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United States History Course Syllabus – U.S.

History 200

Instructors: Mrs. Moore (smoore2@hemetusd.k12.ca.us)

Mr. Hannem (thannem@hemetusd.k12.ca.us)
Mr. Bradshaw (jebradsh@hemetusd.k12.ca.us)

Course Description

Welcome to United States History. This class is a ten-unit, one-year course required for high school
graduation and meets the A-G requirements for Cal State and UCs. . The course is based on the
California Department of Education Social Studies Framework and Standards, which emphasizes
twentieth-century United States history.

Expected Schoolwide Learning Results (ESLRs – WVHS)

W – Writing Across the Curriculum

V – Variety of Opportunities
H – Higher-Level Thinking
S – Successful Students

Student Standards

Semester One 11.1 The Foundations of the American Republic

11.2 The Industrial Age and Progressive Response
11.3 The Ongoing Influence of Religion
11.4 American Imperialism
11.5 The Roaring Twenties
11.6 The Great Depression and the New Deal
11.7 America in World War II

Semester Two 11.8 The Cold War

11.9 The Civil Rights Movement
11.10 Contemporary American Society

Grading Policy

Your U.S. History semester and year grade will be divided into five categories. Your letter grade
will follow the district guidelines.

 Notebook/Homework —bookwork and classwork 20%

 Assessments—quizzes, unit tests, projects 50%
 Step Up To Writing—writing assignments 20%
 Final Exam—end of semester final exam 10%


It will be necessary for students to have paper, pencils, and a notebook with them in class each

Consistent attendance is vital for optimum learning to take place. Parents and students need to
understand that the state of California only counts attendance for students who are actually
physically, in class. Please schedule doctor and dental appointments after school hours and
schedule family vacations to coincide with school breaks. Your cooperation insures the best
education for your child and supports the teacher and our school. If an emergency arises and your
student must be taken from school for a significant amount of time, have the student complete an
independent study form.

Late Work/Make-up Work

Students are responsible for all of the work done in the classroom everyday regardless of
absences for any reason. Check with your teacher on how to make-up assignments and how to
find out exactly what you missed. The district policy for make-up work is two days for each day
of absence. Work can only be made up for excused absences. Late work may be accepted at
reduced credit.

Missed tests may be taken within one week from the missed test. Students may be required to
complete a review worksheet to make-up a failed examination. Students who are not meeting
U.S. History standards may be subject to interventions.

Classroom Expectations

In this classroom, I am the teacher and you are the students, but this is our classroom and I do not
want anyone to feel uncomfortable or unwelcome in it.
 Do not cheat, lie, steal, plagiarize or otherwise insult my intelligence and your integrity.
 Water is allowed in this class as long as it does not interrupt the learning process.
Students who are unable to enjoy their beverage while learning will lose this privilege.
 Cell phones are not allowed. If your communication device goes off during class, you
will get one warning and any class time wasted will be made up at the end of the period.
If it goes off a second time, the school policy will be implemented.
 Use the bathroom before or after class.
 Please conduct yourself with pride and intelligence. Do not insult me, your fellow
classmates or anyone in the world for that matter. From time to time, we will discuss
touchy subjects in this class.
 Act appropriately – do not use cuss words or insulting phrases.
 The most important guidelines are posted at the front of the room. Please follow them.

Please sign to show you acknowledge this syllabus, and then review this syllabus with your
parent or guardian, and have them sign to show they understand your responsibilities.

Student Name (print): _______________________________________

Student Signature: _______________________________________

Parent/Guardian Signature: _________________________________

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