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Stabilizing DG methods on polygonal meshes via

computable dual norms

S. Bertoluzza

Istituto di Matematica Applicata e Tecnologie Informatiche del CNR, Pavia

Numerical Analysis of Complex PDE Models in the Sciences

ESI, Vienna, 2018

(joint work with D. Prada and I. Perugia)

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Polygonal/Polyhedral meshes

Provide greater flexibility in mesh generation

Exploited as transitional elements in finite element meshes

Better suited for applications (complicated and/or moving domains)

Solid mechanics
Fluid structure interaction
Mathematical Biology

Agglomerated meshes: obtained by grouping together element of a

finite element mesh
General polygonal/polyhedral meshes

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Polyhedral methods for PDEs

Extended/Generalized FEM [Duarte, Oden, ’96, . . . ]

Mimetic Finite Difference [Brezzi, Lipnokov & Shashkov, ’05, . . . ]

Composite Finite Element method [Rech, Sauter & Smolianski, ’06,. . . ]

Hybridized Discontinuous Galerkin, [Cockburn et al. ’09, . . . ]

Agglomerated Finite Element method [Bassi et al., ’12, . . . ]

Virtual Element Method [Beirao da Vega et al., ’13, . . . ]

Hybrid High Order methods [Di Pietro, Ern ’14,. . . ]

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Model problem

Find u solution to

´∆u “ f , in Ω, u “ 0, on Γ “ BΩ

Variational formulation: find u P H01 pΩq such that for all v P H01 pΩq
ż ż
apu, v q :“ ∇u ¨ ∇v “ fv

Continuity and coercivity: for all u, v P H01 pΩq

apu, v q À }u}H 1 pΩq }v }H 1 pΩq , apu, uq Á }u}2H 1 pΩq

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Discrete problem

Find uh , vh such that

ah puh , vh q “ F pvh q

Continuity and coercivity at the discrete level

ah pu, v q À }u}♣ }v }♣ , ah pu, uq Á }u}2♠

Ideally } ¨ }♣ “ } ¨ }♠ “ } ¨ }H 1 pΩq

In analyzing the method needs to deal with the discrepancy between

} ¨ }♠ , } ¨ }♣ and } ¨ }H 1 pΩq
In preconditionining one often pays the discrepancy between } ¨ }♠
and } ¨ }♣

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Example: The Discontinuous Galerkin Method
Discrete space: discontinuous piecewise polynomials

Vh “ tv P L2 pΩq : v |K P Pk pK q, @K P Th u

Interior penalty formulation: find uh P Vh , such that for all vh P Vh

ah puh , vh q “ fvh

ÿ ż ÿ ż
ahDG pu, v q “ ∇u ¨ ∇v ´ tt∇u ¨ nuuJv K
K PTh K e edges e
ÿ ż
˘ pJuKtt∇v ¨ nuu ` σJuKJuKq
e edges e

(tt¨uu: average operator - J¨K: jump operator)

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ÿ ż ÿ ż
ahDG pu, v q “ ∇u ¨ ∇v ´ tt∇u ¨ nuuJv K
K PTh K e edges e
ÿ ż
˘ pJuKtt∇v ¨ nuu ` σJuKJuKq
e edges e

e tt∇u ¨ nuuJv K ÝÑ consistency
e tt∇v ¨ nuuJuK ÝÑ symmetry/positiveness
e σJuKJuK ÝÑ stability

stabilization parameter σ » h´1

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Stability and convergence
Coercivity w.r. to
ÿ ÿ
~v ~2DG :“ }∇v }2L2 pK q ` }σ 1{2 Jv K}2L2 peq
K PTh e edges

Continuity w.r. to DG norm:

ahDG puh , vh q À . . . ` }tt∇uh ¨ nuu}L2 peq }Jvh K}L2 peq
e edges
ÿ ´ ¯
À ... ` σ ´1 }tt∇uh ¨ nuu}2L2 peq ` σ}Jvh K}2L2 peq
e edges

Key tool: inverse inequality }∇uh ¨ n}L2 peq À h´1{2 }∇uh }L2 pK q

Discrepancy between } ¨ }♠ and } ¨ }♣ is σ ´1{2 h´1{2 (» 1 for shape

regular meshes)
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Discrete bilinear form built by manipulating the equation under the

assumptions made for the discrete solution

Equation might yield a bilinear form which is not coercive (Duh such
that ah puh , uh q “ 0)

Stabilization: add a consistent term to make it coercive

Often involves a mesh dependent scalar product

Analysis relies on inverse inequalities

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Residual based stabilization terms

GLS for Stokes [Hughes, Franca, Balestra ’85]

ÿ ż
hK ∇qh ¨ p∇ph ´ 2µεpuh q ´ f q

Stabilization of the Babuška Lagrange multiplier method

[Barbosa & Hughes, ’91]
ż ˆ ˙
ÿ Buh ÿ
he ´ λ h µh , he´1 puh ´ g qvh
eĂBΩ e Bν eĂBΩ

Interior penalty DG (... but also HDG, HHO,...)

[Brezzi, Cockburn, Marini, Süli ’06, Burman, Hansbo ’04]

ÿ ż ÿ ż
he´1 Juh KJvh K, he J∇uh ¨ νKJ∇vh ¨ νK
eĂΣ e eĂΣ e

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Mesh dependent norms
Control on norms that mimic the space where the residual “lives”’
ÿ ż
hK |∇q|2 ÝÑ }∇qh }2H ´1 pΩq
k K

ÿ ż ÿ ż
he |λh |2 ÝÑ }λh }2H ´1{2 pBΩq he´1 |uh |2 ÝÑ }uh }2H 1{2 pBΩq
eĂBΩ e eĂBΩ e

ÿ ż
he´1 |Juh K|2 ÝÑ }Juh K}2H 1{2 pΣq
eĂΣ e

ÿ ż
he |J∇uh K|2 ÝÑ }J∇uh ¨ νK}2H ´1{2 pΣq
eĂΣ e

Crucial tool: inverse inequalities

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Inverse inequalities

Estimates of the form

}∇uh }L2 pK q ď h´1 C }uh }L2 pK q , }uh }L2 pBK q À h´1{2 }uh }L2 pK q

key ingredients for

stabilization terms

Two ingredients
finite dimensional space Vh
scaling argument: K Ñ Kp diameter one reference element

Constant C depends
on the shape of Kp
on the polynomial degree

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Why do mesh dependent norms work

Inverse inequality ÝÑ negative powers of h

tďs ÝÑ }uh }H s À h´ps´tq }uh }H t

Direct inequality (approximation estimates) ÝÑ positive powers of h

těs ÝÑ }u ´ πh u}H s À ht´s }u}H t

For shape regular triangles the two compensate each other

Problem with p and hp methods: direct and inverse inequality do not
compensate each other:

t ď s Ñ }uh }H s À k 2ps´tq }uh }H t ,

t ě s Ñ }u ´ πp u}H s À k ´pt´sq }u}H t

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On polygons
Polygon K of diameter hK “weak” shape regularity: D point xK : K is
star-shaped with respect to all points in disk BpxK , γ ‹ hK q

Combination of direct and inverse inequality calls for “strong” shape

K is weakly shape regular
Dγ ‹ : the distance of any to vertices of K is ě γ ‹ hK
(it can be decomposed as union of shape regular triangles of diameter
» hK )

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Abstract dual norm stabilization
[Baiocchi, Brezzi ’92, S.B. ’98]

V Hilbert space
a : V ˆ V Ñ R continuous bilinear form, A : V Ñ V 1 corresponding
linear operator

xAu, v y “ apu, v q (equivalent to Au “ F in V 1 )

Problem: find u P V such that for all v P V , apu, v q “ xF , v y

a nonnegative (apu, uq ě 0 for all u P V ) and

apu, v q apu, v q
inf sup Á α ą 0, inf sup Áαą0
uPV v PV }u}V }v }V v PV uPV }u}V }v }V

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“Stabilize” the continuous problem

r¨, ¨sV 1 : scalar product in V 1

Simmetric and antisymmetric part of S

A ` AT A ´ AT
A7 “ , A5 “ , At “ A5 ` tA7
2 2
Stabilized problem: find u P V such that for all v P V

aS pu, v q “ apu, v q ` γrAu, At v sV 1 “ xF , v y ` γrF , At v sV 1

There exists γ0 (depending on t) such that for all γ ą γ0 aS is

aS pu, uq Á }u}2V

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Natural dual norms vs. mesh dependent norms

Fractionary and/or negative scalar product quite cumbersome ÐÑ

replace with mesh dependent norm

Is it possible to use the natural norm in practice?
How do we realize dual scalar product algebraically?

Dual norms used for LS approach [Bramble ’95]

Stabilization of domain decomposition method with wavelet based

scalar products [S.B., A. Kunoth ’00, S.B. ’03]

Application to DG with polygonal meshes

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Dual scalar product: abstract setting

V Hilbert space, V 1 dual

x¨, ¨y duality between V and V 1

Wh Ă V finite dimensional subspace, basis tϕi , i “ 1, ¨, Nu

Notation: u~ “ pui qN
i“1 ÐÑ uh “ i ui ϕi

s : Wh ˆ Wh Ñ R (S corresponding matrix)

~ T Sw
spwh , wh q “ w ~ » }wh }2V

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Dual scalar product: abstract setting

Bounded linear projector Ph : V Ñ Wh

Dual basis tϕ
ri , i “ 1, ¨ ¨ ¨ , Nu: Ph u “ i xϕ
ri ,uyϕi
Adjoint projector Prh : V 1 Ñ W Ăh Ď V 1
xPrh η, v y :“ xη, Ph v y, Prh η “ xη, ϕi yϕ

Notation. ~η “ pηi qN
i“1 ÐÑ ηh “ i ηi ϕ

For ηh P W
Ăh we have
}ηh }2V 1 » ~η T S ´1 ~η

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Dual scalar product: abstract setting

For η P V 1 we have ÿ
Prh η “ xη, ϕi yϕ

Then }Prh η}2V 1 “ ~η T S ´1 ~η with ~η “ pηi qi , with ηi “ xη, ϕi y

The result does not “see” the choice of Ph and does not use the dual basis

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Stabilization of saddle point problem

Find u P V , p P Q such that for all v P V , q P Q

apu, v q ´ bpv , pq “ xf , v y, bpu, qq “ 0

A : V Ñ V 1 , B : V Ñ Q 1 linear operators corresponding to a and b

a coercive and b verifies inf-sup condition

Vh Ă V , Qh Ă Q
No inf-sup condition on Vh , Qh

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Ideal stabilization: find uh P Vh , ph P Qh such that for all vh P Vh ,
qh P Qh

apuh , vh q ´ bpvh , ph q “ xf , vh y,
bpuh , qh q ´ γrAuh ´ B T ph , B T qh sV 1 “ γrf , B T qh sV 1

Auxiliary space Wh , projector Ph

Stabilized problem: find uh P Vh , ph P Qh such that for all vh P Vh ,
qh P Qh

apuh , vh q ´ bpvh , ph q “ xf , vh y,
bpuh , qh q ´ γrPrh pAuh ´ B T ph q, Prh pB T qh qsV 1 “ γrPrh pf q, Prh pB T qh qsV 1

How do we choose Wh ?

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If Wh is such that for all ph P Qh

}Prh pB T ph q}V 1 Á }B T ph }V 1


apuh , uh q ` γrPrh pAuh ´ B T ph q, Prh pB T ph qsV 1 Á }uh }2V ` }ph }2Q

Necessary and sufficient condition is

bpwh , ph q
inf sup Áαą0
ph PQh wh PWh }wh }V }ph }Q

BUT... No approximation property required

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Decoupling Stability and Approximation

Three finite dimensional spaces

Vh Ă V , Qh Ă Q for approximation

inf }u ´ vh }V , inf }p ´ qh }Q À as small as we want/need

vh PVh qh PQh

no compatibility condition on Vh and Qh

Wh for stability

bpwh , ph q
inf sup Áαą0
ph PQh wh PWh }wh }V }ph }Q

No approximation requirement on Wh

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Matrix for of the stabilization term
tei , i “ 1, ¨ ¨ ¨ , Nu: basis for Vh
tzi , i “ 1, ¨ ¨ ¨ , Mu: basis for Qh
tϕi , i “ 1, ¨ ¨ ¨ , Mu:
r basis for Wh

A “ paij q, B “ pbij q

aij “ papej , ei qq, bij “ bpej , zi q

aij q, B
r “ pr
A r “ pbrij q S “ psij q

arij “ papϕj , ei qq, brij “ bpϕj , zi q, sij “ apϕj , ϕi q

Stabilization term

γrPrh pAuh ´ B T ph q, Prh pB T qh qsV 1 “ γ~ r ´1 rB~

q BS r p ` A~
r us

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Hybrid DG: model problem

Poisson equation: ´∆u “ f in Ω, u “ 0 on BΩ

Tessellation Th of Ω in polygons K , with edges e P E, skeleton


Equivalent formulation at the continuous level: three unknown fields

local solution u K in K for all K
local flux λK “ ∇u K ¨ ν K
ϕ trace of solution on Σ

In element K : problem for u K with Dirichlet data ϕ with Lagrange

multiplier λK
Globally: continuity of the normal derivatives across Σ

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Equivalent formulation of continuous problem

Find u K P H 1 pK q, λK P H ´1{2 pK q, ϕ P H01 pΩq|Σ such that

for all K
ż ż ż
∇u ¨ ∇v ´ λ v“ fv @v P H 1 pK q
K ż BK ż K

u k µK “ ϕµ, @µ P H ´1{2 pBK q


λK ψ “ 0, @ψ P H01 pΩq|Σ

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All unknowns discretized by discontinuous piecewise polynomials of
degree k
H 1 pK q ÝÑ VhK “ Pk pK q
H ´1{2 pBK q ÝÑ ΛK “ tλ P L2 pBK q : λ|e P Pk pequ
H01 pΩq|Σ ÝÑ Φh “ tϕ P L2 pΣq : ϕ|e P Pk pequ (non conforming)
Local problems: for all vhK P VhK , for all µK
h P Λh
ż ż ż
∇uh ¨ ∇vh ´ λh vh “ fvhK
żK BK Kż
uh µh ` stabilization term “ ϕh µK
h ` consistency term
Continuity of the fluxes: for all ψh P Φh
λKh ψh “ 0

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The stabilization term

Must enforce control on }γK˚ λ}H 1 pK q1

Auxiliary space WK
Basis tϕi , i “ 1, ¨ ¨ ¨ , Nu for WK

Projection P : H 1 pK q Ñ WK (transparent)

s : H 1 pK q ˆ H 1 pK q Ñ R equivalent scalar product on WK

s ÝÑ stiffness matrix S

stabilization term: rPpDu

r ´ γK˚ λq, PptDv
r ´ γK˚ µqsH 1 pK q1

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Stability and convergence

Assumption: It holds
K wh λh
inf sup ěαą0
λh PΛK K
h wh PWh
}wh }H 1 pK q }λh }H ´1{2 pBK q

Stability and convergence

The method is stable and the solution satisfy an optimal error estimate
}u ´ uh }2H 1 pK q À hk }u}H k`1 pΩq

Observation: strong continuity of the “fluxes” λK


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Displacing the problem

Problem A’
Problem A
Auxiliary space WK satisfying
Building DG method robust with
inf-sup condition with constant
respect. to element shape
independent of element shape

Problem B’
Problem B
Auxiliary space WK satisfying
Building DG method robust with
inf-sup condition with constant
respect to polynomial degree
independent of polynomial degree

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Robustness with respect to polynomial degree k

All K ’s strongly shape regular

shape regularity ÝÑ work triangle by triangle

find W pT q Ă tw P H 1 pT q : w “ 0 on BT zeu s.t.
e pw
inf sup ěαą0
pPPk peq w PW pT q }w }H 1 pT q }p} 1{2
pH peqq100

loss of a factor logpkq (inverse inequality }p}pH 1{2 peqq1 vs }p}pH 1{2 peqq1 )

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Construction of W pT q

First thing that comes to mind: W pT q|e “ Pk`2

0 peq “ P
k`2 X H 1 peq
+ some lifting realized VEM style
One can prove
pw e
inf sup ěαą
pPPk peq w PPk`2 peq }w }H 1 peq }p}H ´1 peq
0 0

pw e
inf sup » k ´1{2
pPPk peq w PPk`2 peq }w } 1{2 }p} 1{2
0 H peq pH peqq1
00 00

Not good enough

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We know
λwλ &´∆wλ “ 0
’ in T
Á }λ}pH 1{2 peqq1 with wλ s.t. p‹q ∇wλ ¨ ν “ λ on e
}wλ }H 1 pT q 00 ’
wλ “ 0 on BT ze

Build approximation of space spanned by wλ on a reference element

Bases λ
pi for Pk pp
e q, ppk for Pk pTp q
Vδ (δ “ Opk ´2 q) approximation space e
Solve (‹) for each λi ÝÑ wi
x: span
WK |T : push forward of W
x eb

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Stability and convergence
The method is stable and the solution satisfy an quasi-optimal error
estimate: u P H s pΩq

}u ´ uh }2H 1 pK q À logpkq }u}H s pΩq
k s´1

RB phylosophy
Precompute needed quantities, such as
ż ż
spij “ ∇w
pi ¨ ∇w pj bij “ w pj λ
ż T e
p p
aki “ ∇ppk ∇wpi , mki “ ppk w
Tp Tp

All quantities needed for the stabilization term computable directly

via the precomputed quantities
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Numerical tests
Test problem: ´∆u “ f in s0, 1r2 , u “ 0 on Bs0, 1r2
True solution: u “ sinpπxq sinpπy q
Hexagonal meshes / Voronoi meshes

Auxiliary space WhK : subset of VEM space of degree k ` 2

WhK “ twh : wh |e P Pk`2 peq, ´∆wh P Pk , pwh “ 0, @p P Pk u
S: VEM stiffness matrix

Solution stabilized vs non stabilized

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Polyhedral method rely on stabilization terms which (via) inverse

estimate depend on shape regularity

Systematic way of building stabilization terms based on dual scalar

Framework for algebraically computing scalar product of dual spaces
Advantage w.r. to mesh dependent norms
Does not rely on inverse inequality
Coerciveness and continuity w.r. to the same norm

Is it worth it?
No magical solution
New point of view on the design of stabilization term to new
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