2008 Issue #1 Bird's Eye View Newsletter Washington Audubon Society

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2008 Legislative Newsletter February 4, 2008

“Support Evergreen inventory

Audubon Washington is a Cities Act” and
partnership of Regarding Urban Forestry assessment
National Audubon Society and of WA’s
26 independent Audubon SB 6469, SHB 2844
Sen. Murray, Rep. Kagi urban trees.
The Dept.
Admiralty Audubon With population on steady rise of
Black Hills Audubon throughout Washington, an increasing Community Trade and Economic
Blue Mt. Audubon number of trees are replaced by Development will use that to develop
Central Basin Audubon impervious blacktop and concrete. model plans and ordinances for cities
Discovery Coast Audubon City trees enhance quality of life for that wish to be officially recognized
East Lake Washington Audubon communities, and are one of the most as an Evergreen City.
Grays Harbor Audubon cost effective ways to conserve
Kitsap Audubon energy. Urban forests also To encourage cities to participate,
Kittitas Audubon successfully manage storm water, incentives will be offered through
Lower Columbia Basin Audubon reducing run-off pollution as well as bonus points in programs such as
North Cascades Audubon air pollutants that contribute to water pollution control and habitat
North Central Washington Audubon climate change. acquisition. The Evergreen Cities act
Olympic Peninsula Audubon will also fund several pilot cities.
Palouse Audubon Substitute House bill 2844 passed out Local governments participating in
Pilchuck Audubon of Ecology and Parks, and is on its the pilots will engage in assessment,
Rainier Audubon way to Appropriations. The Senate community outreach, planting,
San Juan Islands Audubon bill was heard in Natural Resources maintenance, and partnership
Seattle Audubon and Ocean & Recreation. development.
Skagit Audubon
Spokane Audubon SHB 2844 will direct the Department URGENT ACTION
Tahoma Audubon of Natural Resources to conduct an
Vancouver Audubon
Please pass SHB 2844 out
Vashon-Maury Isle Audubon Other Important Issues of House Appropriations
Whidbey Audubon Audubon Supports
Willapa Hills Audubon Please pass SB 6469 out of
Yakima Valley Audubon
Senate National Resources
Hydraulic Code enforcement - HB
Contact Policy Staff 2785, under current law, the state's
hydraulic code permits can only be HB 2785 would authorize DFW to
Heath Packard enforced through county prosecutors issue civil "stop work orders" when
360-790-5680 bringing criminal charges, resulting something goes amiss under an HPA
Lisa Paribello in little to no enforcement of this permit. Civil authority means bad
360-786-8020 ext. 201 important environmental permit projects that are violating permit
program. With 4,000 permits every conditions can be stopped in their
year to build bulkheads, docks and tracks BEFORE the damage is done.
other structures in our waterways,
even the Department of Fish and HB 2785 was heard Feb. 4 in the
Wildlife (DFW) recognizes they House Agriculture & Natural
cannot enforce the permits under the Resources Committee.
current system.
February 4, 2008 Page 2 of 2


HB 2815, SB 6516. Prime Sponsors: Senator Pridemore, Representative Dunshee

The Climate Action and Green Jobs bill will take the next step in moving toward
meeting the State’s goals of reduced emissions, as well as increase the amount of
green jobs. Not only does the Climate Action bill set up a structure to achieve
lowered emissions, but it creates competitive grant-based training programs to help
families in lower income communities prepare workers to move into green industry
as it develops through responsible climate policy. The bill has passed the House
Committee on Ecology and Parks, and Senate Committee on Water and Energy &


HB 2797, SB 6516. Prime Sponsors: Senator Marr, Representative Simpson

The Local Solutions to Global Warming bill addresses the major contributors to global
warming in our communities, in turn making them more efficient and livable. The bill aims to
reduce emissions through transportation and energy uses, as well as preserve key farm and
forest land. Specifically, Local Solutions will build off of the Growth Management Act, making
cities take into consideration transportation and energy use when updating their planning
policy. The bill has received public hearings in the House Committee on Local Government and
the Senate Committee on Government Operations & Elections.


HB2798, SB6483. Prime Sponsors: Senator Hatfield, Representative Pettigrew

The Local Farms Healthy Kids bill aims at connecting Washington farmers with the
children that attend Washington schools. The bill would not only provide our
children with healthy locally grown food, but help our local farmers as well. In
particular the bill aims at creating a farm to school program to get fresh fruits and
vegetables into our schools, particularly those in low income areas, and create new
markets for farmers by allowing schools to purchase from those local growers. The
bill has passed the House Committee on Agriculture & Natural Resources, and has
received a hearing in the Senate Committee on Agriculture & Rural Economic

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