Ops Form 1-Ab2005profilingfinal

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HuSoCom Performance Profiling Form 1


Republic of the Philippines

CHEDRO No.: 10


Name of School: CHEDRO:

Bachelor of Arts Date

Gov't Recognition:
Reviewed by:
(Monitoring-Performance Profiling)
Effective SY


MEMORANDUM ORDER No. 44, s. 1997

1. Administration 1. Administration
Dean/Dept. Chair Course: __________________ Sch.: _______________
Appropriate Master's Degree/Bachelor's License(if applicable):
Degree w/ License
Experience: Experience:
Managerial :at least 33years
years Managerial ______________
With at least 3-yr contract as dean or Contract ______________
dept. chair ______________
2. Faculty (GEC + Maajor program) 2. Faculty (Pls. Check one that apllies)
Appropriate Master's degree or Bachelor's a) 100% of the faculty members meet acad qual ______________
degree with License) b) 80% of the faculty members meet acad qual ______________
With at least 3-yr. Contract c) 60% of the faculty members meet acad qual ______________
d) 40% of the faculty members meet acad qual ______________
e) less than 40% of the faculty meet acad qual ______________
Number of faculty:
3. Physical Facilities
Lecture room (7 m x 9 m or 63 sq. m.) [ ] available [ ] not available No. of Lect.Rms______
Library [ ] available [ ] not available
Audio-Visual Room [ ] available [ ] not available
Storage Room for Chem supplies [ ] available [ ] not available
adequately ventilated w/ 1st aid, fire
extinguishers & adequate shelf
Administrative Office [ ] available [ ] not available
Dean's Office [ ] available [ ] not available
Faculty Room [ ] available [ ] not available
Medical-dental clinic [ ] available [ ] not available
Athletic field [ ] available [ ] not available
Gymnasium [ ] available [ ] not available
Auditorium [ ] available [ ] not available
Cafeteria [ ] available [ ] not available
Comfort Rooms [ ] available [ ] not available
Water Supply room [ ] available [ ] not available
Electrical Power Supply Control Room [ ] available [ ] not available
a) Main Entrance (1-3 m.wide/access ible) ] available [ ] not available
b) Service Entrance (2 m wide) [ ] available [ ] not available
c) Fire Exits [ ] available [ ] not available
Internal Structures (if applicable)
a) Stairways and stairwells [ ] available [ ] not available
b) Corridors [ ] available [ ] not available
c) Doors [ ] available [ ] not available
per classroom:at least 2 for one with capacity of more than
60 students, 0.91m x 2m, open out to corridor
Parking (if applicable) [ ] available [ ] not available
a) Size of Lab (at least 63 sq m) [ ] available [ ] not available
b)Number of Laboratories _______________
c)Storage Room [ ] available [ ] not available
d)Laboratory doors -1.5 m [ ] available [ ] not available
e) Lab room Facilties [ ] available [ ] not available
f) Lab Supplies [ ] available [ ] not available
g) Lab wares [ ] available [ ] not available

4. Laboratory Facilities (Equipment & Supplies)

Equipment and supplies should all be Please check one that applies
available and functional _____ a) 100% of the lab equip and supplies are available & fnctional
_____ b) 100% of the lab equip and supplies are available & fnctional
_____ c) less that 50% of the lab equip and supplies are available & fnctional
5. Library Please Check One that applies
a) 1 full time Librarian a)Librarian
____a.1) AB/BS/BSE Library Science degree with license/MALS/MSLS
____a.2) AB/BS/BSE Library Science degree w/o license/MA LS units
____a.3) non AB/BS/BSE Library Science degree but w/Lib wrk experience
b) Holdings b) Holdings
b.1. GEC references b.1. GEC References(Total No. of Titles =________________)
should be of latest edition ____b.1.1) 55% or more are of latest ed (last five years)
____b.1.2) 46% or more are of old edition
b.2. Major Subjects b.2.Major Subjects (Total no. of Titles =_________________ )
should be of latest edition ____b.2.1) 55% or more are of latest ed (last five years)
____b.2.2) 46% or more are of old edition
c) Location c) Location
separate college library ____c.1. Separate college library
c.2. Shared with other levels (high school, elementary)

6. Curriculum 6. Curriculum
a) GEC Courses (CO No. 59 s. 1996) a) GEC Courses
____(a.1) Follows ____(a.2) does not follow CO 59 s. 1996
b) Major Program (CMO 44 s. 1997) b) Major Program
____(b.1) Follows ____(b.2) does not follow CMO 44 s. 1997

7. Instructional Standards 7. Instructional Standards

a) Course Syllabi ____a.1.complete syllabi ____a.2. Incomplete syllabi
b) student-faculty ratio ____b.1)15-35/faculty _____b.2)36+/faculty ____b.3)14 or below/fac
c)dmission-retention policy ____c.1. With ____ c.2. Without admission-retention policy
d)Yearly faculty Evaluation ____d.1.With _____d.2. Without yearly faculty evaluation


Education Supervisor II

School Head/Representative Arts Supervisor's File/Eval forms/OPS Form 1 _AB.xls

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