D-Practical Yield Design

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found. Thne an: lhrorttically an infinite number of pCIS.

'iblc lower bound

~uliQm for a ,,'"eD plale. ~""h bred on a <fuIrlbulion of" """""nil thai
salisfies lhe mjuin:menu. In \hoe wicl limil analysis of, given slab oroe K(:Q
\hoe distribution of mOlllentS Ihat gives !he hi~ ••nd \hm:fore [(]()!;I nearly
CUltxl. ultima~ 1nIId. II is 10 be IlOkd lhat the ~Laslic Iheofy di,tribulion of
momenlJ fillin, within the strength of the slab llCClions is. in fact •• poMiblc
kwo~ bound solution becauSl: ;t Sliisfin the tqIIilibrium condilion< and the
boulldary conditions. The cla5tic tbcuy I1lOOIeIllS an: ptoportiooalto the cur·
vatUfU at the slab i«Iion!;. and I.hen:fore only one distribution of elastic:
tbto y IllOffltnlJ il poe.siblc for a given "IOII>tm t~ity. However. in p1Wic
tbtoyany number of 1III0llleni distribution. are poIISiblc. because in the pl a.<lic
fllIIgc the tnOI,,,,nlS do IIIJ( depend on the curvalurt . Wood M bas sh o.... n thai
slabs ",infor«d \0 follow \hoe elastic !beofy momentS &i~e surprisingly good
minimum $Ioel solutions ""hid! ",ill alto satisfy !lerVK:cability mjU irtmenlll
" "ell because the steel SIrNSe$ at ~ \oM! will be nnrl y unif"",, ItIld noI
show locally high Vlllues.
If a distribution of moments is theMn that il diffcm>t from the clastic
It..... T diSlribution. moment rcdiSlribution mIlS! oocur befOR. the ulti .... te load
is ",,,,,hed. [n fact, eYlm elastic Ibwty deJigns will mjuirt JOme moment
rediwibution unless the momeDIll u..... 10 design l1li: mnfon:emenl an: Nscd
on the complex distribution of Sliff, n I prest'nt in the sl.b .ncr Cl'lCkin,
of ronc:n:IC has occurTCd at l1li: bighly 51 .......,., "'Jions, Therefore. limit anal-
ysis solutions I;aJI only be appli<:d to ",inforced concrete slabs with ",,,,,,,,,,bl y
ductile .!«lions.
The momenl-<u....... tun: n:lation~;p for an cknm! of a Iypical "'infon:cd
slab il illu~ in Fla:. S.l. The t~ has an appro~i""ldy trilinear shape.
ron!iWing of an initial linear ponion up to tim ",addo, of" l1li: concrete. IIII:n
a line. ponion up 10 fi~ yielding of the tcnsion stoel. rolkwo'ed by a n:gion
.... here the moment ",mai", pncti<:ally constant ne ... II.. ultimate moment of

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tho s.W.. but may be different for tho reinfOttement in tho 1"'- 0 di~lions:md
differenl for reinfOtte .... nl in tho top and bottom of tho slab. For.uch . Iabo
tho ultimale .nOlllent of resistance per unit ",·idth win ha"" a ronslam value
aIon, ."y .mighl line in tho plane of tho , lab. Usually. tho ",infOtte"",nl i.
placed in lwo di~ at n iht an,1es. .Ad this "in be the main ca.<oe coo-
.~. In """'" C~ il i, Wi' rtnient for the"'&Ie between the reinfOttemcnt
directions 10 be other tlIan 90'. wch as in skew slabs. and thi s case will also
be Wi1Sido:mi 1m< in the chaptt •. Yoeld line anaIysi. of slabs with """uni_
formly diwibutcd reinforce .... '" is allO possibk. but ttlere an some extra
problems. and the "" ...:eun have not toeen ,e~i;mlto the u lenl that they
ha"" toeen for uniformly diwibuted ",infOlce .. ","'.

7.2.2 DuctIlity of!Mlob Mctlons

lloe Wllfi,uration or """''''n~ in a slab at the ultimate load depends "" the
nUUJ1l1 >In'ngth of the slab K'CIions as ,,>:11 .. 011 the Ioadin, and the bouAd .
...,. conditions. Si,nificant mliwibution of bendilll !nOmentS may be neces·
lilt)' 10 dc"clop the roIlapse medwlil<tD. Thi, implies thac the slab sections
should be ductile eOOllgh 10 allow plaWc rotation 10 oocu. It the critical
sections "Me tbe plaSlic hingilll dertlops througbottt tloe s lab. lloe I",ilable
ductility is dependent "" the 5hap: of tho .. ooo'''iiI-<:urvanore relalion!>llil' of
the....ruom. Fi,u,., 7. 1 iIlU5U1ltdl a typical momeOlt-<:ur<ature relatiOll.hip
for a singly reinforced C"",,",,"1e section. TIoe relationship ha'I apprm<ima..,ly
a trilinear ohape. with an initial elaSlic portion 10 first crackillJl of the (OnClC"'.
tben a linear por1ion 10 first yiorldin, of the IeMion 5"",1. and finally.• nearly
horizontal region in which the moment of ruistance mnains at dose to the
uhimate ''alue until the Wi""itle ",aches il! ultimate strain. A ntoea§.WC of the
ductility of tbe occtioo is ttoe CUMilUre ductility foctor, deli....:! IS the ratio of
CUrvalU,., ",'Iotn the ultimate concrctc wain i. ,.,ached 10 CII,,~ure " 'hm the

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•lp,. 7.1 M..,k bl-curvaoun! ",ta<iomloip ror."'-&Iy .."'fur<:c<I C<loIC'reC< lIab occ,
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