LP Parts of A News Story

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At the end of the 1-hour lesson, the students should be able to:
 determine the basic parts of a news story;
 construct their own leads; and
 speak out the essence of awareness in one’s society.


Topic: Beginning Newswriting; Parts of a News Story
References: Working the Story textbook (Deborah Williams Dunsford & Douglas
Starr, 2014), pages 15-25
Materials: PowerPoint presentation, newspaper and strips of paper.
Value Infused: Developing aware citizens and lifelong newsreaders.

A. Preliminary Activities
1. Greetings
2. Classroom Management
3. Prayer and Adage of the day
4. Checking of Attendance

B. Drill
Game Title: Synonyms and Antonyms
Game Mechanics: The teacher will write a word in the board and call volunteers
in the class to give on the synonyms and antonyms of the word that they
Word: Factual, is concerned with what actually the case rather than
interpretations of or reactions to it. It is how news should be presented.
Synonyms (truthful, true, accurate, authentic, unquestionable, genuine, fact-
based; true-to-life, correct, exact, honest, faithful, unbiased...)
Antonyms (careless false, inaccurate, invalid, questionable, wrong, biased,
imprecise, incorrect, untruthful…)

C. Review
- What was our lesson last meeting?
- What is news?
- Why do we have news?
- What are the three types of news?
- Will you give examples of written, oral, and visual news?

D. Motivation
Game Title: Did you know?
Game Mechanics: The class will be divided in to three; each group will be given
strips of paper with words written on them. They will be asked to arrange the
words in order to make a sentence.

They will come up with the following sentences:

1. Every good news story should possess fairness.
2. All news reports must be sourced.
3. All well-written stories have a beginning middle and an end.
- What do you think about the sentences?
- What is its connection in our lesson?
- The lesson objectives will be presented to students.

E. Lesson Proper
- What is a news story?
- Let us find out the basic parts of a news story.
- On each PowerPoint slide there is a definition, also, a newspaper will be
shown to illustrate some of the parts.
- Do you notice the words that are biggest and boldest?
- What is a headline?
Headline, act as an index of the contents of the newspaper.
- What is usually found in the first sentences of a news story?
A lead, contains the most important facts of the story — at least some
of the Five Ws. The ideal lead is short — no more than 25 or 30
- What comes after the lead?
The Backup Quote, most news stories should have a backup quote
placed soon after the lead. Ideally— it is attributed to someone with
knowledge of the story.
- Do you notice the name after the quotation?
- What is an Attribution?
Attribution, explains the source of the information, the identification
of who made the statements contained in quotes or paraphrases of
- What do you think about “Fairness requires reaction”?
- What is a reaction?
Reaction, comments of someone who is familiar with the situation
written about.
- What is the main point in a news story?
- What is a Nut Graph?
The Nut Graph, informs readers of the focus of the story. Elaborates
on the lead and gives more context.
- What helps in explaining the action in the news?
- What is a Background?
Background, to know what’s going on, the more complicated the
story, the more pressing the need for background.
- What makes you feel satisfied after reading?
- What is an ending or sometimes called “the kicker”?
The Ending, it might be a quote, or more information. Good endings
leave the reader with a feeling of satisfaction.
F. Application
The class will be divided in to three; each group will have to assume a news or
situation and create a lead of their own. After the activity, they will choose one
member as representative to read it out loud.

G. Generalization
- What did we learn today?
- What do the journalists need to know in able to write a news story?
- What are these parts of a news story?
- What are its characteristics? Functions?

Directions: Get one fourth sheet of paper of yellow paper and identify what part
of the news story is being said.
1. _________ tells the readers the focus of the story.
2. _________ answers who, what, when where, why and how questions.
3. _________ helps in explaining the action in the news.
4. _________ may be a quotation, or more information.
5. _________ one or two line summary of the contents of the news story.
6. _________ biggest and boldest found in news.
7. _________ attributed to someone with knowledge of the story.
8. _________ comments of someone familiar with the situation written about.
9-10 explain the significance of reading news stories as citizens of the society in
2-3 sentences.

Directions: Research the following and write the answers in your big notebook.
- different types of news stories according to:
o Scope or origin
o Structure
o Treatment
- active voice versus passive voice in news writing

Prepared by:

Joanabel P. Joaquin

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