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Current Osteoporosis Reports


The New Possibilities from “Big Data” to Overlooked Associations

Between Diabetes, Biochemical Parameters, Glucose
Control, and Osteoporosis
Christian Kruse 1,2,3

# Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature 2018

Purpose of Review To review current practices and technologies within the scope of “Big Data” that can further our understand-
ing of diabetes mellitus and osteoporosis from large volumes of data. “Big Data” techniques involving supervised machine
learning, unsupervised machine learning, and deep learning image analysis are presented with examples of current literature.
Recent Findings Supervised machine learning can allow us to better predict diabetes-induced osteoporosis and understand
relative predictor importance of diabetes-affected bone tissue. Unsupervised machine learning can allow us to understand patterns
in data between diabetic pathophysiology and altered bone metabolism. Image analysis using deep learning can allow us to be
less dependent on surrogate predictors and use large volumes of images to classify diabetes-induced osteoporosis and predict
future outcomes directly from images.
Summary “Big Data” techniques herald new possibilities to understand diabetes-induced osteoporosis and ascertain our current
ability to classify, understand, and predict this condition.

Keywords Diabetes . Osteoporosis . Fractures . Glucose . Big data . Machine learning

Introduction will allow us to discover new patterns in different domains

that will ultimately help clinicians and patients manage diabe-
Coined as the herald of a new era in all aspects of healthcare, tes better than today. If we embrace critical validation and
the term “Big Data” is commonplace in today’s scientific and secure, reproducible procedures, we minimize the risk weak
clinical practice. The term is seldom exemplified and therefore generalizability to foreign cohorts and the erroneous interpre-
subject to many diverse definitions and apprehensions to- tations and conclusions than result from this approach.
wards embracing the enormous possibilities of these new tech- For the association between type 1 and type 2 diabetes
nologies. For all medical fields, “Big Data” holds a promise to mellitus (T1D and T2D) and osteoporosis [1–8], “Big Data”
improve prediction of both hard and soft endpoints, to im- can improve our understanding by re-using current reposito-
prove and expand current classification systems, and to data- ries of collected data.
mine existing datasets, biobanks, and images. All of these uses
Classification and Prediction Using “Big Data”
This article is part of the Topical Collection on Bone and Diabetes
“Big Data” is founded in traditional statistics and serves sev-
eral purposes within this framework. Two of these are the
* Christian Kruse
ability to enhance outcome prediction and to classify patients
using existing labels (e.g., T1D and T2D) [9–11].
Steno Diabetes Center North Jutland, Sdr. Skovvej 15, A common approach in epidemiological studies is to model
9000 Aalborg, Denmark one or several predictors to an outcome or classification, e.g.,
Department of Clinical Medicine, Aalborg University, Sdr. Skovvej the 10-year risk of major osteoporotic fractures or T1D/T2D,
15, 9000 Aalborg, Denmark and describe how one or more predictors increase or lower the
Department of Endocrinology, Aalborg University Hospital, overall risk [12–15]. This is frequently performed using a gen-
Hobrovej 19, 9100 Aalborg, Denmark eralized linear model, e.g., logistic regression, where the odds
Curr Osteoporos Rep

ratios (OR) and statistical significance levels serve as metrics a model of a low or high model precision, e.g., a model with an
for interpretation. The precision of the final model is in some AUC of .67 versus a model with an AUC of .93.
studies tested through receiver operating characteristic (ROC; The second concern relates to the opportunity cost involved
[16–18]) where probabilities and observed true outcomes are when refraining from models outside the scope linear models.
compared to ascertain sensitivity, specificity, and overall dis- Even since the late 1980s and early 1990s, more advanced
criminative capability, i.e., the area under the curve (AUC). The model types in terms of raw predictive power have been avail-
reliability of the individual probabilities is in a few studies able. These models are continually enhanced and refined
analyzed and calibrated, for instance to ascertain that 50% of through greater abstraction and flexibility, and with advances
individuals with 50% probability will sustain the outcome [19]. in cloud computing and graphics processing unit (GPU) tech-
Logistic regression has several strengths, as computing nology in recent years, these models are known applicable on
time is fast, models reproducible, and probabilities often personal computers.
well-calibrated. Yet there are also several weaknesses. This opens up several new possibilities, as the different
Increasing the number of included predictors runs the risk of model types can serve different purposes to researchers and
type-1 and type-2 errors [20–23] and predictive power clinicians. Tree-based models (i.e., classification trees [35],
weakens with multicollinearity. This is common when com- C5.0 [35], and random forest [36]) create a tree-like model
bining clinical diabetes mellitus status, bone mineral density structure based on cut-offs and categories. As these cut-offs
values, anthropometrics, and medication use [24, 25]. are simple above/below cut-offs that iteratively divide the orig-
Probabilities resulting from logistic regression model can of- inal population, outlier and collinearity issues are minimal and
ten form a sigmoid pattern that overestimates the lower end of the interpretability of the final model becomes very intuitive.
the spectrum and underestimates the higher end. This author’s A graphical representation can be produced, e.g., that a BMI
opinion is that logistic regression is mostly used for historical > 32 kg/m2, an HbA1c of 78 mmol/mol for males infers a 78%
reasons as an approachable curriculum of probability theory risk of osteoporotic fractures. Another model type, neural net-
and regression modelling in graduate courses and beyond. works [37] (i.e., artificial neural network, convolutional neural
Any discussions about alternatives are seldom observed. networks, and recurrent neural networks) create one or more
A prime concern is the lack of validation and the ways this sets, or layers, of predictors that are modelled from the orig-
affects interpreting models and risk factor estimates. This re- inal set of predictors. When the neural networks model these
lates to the improvements that can be brought forward by “Big layers to the outcome classes, is it able to learn new predictors
Data” and, in particularly, the subfield of “supervised machine that are composites of original data. For instance, a neural
learning” (SML). Whenever a statistical model is built using network could include weight and height to create a parameter
100% of data points from one or more cohorts, the model will similar to BMI, but further nuance this by weighting in sex,
perform very well on the modelled data when subjected to bone mineral density, and other parameters. Through more
ROC tests. What is less commonly known is that with in- and more layers of predictors, incredibly complex information
creased model complexity, i.e., by more predictors, a model is fed forward to give probability estimates of the classes.
will perform increasingly well on the modelled dataset, but Further techniques termed ensembling can be used to compile
incrementally worse on new and unseen data points. This is multiple models to create a bootstrapped “democracy” of
often due to so-called inappropriately high model variance models that “vote” for the most likely outcome. The main
[26–28]. Conversely, an inappropriately simple model, i.e., challenge of using these advanced statistical models relates
the univariate relationship between age and 10-year fracture to computing resources and computing time. For the afore-
risk, would be termed a model of inappropriately high bias mentioned neural network, whether the optimal balance of
[29, 30]. An optimal prediction or classification model is one variance and bias is found in 1, 5, or 10 hidden layers, with
that balances bias and variance optimally. This optimization 1, 10, 100, or even 5000 nodes in each layer, is not known a
can be semi-automated through “Big Data” procedures. priori. Only when several different model complexities have
Concretely, datasets are split into one larger portion used for been tested are we able to decide on the optimal parameters.
modelling, termed the “training” dataset, and one smaller por- This is vastly different from logistic regression modelling that
tion used for testing the model on new and unseen data points, will fit predictors to outcomes in only one way. The opportu-
termed the “test” dataset [31–34]. The split can be performed nities, however, include substantially improved predictive ca-
either internally on the same cohort or externally on datasets pability of outcomes, improved classification methods, and a
collected independently. Using this approach, the first objective stern validation method that lends a better argument to
is not to extract ORs followed by precision metrics, but to interpreting individual risk factor estimates.
establish optimal generalization capability. Only when this An example of predicting individual diabetes-related
chapter ends do you describe the relative importance of each events, i.e., hypoglycemic episodes in DMT, has recently been
predictor. Intuitively, the strength of interpreting any high or shown through machine learning procedures in a work by
low risk effect size will be vastly different when extracted from Sudharsan et al. [38]. In this work, it is exemplified how
Curr Osteoporos Rep

sensitivity and specificity are presented transparently, treatment centers with planning and program development,
allowing conclusions about risk factors to be seen in this light. e.g., appointment absenteeism and visit durations.
Similarly, work from Kuwait by Farran et al. [39] showed how Several studies have implemented clustering algorithms in
multiple outcomes can be modelled at the same time using the DMT, albeit to our knowledge without including osteoporosis
same predictors to utilize data for multiple, simultaneous pur- as a part of the included information domains. Nagarajan et al.
poses. And using machine learning to move from cohorts to used K-means clustering to isolate type-1 DMT, type-2 DMT,
individuals in terms of predicting weight loss, Baum et al. [40] and gestational DMT and reached good accuracy metrics with
extracted relative importance of specific predictors to isolate this automatic approach [45]. Karasneh et al. clustered DMT
individuals who were more likely than others to benefit from patients using diabetes parameters and depressive symptoms to
weight loss intervention in a retrospective dataset. discover new patterns and hypotheses [46]. Sanakal et al. [47]
used a combination of clustering and classification to described
Clustering Techniques to Discover New “Big Data” DMT patients as healthy or not healthy. The use of novel var-
Patterns iables such as ethnicity was used by Okosun et al. [48] to find
patterns of diabetes status within ethnic groups. Pre-diabetes
The aforementioned SML procedure requires prior knowledge was also data-mined using clustering by Kim el. [49•] in an
of labels and classes for each data point. This will often be a attempt to find risk phenotypes. The possibilities of using dis-
human conclusion, e.g., if a patient is classified as T1D or tributed computing are exemplified by Sharmila et al. [50] to
T2D. However, one of the greatest possibilities of “Big improve computing type and almost use data in real time to
Data” in the medical field arises when labels are omitted and classify DMT patients. Combining clinical features with orga-
we allow machines to learn for themselves. nizational traits is also shown by Kagawa et al. [51] in a frame-
This learning procedure thus becomes “unsupervised ma- work of expert-driven data analysis of DMT.
chine learning” (USML), describing a setting where labels are
omitted and human supervision therefore removed. Here, sta- Image Analysis Using “Big Data”
tistical methods are implemented to group data points by math-
ematical similarity or dissimilarity to discover new patterns Using both SML and USML in “Big Data,” we are already
within data [41]. The approach can be used to construct a set able to use image data directly, especially to improve our
of so-called clusters where the data points of each cluster are understanding of diabetes-induced osteoporosis (DIO). In cur-
deemed to be more structurally coherent in said cluster com- rent osteoporosis practice, imaging techniques such as dual-
pared to other clusters [42]. The number of clusters is selected energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) are used to establish nu-
manually and can theoretically range from 2 to equal the num- merical bone mineral density (BMD) values that are then used
ber of data points. Certain metrics are used to validate the for classification (i.e., WHO-defined osteoporosis/osteopenia/
coherence of each cluster, ranging from perfect separation to normal bone [52]) and prediction (i.e., FRAX® based 10-year
clusters that could result from random chance [43, 44]. The fracture risk [53]) purposes. Yet certain pitfalls in this ap-
included variables can be used as-is to locate each point in X- proach are well-known, for example, that greater BMD trans-
dimensional space and calculate each between-data point dis- lates to higher fracture risk in DIO [1], higher BMD in the
tance [42], or preceded by reducing the number of studied lumbar spine due to vertebral fractures or in the hip due to
variables using so-called dimensionality reduction techniques. osteoarthritis [54], and the seldom discussed fact that a sub-
The possibilities of this approach are best exemplified by stantial proportion of fractures occur in patients above the T-
highlighting the differences from a similar SML approach. In score − 2.5 threshold of the WHO [55].
current clinical practice, knowledge of age, BMI, C-peptide, Using images directly, whether acquired by DXA, comput-
and hemoglobin A1c could be used to classify a patient as ed tomography (CT), or other modalities, SML and USML
T1D, T2D, or a subtype of diabetes mellitus. If the label of can skip this step to learn a direct link between raw images and
“diabetes type” is omitted, a USML procedure would instead classifications, predictions, and cluster segmentation. In prac-
establish clusters of similarity or dissimilarity using the same tice, each pixel of each image is converted to either grayscale
information. One resulting cluster could intuitively consist of tone (0–255) or red, green, and blue (RGB) signal (0–255 for
younger patients with low C-peptide and low BMI, while each) and used similar to age, C-peptide, and BMI to classify,
another could consist of patients of older age, higher BMI, predict, and establish clusters. Advanced models such as
and normal to increased levels of C-peptide. However, in- convolutional neural networks can discover specific portions
creasing the number of examined clusters could isolate further in groups of images that relate to specific outcomes. We can
patient groups, e.g., a further phenotype segmentation of T2D automate what the human eye can see, e.g., previous vertebral
by extra factors such as BMI, high insulin sensitivity, and fractures, osteoarthritis, and malignancy, but also identify spe-
comorbidity burden. Outside the scope of pure clinical infor- cific conditions that are hard or even impossible to identify by
mation, organizational information could be included to assist humans, namely DIO, primary hyperparathyroidism, or 10-
Curr Osteoporos Rep

year fracture risk in itself. In contrast to the current WHO Human and Animal Rights and Informed Consent This article does not
contain any studies with human or animal subjects performed by any of
spectrum of bone disease classification, the total dimensional
the authors.
structure of data could be used to establish specific clusters
directly that could translate to new phenotypes.
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