GSM Alarm Device Disaster Warning: A Early

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First International Conference on Industrial and Information Systems, ICIIS 2006, 8 - 11 August 2006, Sri Lanka


Gamini Jayasinghe, Farazy Fahmy, Nuwan Gajaweera, Dileeka Dias
Dialog - University of Moratuwa Mobile Communications Research Laboratory
University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka

Abstract - The paper describes the design and be generated, and the ineffectiveness of this method in
development of an alarm device that can disseminate network congestion.
disaster early warnings to threatened communities over A novel approach for such a system has been adopted by
the GSM network. The device is capable of generating WorldSpace Inc in collaboration with Raytheon
audible, high-volume alarms, flashlights and turning on Corporation [3], which utilizes a combination of satellite
an in-built radio in response to a warning messagefrom technology and radios for warning. Warning messages are
an authorized entity via GSM's short message service transmitted by satellites, which are in turn picked up by the
(SMS) or cell broadcast (CB). so called satellite radio units. This would trigger a radio to
The design of the device follows international guidelines be turned on, which will then be heard by the public.
on emergency communications, such as the ability to The Alarm Device proposed in this paper is based on a
reach a large number ofpeople veryfast, awaken sleeping similar concept. However, the warning will be delivered
communities, and be able to acknowledge warning over the ubiquitous GSM Network, via a technique that
messages. The alarm has been designed as a last-mile would not cause or be affected by network congestion.
technology in a larger Disaster Early Warning network
(DEWN). It is intended to be place in selected locations II. GSM FOR WARNING
such as police stations, places of religious places and
In an emergency situation fixed or mobile phone networks
community centres. will get congested within a short period of time. Therefore
Thus the DEWN System and thus the Alarm Device congestion problem is a very serious weakness of the
presents a unique opportunity to test the concept of "GSM PSTN/PLMN in any emergency situation. Therefore on no
for Warning ". account should the PLMN or PSTN be considered the
primary communication medium for any disaster
I. INTRODUCTION management system.
Following the natural disaster that engulfed the Sri Lankan The "Pre-emptive capability" is a feature of most mobile
costal belt on the 26th of December 2004, Dialog Telekom switches [1] can be used to get priority on special accounts.
Ltd., the Dialog-UOM Mobile Communications Research In such a case a regular subscriber's call will be dropped to
Laboratory and Microimage (Pvt) Ltd. initiated a allow a high priority subscriber to make a call. SMS
collaborative effort to develop a reliable early warning doesn't use voice traffic channels to pass the message. The
dissemination system for the country, as part of their bottleneck in this case would be the message handling
contribution towards the national effort to avert loss of life capacity of the SMS Center (SMSC). Since a store-and-
in future emergency situation. forward mechanism is employed, in a high load scenario,
Research and development was focused on the GSM family the delay of the SMS may vary from a few seconds to few
of technologies. In line with the international hours. By employing a priority scheme, this delay can be
standardization activities related to emergency minimized up to a few minutes, thus making SMS more
communications, the system was designed to have a CAP reliable than voice calls under emergency situations.
(Common Alert Protocol) - compliant delivery Cell Broadcast Messages (CBM) is a useful feature found
mechanism[8]. in GSM [5]. With CBM, a text message is transmitted on a
In each country, information on an emergency situation is downlink only stream to all mobiles registered with the
received by a relevant authority, Currently, The modes of target base station.
disseminating the warning are Television, Radio, Cellular Since CBM does not use a regular traffic channel, it is not
Phones, PSTN, and Satellite-based systems. prone to blocking, and is therefore very useful for mass
If the warning arrives late at night when people are asleep, messaging, for example warning the public on a mass scale.
media such as television and radio will be ineffective. Unlike SMS, CBMs can only be generated by the CBM
Center. Since authorized users alone can generate CBMs,
Alternatively the warning message can be delivered by the security and reliability of a CBM based massed alerting
fixed or mobile phones. This is not practical as a mass-alert system is far superior to a SMS. The disadvantage of CBM
system due to the large number of calls that would have to is its broadcast nature. Unlike SMS which can be used to
1-4244-0322- 7/06/$20. 00 C2006 IEEE
First International Conference on Industrial and Information Systems, ICIIS 2006, 8 - 11 August 2006, Sri Lanka

alert selected users the CBM would be received by the It is likely that entities authorized to generate warning
masses, and could create mass hysteria if people are not messages through the DEWN, will be informed of
properly trained in disaster response impending of emergency situations early. Thus it is fair to
assume that the messages can be disseminated to the
III. THE DEWN SYSTEM corresponding Alarms before the network gets congested
The Disaster Emergency Warning Network (DEWN)[4] is or, perhaps destroyed.
based entirely on widely available mobile communications V. FEATURES OF THE DEVICE
technologies such as Short Messages (SMS) and Cell
Broadcast Messages (CBM), aimed at rendering a cost The overall capabilities of this Alarm Device are as
effective and reliable mass alert system. follows;
The system is compliant with CAP [8], which enables the 1. It may be triggered by either SMS or a CBM.
authorized entity to distribute the same warning message to 2. Once triggered the device will display the message on
multiple media (radio and TV broadcast stations, cellular an LCD, emit an audible alarm, flash a light and/or
networks, satellite radio systems, fixed telephone networks turn on an in-built radio in response to the trigger.
etc.) in one operation. 3. Responds only to warning message in a pre-
DEWN comprises of two basic elements - i.e. the DEWN determined format and generated by a recognized
Server and DEWN Clients. The DEWN Server will reside source.
in a secure facility and will be used by authorized persons 4. A hotline number can be sent with message which the
to generate warning messages via SMS or CBM. The device can dial that number and make a call for more
DEWN Clients are the intended recipients of the above information/instructions.
mentioned messages. Upon reception of the messages the 5. A serial interface to allow communication with a PC
clients will take necessary measures to inform the users of for logging, debugging and firmware upgrade
the system about the warning. The DEWN Clients are purposes.
twofold. They are a Java/Symbion application for mobile
phones developed by Microimage (Pvt) Ltd and the DEWN 6. Facilities to test the device locally and remotely to
Alarm Device discussed in this paper. verify that it is functional.
7. The device is powered from the mains supply under
The authors present DEWN as one of many technologies normal operation, and includes a backup for operation
that should exist, to ensure redundancy in the event of a in the absence of mains power failure.
disaster. The newly standardized CAP ensures that multiple
8. The device is portable.
media can be used simltaneously for early warning.
The Alarm Device (Alarm) will be registered with the
DEWN and will be located in police stations and identified
religious/social community centers around the island. A
responsible authority would generate an alarm message
from the DEWN controlling centre, which would be
received by mobile phones as well as Alarm Devices.
Once a warning message is received, the Alarm Device
responds by either emitting an audible alarm, by flashing a
light or by turning on a radio as directed by the message.
The device will also include a call back function, which
will allow the users to call a dynamic hotline, in order to
get more information.
SMS Based alerting is used to activate selected
Alarms/Individuals, while the CBM is used to activate all
Alarms. Figure 1. Block Diagram of the Alarm Device.

The message types employed in the DEWN are two fold. Figure 1 shows a block diagram of the alarm device, and
Warning messages, which carry the actual alerts, can either Figure 2 a photograph.
be sent as a SMS or a CBM. Administration messages on The Microcontroller and the GSM module are the key
the other hand will only employ SMS. This allows the components of the Alarm Device. A suitable
Alarm and thus DEWN to benefit from the advantages of microcontroller was selected after taking various factors
both type of messaging systems for each purpose. such as reliability, ruggedness, and ease of use into
consideration. The microcontroller also houses a multitude
of peripheral devices such as internal program flash
1-4244-0322- 7/06/$20. 00 C2006 IEEE
First International Conference on Industrial and Information Systems, ICIIS 2006, 8 - 11 August 2006, Sri Lanka

memory, Data Memory, general purpose I/0, and alarm in daily life, thus enabling them to keep the device in
USARTS. The firmware for the device was developed working order. The radio in this alarm can be turned on/off
using C, and the popular ARV-GCC C compiler was locally as well via the Radio button.
As the name suggests the TEST button is used to start a test
The GSM core used in the design was a popular, stable sequence. This sequence tests the display, the radio and the
GSM modem module. The Microcontroller initializes, flashlight. It is recommended to carry out this test monthly,
controls and communicates with the GSM module using to ensure that it is operational in the event of an emergency.
AT commands [7] issued through serial interface.
The LCD button can be used to turn the LCD back light
Once in operation, the GSM module listens for any ON, to read text on the LCD screen when the ambient light
incoming SMS messages or CBMs. CBM-based warning level is low. This light automatically goes off after a few
messages will be broadcast on a predetermined dedicated seconds, and automatically turns on when a message
logical broadcast channel. Upon the reception of a CBM or arrives.
an SMS, a notification will be sent by the GSM module to
the microcontroller. The Microcontroller in turn will read The optional Ack button is to be used to send an
and processes the message. If the message is from an acknowledgement to the DEWN Server that the particular
authorized source (in case of SMS) and conforms to a given message has been received. Once this button is pressed the
format the Alarm Device will be triggered - i.e. the audible Alarm and the light turn off if they were triggered by the
alarm, the light and/or radio will be turned on. message.

The alarm device is designed to power up from the mains The optional Call button can be used to make a call to a
supply. In case of a mains failure the device is equipped hotline number which can be sent as a part of the warning
with a back up battery as a secondary power source. This message. If the recipient wants to get more
battery is capable of powering the device for approximately information/instructions he/she can press the Call button
seven hours. A battery was selected for this purpose after and make a call. The Ack and Call functions might lead to
considering the size, cost, durability and maintenance free network congestion if used indiscriminately.
operation. The LCD is used to display text messages. These are
The power supply unit is designed to provide regulated DC displayed in English as the available character displays do
voltages required by the circuit components, to support the not support local languages.
GSM transmit bursts and to satisfy the requirements of the The radio can be tuned to any FM channel in the
battery charger. commercial FM band. But it is possible to pre-tune it to a
Five push button switches called Call, Ack, LCD, Test and specific emergency channel if such exists.
Radio. Their functions are given in Table 1. An audio amplifier is used to amplify the signal generated
TABLE 1 by the microcontroller and match the speaker for maximum
power transfer. The Microcontroller is programmed to
Functions of push buttons on the DEWN Alarm Device generate two different types of audio signals. Either
Button Name Function continuous tone or the siren tone can be selected by
Radio To turn ON/OFF Radio
changing the corresponding field in the warning message.
The Siren tone is intended to awaken and attract the
Test To start the test sequence attention of people in an extreme urgent situation.
LCD To turn ON LCD backlight The light is also useful to get the attention of people in a
To send acknowledgement less severe situation, for example, if there is a non-urgent
Ack message to be sent to a particular location only the light can
(This turns off Alarm and Light)
be turned on remotely. So the recipient can become aware
To call for more information in the event that there is a message on the LCD screen.
Call of an emergency
There is serial interface to connect the device to a PC. This
(This turns off Alarm and Light) interface is originally designed for debugging purposes. But
The built in radio can be used to get more information in an this same interface can be used to generate a log of received
emergency situation. A knob is provided to enable tuning messages, which can then be written to a log file through a
of the radio. Thus the device can be tuned to a radio PC.
channel that will constantly be broadcasting information
and instructions in case of an emergency. This radio would VII. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
be most useful for further instructions on evacuation. In the
event that there is a pre-allocated channel for emergency The pilot phase of the country's first ever National Disaster
communications, all the alarm devices can be pre-tuned to Warning Network was launched [4] 14th of November
this channel. The in-built radio allows the users to use 2005 at the Ministry of Public Security, Law and Order.
1-4244-0322- 7/06/$20. 00 C2006 IEEE
First International Conference on Industrial and Information Systems, ICIIS 2006, 8 - 11 August 2006, Sri Lanka

Also this device was successfully tested at the Last-Mile demonstrated through practical implementation, has
Hazard Warning System (LM-HWS) work shop at enormous impact on the evolution of an effective
Thalpitya [2]. Wider testing the DEWN technology technology for this purpose. Therefore, the benefit is
including the device is currently underway. tremendous, both from social and economic standpoints.
Several aspects for the DEWN alarm require further study The GSM Network covers a significant part of the country,
and improvement. Principle among these is encryption. while all operators are expanding their coverage at this
To improve its compatibility with the Common Alerting time. Very soon, the country will have almost 100%
Protocol, further improvements to the DEWN is in coverage.
progress. Also, at feasibility to implement voice mail as an Thus, the DEWN and the alarm device would not require
alternative to the call back facility is being studied. A any special infrastructure, and thus would be easy to
digital tuner for automatically tuning of the built-in radio to implement, and more economical for early warnings than a
a particular channel is being studied. dedicated system which may be rarely used.
The use of GSM for emergency communications is gaining Though the DEWN is a response to the Tsunami disaster of
momentum internationally. It is hoped that through this December 2004, it is by nature general purpose. The use of
initiative the concept of GSM for warning, the DEWN CAP for message generation and the use of the ubiquitous
concept and the alarm will be thoroughly tested, improved GSM technology ensures this. As a consequence, DEWN
and optimized, leading up to its deployment nationally.. is a general purpose network for any disaster where early
warning is possible.
Various parts of Sri Lanka are seriously affected from time
to time by natural disasters such as floods and landslides.
The situation is worse in many neighbouring countries,
being also subjected to frequent cyclones and earthquakes.
Though such disasters are recurrent, no effective early
warning system is in place, and loss of life and property
results every time. Thus, the potential of using DEWN
alarm as a last mile early warning device for natural
disasters in the South/Southeast Asian region is significant.
The authors are thankful of Dialog Telekom's sponsorship
of this research, as well as their guidance towards
developing and promoting an innovative, timely and
relevant GSM-based technology. Microimage (Pvt.) Ltd.
has been a very cooperative and encouraging partner of the
team. The support of the 118 Centre of the Ministry of
Public Security and Law and Order, LIRNEAsia , and
Sarvodaya, have been of great value in implementation,
testing and improvement of our efforts.
Figure 2 The Alarm Device [1] Handbook on Emergency Telecommunications, ITU, 2005 edition.
VIII. CONCLUSION [2] Evaluating Last-Mile Hazard Information Dissemination (HazInfo)
This paper proposes a novel way of using the existing GSM , LIRNEasia
infrastructure for warning. In this paper we propose a GSM
based warning dissemination unit, the DEWN Alarm [3] Divakar Goswami, Satellite Radio for Hazard Warning
Demonstrated to Sir Arthur Clark,
Device. htp/w w1Jresane 05I I /ste**ll_i1Itet-*adi*-for11-haadwrig
demonstrated.-to-sir-arthurclark/ LIRNEasia
The December 2004 Tsunami claimed the life of 1 in 500
Sri Lankans, and over 350,000 across South Asia. It is now [4] The Ceylon Daily News, "Dialog, Ministry launch Disaster and
known in hindsight, that though a Tsunami warning was Emergency Warning Network (DEWN)", 17th November 2005,
generated, there was no mechanism in place for this to be
relayed to the vulnerable communities. Of particular [5] The Cellular Emergency Alert Systems Association International
Secretariat (CEASA-INT),
significance is the fact that there was ample time for the
people along the Southern and South-Western cost of Sri [6]
Lanka to be warned and evacuated after the Tsunami strike [7] ETSI, lt , AT command set for GSM Mobile
on the Eastern coast, had there been a mechanism for early Equipment (ME) (GSM 07.05 & 07.07)
warning. The DEWN, being the first early warning network
1-4244-0322- 7/06/$20. 00 C2006 IEEE
First International Conference on Industrial and Information Systems, ICIIS 2006, 8 - 11 August 2006, Sri Lanka

[8] OASIS Open, Common Alerting Protocol, V 1.1,. htpwe, October 2005

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