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5 years ago

“So that’s it.” Diana said as she finished the last strokes of her signature before handing the
papers back to Sam.

She accepted it, lips pressed together as she tried to suppress the pain she was feeling in her
chest. She should not be feeling this way. The marriage, from the start, was forced, a sham. It
was not right that she fell in love. But alas, she did.

“So we are both free.” Diana placed her hands on her back pocket. “I guess this is goodbye,

Sam just nodded along. Mustering all her might not to let a single tear fall from her eye. Thank
God the lighting on the room was a bit dim.

“Goodbye, Ms. Arias.”

“Goodbye, Ms. Prince.” Diana nodded and took out her right hand and placed something on the
table between them. The platinum band reflected off the light of the overhead lamp as Sam just
stared at it while Diana stood up and left the restaurant and her life.


“Of course I am not gonna miss that kiddo’s birthday.” Sam stared out of the car as rolled
around the distant but familiar streets of National City. It had been five years since she last
stepped foot on this quiet metropolis and not much has changed since. There were additional
skyscrapers here and there but it still had the silent beach city vibe she always liked.

“And she misses you too!” An inaudible blabber came from the other side of the call as Kara
placed the phone near Kiera. “She has been very ecstatic this morning when I told her her Aunt
Sammy is coming home.”

Home. ​Sam sighed. National City ​was​ her home. “I’m glad to be back too.”

The car rolled to a halt in front of L Corp and Sam bid her farewells to Kara so that she could
entered the building. The fresh, expensive scent still lingered along its walls and familiar faces
still manned positions along with some new ones. They all stared at her, some with joy and
some with wonder as she trapaised through the familiar areas.

“Ms. Arias!” Sam smiled at Lyra, Lena’s new secretary. Jess had been promoted to Division
Supervisor and was relocated to Greece two years ago along with her wife. She still thinks Lena
is trying to get Jess a lifelong vacation. Which was well deserved considering how hard the
woman worked for the past 7 years.
“I’m here to see Lena. Is she around?”

“Yes!” The secretary happily opened the door to the CEO’s office and led her in. Not much has
also changed inside the room aside from the occasional toys strewn about and a stack of
fairytale books on the coffee table. It was still the same bright, elegant room with the
raven-haired boss in the middle, buried with paperworks. ​I guess I am the only one who has

Lena looked up at the sound they made and her face lit up at the sight of her. “Sam!” She stood
and greeted her with a very tight hug. “I missed you!”

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