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Environment International 29 (2003) 895 – 900

Chemical speciation and phytoavailability of Zn, Cu, Ni and Cd in soil

amended with fly ash-stabilized sewage sludge
D.C. Su a, J.W.C. Wong b,*
Department of Plant Nutrition, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100094, PR China
Department of Biology, Hong Kong Baptist University, Kowloon Tong, Hong Kong SAR, PR China
Received 24 October 2002; accepted 17 February 2003


A sequential extraction method was used to determine chemical forms of Cu, Zn, Ni and Cd in fly ash-stabilized sludge. A loamy acid soil
amended with fly ash-stabilized sludge was used to grow corn under greenhouse conditions. Sewage sludge amended with coal fly ash can
reduce the availability of Cu, Zn, Ni and Cd in the sludge. Increasing fly ash amendment rate significantly reduced DTPA-extractable Cu, Zn,
Ni and Cd concentrations. Percentages of Cu, Zn and Ni in residual fraction increased with an increase in fly ash amendment rates. Majority
of Cu was associated with organic form, but Zn and Ni were associated with Fe – Mn oxide and residual forms. Addition of ash-amended
sludge to soil significantly increased dry mass of corn. With coal fly ash amendment rate increasing, concentrations of Zn and Cu in shoot
tissues of corn decreased significantly, but concentrations of Cd and Ni did not change significantly. Significant correlations were found
between concentrations of Cu and Zn in corn shoot and oxide and total Cu fractions, and all chemical fractions of Zn in fly ash-stabilized
sludge, respectively. Hence, ash amendment significantly reduced the availability of heavy metals by chemical modification of their chemical
speciation into less available forms.
D 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Fly ash; Sludge; Heavy metal speciation; Corn; Uptake

1. Introduction Lime is commonly used as an alkaline agent to raise the

pH of swage sludge to kill pathogens and to reduce the
Compared to landfilling and incineration, application of availability of heavy metals enriched in sludge (Christensen,
sewage sludge to agricultural land is a more sustainable 1987). Coal fly ash is the residues produced during the
treatment because it recycles both nutrients and organic burning of coal for generation of electricity. It is enriched
matter. Sewage sludge has been used as a source of nutrients with CaO, MgO, SiO2 and Fe –Mn oxide and has a pH up to
for plant growth and as soil conditioner to improve physical 12 depending on coal sources. Since alkaline coal fly ash
properties in many countries (Wong et al., 1996; Bowen et contained a large amount of CaO, it can be used as a
al., 1992; Logan and Harrison, 1995). However, land stabilization agent for sewage sludge to reduce pathogens
application of sewage sludge has been limited by its and heavy metal availability (Wong, 1995; Wong et al.,
enriched pathogens and heavy metal contents (Sims and 1996; Jiang et al., 1999).
Kline, 1991). Excessive levels of heavy metals introduced to Heavy metals present in various forms in soil. Different
soil by sewage sludge can lead to elevated uptake of heavy forms of heavy metals have different mobility and phytoa-
metals by plants, which will cause damage to plants and vailability (Chlopecka, 1996a). Knowledge of the heavy
affect human health upon consumption of crops grown on metal speciation in soil amended with sewage sludge is
the soil. To reduce the availability of heavy metals in important for the understanding of the bioavailability and
sewage sludge is therefore one of the major concerns in mobility of heavy metals in soils. Generally, the plant
land application of sewage sludge. uptake of heavy metals is correlated to extractable forms
of the metals rather than to the total metal contents in the
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +852-3411-7056; fax: +852-3411-5995. soils (Xian, 1989). Liming, presumably the most widely
E-mail address: (J.W.C. Wong). known ameliorant in agriculture, decreases the mobility of

0160-4120/$ - see front matter D 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
896 D.C. Su, J.W.C. Wong / Environment International 29 (2003) 895–900

metals and their uptake by plants caused by metal hydrolysis dewatered sludge in a series of proportion of 0%, 5%, 10%,
reactions and/or co-precipitation of carbonate (Chlopecka, 35% and 50% (dry weight basis), and mixed thoroughly
1996a,b). The composition of coal fly ash differs signifi- using a mechanical blender. The ash-sludge mixtures were
cantly from lime; its mechanisms to reduce the availability air-dried, and samples from each mixture were taken for
of heavy metals enriched in sludge are precipitation at high later chemical analysis.
pH and physical adsorption (Wong, 1995). The distribution
of heavy metals among the exchangeable, carbonate, oxide, 2.2. Greenhouse experiment
organic and residual fractions using sequential extraction
analysis could assess the potential phytoavailability of A loamy soil from abandoned farmland in the New
heavy metals in coal fly ash-stabilized sludge. Territories was collected for the plant growth experiment
The objectives of this research were to determine the in a greenhouse. The ash-sludge mixtures prepared above
forms of Cu, Zn, Ni and Cd in fly ash-amended sewage were added to the loamy soil at a ratio of 1:5 (v:v). The
sludge and to better understand the mobility of heavy metals treated soil, then, was packed into pots of 14 cm in diameter.
in soil receiving fly ash-amended sludge and their avail- There were a total of six treatments (five different types of
ability to plants. To gain an understanding of the mechanism ash-sludge mixtures, plus one control pot of loamy soil
by which the phytoavailability of heavy metals in coal fly without sludge treatment) with three replications for each
ash-amended sludge is reduced, sequential extraction pro- treatment. Corn seeds were sown in each pot. Pots were
cedures was used to identify changes associated with metal placed on a bench in a greenhouse, and allowed to grow for
speciation in coal fly ash-amended sludge. a period of 42 days. Then, the plants were carefully removed
from the pots with roots; washed with tap water to remove
any attached particles and then rinsed twice with deionized
2. Materials and methods water. Shoots were separated by cutting at the base of the
shoots and then oven-dried at 70 jC for 72 h. Dry mass of
2.1. Coal fly ash-stabilized sewage sludge the shoot was recorded. The oven-dried shoot tissues were
then ground to pass through a 1-mm sieve using a stainless-
Coal fly ash was collected from the Castle Peak Power steel mill for chemical analysis.
Station of China Light and Power, and anaerobically
digested sewage sludge was collected from the Tai Po 2.3. Chemical analysis
Wastewater Treatment Plant (activated sludge process) in
Hong Kong. Selected physico-chemical properties and A sequential extraction scheme developed by Tessier et
heavy metal contents of the coal fly ash and sewage sludge al. (1979) was used to partition Cu, Zn, Ni and Cd in the
are listed in Table 1. ash-sludge mixtures into several fractions. Each fraction was
Coal fly ash-stabilized sewage sludge was prepared in the defined as: (1) exchangeable (extracted by 1.0 mol l 1
following manner. The alkaline coal fly ash was added to CaCl2), (2) carbonate (extracted by 1.0 mol l 1 NaOAc, at
pH 5.0), (3) Fe – Mn oxides (extracted by 0.04 mol l 1
Table 1 NH4OH.HCl), (4) organic (extracted by 0.02 mol l 1
Physico-chemical properties of coal fly ash, sewage sludge and loamy soil HNO 3 + 30% H 2O 2) and (5) total (digested by conc.
Fly ash Sewage sludge Loamy soil HF + conc. HClO4). Concentrations of Cu, Zn, Ni and Cd
pH (soil/water = 1:5) 12.4 (0.2)* 6.24 (0.23) 4.60 (0.02) were measured using atomic absorption spectrometry (AAS)
EC (dS m 1) 2.02 (0.03) 4.12 (0.18) 0.10 (0.01) or graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry
(soil/water = 1:5) (GFAAS) method. Residual concentrations of Cu, Zn, Ni
Organic carbon (%) 0.15 (0.01) 27.8 (0.18) 1.4 (0.02)
Moisture content (%) 0.13 (0.02) 87.3 (0.2) ND
and Cd were calculated by subtracting the first four fractions
Total N (%) 0.047 (0.003) 7.03 (0.02) 0.09 (0.01) from the total.
Soluble NH4 – N 4.46 (0.22) 837 (29.4) 7.11 (0.89) Total metal contents in plant tissues were determined by
(mg kg 1) H2SO4 – H2O2 digestion (Lowther, 1989) method. The con-
Total P (%) 0.33 (0.017) 1.95 (0.09) 0.03 (0.002) centrations of Cu, Zn, Ni and Cd in the digested solutions
Soluble PO4 – P 0.28 (0.02) 218 (11.8) 2.17 (0.26)
(mg kg 1)
were measured using AAS or GFAAS. Citrus leaf standard
Total K (%) 0.14 (0.04) 0.23 (0.01) 0.71 (0.03) reference materials from the National Institute of Standards
Total metals content and Technology were digested and analyzed for the purpose
(mg kg 1) of quality control. The metal contents of the reference
Cd BLD 3.32 (0.2) BLD materials were all within the recommended ranges.
Cu 88.0 (0.8) 979 (41.6) 4.97 (0.01)
Ni 92.5 (0.2) 83.1 (6.1) 1.38 (0.02)
Zn 124.6 (1.5) 1268 (32) 19.1 (1.0) 2.4. Statistical analysis
ND: not determined.
BLD: below detection limit. All data were analyzed using a SAS statistical computer
* Values in parentheses are standard deviation of means of triplicate. package (SAS Institute, 1999). One-way ANOVA was used
D.C. Su, J.W.C. Wong / Environment International 29 (2003) 895–900 897

Table 2
Physico-chemical properties of fly ash-stabilized sewage sludge#
Treatment pH (1:5) EC (dS m ) DTPA-Cu DTPA-Zn DTPA-Ni DTPA-Cd
mg kg
Sludge 6.24 e* 4.60 a 328 a 987 a 28.3 a 1.04 a
Sludge + 5% fly ash 7.08 d 3.16 b 241 b 780 b 23.5 b 0.78 b
Sludge + 10% fly ash 7.35 c 2.37 c 215 c 652 c 18.6 c 0.63 c
Sludge + 35% fly ash 8.68 b 1.30 d 122 d 253 d 9.7 d 0.15 d
Sludge + 50% fly ash 9.11 a 1.12 e 96.8 e 159 e 9.6 d 0.15 d
LSD 0.04 0.14 10.2 23.5 3.1 0.06
The ash amendment rates for sewage sludge were 0%, 5%, 10%, 35% and 50% (w/w).
* Values followed by the same letter within the same column do not differ significantly at 5% level according to the least significant difference test.

to analyze the significance of treatment effects ( F-test, at 3.2. Chemical forms of Cu, Cd, Ni and Zn in fly ash-
0.05 significance level). The differences between individual stabilized sludge
means were tested using the LSD at 0.05 significance level
(Little and Hills, 1978). Chemical forms of metals in soil are affected by pH,
redox potential (Eh), organic matter and other factors
(Chlopecka and Adriano, 1996; Chlopecka, 1996b; Chlo-
3. Results and discussion pecka et al., 1996). The chemical speciation of Cu changed
when sludge was amended with fly ash (Table 3). As fly ash
3.1. Chemical properties of fly ash-stabilized sludge amendment rate increased from 0% to 50%, percentages of
Cu in the residual fraction increased from 20.0% to 31.6%,
Table 2 shows the selected physico-chemical properties and that in the organic fraction decreased from 69.8% to
of coal fly ash-stabilized sludge. With an increase in fly ash 41.3%. The high pH and CaO and MgO contents in the fly
amendment rate, pH value increased significantly. This was ash caused the organic fraction of Cu converted to residual
due to high content of CaO and MgO in coal fly ash (Wong form. As a result, we will expect a reduction in the
et al., 1996). Electrical conductivity decreased with increas- bioavailability of Cu in the sludge. Percentages of Cu in
ing ash amendment rate. The increase in pH after ash carbonates and Fe –Mn oxides fractions did not change
amendment might cause the precipitation of soluble cations significantly with ash amendment rate increasing. When ash
in the ash sludge mixture, which caused the reduction in EC amendment rate was lower than 10%, percentages of Cu in
of the ash-sludge mixture; DTPA-extractable Cu, Cd, Ni and the exchangeable fraction did not change significantly with
Zn can be used as an indicator of bioavailability and toxicity an increase in ash amendment rates. However, percentages
of these heavy metals (Soltanpour, 1991). Increasing the ash of Cu in the exchangeable fraction increased significantly
amendment rate significantly reduced the content of DTPA- when ash amendment rate was higher than 10%. This is
extractable Cu, Cd, Ni and Zn. The reduced availability of likely due to the dissolution of Cu in the organic fraction at
heavy metals following ash amendment can be explained by high pH condition. Table 3 shows that majority of Cu in fly
the pH-dependent characteristics of these metals or change ash-stabilized sludge was found in organic and residual
of more unavailable chemical forms with an increase in pH fractions. Since the Cu concentration in sludge was higher
for these heavy metals (Sims and Kline, 1991; Chlopecka, than that of coal fly ash, the concentrations of Cu in each
1996b). form decreased significantly with an increase in ash amend-

Table 3
Concentration of copper in the various chemical forms of fly ash-stabilized sewage sludge (mg kg )
Treatment Exchange able Carbonate Oxide Organic Residual Total
Sludge 56.5 a* 40.6 a 3.1 a 683 a 196 a 979 a
5.8%# 4.1% 0.3% 69.8% 20.0% 100%
Sludge + 5% fly ash 37.7 b 32.2 b 1.4 b 423 b 152 b 547 b
6.9% 5.9% 0.3% 59.0% 27.9% 100%
Sludge + 10% fly ash 31.4 c 26.4 c 1.3 b 251 c 105 c 415 c
7.6% 6.4% 0.3% 60.5% 25.2% 100%
Sludge + 35% fly ash 42.5 b 11.6 d 1.3 b 101 d 76.7 d 233 d
18.2% 5.0% 0.6% 43.4% 32.9% 100%
Sludge + 50% fly ash 38.3 b 6.9 e 0.93 c 70.1 e 53.6 e 170 e
22.6% 4.1% 0.5% 41.3% 31.6% 100%
LSD 5.02 2.72 0.38 25.1 17.4 18.3
* Values followed by the same letter within the same column do not differ significantly at 5% level according to the least significant difference test.
Percentage contributions of each chemical form of Cu in fly ash-stabilized sewage sludge.
898 D.C. Su, J.W.C. Wong / Environment International 29 (2003) 895–900

Table 4
Concentration of zinc in the various chemical forms of fly ash-stabilized sewage sludge (mg kg )
Treatment Exchange able Carbonate Oxide Organic Residual Total
Sludge 61.2 a* 152 c 517 a 110 a 329 a 1268 a
4.8%# 12.0% 40.7% 16.5% 25.9% 100%
Sludge + 5% fly ash 25.6 b 183 a 484 a 102 b 352 b 1147 b
2.2% 16.0% 42.2% 8.9% 30.7% 100%
Sludge + 10% fly ash 12.5 c 172 b 357 b 53.3 c 343 b 938 c
1.3% 18.3% 38.1% 5.7% 36.5% 100%
Sludge + 35% fly ash 11.0 c 74.7 d 166 c 9.6 d 179 c 440 d
2.5% 17.0% 37.8% 2.2% 40.6% 100%
Sludge + 50% fly ash 4.2 d 69.0 d 124 d 6.3 d 194 c 398 e
1.1% 17.3% 31.2% 1.5% 48.8% 100%
LSD 2.0 10.3 39.2 6.9 23.6 28.9
* Values followed by the same letter within the same column do not differ significantly at 5% level according to the least significant difference test.
Percentage contributions of each chemical form of Zn in fly ash-stabilized sewage sludge.

ment rate due to dilution effect. The DTPA-extractable Cu 80.7% of total), followed by oxide form, while the organic
(Table 2) was significantly negatively correlated with pH form contained the lowest (Table 5). Percentages of Ni in the
(r = 0.99; P < 0.01) and positively correlated with carbo- residual fraction increased with an increase in fly ash amend-
nate Cu, organic Cu, total Cu, residual Cu, and oxide Cu ment rates, but decreased in all other fractions. Concentra-
(r = 0.99, 0.98, 0.97, 0.96 and 0.83; P < 0.01), but poorly tions of Ni in each chemical form did not change significantly
correlated with exchangeable Cu fraction (Table 3). with an increase in ash amendment rates except in the organic
Percentage distribution of Zn in the various chemical form, because concentration of Ni existed in more or less the
forms differed from that of Cu (Table 4). Percentages of Zn same amount in both sludge and fly ash. The significant
in the residual fraction increased, while that in the organic increase in Ni in the residual fraction demonstrated the
fraction decreased with an increase in fly ash amendment benefit of the alkaline stabilization process. Metals confined
rates. This indicated that fly ash can stabilize Zn in the in the residual fractions are usually not expected to be
sludge. Table 4 shows that majority of Zn was associated released over short period of time under the conditions
with Fe –Mn oxide form (31.2% to 42.2% of the total) and usually encountered in nature (Tessier et al., 1979; Chlo-
residual form (25.9% to 48.8% of the total). Zinc existed in pecka, 1996b, Chlopecka et al., 1996). The DTPA-extractable
the exchangeable fraction was least associated with fly ash Ni (Table 2) was significantly positively correlated only with
amendment. Concentrations of Zn in each chemical form pH (r = 0.97; P < 0.01) and correlated negatively with resid-
had the same decreasing trend as Cu with an increase in ash ual Ni (r = 0.92; P < 0.01) (Table 5).
amendment rate. The DTPA-extractable Zn (Table 2) was Table 6 shows the distribution of Cd in sludge with
significantly negatively correlated with pH (r = 0.99; P < different ash amendment rates. Percentage of Cd in the
0.01) and correlated positively with total Zn, oxide Zn, exchangeable and carbonate fractions increased, but that in
organic Zn, residual Zn, carbonate Zn, and exchangeable Zn the residual fraction decreased with an increase in fly ash
(r =0.99, 0.98, 0.97, 0.89, 0.87 and 0.85; P < 0.01) (Table 4). amendment rates. Concentrations of Cd in each form
Distribution of Ni among the different extractants showed decreased with an increase in the ash amendment rates
that the greatest amount was in the residual form (51.9% to except in the organic form. The percentage increase in Cd

Table 5
Concentration of nickel in the various chemical forms of fly ash-stabilized sewage sludge (mg kg )
Treatment Exchange able Carbonate Oxide Organic Residual Total
Sludge 8.7 a* 6.3 b 14.8 ab 10.2 a 43.1 d 83.1 b
10.5%# 7.6% 17.8% 12.3% 51.9% 100%
Sludge + 5% fly ash 7.7 ab 7.6 b 15.3 a 3.1 b 50.2 cd 83.9 b
9.2% 9.1% 18.2% 3.7% 59.8% 100%
Sludge + 10% fly ash 3.6 b 10.5 a 14.2 abc 2.8 b 54.6 c 85.7 b
4.2% 12.3% 16.6% 3.3% 63.7% 100%
Sludge + 35% fly ash 7.0 ab 1.9 c 10.5 bc 1.7 b 76.1 b 97.2 ab
7.2% 2.0% 10.8% 1.7% 78.3% 100%
Sludge + 50% fly Ash 6.6 ab 2.1 c 10.2 c 2.2 b 88.3 a 109.4 a
6.0% 1.9% 9.3% 2.0% 80.7% 100%
LSD 4.6 2.8 4.6 1.5 10.7 14.6
* Values followed by the same letter within the same column do not differ significantly at 5% level according to the least significant difference test.
Percentage contributions of each chemical form of Ni in fly ash-stabilized sewage sludge.
D.C. Su, J.W.C. Wong / Environment International 29 (2003) 895–900 899

Table 6
Concentration of cadmium in the various chemical forms of fly ash-stabilized sewage sludge (mg kg )
Treatment Exchange able Carbonate Oxide Organic Residual Total
Sludge 0.59 a* 0.27 a 0.27 a 0.10 a 2.09 a 3.32 a
17.8%# 8.1% 8.1% 3.0% 63.0% 100%
Sludge + 5% fly ash 0.41 b 0.24 ab 0.18 b 0.09 a 1.15 b 2.07 b
19.8% 11.6% 8.7% 4.3% 55.6% 100%
Sludge + 10% fly ash 0.36 c 0.20 c 0.13 c 0.11 a 0.90 c 1.70 c
21.2% 11.8% 7.6% 6.5% 52.9% 100%
Sludge + 35% fly ash 0.18 d 0.21 bc 0.09 cd 0.11 a 0.19 d 0.78 d
23.1% 26.9% 11.5% 14.0% 24.4% 100%
Sludge + 50% fly ash 0.15 d 0.22 bc 0.07 d 0.09 a 0.03 d 0.56 d
26.8% 39.3% 12.5% 16.1% 5.4% 100%
LSD 0.05 0.03 0.05 0.03 0.21 0.36
* Values followed by the same letter within the same column do not differ significantly at 5% level according to the least significant difference test.
Percentage contributions of each chemical form of Cd in fly ash-stabilized sewage sludge.

concentration in the exchangeable form is likely caused by plant growth. Besides, the higher ash content increased soil
the higher pH for treatment groups with higher fly ash pH from 8.7 to 9.1, which will suppress the availability of
amendment rates. DTPA-extractable Cd (Table 2) was sig- nutrients for plant growth.
nificantly negatively correlated with pH (r = 0.98; Uptake of heavy metals by plants are not only influenced
P < 0.01) but positively with exchangeable Cd, residual by their concentrations in soil, their chemical forms, phys-
Cd, total Cd and oxide Cd (r = 0.98, 0.96, 0.95 and 0.90) icochemical properties of the soil, but also by plant nutrition,
(P < 0.01) (Table 6). stage of growth, and other factors (Adriano, 1986; Chlo-
pecka, 1996a,b). With coal fly ash amendment rate increasing
3.3. Effects of fly ash-stabilized sludge on growth and heavy in the ash sludge mixture, concentrations of Zn and Cu in
metal uptake in corn shoot tissues of corn decreased significantly, but concentra-
tions of Cd and Ni showed little changes. This indicated that
Dry mass in the shoot of corn and heavy metal concen- fly ash amendment reduced the phytoavailability of Zn and
trations in the shoot tissues are listed in Table 7. Addition of Cu in the sludge.
coal fly ash-stabilized sludge significantly increased the dry
weight yield of corn compared to the control soil. Dry 3.4. Chemical fractions and heavy metal concentrations in
weight yields in ash-stabilized sludge receiving 5% and plant tissues
10% ash amendment were significantly higher than other
treatments. Improvement of biomass growth following Significant correlation was observed only between con-
sludge or ash-sludge amendment can be explained by an centration of Cu in corn shoot tissue and Cu in the oxide
increase in nutrients and also improved soil physical proper- fraction (r = 0.81*), and total Cu (r = 0.79; P < 0.05) in fly
ties as compared to the control (Wong and Su, 1997). ash-stabilized sludge, when data from all treatments were
However, increasing in ash amendment level of > 10% in combined. No significant correlation was observed between
the ash sludge mixture caused a decrease in nutrients for Cu in corn shoot tissue and Cu in the organic fraction since
Cu bound strongly with the organic fraction. Exchangeable
Zn, residual Zn, total Zn, DTPA-extractable Zn, and organic
Zn in fly ash-stabilized sludge were significantly positively
Table 7 correlated with Zn in corn shoot (r = 0.98, 0.99, 0.90, 0.85
Dry weight yields and heavy metal concentration in shoot tissue of corn and 0.84; P < 0.01). Although exchangeable and DTPA-
growing in soil receiving ash-stabilized sludge
extractable Zn are good indicators of bioavailability of Zn
Treatment Dry weight Cu Zn Ni Cd from fly ash-stabilized sludge, no clear advantage was noted
(g pot 1) 1
mg kg in the present study as compared to other chemical forms.
Sludge 13.1 b* 18.1 a 345 a 2.4 a 0.09 a This may indicate that there is a continuous equilibrium
Sludge + 5% fly ash 29.6 a 13.5 b 140 b 2.0 a 0.04 c process happening in soil, causing the shift of metal forms
Sludge + 10% fly ash 26.5 a 14.2 b 124 b 1.8 a 0.06 b from one chemical species to another. Besides, DTPA-
Sludge + 35% fly ash 15.1 b 12.4 b 82.0 c 1.7 a 0.07 abc
Sludge + 50% fly ash 11.8 b 12.2 b 58.7 c 1.9 a 0.07 ab
extractable Zn showed a lower correlation with tissue Zn
Soil 2.6 c 9.1 c 72.5 c 2.6 a 0.06 b contents as compared to exchangeable Zn. Exchangeable Zn
LSD 4.8 2.8 29.4 0.7 0.03 would be a more reliable form for predicting Zn availability.
* Values followed by the same letter within the same column do not differ Significant negative correlation was observed between Zn
significantly at 5% level according to the least significant difference test. concentration in shoot and pH of the fly ash-stabilized sludge
900 D.C. Su, J.W.C. Wong / Environment International 29 (2003) 895–900

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