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1. Normocytic, normochromic type of anemia = Anemia of Chronic Renal failure

2. Hematocrit level of male = lower level associated with increased mass = 60
3. Scalp area = occipital nodes
4. Most commonly associated with polycythemia = congenital heart disease and R to L shunt
5. True of adenopathy = coexistence with splenomegaly in patient with lymphadenopathy…
6. Intravascular hemolysis + release of free Hb = acute back pain
7. MCV (>1000) = marocytosis
8. Palmar crease = <80g/L
9. Deficit in maturation of cell precursor in bone marrow fragmentation of circulating red cells =
10. Cells on bloodstream, Grayish blue = polychromasia
11. Soft, submandibular, <1 =healthy children
12. Most common site of regional adenopathy = NECK AREA
13. Patient with episodes of epistaxis, gum bleeding, easy bruising, pallor, hepatoslenomegaly =
14. Patient with pallor, yellow/sallow discoloration of skin with white sclera = CHRONIC RENAL
15. Reticulocyte count is unlikely to increase in APLASTIC ANEMIA
16. Main manifestation of hyperparathyroidisim? = polyuria, polydypsia due to increase response
to ADH
17. Effect of hyperthyroidism = varying degrees of diarrhea and muscle weakness
18. Patient with bleeding, easy bruising, splenomegaly and pallor = CHRONIC LEUKEMIA
19. DM = polyuria, polydypsia, polyphagia
20. Polycythemia with splenomegaly = POLYCYTHEMIA VERA
21. Average lifespan of RBC = 100-120 days
22. Associated with normocytic type of anemia = ANEMIA OF CHRONIC RENAL FAILURE
23. WHO definition of anemia = check Harrison 
24. EPO stimulus = availability of O2 for tissue
25. Muscle wasting, atrophy and weakness = CHRONIC HYPERCORTISOLISM
26. Not expected in patient with thyrotoxicosis – increase sensitivity to exogenous insulin
27. Trosseau’s sign,Rrossenbach, Joffroy, Von Graefe’s = definitions 
28. Expected in patient with hypothyroidism = increase concentration of serum lipids
29. Excessive secretion of ACTH - accumulation of adipose in trunk, facial
30. Not a manifestation of Cushing (female) –sorry hindi ko maintindihan sulat ko. Haha =
amenorrhea, loss of body ____
31. Addison’s =profound fatigue and pigmentation
32. Aligned with synthesis = hormone
33. Severe ____ hormone due to defect in ____ or nucleus receptor or the pathway that transducer
receptor signal
34. Pituitary tumor will produce = PALLOR and LOS S OF AXILLARY HAIR
35. Associated with increase OH secretion = DECREASED LIBIDO and POTENCY IN MALES
36. Hypercortisolism = glucose intolerance
37. Not typical of Cushing’s = hyperglycemia due to increase sensitivity to insulin
38. Triad of parathyroid, pancreatic islet, and pituitary tumor = MEN I
39. Predispose to medullary thyroid carcinoma, pheochromocytoma, hyperpara = MEN II
40. Na levels below 110-115 = neuro damage
41. Decrease of serum Na from 140-130 = thirst, anorexia, dyspnea, fatigue
42. Polydypsia, polyuria associated with decreased urine specific gravity = DIABETES INSIPIDUS
43. Increased growth hormone = bony and connective tissue hypertrophy

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