.
beam. This ultimate strength was based on yielding of the The thermal, dimensional changes in plastic concrete are
steel strand and not on complete destruction of the beams. especially critical in molded, precast structural products. In
this type product the molds usually restrain dimensional
5.2.5 ï!iíerrnal and mechanical properties of concrete changes in one or more directions, and since thermal defor-
during the curing cycle--In the design of any system to be mation is a volumetric change, deformations larger than
used for accelerated curing of concrete, it is essential that those indicated by the Coefficient of thermal expansion can
the thermal and mechanical properties of the fresh concrete tale place in the unrestrained direction of the concrete.
be laiown. As part of their studies on electrical curing, The heat of hydration is increased as the temperature

Copyright American Concrete Institute
at The Pennsylvania State University5.8 evalu- increases, and the magnitude is approximately ten times
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O . 600
greater at 175 F (78 C) than at 75 F (24 C) during the first 6
hr. Thereafter, the values remain relatively constant.
The modulus of heat transfer decreases rapidly in magni-
tude during the first 6 to 8 hr at all temperatures and then
remains relatively constant. Higher temperatures yield
higher moduli of heat transfer values which are approx-
imately proportional to the thermal conductivities at ele- 1-
vated temperatures. The movement of water within the O
concrete during the first 2 hr may not materially affect the v

conductivity, but it does sharply influence the flow of heat. I_
The specific heat of uncured concrete increases with in- r(

creased temperature. Test results showed an increase of 20 8

v 0.300

percent from 75 F (24 Cl to 175 F (78 C). The water content 4

during the first few hours before hydration is completed
appears to exert a major influence.
5.2.6 Problems with electrical curing-Since electrical 0.2001
curing is still in the development stage, it can be anticipated
that problems still persist with the method. Some of the
problems are associated with the electrical distribution sys-
tems and controls; however, improvements are constantly o. 1oc
being made with these devices. O . O75

When thin sections are cured with electrical energy there 0.0X
is a tendency for cracking to occur. This cracking usually 0.02:
takes place at the junction of a thin section and a larger O.OO(
20 40 60 80
mass, such as in a T-beam where the flange meets the stem.
The exact cause of this cracking has not been determined, P r e s e t Time H o u r s

but it is possible that thermal stresses caused by rapid cool-

ing may be high in this area. Fig. of linear thermal expansion dur-
There has not been sufficient research to determine when ing the preset period
internal curing or external curing should be used. Applying
heat through the steel forms appears to work well for thin
steel forms are used with this method, their high thermal
sections, but for uniform heat in thick sections, internal
conductivity usually produces a constant uniform tem-
resistance wires give better results.
perature on the exterior surfaces of the concrete. A disad-
Heated metal forms and electric blankets present other
vantage of the method is that heat remaining in the oil at the
problems. Warping of steel forms has been detected and
completion of the curing cycle is usually wasted unless it
attributed to differential temperatures in the forms. When
can be diverted to other casting beds.
electric blankets are used, hot spots occur unless the
blanlcets have complete contact with the wet concrete. 5.4-Infrared curing of concrete
Rapid loss of moisture from the wet concrete does not Thermal radiation in the form of infrared rays has had
appear to be a problem. Adequate moisture barriers can be limited application in accelerated curing of concrete. This
placed on the wet concrete and the proper amount of mixing method was tried in the Soviet Union and found to be both
water will provide sufficient moisture for complete effective and economical according to Mironov and Mal-
hydration. inina (I964).5. l l
Recently, idfared heaters were used in Sweden to accel-
5.3-Use of hot oil or other fluids for heating forms erate curing of concrete in tunnel liners. Radiation was not
Hot oil has been extensively used to accelerate the curing applied directly to the concrete but was directed to the steel
of concrete by heating the steel forms. The oil is heated at forms. Unpublished reports indicate that the curing results
an external point and circulated through pipes or cavities were satisfactory, even though the heaters were not uni-
provided in the steel forms. This method provides a uniform formly distributed. This nonuniform heat naturally pro-
and constant temperature to the outside of the fresh concrete duced nonuniform concrete strengths. Temperatures near
when the pipes or cavities are properly located and the the heaters were 70 C (158 F).
forms are properly protected to minimize heat loss. Infrared curing was also used in Sweden on horizontal
The properties of the concrete cured by this method surfaces of concrete. In these applications the concrete sur-
should not differ from those cured with electrically heated face was sometimes covered by plastic foil, and LPG-fired
forms, as oil is used only as the vehicle to transfer heat from infrared radiation heaters were used.
some external source to the exterior of the concrete. In For concrete enclosed in steel forms it was found that
essence, it is another method of applying dry heat to fresh 1000 watt heaters located 6-7 in. (150- 175 mm) from the
concrete. forms produced the best results. More data are needed on
One of the advantages of using hot oil is that a constant infrared curing before specific recommendations can be
temperature can be maintained in the heated forms. Since made on this method.
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CHAPTER 6-REFERENCES These publications may be obtained from the following

6.1 -Recommended references organizations:
The documents of the various standards-producing organ-
izations referred to in this document are listed below with American Association of State Highway and
their serial designation. Transportation Officials

444 N. Capitol St., NW, Suite 225

Washington, DC 20001

American Concrete Institute

PO. Box 19150
Detroit, MI 48219-0150

“Standard Specifications for Highway Bridges,” 1916 Race St.
Philadelphia, PA 19 103
American Concrete Institute
201.2R Guide to Durable Concrete
6.2-Cited references
212.1R Admixtures for Concrete Introduction
1.AC1 Committee 517, “Low Pressure Steam Curing,” AC1 JOURNAL,
212.2R Guide for Use of Admixtures in Proceedings V. 60, No. 8, Aug. 1963, pp. 953-986.
Chapter 1
1.1. Hogan, F. J., and Meusel, J. W., “Evaluation for Durability and
222R Corrosion of Metals in Strength Development of a Ground Granular Blast Furnace Slag,” Cement,
Concrete Concrete. and Aggregates, V. 3, No. 1. Summer 198 1, pp. 40-52.
224.1R Causes, Evaluation, and Repair Chapter 2
of Cracks in Concrete 2.1. Shideler, J. J., “Calcium Chloride in Concrete,” AC1 JOURNAL.
Proceedings V. 48, No. 7, Mar. 1952, pp. 537-559.
Structures 2.2a. Evans, R. H.. “Use of Calcium Chloride in Prestressed Con-
306R Cold Weather Concreting crete,” Proceedings, World Conference on Prestsessed Concrete (San
Francisco, July 1957), University of California, 19-57, pp. A31-1-A31-8.
308 Standard Practice for Curing 2.2b. Evans, R. H.. and Williams, Alan, “Use of X-Rays in Measuring
Concrete Bond Stress in Prestressed Concrete,” Proceedings, World Conference on
Prestressed Concrete (San Francisco, July 1957), University of California,
1957, pp. A32-1-A32-8.
ASTM 2.3. Godfrey, Howard J., “Corrosion Tests on Prestressed Concrete
c 33 Standard Specification for Wire and Strand,” Journal, Prestressed Concrete Institute, V. 5, No. I,
Concrete Aggregates Mar. 1960, pp. 45-51.
c 150 Standard Specification for 2.4. Monfore, G. E., and Verbeck, G. J., “Corrosion of Prestressed
Wire in Concrete,” AC1 JOURNAL, Proceedings V. 57, No. 5, Nov. 1960,
Portland Cement pp. 491-515.
c 330 Standard Specification for 2.5. Wright, T. E., “An Unusual Case of Corrosion of Aluminum
Lightweight Aggregates for Conduit in Concrete,” Engineering b u m a l (Montseal), V. 38, No. 10,
Structural Concrete Oct. 1955. pp. 1357-1362.
c 331 Standard Specification for 2.6. “High Alumina Cements,” Building Research Digest No. 27,
Building Research Establishment, Garston, Watford, Feb. 1951, 6 pp.
Lightweight Aggregates for
2.7. Robson, T. D., “Characteristics and Applications of Mixtures of
Concrete Masonry Units Portland and High-Alumina Cement,” ChemistQ and IndmtQ (London),
c 403 Standard Test Method for Time Jan. 1952, pp. 2-7.
of Setting of Concrete Mixtures Chapter 3
by Penetration Resistance 3.1. Keunning, William H., and Carlson, C. C., “Effect of Variations
in Curing and Drying on the Physical Properties of Concrete Masonry
c 494 Standard Specification for
Units,” Development Department Bulletin No. D13, Portland Cement As-
Chemical Admixtures for sociation, Skokie, 1956, 129 pp.
Concrete 3.2. Hanson, J. A., “Optimum Steam Curing Procedure in Precasting
c 595 Standard Specification for Plants,” AC1 J ~ ~ R Proceedings
N ~ ~ , V. 60, No. 1, Jan. 1963, pp. 75-100.
Blended Hydraulic Cements 3.3. Kirkbride, T., “Review of Accelerated Curing Procedures,” Pre-
cast Concrete (London), V. 2, No. 2, Feb. 1971,pp. 87-90.
C 618 Standard Specification for Fly
3.4. Mansfield, G. A., “Curing-A Problem in Thermodynamics,”
Ash and Raw or Calcined Rock Products, V. 51, No. 8, Aug. 1948, p. 212.
Natural Pozzolan for Use as a 3.5. Copeland, R. E., “Kilns and Appurtenant Facilities for Low Pres-
Mineral Admixture in Portland sure Steam Curing,” National Concrete Masonry Association, Hemdon,
Cement Concrete 1971.
3.6. “Concrete Pressure Pipes,” AWWA Manual No. M-9, American
c 9x9 Standard Specification for
Water Works Association, Denver.
Ground Iron Blast-Furnace Slag 3.7. Pfiefer, D. W., and Landgren, J. R., “Energy Efficient Accelerated
for Use in Concrete and Curing of Concrete-A Laboratory Study for Plant-Produced Prestressed
Mortars Concrete,” Prestressed Concrete Institute, Chicago, Dec. 1981, 66 pp.
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3.8. Brown, H. E., ?An Investigation of the Effect of the Gypsum Chapter 5
Content and Steam Curing Variation on the Compressive Strength of Port- 5.1. Martinet, C., ?Electsical Process of Curing Precast Reinforced
land Cement Concrete,? MSc thesis, University of Virginia, Charlottes- Concrete,? Concrete Building and Concrete Products, Dec. 1963.
ville, Aug. 1963. 5.2. Fleming, A. G., ?Electrical Curing of Concrete and Mortar,?
3.9. Pfiefer, D. W., and Marusin, S., ?Energy-Efficient Accelerated Concrete, Dec. 1939, pp. 11-12.
Curing of Concrete-A State of the Art Review,? Prestressed Concrete 5.3. Brund, A., and Bohlm, H., ?Electrical Heating of Concrete,?
Institute, Chicago, Mar. 1981, 116 pp. Building Science Abstracts (London), V. 5, Aug. 1932, Abstract No. 1498.
3.10. Preston, H. Kent, ?Effect of Temperature Drop on Strand Stresses 5.4. Rethy, A., ?Progress in Electrical Heating of Concrete,? Building
in a Casting Bed,? Journal, Prestressed Concrete Institute, V. 4, No. 1, Science Abstracts (London), V. 7, Nov. 1934, Abstract No. 1886.
June 1959, pp. 54-57. 5.5. Skramtaeu, B. G., Shuhenkin, P. F.. and Bazhenov, Yu M.,
Chapter 4 ?Complex Use of Chemical and Electrical Heating for the Production of
4.1. Shideler, Joseph J., ?Investigation of the Moisture-Volume Sta- Precast Reinforced Concrete,? Beton i Zhelezobeton (MOSCOW), V. 6 ,
bility of Concrete Masonry Units,? Development Department Bulletin No. 1964, pp. 243-246.
03, Portland Cement Association, Skokie, Mar. 1955, 54 pp. 5.6. Ady, Nancy, ?Electrical Curing of Concrete,? Special Bibliogra-
4.2. Toennies, Henry T., ?Artificial Carbonation of Concrete Masonry phy No. 20, Library, Research and Development Division, Portland Ce-
Units,? A C I J O U R N A L . Proceedings V. 56, No. 8, Feb. 1960, pp. ment Association, Skokie, Mar. 1966.
737-756. 5.7. Chi, C. T., and Bamoff, R. M., ?Intemal Electrical Curing of
4.3. Verbeck, G. J., ?Carbonation of Hydrated Portland Cement,? Ce- Restressed Concrete,? Small Industries Research, Pennsylvania State Uni-
ment and Concrete, STP-205, ASTM, Philadelphia, 1958, pp. 17-36. versity, University Park, 1970.
Also, Research Department Bulletin No. 87, Portland Cement 5.8. Book, Norman L., and Bamoff, Robert M., ?Time Temperature
Association. Study of Accelerated Curing of Concrete,? Structural Research Report,
4.4. Toennies, Henry T., and Shideler, Joseph J., ?Plant Drying and Department of Civil Engineering, Pennsylvania State University, Univer-
Carbonation of Concrete Block-NCMA-PCA Cooperative Program,? sity Park, Sept. 1973.
AC1 JOURNAL, Proceedings V. 60, No. 5, May 1963, pp. 617-634. Also, 5.9. Pu, Dennis C., ?Electrical Curing of Concrete,? MSc thesis, Penn-
Development Department Bulletin No. D64, Portland Cement Association. sylvania State University, University Park, 1967.
4.5. Kirkbride, T. W.. ?Bumer Curing,? Precast Concrete (London), 5.10. Cadwallader, G. H., ?Electrical Curing of Concrete,? MSc the-
V. 2, No. 11, Nov. 1971, pp. 644-646. sis, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, 1968.
4.6. ?Accelerated Drying of Concrete Masonry Units,? National Con- 5.11. Mironov, S. A., and Malinina, L. A., ?Uskorienie tvierdienia
crete Masonry Association, Hemdon, 1955. betona,? Moskva (U.S.S.R.).
4.7. ?Accelerated Drying Facilities, Methods and Costs,? Convention
Reprint, National Concrete Masonry Association, Hemdon, 1956.
4.8. Schneider, Dietmar K., ?Increasing Production and Profits with
Hot Concrete,? Journal, Prestsessed Concrete Institute, V. 18, No. 4, July- This report was submitted to letter ballot of the committee and was
Aug. 1973, pp. 21-32. approved in accordance with AC1 balloting requirements.

Committee members voting on the 1992 revisions:

W. Calvin McCall

Steven H. Gebler Thomas H. Sadler

Eugene D. Hill, Jr. Billy M. Scott
Frank A. Kozelisla Bryce P. Simons
Ken B. Rear Luke M. Snell


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