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Marcus Garvey Said

“Up You Mighty Race!

You Can Accomplish What You Will”

“We are going to emancipate ourselves from mental slavery” - ‘Marcus Garvey’

Once upon a time we were a great people. We built the Pyramids and the Sphinx. When
history is written in truth you will find that the first civilization was projected from the Nile on
the Congo Basin. In the earliest dawn of civilization you found the Negro in Benin, in
Timbuktoo, in Alexandria. Anthropologists will tell you that the Pharaohs were black men.
When they dug up the mummy of Tutankhamen and saw he was a black man they would
not tell the truth.

Civilization went across the North to Europe, to India, to China, all the way down and proved
that the black man had circumnavigated the world. The B\north American Indian, the
Australian Aboriginal, the Aztecs of South America were all people who became what they
were through the contact of Africans who had traveled across the continents when they
were carrying their civilization, just as how the great white man is traveling around the world
today and planting the evidence of his race.

Like all great people we fell. The Negro went to sleep for a long while, resting from his
labours, but he slept too long, so everybody stole a march on him; and so the UNIA seeks
to restore the Negro to his own vin0e and fig tree…
We are going to emancipate ourselves from mental slavery because whilst others might free
the body, none but ourselves can free the mind. Mind is your only ruler, sovereign. The
man who is not able to develop and use his mind is bound to be the slave of the other man
who uses his mind.
I appeal to you to use your intelligence to work out the real things of life… the time you
waste in levity, in non-essentials, if you use it properly you will be able to guarantee to your
posterity a condition better than you inherited from your forefathers.

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