Nterfaith Onnection: Ramadan, Third Pillar of Islam Procession Shares Award With Interfaith Works

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Interfaith Works is an association of congregations, affiliated

non-profit organizations and individuals. Our purpose is to
promote interfaith understanding, and serve the community through
charitable, social and educational endeavors.


Adapted from www.whyislam.org by Mustafa
Mohamedali, Interfaith Coordinator, Islamic Center Perhaps you haven’t heard that one of Olym-
of Olympia and Interfaith Works Board Member pia’s most amazing community events earned
national recognition last month. After reviewing
The ninth month of the Islamic lunar calendar, more than 50,000 American parades and pro-
which began on August 22 this year, is known as cessions, Readers Digest chose Olympia’s
Ramadan. It begins with the new moon after which Procession of the Species as the Best in Amer-
all physically mature and healthy Muslims are ica. After learning of the honor, Director Eli
obliged to fast for the complete lunar month, as an Sterling decided to celebrate the event with a
act of worship and obedience to Allah (God). grand reception at the Procession Art Studio.
Between dawn and sunset, Muslims abstain from
all food, drink and any kind of sexual contact. In Not only did Mr. Sterling wish to celebrate the
addition to this physical component, the spiritual recognition that the procession had received,
aspects of the fast include an added emphasis on but he wanted to share that recognition with
purity of both thought and action while fasting. other local organizations making a difference in
our community. To the great surprise and delight
Islam is a continuation of the religion of of Interfaith Works staff and Board, Eli informed
Abraham, Moses and Jesus (peace be upon us IW would be awarded the 2009 Culture
them). Hence, it is not surprising to find references Sculpture Award at the August 6 reception.
to fasting in Judaism and Christianity. Other faiths
also enjoin fasting, as they recognize its spiritual Over two hundred invitees listened to music by
benefits. Fasting, universally known as a means of Scott Cossu and Jessica Blinn. The walls and
gaining self-discipline and of gaining closeness to ceiling of the studio were covered with artwork
God, is the third of the Five Pillars of Islam. The created for the procession; several artists
others are declaration of faith (Shahadah), prayer were on hand to explain or demonstrate tech-
niques of batik and luminary construction.
(Continued on page 2) (Continued on page 6)

Published Monthly by Interfaith Works, P.O. Box 1221, Olympia, WA 98507

office@interfaith-works.org  (360) 357-7224  www.Interfaith-Works.org
Ramadan (Continued from page 1) Fasting is mandatory for all Muslims from the
age of puberty who are physically and mentally
(Salah), charitable-giving (Zakah), and the able. However, Islam does not place hardship on
pilgrimage to Makkah (Hajj). Fasting, together with those for whom the fast would be too difficult: The
the other pillars, form the foundation of the faith. It sick and those traveling may defer their fast until
instills in the individual a feeling of closeness to their illness or journey is over. Pregnant women
God, encouragement of humility, modesty and and nursing mothers may also postpone the fast.
spiritual discipline, refraining from bad habits, and The very old, those who have a permanent illness,
sharing time with family, friends and especially and the mentally ill are also excused from fasting.
fulfilling social obligations in terms of charitable
The Islamic Center of Olympia frequently hosts
giving and doing good deeds at all times.
community leaders and members from other faith
The breaking of the fast (known as Iftar) consists traditions to break the fast together to raise
of taking an odd number of dried dates, following awareness and outreach in the local community.
the tradition of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be The Center has the privilege of a visiting Imam Sh.
upon him). It is common to have one meal (known Awal who is a Hafiz originally from Ghana and will
as Suhoor), just before sunrise and another (Iftar), be accompanied by our own Imam Sh. Twahiru
directly after sunset. Ramadan strengthens the and other upcoming youth leaders in leading the
community: Muslims invite one another for the Iftar congregational and Friday prayers. Fund-raising
meals, share the Qur’an and the traditions of the efforts will also be conducted during this month to
prophet thereby creating awareness and conclude the new mosque project which is nearing
friendship among neighbors, families and friends. completion.
Many people also take Iftar to the mosque to
The festival of Eid-al-Fitr, which marks the end of
share with the community, especially the poor and
Ramadan, will be described in next month’s issue.

Yummy desserts and interesting items or services for Interfaith Works Silent Auction
Fundraiser, to take place Saturday, October 10 at First Christian Church (7th and
Franklin) from 7:00—9:00 p.m.. The auction is silent but we won't be. Bring friends
and family for a fun evening of tasting desserts, socializing, and supporting the work and pro-
grams of Interfaith Works. We'll provide music and light beverages.
Do you have a favorite dessert you’d like to show off? We’d love to taste it! If you’d be willing to
contribute two identical desserts (one for tasting, one for auctioning), or artwork, guitar lessons, a
trip for two to Paris, or any other intriguing item, please contact Kathleen Peppard at 705-2527 or
kathleenjan@comcast.net. And be sure to save the date; October 10!

According to the January 2009 Homeless 1. Thirteen local congregations currently host
Census, there are 257 more homeless and staff the Emergency Overflow Shelter;
households, and 387 more homeless some only in the winter, others both winter and
individuals in our county than at the same time summer. Many of them host Camp Quixote as
last year. well. Those congregations are providing a
tremendous service of compassion and should
The total number of homeless counted be thanked at every opportunity. They are
in the census is 1016 individuals,
 Community for Interfaith Celebration
and 20% of those are children
 First Christian Church of Olympia
under 17 years of age.
 First United Methodist Church
 Gloria Dei Lutheran Church
County school districts reported 806 children  Lacey Presbyterian Church
enrolled in school were homeless. The number  Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd
one reason given for their homelessness was  Olympia Unitarian Universalist Congregation
the inability to pay rent or mortgage.  St. John’s Episcopal Church
 St. Michael Catholic Parish
Salvation Army of Olympia announced last
 Temple Beth Hatfiloh
month that effective August 1, they will no
 The United Churches of Olympia
longer offer shelter space to families. Families
 Westminster Presbyterian Church
already in residence will be allowed to stay for
 Westwood Baptist Church.
the time originally agreed upon, but no longer.
That’s seven family rooms gone; about 35 What about the other approximately 160
beds no longer available to families. congregations in Thurston County? Certainly,
some do not have a facility that could be used,
Thank goodness for the new Summer
but many do. And those who cannot provide a
Overflow Shelter program made possible by
site could still provide volunteer staff. If your
the partnership of Interfaith Works with Family
congregation is not already a participant in the
Support Shelter. Under the energetic
Overflow Shelter Program, summer or winter,
management of Phil Owen, the shelter has
won’t you investigate the possibility of their
been operating since June 1. And although
getting involved? If your congregation is willing
early use was low, word of the shelter spread
to contribute operating costs, provide a shelter
quickly. Presently, the shelter is filled to
site, or provide volunteer hosts, please contact
capacity almost every night.
Interfaith Works (360-357-7224) or Phil Owen
The summer program runs through October (360-754-9297 x 200).
31. The winter program will resume November

Diane Pieroni
Unity Church of Olympia is pleased to application, resume, responses to the essay
announce our new minister, The Reverend questions, and an audio/video tape of a sample
Deborah Olive. Her first Sunday with us will be sermon. The Hello Committee evaluated each
November 1, 2009. She has been an ordained applicant independently using a scoring system
Unity Minister for 16 years and is coming from a and repeated this prayer through the process
Unity Church in Raleigh, North Carolina. and invited the congregation to join them.
The process of calling in the next minster at Spirit lights our way and guides us in
Unity Church of Olympia began a year ago ways that are right and good for
when the “Hello Committee” first began to meet. Unity of Olympia. We let go and let
As part of the Association of Unity Churches we the activity of Holy Spirit choose our
received their guidance and a recommended next minister and we give thanks.
process to follow. Seven finalists were chosen for panel, phone
We were advised that it would be good to take interviews. Three were chosen to come for an
six months to a year before a choice should be interview weekend. We invited a couple, a
made. Our last Minister, Anna Joy Grace had woman from Missouri and Deborah.
been with us for ten years and this time Each candidate sat with our Council of Trustees
between ministers allowed us time to let go, and for a formal interview, shared dinner with our
come to find out who we were after this long leadership, led our Sunday service with a
and strong relationship. meditation and sermon and a workshop of their
The Association sent us a detailed packet to choosing on Sunday afternoon! It was a very
complete. We spent time as a congregation busy weekend for all. Our congregation was
discerning what we wanted in our new minister asked for their feedback showing their level of
and getting clear about our vision of the future. support for each candidate. All were well
Completing all of the parts of the packet helped received and each had wonderful qualities. We
us to come to know ourselves better. We saw were proud to have drawn such great
ourselves as a congregation with a solid possibilities. However it was clear to the
foundation and ready to become more involved congregation, the Hello Committee, and Council
with our community. that Deborah Olive was the right and perfect
choice. As per our By-Laws the Council of
When our packet was completed the Trustees made the final choice which was
Association of Unity Churches posted the job unanimous on the first vote.
opening nationally. When it closed we had
received 18 applications from around the United Beginning’s are always exciting! We don’t know
States. We requested a cover letter, completed exactly what is before us however we believe that
we have said yes to God and are ready to go!
Kathleen McTigue (adapted) The All-Souls Unitarian Universalist
Community, located at 6326 Martin
We gather today as a diverse body of people from Way E, Suite 103 in Lacey, is offering
many faith traditions. classes beginning in September.
We do not speak the same language of worship. In Search of the Soul 1:
We follow different teachings, I Am A Strange Loop
made known to us by sacred voices and scriptures Begins Sunday, Sept. 6, 9:30 a.m.
through the ages.
We do not offer the same prayers, What is the nature of thinking? How
nor do we even use the same word, or any word at is it related to our bodies? Our
all, brains? This class will explore the
to speak the name of God. book by Douglas Hofstadter, inves-
tigating the nature of human think-
Nevertheless, we gather together in meetings, in
ing and the soul. For information,
sometimes in worship. call 491-5861.
In our gathering, we honor and celebrate our In Search of the Soul 2:
diversity. Freedom and Conscious Choice
We do not seek a unity that would deny our Begins Monday, Sept. 7, 7-9 p.m.
What is the soul? The Self? Con-
We seek rather a deeper union, a union woven
sciousness? This series of classes
through choice and intent,
through time and attention, will investigate what contemporary
through respect and compassion, scientists and philosophers say
until we recognize that we have become a whole about these questions, and provide
cloth, ample opportunity for dialog. For
a cloth made rich and textured and vibrant through information, call 491-5861.
our differences.
All Souls Chamber Choir
Today, we sit at the loom, Begins Thurs., Sept. 10, 6-7:30 p.m.
and continue weaving that cloth, together.
Fred Wilson, All Soul’s new Music
Director, and Carlene Cloud, pian-
(As read at a recent Interfaith Works Board of ist/accompanist extend a warm invi-
Directors retreat). tation to all interested singers. Con-
tact frederickwwilson@aol.com.


The Olympia Unitarian Universalist On Sunday, August 9, members of First Chris-

Congregation is offering a varied line up of 21 tian Church of Olympia dedicated much of their
fall Adult Education classes, including: newly redecorated lower level as shelter space
Beyond Theology, Death with Dignity, Focus for the homeless. Pastor Mary Olney-Loyd’s ser-
on Artists, Contemplative Drumming, Myths mon, drawn from Ephesians 5, focused on the
and Joseph Campbell, Low Carbon Diet admonition to be kind to one another, connecting
Ecoteams, Knitting-The Basics, Introduction to the scriptural charge to be tenderhearted and the
Non-Violent Communication, The Story and congregation’s devotion to serving the homeless.
History of Witches, Personal Ecological Following the morning service, everyone gath-
Autobiography Writing, Prayer Practice, ered in the shelter space for a prayerful dedica-
Meditation and more. tion by Pastor Mary and words of praise and
For a full listing of classes, view the brochure congratulations from project chairperson Judy
on-line at www.ouuc.org/pages/adultRE.html Gregorius. Also on hand for the celebration were
or call the church office at 360-786-6383 to Phil Owen, Homeless Outreach Coordinator for
request a brochure be mailed. Family Support Center, and Interfaith Works Ex-
ecutive Director, Kathy Erlandson.
Award (Continued from page 1) Since Spring, congregational leaders have been
in negotiation with Phil about using the church
Among the fea- facility for the Summer Overflow Shelter. Now,
tured speakers after weeks of clearing, cleaning, shuffling and
were Senator painting, five large rooms and several lavatories
Karen Fraser, are shiny-bright and ready for use. The Overflow
and Thurston Shelter will be housed in the space for ten
County Commis- weeks, August 7 – October 16, during which time
sioners Sandra members of several other faith communities will
Romero and provide volunteer hosts. This arrangement is a
Karen Valenzuela, who presented the Culture real blessing, as it alleviates the need to move
Sculpture Award to Interfaith Works Executive the shelter from site to site, as is done in winter.
Director Kathy Erlandson. “Procession of the
Species and Interfaith Works have something Our whole community owes a debt of gratitude to
in common”, she responded. “Both are build- First Christian Church for their generosity and
ing community. And just as the procession commitment. Persons wishing to volunteer, or
celebrates the diversity in the natural world, contribute to the Summer Overflow Shelter,
Interfaith Works celebrates the diversity of should contact Phil Owen at 754-9297 x 200.
faith traditions in our community.”
A listing of some of the activities and events of Interfaith Works members, affiliated organizations, and of general interest.
IW does not necessarily endorse these events. More details and events at www.Interfaith-Works.org.

September 9 Good Food: Sustainable Food and Farming in the Pacific Northwest (DVD). Followed by a
Wednesday panel presentation and discussion with 3 local food organizations. Presented by Interfaith
7—9 pm Works Earth Stewards & Earth Care Catholics. Traditions Café, 300 5th Ave SW, Olympia.
September 10 World Day of Prayer. 12 Hour Prayer Vigil. Unity of Olympia, 1335 Fern St SW. Drop-in
Thursday meditation 10-12, 1-5. Dancing 12-1. Dinner 5:30 ($5.00). Movie 6-8:30. Closing ceremony
9 am—9 pm 8:30. For schedule details, see http://www.unityofolympia.org/
September 12 Introduction to Centering Prayer. We need those times of prayer when we listen in si-
Saturday lence, not just with our ears, eyes and minds, but more with our hearts and whole being.
9:15 am-3 pm $50. Registration info: Priory Spirituality Center. 360-438-2595. www.stplacid.org.
September 13 Celebration: Interfaith. Building bridges of peace through understanding using music,
Sunday message and meditation. 2nd Sunday of the month. Unity of Tacoma, 2102 S 23rd St,
6:00 pm Tacoma, WA 98405. Info: 253-383-2684 or 253-226-1635.
September 14 The Northwest Detention Center and how you can help those inside. Join Lori Alward
Monday for a presentation on the west coast’s largest immigrant detention center located in Ta-
7-9 pm coma. Olympia Unitarian Universalist Congregation, 2200 East End St NW.
September 25 30-hour Hospice Volunteer Training offered by Providence SoundHomeCare and Hos-
Friday + more pice The training takes place over three days and two evenings. For information and to
Call for times register, call Volunteer Coordinator Debe Edden at 360-493-4689.
September 26 19th Annual Thurston County AIDS Walk. Approximately 2 miles, begins at Sylvester
Saturday Park. Registration begins at 10 am; Walk begins at 11 am. Proceeds support AIDS/HIV
10 am prevention and care programs. Info and registration: www.olyaidswalk.com, 352-2375.
September 27 South Sound Buddhist Peace Fellowship Open Meeting. SSBPF includes members of
Sunday the local Buddhist community engaging in the Buddhist path of right action in regard to
3:30-5 pm working for peace, justice and social change. Location and info: Robert 357-2825.
October 10 A Tasteful Auction. A silent auction of exquisite desserts & other wondrous things. Light
Saturday refreshments. Live music. Scintillating conversation. Please come, and invite your friends.
7–9 pm First Christian Church (7th & Franklin). All proceeds to benefit Interfaith Works.
October 15-17 40-Hour Mediation Training with the Dispute Resolution Center of Thurston County;
and 22-24. training to be held in Downtown Olympia. For more information see http://
5-9; 8:30-5:30 www.mediatethurston.org or call (360) 956-1155.
October 15 Clergy and Lay Leader Training to Help Returning Veterans. Free workshop about
Thursday issues facing our military families, such as TBI, suicide, drug abuse, divorce, PTSD. At St.
10 am—2 pm Matthews Lutheran Church, Renton. Lunch included. Contact DorisWaggoner@juno.com.

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Support Interfaith Works with a Paid Ad $10

Congratulations, TOGETHER!
Saturday, October 10,
7:00 - 9:00 p.m. Celebrating 20 years of mobilizing Thurston
First Christian Church (7th and Franklin) County to prevent substance abuse and violence
through awareness, advocacy and action.
What’s happening?
 A silent auction of exquisite desserts
and other wondrous things Washington Interfaith Power & Light,
 Light refreshments part of a national movement that is 28 states
 Live music strong and growing, offers a number of ways for
faith communities to evaluate and reduce their
 Scintillating conversation energy consumption. It is led by Jews, Christians,
Muslims, Buddhists and other faithful individuals
Please come, and congregations across the state.
and invite your friends! To learn more, visit http://www.earthministry.org/
All proceeds to benefit Interfaith Works programs/waipl.

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