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OPINION Paraphilias
Norbert Konrad, Justus Welke, and Annette Opitz-Welke

Purpose of review
The concept of paraphilia still carries an ‘unwanted burden’ of sexual norms because the pathologization
of some sexual practices as paraphilic disorders is still based on the assumption that normal sexuality
should be genitally organized with the aim of reproduction. The aim of this review is to give an impression
of the ongoing discussion about the changes introduced with the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of
Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM-5) and the results of recent research in this area.
Recent findings
The release of DSM-5 in the spring of 2013 introduced a distinction between paraphilias and paraphilic
disorders, implying a destigmatization of consenting adults engaging in unusual sexual behaviour.
According to DSM-5 diagnostic criteria, paedophilic disorder is the only paraphilic disorder without an ‘in
remission’ and an ‘in a controlled environment’ specifier. Today, antiandrogen treatment is offered to sex
offenders in many countries as an additional treatment strategy alongside psychotherapy.
The introduction of DSM-5 offers the possibility to distinguish between paraphilia and paraphilic disorders.
The aetiology of paraphilias is still unknown. Paraphilias are much more common in men than in women,
but the reasons for this difference remain unknown. So far there is no clear consent on the best therapeutic
approach for a paraphilic disorder.
antiandrogen treatment, paraphilia, paraphilic disorder

INTRODUCTION genitally organized with the aim of reproduction.

One hundred and ten years ago, neurologist Sig- Therefore, labelling nonreproductive practices as
mund Freud revolutionized the understanding of paraphilic expresses ‘repronormativity’ [4]. Thus,
paraphilia by offering a concept of paraphilia as paraphilias remain at the centre of controversy
interference with integrated genital sexuality [1]. and political decisions [5].
Although attempts have been made since then to Between the 1930s and 1960s, forensic psychia-
free the concept of paraphilia from the assumption try developed an increasing interest in seeking
of heterosexual normality, the concept itself still psychological concepts to explain sexual assaultive
carries an ‘unwanted burden’ of sexual norms [2]. behaviour, and the impact of forensic examinations
Discussion on what constitutes sexual aberration on lawsuits and verdicts in cases of sexual assault
continues. Potter [3] argued that paraphilias in gen- grew [6]. Despite growing interest by forensic
eral have been described as ‘deviant sexual interest experts in understanding the conditions and course
and behaviour, exaggerations of sexual norms, vio- of deviant sexual interests, the aetiology of para-
lation of sexual mores, maladaptive evolutionarily philia remains unknown, and research examining
acquired sexual behaviour, and abnormal sexual the prevalence of paraphilic interest in the general
fixation or obsession’, and emphasizes the import-
ance of upholding the distinction between mental
Institute of Forensic Psychiatry, Charité – University Medicine Berlin,
disorder and crime. Downing [4] is of the opinion Berlin, Germany
that the change made in the Diagnostic and Stat- Correspondence to Norbert Konrad, Institute of Forensic Psychiatry,
istical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition Charité – University Medicine Berlin, Oranienburger Str 285, 13437
(DSM-5) is mainly a change in name. She points Berlin, Germany. Tel: +49 30 8445-1411; fax: +49 30 8445-1440;
out that the pathologization of some sexual e-mail:
practices as paraphilic disorders is still based on Curr Opin Psychiatry 2015, 28:440–444
the assumption that normal sexuality should be DOI:10.1097/YCO.0000000000000202 Volume 28  Number 6  November 2015

Copyright © 2015 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.

Paraphilias Konrad et al.

precision. Turner et al. [9] argued that although

KEY POINTS hypersexual disorder was not included in DSM-5,
 Introduction of DSM-5 offers the possibility to the construct of hypersexuality can be validly
distinguish between paraphilia and paraphilic assessed, and there is a valid screening test available
disorders. for hypersexual behaviours in patients with neuro-
degenerative disorders. DSM-5 defines paraphilic
 Aetiology of paraphilia remains unknown.
interests as ‘nonnormophilic’ or ‘anomalous’ sexual
 Functional neuroimaging has yet to reveal a sound interests, but the definition of atypical sexual inter-
theory about the underlying cerebral process. est remains a point of discussion. A survey of sexual
fantasies among college students revealed that only
 For medical staff, it is important to realize that
paraphilias sometimes emerge in neurodegenerative a minority of sexual fantasies could be considered

disorders such as Parkinson’s disease, in some cases as typical [13 ]. The authors recommend focusing less
a side-effect of treatment. on the content of fantasies than on the effect, and
Agalaryan and Rouleau [12] pointed out that coer-
 So far there is no clear consent on the best therapeutic
cive sexual fantasies can be experienced without
approach for a paraphilic disorder. In forensic
samples, the best treatment responses have been individuals ever acting them out. On the contrary,
achieved by the combination of psychotherapy and Chan and Beauregard [14] revealed that a higher
chemical castration. percentage of homicidal sexual offenders showed
paraphilic interests when compared with non-
homicidal sexual offenders. The homicidal sexual
offenders also exhibited a higher percentage of mal-
population is very scarce. In some cases, exploring adaptive personality traits [14].
sadomasochistic dynamics in psychoanalytic psy- Paraphilias are much more common in men
chotherapy can aid in understanding paraphilic than in women, but the reasons for this difference
elements as a defensive reaction to disappointing remain unknown. Various factors have been dis-
ministrations of caregivers earlier in life [7]. Recent
cussed. Dawson et al. [15 ] examined a nonclinical
research on the specificity of sexual arousal has sample of men and women for the prevalence of
revealed that sexual interest in masochism may paraphilic interests. Their findings suggested a cor-
not represent a narrowing in on a category of sexual relation of sex drive and paraphilic interests that
activities, but on the contrary, a broadening of provided the best explanation for the observable
sexual repertoire [8]. Assessment of paraphilias in gender difference in paraphilic interests. They also
the general mental health context may be hindered found comorbidity of different paraphilic interests
by the fact that nearly every study of assessment
[15 ]. Recent results of a systematic review by Solla
instruments for paraphilias or paraphilic disorders
et al. [16 ] of paraphilias and paraphilic disorders
has been conducted with sexual offender popu- in Parkinson’s disease patients revealed that both
lations [9]. could emerge as a rare iatrogenic consequence in
Although sex has always played an important Parkinson’s disease treatment. Typically, any
role in human lives all over the world, modern west- paraphilias or paraphilic disorders appear during
ern cultures tend to view sexuality as recreational, treatment with dopaminomimetic medication.
whereas Asian cultures tend to treat sex as taboo and Aberrant sexual behaviour observed included exhi-
with the sole purpose of procreation. For this reason, bitionism, frotteurism, paedophilia, sexual maso-
very limited research on sexuality-related issues has chism, and transvestism. Because hypersexuality is
been conducted on Asian populations, and it is not often described as a neuropsychiatric complication
possible to extrapolate all findings from western of Parkinson’s disease, this leads to the assumption
studies to Asian populations [10]. that hypersexuality and paraphilias may be the
phenotypical expressions of different degrees of a
common pathophysiological process [16 ].
The release of DSM-5 in the spring of 2013 intro-
duced a distinction between paraphilias and para- PAEDOPHILIA
philic disorders, implying a destigmatization of From what we know today, paedophilia affects
consenting adults engaging in unusual sexual around 1% of the male population. Nevertheless,
behaviour [11]. The rejection of paraphilic coercive paedophilia is the paraphilia that gets virtually all
disorder from the main body of the DSM was media coverage, although human sexual interest
approved by Agalaryan and Rouleau [12], who can become fixated on a wide variety of targets
pointed out that the proposed criteria still lack [17]. After a century of broad clinical discussion

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Sexual disorders

about paraphilia in the western world, only paedo- RARE PARAPHILIAS

philia is to be excluded from the ‘fun-and games, Scientifically sound information about unusual para-
plug and play laundry list of healthy kink interests’ philia is very scarce. One rare paraphilic topic is
[18]. Hence, it is not surprising that most research characterized by the erotic desire to consume or be
on the prevalence of paedophilia involves samples consumed by another person or creature (vorare-
of individuals in forensic settings. As a result, almost philia). Evidence from case studies suggests that vor-
nothing is known about ways of living with that arephilia appears to have close connection to sadism
sexual interest without causing harm [17]. and masochism [25]. Referring to the results of a
The DSM-5 diagnostic criteria for paedophilia &
systematic literature review, Solla et al. [16 ] reported
and paedophilic disorder have been criticized by the incidence of rare paraphilic behaviour, such as
numerous experts for a variety of reasons. There telephone scatology, zoophilia and klismaphilia, as a
has been a controversial discussion about the fact side-effect of Parkinson’s disease treatment with
that no diagnostic category for individuals with a &
dopaminomimetic medication [16 ]. Schenk et al.
preference for pubertal adolescents – so-called hebe- [26] examined juvenile sex offenders for the inci-
philia – was created [19]. Criticism has also been dence of bestiality by comparing polygraph results
expressed that according to DSM-5, paedophilia is when asked about bestiality with self-reported
the only paraphilic disorder without an ‘in remis- results. They reasoned that self-reported measuring
sion’ and an ‘in controlled environment’ specifier of juvenile sex offenders might underreport the pre-
[20]. The latter is noteworthy because recent valence of bestiality. The authors present two main
research has challenged the assumption that paedo- theories to explain bestiality. One postulates that
philic interest is unchangeable [20], and scientific bestiality is a generalized pattern of sexual behaviour
evidence on the immutability of paedophilic dis- comparable with offending human victims. The
order is lacking [5]. other conceptualizes bestiality as the beginning of
Some results of neuropsychological research and a progression to more deviant sexual behaviour [26].
neuroimaging provide evidence of brain abnormal- Hong and Kim [27] report the self-insertion of foreign
ities in individuals with paedophilia [21]. Neverthe- bodies into the urethra to obtain sexual gratification
less, functional neuroimaging has been able to as an uncommon paraphilia. They point out that
support neither the association of paedophilic there may be other common motivations beside
behaviour with frontal lobe disorder [22], nor the autoerotic stimulation, including psychiatric dis-
hypothesis that paedophilic individuals show defi- orders, self-mutilation, intoxication and curiosity.
cits in cognitive or perceptual categorization of As Clark et al. [28] report, acts of frotteurism and
sexual stimuli [21]. exhibitionism are frequent, but the number of per-
petrators seems to be much smaller because of the
fact that perpetrators report exceptionally high
numbers of victims. Hence, victim self-reports
estimate lifetime victimization rates ranging from
Robertson and Knight [23] conducted an empirical 33–52% for women. Frotteurism and exhibitionism
analysis of criminal behaviours showing that sadism are conceptualized as courtship disorders which
and psychopathy consistently predicted sexual and mean that both are distortions of normal courtship
nonsexual violence. An analysis of the correlation of interaction phases [28].
sadism and Psychopathy Checklist scores revealed
that sadism and psychopathy are covariate, but are
not coextensive [23]. Sexual sadism and antisocial THERAPEUTIC APPROACH
personality disorder are common among sexual Although the offer of counselling and psychotherapy
homicide offenders. Comparing single victim and for patients with paedophilia is often a core part of
serial victim homicide offenders, Chan et al. [24] prevention strategies, motivation among healthcare
noted that serial offenders are more likely to professionals to work with this group is low [29]. A
show narcissistic, schizoid and/or obsessive–com- survey by Robles et al. [30] of mental health pro-
pulsive personality traits. Furthermore, serial victim fessionals in eight countries revealed agreement in
offenders were more likely to engage in sexual mas- assessing paraphilias as stigmatizing diagnoses
ochism, partialism, homosexual paedophilia, exhi- because the boundaries between normal behaviour
bitionism and/or voyeurism. As the authors point and psychopathology are unclear. Therefore, there is
out, it remains unclear whether the reported maso- need for ongoing discussion about the conceptualiz-
chistic behaviour was connected to behavioural ation of paraphilia which apparently has implica-
strategies used to select a victim and to commit a tions for the treatment of those with paraphilic
homicide [24]. disorders [3].

442 Volume 28  Number 6  November 2015

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Paraphilias Konrad et al.

Today, antiandrogen treatment is offered to sex CONCLUSION

offenders in many countries as an additional treat- The introduction of DSM-5 offers the possibility to
ment strategy alongside psychotherapy. Since the distinguish between paraphilia and paraphilic dis-
1940s, there have been efforts to use hormonal orders. Nevertheless, discussion on what exactly
manipulation for the prevention of sexual offences, constitutes sexual aberration continues. Critics of
including the use of the antiandrogen cyproterona- DSM-5 emphasize that there is still a tendency to
cetat and various gonadotropin-releasing hormone devalue sexual practices that are not genitally organ-
agonists. An evaluation of the outcomes of chemical ized with the aim of reproduction.
castration of sex offenders has revealed that the The aetiology of paraphilias is still unknown. Just
associated decrease of serum testosterone levels as little we know why paraphilias in general are less
leads to a reduction in the frequency and intensity common in women in spite of the fact that research
of sexual thoughts. After cessation of chemical revealed prevalence of paraphilic sexual fantasies in
castration, the kinetics of serum testosterone recov- female samples. Because there is some evidence of a
ery vary with treatment duration [31]. Although correlation of sex drive and paraphilic interest, the
chemical castration is not considered the preferred difference in sex drive between men and women may
treatment for paraphilia for ethical reasons, in some be one explanation for the observable gender differ-
cases, such as mental retardation, the adminis- ence. Focusing on forensic samples, there is evidence
tration of antiandrogen medication may be used of a correlation between paraphilia and aggression.
as an alternative therapeutic method [32]. Evidence For medical staff, it is important to realize that para-
concerning other biomedical treatment options for philias sometimes emerge in neurodegenerative dis-
paraphilia is very scare, especially for individuals orders such as Parkinson’s disease, in some cases as a
with comorbid psychiatric disorders. Firoz et al. side-effect of treatment. Although the coincidence of
[33] reported a case of fetishism with comorbid neurodegenerative disorders and paraphilias seems
substance abuse that was successfully treated with to suggest a correlation between cerebral pathology
naltrexone. Ingves et al. [34] reported the successful and paraphilia, functional neuroimaging has yet to
treatment of a 67-year-old man suffering from reveal a sound theory about the underlying cerebral
depression, obsessive–compulsive disorder, and process.
signs of frontotemporal dementia with a course of So far there is no clear consent on the best
electroconvulsive therapy. Because of the coinci- therapeutic approach for a paraphilic disorder. In
dence of Parkinson’s disease and compulsive sexual forensic samples, the best treatment responses have
behaviour, the potential case of an individual with been achieved by the combination of psychother-
Parkinson’s disease and paedophilia is an example apy and chemical castration. But because we do not
for an ethical treatment dilemma. In this case, yet know enough about the frequency of paraphilia
administering an effective treatment to an individ- in nonforensic samples, there is a possibility that
ual may have an unwanted side-effect of impulse even coercive paraphilic sexual fantasies may exist
control impairment, with the consequence of in individuals who never act them out. In this field,
potential harm to others. Muller et al. [35] dis- further research is urgently needed.
cussed the ethical implications of potential treat-
ment of a peadophilic patient with Parkinson’s Acknowledgements
disease using principles of biomedical ethics, and
emphasized that foresight and caution are strongly
recommended in this difficult field of divergent
Financial support and sponsorship
There is evidence that sex offenders who are None.
detained or civilly committed exhibit below-aver-
age cognitive function, a fact that must be con- Conflicts of interest
sidered when planning a therapeutic approach There are no conflicts of interest.
[36]. As Brouillette-Alarie et al. [37] point out, clini-
cians in many countries now routinely use risk tools
to assess a sex offender’s risk of recidivism. The REFERENCES AND RECOMMENDED
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444 Volume 28  Number 6  November 2015

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