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Visitors by classification

Date Students/GS Alumni Parents/Relatives old student

Under/H. S./ Grad Friends/Personal Re-admission
10/04/17 44 59 34 0
10/05/17 34 37 21 1
10/06/17 35 36 18 3
10/07/17 22 40 8 1
10/09/17 35 29 20 0
10/10/17 17 39 27 2
10/11/17 23 39 17 2
10/12/17 28 38 21 1
10/13/17 21 46 43 2
10/14/17 2 23 3 1
10/18/17 58 61 30 5
10/19/17 56 63 25 4
10/20/17 29 43 23 2
10/21/17 10 43 4 0
10/23/17 40 51 28 1
10/24/17 19 27 17 4
10/25/17 19 29 17 1
10/26/17 18 30 13 1
10/27/17 27 28 19 4
10/28/17 12 23 7 0
10/30/17 16 27 8 3

Total 565 811 403 38

Note: Official Business ; consultation, personal transaction, bible study,referral letter, pay t
organization/club meeting,inquiry for OJT,guidance office,collection of payment,scho
Registrar/Admission .

Oct. 16-17, 2017 - Transportation Strike

Oct. 31, 2017 - Suspended (All Saint's Day)
Prepared by:

Olivia P. Fabi
Signature over Printed Name

Michael T. Carlos Jessica V. Lauza

Polytechnic University of the Philippines
Office of the Vice President for Administration
Visitor's Lounge Report

Month: OCTOBER, 2017

tors by classification
old student other Office Student All Classes TOR/DIP./Mem/F137
Hon. Diss. School/ Off. Representative Researchers Total I.D/CAV/Credentials
1 51 20 24 233 77
1 33 16 0 143 45
1 56 23 0 172 64
0 42 7 6 126 41
2 10 12 0 108 35
1 21 17 0 124 46
1 39 0 4 125 44
0 42 14 6 150 51
0 40 13 0 165 55
3 6 1 0 39 12
2 66 18 1 241 64
3 45 15 1 212 55
2 15 27 0 141 41
0 29 7 0 93 32
1 19 17 0 157 54
0 17 17 0 101 39
0 11 13 1 91 26
1 20 14 0 97 31
0 26 9 5 118 45
1 18 0 2 63 21
0 13 12 0 79 31
20 619 272 50 2778 909

ble study,referral letter, pay tuition fee, human resources management, invitational letter, inquiry abo
e,collection of payment,scholarship,medical, xray, seminar,verification of scholastic records,students r
nted Name


Visitors by Purpose of Visit

Queries Registrar/Admission Visit ICT Queries (O.U.) Registrar
PUPCET/LHS transferee Req/Clear Rel. /Per. Permit/SIS. Accnt. enrollment
58 4 2 37 2 2
31 2 3 23 3 4
45 3 2 33 2 2
33 2 1 21 1 1
24 1 2 17 2 1
31 2 1 19 1 1
24 1 2 22 2 4
29 2 2 26 3 1
37 3 1 34 2 1
9 2 1 9 1 0

47 8 5 41 5 4
39 7 4 38 4 3
31 5 3 29 2 4
19 2 2 19 1 2
24 3 3 34 2 3
14 4 2 14 1 2
19 2 3 11 2 1
17 1 2 14 3 2
22 2 3 18 4 2
14 1 1 11 2 1
17 2 2 12 1 1

584 59 47 482 46 42

nal letter, inquiry about store,books and condotel, cashier,applicant,video shooting,

stic records,students researcher,BAC,research,cross enrol,payment of tuition fee)
Date Prepared:
Queries (O.U.) Registrar Official Business Total
4 47 233
5 27 143
2 19 172
1 25 126
2 24 108
1 22 124
5 21 125
2 34 150
1 31 165
1 4 39
6 61 241
5 57 212
4 22 141
2 14 93
3 31 157
3 22 101
2 25 91
2 25 97
1 21 118
0 12 63
0 13 79
52 557 2778


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