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Evolution of muslim society has been asked in general in subcontent...

religiously, socially, culturally, economically and politically.....

You will start with religous evolution as there was no islam in 712 before
MBQ attacked Subcontinent but despite being minority, the influence of
islam was so mighty that, muslims ruled over india about 1000 years.... they
evolved with the religious efforts of saints like data ganj bakhsh, imam
rabbani, sufi silsilas, shah wali ullah and other prominent figures .....
you will discuss the prominent muslim rulers of india and the cultural
glory of mughals and architecture and then you will end up making an
ideology of muslim's own sphere....

2-establishment of muslim nationalism in sub continennt?

It is quite common question you may go like that;

ideology of Islam, ideology of Pakistan and how it evolved, background

will contain the separate identity seeds sowed by imam rabbani, then shah
wali ullah gave the insights then sir syed who played a vital role in reviving
muslim nationalism and in fact he was pioneer of 2 nation theory, his
philosophy will be discussed and his struggle of education and political
participation of aligarh movement that ultimately made ML stronger, iqbal,
jinnah who actually made the Pakistan movement a pragmatic reality from
a dream....
so you will go this way covering not only religious, social awakening and
educational outlook and political identity but Muslim community as a
separate nation in united India as well...

hope your ambiguity is resolved....

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