Evidence Planning My Trip

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Learning activity 4 / Actividad de aprendizaje 4

Evidence: Planning my trip / Evidencia: Organizando mi viaje

Checklist: my trip to London / Lista de chequeo: mi viaje a Londres

Travel documents
I have to get a Visa for the UK.
I have to get valid my driver’s licence
I have to bring my identity card
Travel insurance
I can’t travel without insurance.
I have to pay a travel insurance
I have to pay a medical insurance
I have to buy a winter coat.
I have to use winter boots
I can’t to leave coat off
Contact information
I have to tell mom and dad about my hotel location.
I have to ask information about paid hotel
I have to have emergency contacs information
Cellphone service
I have to pay for international roaming service.
I have to have activated the internet service in my cellphone
I have to pay by GPS service in my cellphone
Money and types of payment
I have to save enough money for my trip.
I can’t to leave my credit cards
I have to have a little efective money to to pay in the restaurant
Environmental care
I can’t drop litter.
I have to follow the norms of enviroment care established in the country
I can’t smoke on closed places
I have to learn to drive on the left.
I have to learn to drive automatic cars
I have to learn the transit norms of the country visited
Local costumes
I have to watch British films.
I have to know about local costumes
I can’t to use a coat in summer
Taking photos
I have to take my camera.
I have to take photos in turistics places
I have to make movies of the activities
Import and exports
I can’t take exotic animals to the UK.
I can’t transport ilegal drogs

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