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Evidencia 16: Customer, product and business report

When the idea of the creation of any sort of business is established, it is
necessary to develop an organized and deep research on both direct and
indirect variables that may affect the achievement of that business or trade.
Due to this reason are analyzed in a separate way the financial, commercial,
operative and productive environments of the business to implement, taking
into account that carrying out the previous analysis the project viability can be
evaluated. This writing exposes the feasibility study to create a company to
export avocado oil, by means of the implementation of a marketing study, to
establish a target market through a range of selection with variables such as
cultural affinity, language, target market imports, national exports among
others; by other side it is established what will be the promotion, distribution
and service strategy. It is also shown a selling projection, oil extraction
process, production costs, organizational structure, legal affairs and the project
financing Moreover it is expected to take advantage of the high level of
avocado production in Colombia, making use of this product in a different and
innovating way, in order to decrease the wasting of this fruit in the country.

Taking the growing rise of a culture interested in looking and feeling good,
concerned about healthy eating and taking care of your body, it aims at
presenting a business plan focused on the export of avocado oil, because this
is a product which provides comprehensive health benefits as are the
presence of Omega 3 and Omega 6 fatty acids which are important nutritional
aspects, taking into account that these acids favor the formation of
prostaglandins 2, responsible for regulating the respiratory, nervous, defenses
and to regulate cholesterol in the body. Moreover with this business plan seeks
to harness the power and agricultural advantages that owns the region and
encourage the farmer to better use in the production of Aguacate, as a study
by the National University reveals that of the 143,508 tons produced annually
avocado, 30% is lost 3 thus is offered the producer a viable alternative to that,
instead of throwing away the surplus of fruit, get some extra gain
contemplating the possibility of transforming the pulp in oil. The pre-harvest
conditions are critical to the success of this process, healthy avocados are
needed, as a battered fruit affect the quality of the final product. The process of
extraction Avocado Oil is simple, first you must peel the avocado, remove the
pulp and macerarla, then the machine centrifuge takes what does is separate
the oil from the pulp and thus get an oil much more resistant to burning
gourmet type that olive oil prices and lower consumer, this would be a 2
Substances similar to those of a hormone which are present in many tissues
and body fluids functions.

To the extent that the product is promoted, a sector of the Colombian economy
that will further exploit generating benefits for the whole society involved in any
stage of the process, to the point of promoting the cultures of the region
impelled as it They take into account local suppliers for processes . The
company will support as much as possible , entities such as foundations or
organizations that perform social activities in order to promote an atmosphere
of cooperation and solidarity among sector companies seeking to exercise a
component of Corporate Social Responsibility

INPUTS AND RAW MATERIALS: Below are the direct and indirect materials
required in the manufacturing process Avocado oil are presented. Hass
Avocado bottles Type Tags Tapas
extraction of avocado oil to proceed to its preparation. A - peel B - Take away
the seed C - macerate with a mill After making the operations described
proceed to pressing. Add 10-12 kg of mass macerated avocado, the dough is
placed in a circular disks called baskets, focusing on one axis on another guide
on the platen. We introduce the load in the press and proceed to pressing,
resulting hydraulic pressure to the cylinder gradually pushing the plate to make
this all well extracted. The obtained liquid fall through a tube to the container.
This juice is left to decant some 48-50 hours to get the pure oil stays above
and below the liquid. Once decanted stored or packaged. If you want to
facilitate removal is passed through a temperature controlled thermal beater,
this allows to obtain an extra virgin oil, ie, which goes by itself before you start
pressing. The avocado has a good performance in fat. Must be between 45
and 50%, this course is a function of the area and arable land.
Flow chart Wait Operation Storage Transport Inspection Reception of Raw
Material Storage of raw material feedstock transportation to the washing
process of washing and drying process Transport center peeled peeling and
seed extraction Shredding pulp is reviewed Transfers pulp mass pressing
machine Introduction to capachos


will be used for the distribution of oil for the food industry. Indirect Channel
Short: a relationship with supermarkets or wholesale chains for product
distribution taking into account the different sales proposals will be facilitated.
In addition to traditional channels such as supermarkets and wholesalers, in
Costa Rica, the model of Internet sales has been mainly implemented by the
major networks and a significant increase of this instrument due to the
increasing expansion of home use of the Internet is expected of the population.
One of the pioneers is the Auto Mercado supermarket chain, offering Internet
shopping and home delivery service; as well as the signing Express Mart,
which receives orders by Internet, phone, fax or email. Web sites are
undoubtedly one of the most used in promoting their products, therefore, it
could ensure that most marketers this country, have their own page means.
Another means of distribution will be by electronic sales, it is estimated that in
European countries and the United States every citizen receives an average of
fifty annual catalogs with product offerings. Whereas the purchase of products
through this method works similarly to purchasing products online, it is then
understood as consumer willingness to purchase products through this
distribution channel.

The avocado oil market is large internationally, why favorable prospects for
growth in exports of this product are presented. The social impact of this
project is positive in the region, because this requires a continuous supply of
oil major component, in this case avocado, contributes to reduced fruit loss for
farmers. Although the initial investment is large, the business is sustainable
and does not require subsequent reinvestments, and even cash flow is positive
from the start. At the level of commercial viability, figures of annual imports far
exceeding sales expectations and where compared to the selling price of other
countries were, it is very accessible showing that the market is sufficiently
broad to enter conservatively without large claims in order to successfully meet
the goals. The means of more favorable conditions for this type of product
distribution are the major supermarket chains which provide greater promotion
and recognition of the product. Costa Rica is an ideal country for this product
taking into account the growth of exports of Colombian companies.

BESLEY, Scott y BRIGHAM, Eugene. Administración Financiera, 14 a ed.
México. Editorial Cengage Learning, 2009. 819 p CARILLO DE ROJAS,
Gladys. Análisis y Administración Financiera, 6 a Colombia. 2005. 479p ed.
GARCIA SERNA, Oscar León. Administración Financiera Fundamentos
Aplicaciones, 4 a ed. Colombia. Prensa Moderna Impresores., 2009.362p
Metodología de la Investigación, 4 a ed. México. Mc Graw Hill, 2006. 479p
LEE KIM, Hyun Sook y CHAVEZ HERNANDEZ, Jorge. Marketing International.
México. Cengage Learning editores, 2009. 438p MENDEZ ALVAREZ, Carlos
Eduardo. Metodología Diseño y Desarrollo del Proceso de Investigación.
Colombia. Editorial Limusa S.A, 2007. 357p.


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