BPDB Assistant Engineer (CSE)

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BPDB Assistant Engineer (CSE) 2018

6 marks x 10 = 60

1. A file called myfile.txt contains a list of days and power shortage of

that day like this ....
1, 43571, 443
2, 34554, 432 ..........
Write a C program to find the power shortage of the 30th day

2. There was a java program where you have to create a class,

constructor, setter function, getter function. Create 7 objects of that
class and put them in array list.

3. A string has to be entered whose length must be between 8-12.

Validate using String Boundary Value analysis.

4. Draw UML of Composite Design Pattern

5. A question on Linux File Permission Commands

6. In a country with n regions. The country can have maximum k

hours of load shedding. A region cannot have more than 1 hour of
load shedding per day. After a load shedding a region cannot have
another before the 5th turn. Write an algorithm according to this.

7. There are 2 arrays X and Y. X is in ascending order Y is in

descending order. Merge these two and sort them in ascending
order. Write the algorithm

8. Name 3 network devices according to the attributes/differences

given…. Answer: a) Hub b) Switch c) Router
9. 3 pictures were given about 3 different network attacks. Write the
names and specify if the attacks were active or passive. (e.g
Spoofing, Web, DDoS etc.)

10. 3 queries from country(name, continent, area, population) to

find a city with maximum population, area wise list, people having
more than 10 million.

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