Telling Timesdadsa

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It is seven o’clock It is ten past nine

It is a quarter past two

It is half past ten It is a quarter to one

It is five to twelve

a.m. : 12 malam – 12 siang

a.m. : 12 siang – 12 malam

I. Draw the time

1. 05.00
4. 11.30

2. 10.20
5. 06.45

3. 02.50
1. It is half past three 9. It is a quarter to two

2. It is a quarter past eight 10. It is twenty past five

3. It is two o’clock

II. Write the time.

It is nine o’clock It is ………………

It is ………………

It is ……………… It is ………………
It is ………………
III. Fill the blanks with the time the activities you usually do
No. Time Activity
1 05.00 I Get Up
2 ............................ .............................
3 ............................ .............................
4 ............................ .............................
5 ............................ .............................
6 ............................ .............................
7 ............................ .............................
8 ............................ .............................
9 ............................ .............................
10 ............................ .............................

IV. Read The following text !

Today is Saturday. Ira is very happy. She goes home early on Saturday. There
are only two lesson on Saturday. The first time and the second period is
mathematics. It last for one hour and twenty minutes, it is from seven to twenty past
eight. Then, it is the turn for english lesson. It last for forty minutes. It is from twenty
past eight to nine a.m.
After getting home she helps her mother. She cooks in the kitchen from ten to
eleven o’clock. Then, after praying Dzuuhr at about five past twelve, she goes to her
friend’s house. She is Anita. The usually go to the park on Saturday afternoon. The
enjoy the scenery there. When the time shows half pas three, they finally go home.

1. Why is Ira happy ?
2. How many lesson are there on Saturday ?
3. How long does the Mathematics lesson past ?
4. What lesson is there in the first and second period ?
5. How long does the English lesson past ?
6. What time does she finish cooking ?
7. Where does she go with Anita in the afternoon ?
8. What does Ira and Anaita do on the park ?
9. When does they go home ?
10. What does the suitable title for the text above ?

V. 1. Translate into Indonesian !

a. I go to bed at 09.00 p.m
b. Rudi takes a bath at 06.30 a.m
c. Ria has lunch at 01.00 p.m
d. My mother cooks at 11,00 a.m
e. Uncle burhan go fishing at 04.15 p.m

2. Translates into English

a. Ayahku berangkat ke kantor jam 07.15
b. Saya pulang sekolah jam 12.30
c. Mereka bermain sepak bola jm 03.45
d. Kami melakukan upacara bendera jam 07.10
e. Bibi Tina pergi kepasar jam 08.20

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