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Miniatures Wargaming System™

by Daniel Kast





Daniel S. Kast

David Eynon, Brian Jurczyk, Derek Rompot


Paul Goodwin, Demian Rose, Kevin Smith, Rich
Spainhour, Chad Wilson

2421 E. Washington 5-50

Bloomington, IL 61704-4419

ARES: Miniatures Wargaming System

Second Edition • Product #0202
Version 2.0
First Printing, February 2001

Printed in the United States of America

by Gorham Printing, Rochester, WA

“ARES: Miniatures Wargaming System” and the Majestic

Twelve Games logo are trademarks of
Majestic Twelve Games.
ARES: Miniatures Wargaming System - 3

PROLOGUE were, without worrying

In which the Secrets of the about any of that peripheral
Universe are revealed. Okay, stuff.
maybe not, but we got your Thus, the idea for the
attention, didn’t we? ARES: Miniatures
Wargaming System™ was
f you are anything born.
like me, walking ARES is billed as a
into a gaming shop “miniatures wargaming
is like stumbling system” because it is not
into a candy store: “I’d like really a game as that word
one of everything, please!” is usually applied to this
When selecting the next genre, with a built-in
batch of miniatures to history, army lists, and set
paint, I am ruled less by assumptions. Instead,
logic than I am by much is left to the players;
æsthetics. “That looks most importantly, the types
neat,” I’ll cry, as I grab a of figures used and their
couple of figures from this capabilities are completely
product line, and a few left to your whim and
more from that one, plus imagination. There are
one or two from the plenty of suggestions, to be
discount bin. sure, including a large
As a result, each selection of
individual figure becomes a sample figure
labor of love, and I wouldn’t types, but in the
want to part with any of end, ARES
them. Unfortunately, my is what you
collection is rather motley make of it.
and not very suitable for
any of the established
miniatures games, with
their army lists and well-
planned background
material. Not that I have
anything against them,
mind you; it’s just that
every once in a while, it
would be nice to pull out
my entire figure collection
and bash some skulls, as it
ARES: Miniatures Wargaming System - 5

Because of this, a Before play, you will

certain amount of need to work out the
experience with miniatures specifics of each figure to be
wargaming will be very used in the game. Chapter
helpful to those who wish to One: Figures will help you
use these rules. However, with this process.
ARES is relatively simple,
which means it should take Playing Area
very little effort for you to One of the beautiful
teach your friends the things about miniatures
essentials, leaving more wargaming is that you can
time for you to kick their play just about anywhere.
collective behind. While the most suitable
playing surface is a
Materials Needed for tabletop, you can use the
Play floor, hallway, or practically
We’ll get you to the fun anything else that is
part soon enough, but first, relatively flat and open.
you’ll need to gather a few These rules assume a
things together. rectangular playing area
roughly four feet by six feet,
Figures although this should be
Before you can play adjusted up or down
this, or any other, depending on the
miniatures game, you will size of the battle
need to have (you guessed to be fought.
it) miniatures. Any kind will
do; while these rules
assume you will be using
25mm figures, or
thereabouts (most popular
miniature lines are actually
around 28-30mm scale),
you should not feel
restricted to any particular
scale or manufacturer. A
premium is placed on
players’ imaginations, and
as this is first and foremost
a fantasy system, most
anything goes!
ARES: Miniatures Wargaming System - 6

Measuring Tape centimeters. For example, a

Because this game is figure with a move of 5
played on an open area, would move 5cm rather
without squares or hexes to than 5”.
help determine distances,
players will need a Dice
yardstick or tape measure This game uses several
that measures at least three different types of dice, all of
feet. which should be available
It seems that now at the shop where you get
would be as good a time as your figures. There are five
any to make a point about different types of dice,
scale: ARES is intended to differentiated by the
be played with figures in number of sides on each.
the 25-30mm range, giving For example, “D6” indicates
a ground scale of around 1” a standard six-sided die.
= 2 yards. It is possible, if The other types of die are
you do not have a large D4, D8, D10, and D12.
enough space available, or Sometimes, you will
if you just want to fight need to roll more than one
with more figures, to play die and add the results
ARES with miniatures in together. This is noted by
the 10-15mm range, indicating the number of
altering the dice to be rolled in front of
ground scale to the die type. For example,
about 1” = 4-6 “2D6” would mean roll two
yards. If you six-sided dice and add them
choose this together.
simply Markers
change There are several things
all that need to be indicated by
distances the use of markers of some
from sort, whether they are
inches to beads, coins, rocks, rare
gems, or whatever else you
have lying around.
Specifically, players will
need held & borrowed
action markers, and shaken
morale markers. If you are
8 - Majestic Twelve Games

using the rules for Paper & Pencils

spellcasting (see Chapter Finally, players will
Seven: Magic), you may need to keep track of the
also need markers to characteristics and current
indicate the targets of status of their troops.
particular spells. The exact Ordinary pencils and paper
uses for each type of can be used for this
marker are detailed in the purpose, or else players can
appropriate sections of the make copies of the unit
rules. record sheet included with
As a quick & painless these rules.
fix, you can make use of
coins as markers: for CHAPTER ONE:
example, a “heads” penny
could indicate a held action;
In which we learn about our
a “tails” penny would
little friends who will do our
represent a borrowed
fighting for us.
action; and a nickel might
stand for a shaken figure.
his chapter will
discuss the various
Playing Cards
characteristics and
This game uses a
attributes that
standard deck of 52 playing
define combatants in this
cards to
game. One thing should be
kept in mind: there is a
initiative. So, it
very high level of
would be nice if
abstraction involved.
you had one
Because the overriding
principle in the design of
this game is to allow
players to use any figures
they have lying about, it is
very difficult to be
painstakingly “realistic”
about things.
Also, players need to
have a more than adequate
suspension of disbelief;
since each figure’s abilities
are defined by the owning
player, one person’s idea of
ARES: Miniatures Wargaming System - 9

how an “orc” should ratings will be fairly evenly

look/behave/fight/etc. is matched.
not going to be the same as
another’s. A rating system Wounds
is included as a way to Wounds is a
make sure things come out quantification of the
all right in the end (see the amount of punishment a
Epilogue: Rating The figure can sustain before
Troops), but even that is incapacitation. A figure that
not foolproof. However, if loses all of its wounds is
you weren’t able to deal not necessarily “dead”, but
with a certain amount of it is removed from the
ambiguity and creativity, game.
you wouldn’t be playing Whether or not a
with little lead figurines in particular figure is dead or
the first place! merely disfigured is of
consequence to no one
Figure Characteristics (aside from the figure itself,
Each figure in this one would suppose), unless
game is defined by the you are playing in a
following characteristics. campaign: a series of
Those items represented by connected battles. If this is
“dice” are either D4, D6, the case, a system of
D8, D10, or D12. determining the
exact level of
Combat Rating injury sustained
Because of the variety by each
of combatants that can be “dead”
simulated in this game, figure will
some way of benchmarking need to be
any given figure’s agreed
capabilities is necessary:
thus, the Combat Rating
was born. The exact method
by which a particular
figure’s Combat Rating is
determined will be
discussed in the Epilogue;
for the time being, players
should simply keep in mind
that figures with similar
10 - Majestic Twelve Games

upon by all players must roll on a D12 or less

beforehand. in order to pass a morale
Movement All of the figures in a
As you may have unit (see Units, below) have
guessed, a figure’s the same morale score; this
movement score is a direct is determined by the sum of
representation of the speed the morale ratings of the
at which it can travel across figures in the unit. For
the playing area. Movement example, a unit made up of
is expressed in inches, and 6 foot soldiers with a
indicates the distance a morale of 1 and a morale 3
figure can cover when knight would have an
performing a single overall score of 9 (6 x 1 +
Movement action. 3).
The minimum morale
Morale score for a figure is 1 and
Every figure has its the maximum is 5.
breaking point; that time in
the battle when it has Armor Die
decided enough is enough, A figure’s armor die
it’s better to live to fight represents the amount of
another day, discretion is protection a figure
the better part of possesses. It is rolled
valor, etc. How whenever the figure
quickly a figure attempts to resist injury:
reaches this the “bigger” the die (i.e., the
point is more sides it has), the more
likely the figure will be able
governed to survive combat.
by its A figure armed with a
morale shield will have a plus sign
score. In after its armor die, for
game example: “D4+”. The effect
terms, of a shield is described in
morale is Chapter Four: Combat.
number Close Combat Die
a figure Each figure has some
amount of talent when it
comes to hacking and
ARES: Miniatures Wargaming System - 11

slashing in close quarters: and loaves of stale bread all

this expertise is represented the way up to crossbows
by the close combat die, and catapults. In addition
which is used whenever the to a damage die, each
figure makes a close missile weapon has a range
combat Attack. Obviously, factor, which indicates how
the bigger this die is, the the weapon’s effectiveness
more likely the figure is to degrades as the distance to
be successful when making the target increases.
such an Attack.
Magic Die
Ranged Combat Die All figures will have a
Similar to the close magic die, whether or not
combat die, the ranged they are actually able to
combat die is used when a cast spells (unless all
figure is attempting to players have agreed that
strike an opponent from magic will not be a part of
some distance away. Not all the game). For spellcasters,
figures will have a ranged this represents their innate
combat die. magical ability; for non-
spellcasters, the magic die
Weapons is reflective of their
Every figure will have a resistance to the effects of
melee weapon (even if it is magic.
just the figure’s own fists, Players
claws, or teeth), and should note that
possibly one missile magic
weapon: only a figure with resistance
a ranged combat die will applies to
possess a missile weapon. “friendly”
Melee weapons are as well
those used up close, and as
are defined solely by their “non-
damage dice: the bigger a
weapon’s damage die is, the
better chance it has to
inflict wounds on a target.
Missile weapons
comprise all weapons that
are used to cause damage
from a distance; from rocks
12 - Majestic Twelve Games

friendly” spells. Therefore, comprised of a rider and

while a figure with a magic mount.
die of D10 may be difficult A sample combatant is
to injure with a fireball given below:
spell, it will also be difficult
to heal magically if and Human Knight (88)
when it does take damage. Wounds 6 Move 6”
Morale 8 Armor D10+
Spells Close Combat D8
Each spell known by a Ranged Combat n/a
figure should be listed, Weapons:
along with the appropriate Sword (D8)
spell die. See Chapter Magic D6
Seven: Magic for details on Spells:
the ways of wizards. None
Special: Cavalry
This is the “catch-all” Figure Bases
category, and lists all the Because players are
abilities of the figure (and allowed (indeed, they are
its weapons) that are not encouraged) to use figures
covered by any of the above from various different
characteristics. A common manufacturers and genres,
example of a there will be a wide variety
special of shapes and sizes
designation is represented on the
“cavalry”, which battlefield. What follows are
indicates that simply our
the recommendations: you will
figure is obviously need to make
changes where necessary in
order to accommodate your
particular figure collection.

Infantry Figures
Infantry figures (defined
as single combatants more
than half and less than
twice the size of an average
human) should be mounted
on circular bases one inch
ARES: Miniatures Wargaming System - 13

in diameter. This can be and should simply be

adjusted slightly according placed upon whatever sort
to the actual size of the of base fits (and looks
figure: for example, a good). See the rules on
halfling may look a bit silly “scale” in Chapter Eight:
on a human-sized base, in Special Abilities for ways
which case a diameter of in which such divergent
3/4” or 5/8” might be more sizes can affect the game.
appropriate, while a largish
troll may need to sit on a Line of Sight
base of 1.25” or 1.5”. All figures have a “line
Regardless of the actual of sight” based upon their
size of the base, it is facing. As the name implies,
strongly recommended that a figure’s line of sight
players stick with circular determines what the figure
bases for infantry figures, can see.
rather than squares or Draw a line through the
hexagons, as it makes center point of a figure’s
turning in tight quarters a base, perpendicular to its
lot easier to manage. facing. Any object
completely behind this line
Cavalry Figures is in the figure’s “rear”;
Cavalry figures include everything else is to its
those combatants who ride “front”, as shown
upon mounts of more than below:
half and less than twice the
size of an average horse. As
with infantry figures, the
actual size of the base may
need to be altered as
appropriate, but the general
rule of thumb is a
rectagonal base 1” wide by
2” long.

Oversized & Undersized

Any figure that does not
fit into either of the above
categories is considered
“oversized” or “undersized”,
14 - Majestic Twelve Games

Front Unit Composition

A unit may consist of
any number and type(s) of
figures you see fit. Keep in
mind that, while larger
units will have higher
Rear morale ratings, and
therefore greater staying
Infantry figures can power, they are less flexible
draw a line of sight to and more prone to mass
anything in front of them; panic.
cavalry can see targets both
in front and to the rear. Unit Coherency
The figures in each unit
Units must remain within a
Every figure in the certain area in order to be
game is part of a unit, even effective and draw strength
if that unit consists of just from each other. This area
one figure. The unit is a is called the command
figure’s “band of brothers”, distance; the two most
with whom it has been distant figures in the unit
trained to fight and die must remain within this
(well, perhaps not die). distance from each other, as
Each figure in a in the following example:
unit contributes
its own morale
score to the unit


(All distances in this

game are measured from
the centerpoint of one
figure’s base to the
centerpoint of another.)
The starting command
distance for a given unit is
ARES: Miniatures Wargaming System - 15

equal to 2” per figure. Thus, is done will differ according

in a unit of 6 figures, the to the players involved, the
farthest apart any two type of scenario being
figures may be is 12”, as played, how much time is
shown above. This diameter available, etc. Given in this
is reduced by 1” for every section are the default
figure lost during the procedures, to be used
course of the game: e.g., a when players cannot agree
unit that starts out with 6 on any other method.
figures and then loses half A scenario is a set of
its number would have its guidelines and additional
command distance reduced rules that describe a
to 9”. specific situation. For
It is possible that units example, a battle between
will find themselves outside the forces of an evil
this command distance due necromancer and the
to casualties or other effects defenders of a small town
of battle. This is called may require certain
being out of comand. Should modifications to the rules,
this occur, the unit will types of figures available,
suffer ill efects to its morale and so on. The scenario
rating until the situation is description would provide
rectified (see Chapter Five: these details.
battles are
played on
In which we present the
an open
method to the madness.
field; there
Setting Up almost
nce you have
collected all of the
necessary items for
play, as listed in
the Prologue, and
determined your figures’
abilities, as per Chapter
One, you can go about
setting up the playing area.
The exact way in which this
16 - Majestic Twelve Games

invariably some kind of playing area to set up

terrain to break up the along.
monotony (and provide Once the battlefield has
plenty of interesting places been prettied up, players
to hide!). can move on to placing
The exact ways in their forces.
which figures interact with
terrain (and vice versa) is Choosing an Army
entirely up to the players: if The exact size and
you are stuck for ideas, composition of the players’
Chapter Six: Terrain might armies is left entirely up to
provide you with some them. However, the figures’
inspiration. Whatever is Combat Ratings should be
decided, be sure all players used to make sure things
are aware of the terrain stay relatively fair: unless,
rules being used before the of course, you really want
battle starts. to fight off that horde of
There are two basic 600 orcs with a lone
ways in which terrain can halfling and his slingshot...
be placed on the battlefield: The total Combat
1. Players can Ratings of all figures under
alternate placing pieces of each player’s control should
terrain until they be as close as possible: as a
mutually decide general rule of thumb, there
to stop, or; should be no more than a
2. One player 10% variation. For example,
can set up the if one side has a total
battlefield, and Combat Rating of 450, and
give the the other has a total
other Combat Rating of 475,
player things should be fairly even,
the since the difference (25) is
option of less than 10% of the lower
which total (45).
side of Certain scenarios may
the restrict the type and
number of figures a player
may choose, but in the
absence of such guidelines,
anything goes!
ARES: Miniatures Wargaming System - 17

Arranging Your Army

After the opposing
forces have been chosen,
and Combat Ratings
compared, the next step is
to place the combatants on
the playing area. This
should be done secretly,
either by erecting a barrier
between the two players, or The shaded boxes
else by mapping out the indicate legal setup areas.
figures’ starting locations
on a piece of paper. The Sequence of Play
As an alternative, you After the battlefield has
could deal a number of been arranged, the carnage
cards to each player equal can begin! The following
to the number of units on sequence outlines the
his side. The player with actions that are taken in
the highest card in hand order to complete one game
places one unit and turn. Once all of the steps
discards that card. The have been completed, play
player with the next highest resumes from the top, and
card then places a unit, so on until the game is
and so on, until all units over.
have been placed. 1. Each
In this game, aces are player is dealt a
always “high”, and red number of
cards go ahead of black cards
cards of equal value, with from the
hearts before diamonds and deck
clubs before spades. equal
Each player should set to
up along one of the long the
edges of the playing area.
Figures must be within 12”
of the edge, and at least 12”
away from either side. This
is illustrated below:
18 - Majestic Twelve Games

number of units he remaining initiative cards

currently controls. should be chosen randomly
2. The player with the and discarded.
highest card in hand
becomes the “acting Winning the Game
player”. (The highest card Play continues for a
is discarded.) predetermined number of
3. The acting player turns (usually six to ten); at
chooses one of his units the end of that time, the
that has not yet been side that has scored the
activated this turn. most victory points wins.
Each figure in the Victory points are
chosen unit now uses up scored by eliminating
to two actions (see opposing figures: each
Actions, below); one figure is worth a number of
action may be held until points equal to its Combat
later in the turn (see Rating. For example, the
below). sample Human Knight
4. After all figures in given in Chapter One has a
the chosen unit have Combat Rating of 22; its
acted, return to step 2. If victory point value would
neither player has any therefore be 22.
cards remaining, the turn Players should note
is over. that there may be scenarios
If the last that have different
figure in a unit is conditions for scoring
removed from victory points and/or
play before winning the game;
that obviously, those rules
unit has would take precedence.
activated Actions
in the The heart of ARES is in
current the initiative and action
turn, resolution system. It is an
one of elegant procedure, allowing
that for a very fluid and
side’s interactive game.
Whenever a unit is
activated, each figure in the
unit is allowed to perform
ARES: Miniatures Wargaming System - 19

either zero, one, or two All of one figure’s

actions. A figure may also actions must be completed
choose to hold an action, or before those of another
even borrow one from the figure may begin.
next turn in certain
circumstances! Held Actions
The different types of Figures that do not use
allowable actions are given both of their actions in a
below. They will be given turn may choose to
explained in greater detail hold one of them and use it
in later chapters: later on. Place an
appropriate marker next to
Attack any figure that is holding
Charge an action. A figure may only
Dodge* hold one action at a time.
Go Prone* A held action may be
Move used after any opposing
Parry* figure performs an action:
Rally only one figure may use a
Sprint* held action per opposing
Withdraw action. A figure may also
use a held action at any
An asterisk (*) indicates time when it could normally
that the action may be borrow one (see
borrowed. below).
Infantry figures whose If a figure is
bases are in contact with still holding
one or more opposing an action
figures are only allowed to when it is
Attack, Dodge, or Parry time for
(Attack actions may only be that
used to strike an opponent figure
in contact with the acting to act
figure, not to make a ranged again,
Attack). Cavalry figures may it will
use a Movement action to have
break contact, while three
infantry figures must use a
Withdrawal action in order
to move away from the
opposing figure(s).
20 - Majestic Twelve Games

actions to use in that turn, CHAPTER THREE:

instead of two.
In which we discover how to
Borrowed Actions
get close to our enemy so
In certain
that we may smite him.
circumstances, a figure may
be allowed to borrow one of
its actions from the next Movement Score
turn. The most common figure’s movement
use for this is to Dodge or across the field of
Parry an Attack. The battle is governed
borrowed action is indicated by its movement
by placing an appropriate score, which indicates the
marker next to the figure. distance it can travel when
A figure may only using a single Movement
borrow one action at a time, action. For example, a
and must use its next figure with a movement
available action to “clear” score of 5 would be able to
the borrowed action. move up to 5” when using
No figure may borrow one Movement action, or up
an action while it is still to 10” if it used two
holding an action. Movement actions in
Figures are only able to
move in the direction they
are facing; however, figures
may change facing at will
(see Turning, below).
An infantry figure that
moves so its base comes
into contact with an
opposing figure must end
its movement immediately.
Cavalry and oversized
figures do not have this
restriction; however, no
figure may move through
any other figure.

As mentioned above,
figures are allowed to
ARES: Miniatures Wargaming System - 21

change their facing any Charging

number of times during the When a figure moves
course of their move. When into contact with an enemy,
turning, the figure is it is called a Charge. A
pivoted around the center Charge is treated as a
point of its base, as movement action in all
illustrated below: respects, save that after
contact is made, the figure
receives a free melee Attack
action, resolved immediately
(see the next chapter for

Occasionally, figures
may find it prudent to exert
themselves in order to seek
For an infantry figure,
cover or jockey for position.
or any other figure with a
For these situations, the
circular base, this will not
option of Sprinting is
be a problem. However, for
cavalry figures and others
In essence, a Sprint
with irregularly-shaped
action is simply a borrowed
bases, it is necessary to
Move action, with
make sure the figure’s base
the following
does not move through
another figure while it
pivots. If a turn would
cause a figure’s base to
must be
move through that of
the last
another figure, the turn
cannot be completed.
Exception: If all players
agree, figures with
regularly-shaped bases
(hexes, squares, etc.) may
be allowed to turn freely,
even if doing so would
cause the base’s edges to
move through another
22 - Majestic Twelve Games

action taken by a figure considered to have

in the current turn; borrowed an action, and
2. A Sprint may not will therefore be unable to
be used to move into borrow another should the
contact with an opposing need arise later in the
figure (i.e., a figure turn.
cannot borrow an action
to make a Charge). Withdrawing
As noted above, an
As an example, let us infantry figure that is in
supposed that a contact with an opposing
swordsman finds himself figure may not perform a
in a clearing, 13” from the Movement action; however,
nearest cover. As there are sticking around and
several enemy hacking it out may not be
crossbowmen bringing the best option, either.
their weapons to bear, our Therefore, infantry figures
Hero decides to make a have the option of
run for it... Withdrawing from combat.
The figure’s basic In order to perform a
Move score is 5”; using Withdrawal action, a figure
both of his actions to Move moves no more than 1”, in
towards the trees leaves any direction, and positions
him 3” short. He itself so that it is no longer
therefore chooses in contact with any
to Sprint, allowing opposing figures. If a figure
him to Move an is unable to do this
additional 5” (perhaps because it is
and surrounded by opponents),
make it the Withdrawal cannot
into cover occur.
(just in Figures leave
time!). He themselves vulnerable
is now during this process,
however. When a figure
makes a Withdrawal, any
one opposing figure with
which it was previously in
contact may make a free
melee Attack against the
Withdrawing figure (see
ARES: Miniatures Wargaming System - 23

Melee Attacks in the next CHAPTER FOUR:

chapter). The defender
cannot Parry this Attack;
In which we do really nasty
the Attacker may not use a
things to the other guy.
held action to make a
combined Attack.
eal combat is one of
the bloodiest,
Going Prone
goriest, scariest,
One final movement-
and all-out most
related action is available
horrific experiences any of
only to infantry figures.
us could imagine. It’s a
This is called Going Prone,
good thing combat in this
otherwise known as “eating
game is a lot more fun!
A prone figure should
be placed face-down on the The Attack Roll
table. While prone, the There are two types of
figure moves at half its combat: ranged and melee.
normal rate; thus, a human Both utilize the same basic
with a Move of 4” would procedure. Each player rolls
only travel 2” per action two (or possibly three) dice,
while prone. and the totals are
Furthermore, prone compared:
figures suffer significant (AR =
penalties while in hand-to- Attacker’s roll;
hand combat. However, DR = Defender’s
while prone, a figure is roll)
more difficult to hit with
missile fire. See the next
chapter for details.
Standing up from a
prone position requires the
use of an action, which may
be borrowed.
24 - Majestic Twelve Games

AR ≤ DR No effect combat die and its armor

AR > DR Defender die.
suffers one The attacker may
wound. choose to use two actions to
AR > 2xDR Defender make a combined Attack
suffers two (also known as the “double
wounds. whammy”), which allows a
AR > 3xDR Defender third die to be rolled, equal
suffers three to the attacker’s close
wounds combat die. The decision to
make a combined Attack
And so on... must be made before the
defender decides whether or
Melee Attacks not to Parry.
Melee Attacks are made To Parry the Attack, the
by figures that are in defender may either use a
contact with an opposing held action or borrow an
figure. The target of the action. Parrying allows a
Attack must be in the third die to be rolled, equal
attacker’s front, although to the defender’s close
infantry figures may turn combat die. In order to
freely before striking in Parry an Attack, the
order to meet this attacker must be in front of
requirement. the defender, although
When making infantry figures may turn
a melee Attack, freely in order to meet this
the attacker rolls requirement.
its close If no part of the
combat attacker’s base is in front of
die and the defender (i.e., its base is
the completely behind the
melee imaginary line described in
weapon’s Chapter One), the Attack is
damage considered a flank Attack.
die; the The following modifiers
defender are applied to the attacker’s
rolls its roll. All modifiers are “per
close die”, which means a +1
modifier would add +2 to a
normal Attack roll, or +3 to
a combined Attack roll:
ARES: Miniatures Wargaming System - 25

(see Going Prone in the

Attacker is wounded: -1 previous chapter).
Attacker is prone: -2 Only infantry figures
Cavalry attacking may be knocked down.
infantry: +1
Defender is wounded: +1 Ranged Attacks
Flank Attack: +1 Ranged Attacks are
Defender has a shield: -1* made in a similar fashion to
Defender is prone: +2 melee Attacks, with a few
Defender is outnumbered: modifications. Figures may
+1** not make ranged Attacks
Infantry attacking while prone.
cavalry: -1 The target of the Attack
must be in the attacker’s
*Only if the Attack line of sight, but the two
originates from in front of figures cannot be in contact
the defender. with each other. All figures
**A figure is considered block line of sight; “hard”
“outnumbered” if it is in cover, such as solid walls,
contact with more than one hills, and the like, does so
enemy figure that is not as well. “Soft” cover (trees,
itself in contact with two or bushes, fences, etc.) does
more opposing figures. not block line of sight, but
does affect the
Knockdowns (Optional) Attack (see
Any time a single Attack below).
inflicts a number of wounds The line
equal to half or more of the of sight
defender’s initial wound between
total, there is the possibility the
of a “knockdown”. For
example, if a figure with 4
wounds takes a hit that
inflicts 2 or more wounds, it
has a chance of being
knocked over.
When this happens, a
single D4 should be rolled;
on a result of 1, the figure
has been knocked down,
and is considered prone
26 - Majestic Twelve Games

attacker and the target is Distance to target; RF =

measured from the center Range factor)
points of the two figures’
bases, as shown below: Dist. ≤ RF D4
Dist. ≤ RFx2 D6
Dist. ≤ RFx3 D8
Dist. ≤ RFx4 D10
Dist. ≤ RFx5 D12
Dist. > RFx5 Out of

The attacker may

choose to use two actions to
make a combined Attack,
which allows a third die to
All ranges are rounded be rolled, equal to the
up to the next whole inch. attacker’s ranged combat
The attacking figure die. The decision to make a
rolls its ranged combat die combined Attack must be
and the missile weapon’s made before the defender
damage die; the defender decides whether or not to
rolls its armor die and the Dodge.
range die. To Dodge the attack,
The range die the defender may either use
is determined by a held action or borrow an
the distance to the action. Dodging allows a
target and the third die to be rolled, equal
missile to the range die. A Dodge
can only be performed if the
defender has a line of sight
weapon’s to the attacker; unlike
range Parrying, an infantry figure
factor: may not make a free turn
(Dist. before Dodging.
= Instead of Dodging, the
target may also choose to
Go Prone (see Chapter
Three: Movement). This
may be done by using a
held action, or an action
may be borrowed. Like a
ARES: Miniatures Wargaming System - 27

Dodge, a figure may only bleak. Any figure that

Go Prone if the defender reaches zero wounds is
has a line of sight to the removed from the game,
attacking figure. and its unit must
If no part of the immediately make a morale
attacker’s base is in front of test, as described in the
the defender, the Attack is next chapter.
considered a flank Attack.
The following modifiers CHAPTER FIVE:
are applied to the attacker’s
roll. All modifiers are per
In which lily-livered cowards
teach us all a valuable
lesson about survival.
Attacker is at a higher
elevation: +1
Attacker is wounded: -1 The Morale Rating
Defender is at a higher s mentioned in
elevation: -1 Chapter One, every
Defender has a shield: -1* figure has a base
Defender is prone: -2 morale rating; these
Defender is wounded: +1 ratings are added together
Flank Attack: +1 to obtain the morale score
Per friendly figure in for the entire unit. This
contact with the score represents
target: -1 (“friendly” the number that
means on the same side must be rolled or
as the attacker) less on a D12 in
Per inch (or fraction order to
thereof) of soft cover pass a
along line of sight: -1 morale test.
*Only if the Attack that a
originates from in front of unit’s
the defender.

As figures take damage,
the number of wounds they
have is reduced until they
have none left, at which
point things look rather
28 - Majestic Twelve Games

morale score is not penalty to the unit’s

constant, but will drop as morale score. Normally,
figures are lost. the unit would have a
morale of 12, but currently
Command Distance and it is reduced to 8.
Whenever a unit is out The Morale Test
of command (i.e., the There are two types of
distance between the two morale test: the individual
most distant figures in the and the unit.
unit is greater than the
unit’s command distance), The Individual Morale
it suffers a penalty to its Test
morale score. This penalty A figure must attempt
is equal to -2 per inch (or an individual morale test
fraction thereof) beyond whenever something icky
command distance the two happens that affects it
most-distant figures are. specifically. The most
common example of this is
For example, let us taking damage: any time a
suppose a unit of 6 figure suffers one or more
figures, each with a wounds, it must make an
morale of 2, is out of immediate morale test.
command: the Note that one test is
unit’s current required each time the
command distance figure is wounded, not for
is 12”, but the each wound; thus, a figure
gap between that takes three wounds as
the two a result of an arrow hit
most- would roll once, not three
distant times.
figures is
14”. This The Unit Morale Test
is 2” A unit morale test is
outside made whenever something
command nasty happens that affects
distance, an entire unit’s morale.
and so Most general morale tests
results in are triggered by the loss of
a a figure: whenever a figure
-4 is eliminated from the
ARES: Miniatures Wargaming System - 29

game, for any reason*, the The figure immediately

unit make an immediate loses any held action, and
morale test. will receive one less action
(*The only exception to each turn while it remains
this rule: whenever a figure shaken.
is routed due to a unit In the case of a failed
morale test, it does not unit morale test, all figures
trigger another morale test in the unit become shaken.
for its unit.) Any already shaken will
Unlike individual rout (see below).
morale tests, the effect of a
unit morale test is shared Routed Figures
by the whole unit; i.e., only A figure that is already
one roll is made, rather shaken and then fails
than a separate roll for another morale check is
each figure. routed. It is removed from
the board immediately. This
Effects of Morale Tests triggers an immediate
When a morale test is morale test for the
called for, roll a D12. If the remnants of the figure’s
result is equal to or less unit, unless the rout was
than the appropriate morale itself the result of a unit
score, the test has been morale test.
passed, and nothing bad Victory points
happens. are scored for
However, if the roll is routed figures
greater that the morale just as if
score, the test has been they were
failed, and the figure(s) killed.
involved become shaken
and/or routed. Regardless
of a unit’s current morale
rating, a roll of 12 always

Shaken Figures
A figure that fails a
morale test will become
shaken. While shaken, an
appropriate marker should
be placed next to the figure.
30 - Majestic Twelve Games

Rallying considered to have

While it is not borrowed an action from
uncommon for figures to the next turn.
spend the entirety of a A figure cannot Rally
battle quaking in their while in contact with any
boots, those who can get opposing figures.
away from the enemy for a
few moments and gather CHAPTER SIX:
their wits may be able to TERRAIN
throw off the effects of a
In which we take some time
failed morale test and
out from blood and gore to
return to proper form.
learn a little botany and
In order to return a
shaken figure to normal, a
Rally must be performed.
n the second
This takes one action, and
chapter, it is stated
is performed like a normal
that the way in
morale test. If the test is
which terrain
passed, the figure is no
affects the game is entirely
longer shaken, and receives
up to the players. Given in
the normal number of
this chapter are several
actions per turn (beginning
suggestions to assist those
with the next turn: the
who are inexperienced in
figure does not
these matters (or are just
receive an
plain lazy...)
additional action
Players should be
for the current
willing to use their common
turn). A
sense when handling
terrain, rather than expect
that fails
to be able to come up with
a Rally
a hard and fast rule for
every situation; if terrain
is also
looks difficult to move
no longer
through, it probably is, and
if it looks like two figures
can ”see” each other, they
it is
probably can.

Basic Terms
Before we get into
specifics, a few handy
ARES: Miniatures Wargaming System - 31

definitions need to be in ways that make sense to

provided. them; however, it should be
clear to everyone how a
Linear Versus Area particular feature is going
All terrain features can to be handled before the
be divided into two classes: game begins. Otherwise,
linear and area. you may not have very
Linear terrain many friends left to play
includes fences, with...
hedgerows, streams,
fissures, and the like. Open, Difficult, and
Figures must be either on Impassable
one side or the other of a When dealing with area
piece of linear terrain; terrain, players must
they cannot be within or determine how seriously it
on top of it. impedes the progress of
Area terrain, on the figures.
other hand, describes Open terrain is just
features that occupy that: open to one and all
space on the battlefield: who wish to travel
forests, hills, marshland, through it. Open terrain
and rubble are all good has no effect on
examples of area terrain. movement at all; as such,
Figures interact with area anything that is
terrain by moving through not specifically
it. labeled
These two classes of otherwise
terrain are not as distinct
as it may first appear:
consider a river, for
example. Depending on the
size of the river and the
whims of the players
involved, a river could be
treated as either a linear
terrain feature, which
figures simply cross over, or
an area feature, forcing
figures to wade through.
Because of this, players are
encouraged to define terrain
32 - Majestic Twelve Games

is considered open impassible to cavalry, but

terrain. only difficult ground for
Difficult terrain is infantry.
somewhat hazardous
and/or annoying to get Sample Terrain Effects
through. Because of this, Given below are several
double the distance a types of terrain, along with
figure travels through suggestions as to how they
difficult terrain. For might affect the game. You
example, if a figure moves should feel free to accept,
2” through a patch of modify, or discard these
forest, it uses up 4” of the ideas as you see fit: just
figure’s movement make sure you tell your
allowance. opponent(s) before you do...
Impassible terrain is
completely impossible to Forest
move through. A good Forests may be handled
example of this would be in one of two ways:
a lake; no (normal) 1. As area terrain that
infantryman would be is difficult ground for
able to get through under infantry figures and
combat conditions. impassible for cavalry, or;
Players should be aware 2. As a number of
that it is possible individual trees, each of
for terrain to which is an obstacle to
affect different movement.
figures in If you choose the former
different ways; method, count the forest as
for soft cover for line of sight
example, purposes; if the latter, each
a dense individual tree blocks line of
forest sight.
may be
Hedges & Fences
Hedges and fences are
linear terrain, and it takes
infantry figures one
complete action to climb
over them. Cavalry may
leap over them, which takes
ARES: Miniatures Wargaming System - 33

1/2” of their movement hill, and then use its next

allowance. action to go up (or down)
Hedges and fences do the hill.
not affect line of sight, Any hill higher than 2”
unless the target of a is impossible to climb.
ranged Attack is within 1” A hill blocks line of
of the opposite side from sight if it lies between two
the attacker. In this case, a figures. If one or both of the
-1 per die penalty is applied figures are on top of the
to the attack roll. hill, line of sight is clear,
unless the figure on ground
Hills level is within 1” of the base
Hills are a special type of the hill, and the figure on
of area terrain, in that they top of the hill is more than
simply represent a portion 1” from the edge. In this
of the battlefield that is case, the figure on the
significantly higher than the ground is hidden by the
rest. Hills are unique crest of the hill.
because they may have
other types of terrain (and Marshes
even more hills!) on top of Marshes are wet,
them. Hills come in two sloppy, sticky, and just
flavors: small and large. plain not fun. They are
1. Small hills difficult ground
(generally, those 1” high for infantry
and under) are not much figures, and
of a hindrance; going up impassible
or down costs a figure to cavalry.
1/2 of its movement They do
score. For example, a not block
figure with a move of 4” line of
would need to use 2” to sight
go up a small hill. in any
2. Going up or down way.
a large hill (up to 2” high)
is more difficult, and
takes one complete
action. When a figure
wishes to move on to (or
off of) a large hill, it must
stop at the edge of the
34 - Majestic Twelve Games

Ruins, Rocks, and Rubble wade through*; and lakes

Otherwise known as are impassable.
“broken ground”, this *Optionally, rivers can
category includes any area be considered difficult for
strewn with debris of one cavalry figures, but
sort or another. It is impassable for infantry.
considered difficult ground
for all figures, and ranged CHAPTER EIGHT:
Attacks against infantry
figures in broken ground
In which we discuss all the
suffer a -1 per die penalty,
really neat-o things that
due to the numerous
don’t seem to fit within the
outcroppings that can play
normal rules.
havoc with missile fire.
pecial abilities
Water Hazards
include anything a
For the most part,
figure (or its
water on the battlefield
weapon) is able to
comes in the form of
do that isn’t accounted for
streams, rivers, and lakes.
by any of the other
Streams are linear
characteristics. The one
terrain, requiring one
example that has already
complete action to cross
been discussed is cavalry;
over; rivers are
however, there are many
difficult terrain,
other possibilities. As has
forcing figures to
been stated before, this is a
game of fantasy, and
anything players can dream
up should be allowable. Use
the suggestions in this
chapter as a guide to
ensure things don’t get too
unbalancing, otherwise,
have at it!
There are two basic
kinds of special abilities:
figure-related and weapon-
related. Each is discussed
in its own section.
ARES: Miniatures Wargaming System - 35

Figure-Related Special Cavalry

Abilities This one’s pretty much
Figure-related abilities a “gimme”. A figure labeled
deal with anything the as Cavalry has certain
figure itself is able to do special rules applied to it
that a standard figure is not that are already covered in
capable of. previous chapters.

Backstab Fanatic
A figure with the A Fanatic figure is
Backstab ability can sneak exceptionally enthusiastic
up behind an opponent and about fighting, and as such
deal a vicious blow before is unaffected by unit morale
the target can react. checks. In addition, the
Whenever such a figure figure receives an automatic
Charges into melee combat +1 per die bonus when
from behind, the target Attacking in melee combat.
cannot turn to meet the However, the figure is also
Attack, and therefore quite undisciplined and
cannot Parry. In addition, unconcerned about its own
the Attack, if successful, welfare. Because of this,
inflicts one extra wound. enemy figures receive +1
per die bonus when making
Cause Fear melee Attacks
Whenever a figure that against Fanatic
Causes Fear Charges an figures. Finally, if
opponent, the target must there is an
make an immediate morale opposing
check, before the Attack is figure
resolved. within
Conversely, any time a
figure wishes to Charge an
opponent that causes fear,
it must make a morale
check; if this roll fails, the
figure does not move, and
action is wasted.
This ability does not
work on figures that
themselves Cause Fear.
36 - Majestic Twelve Games

Charging distance, a Strike is made as a normal

Fanatic must pass a morale melee Attack, and the target
check in order to perform (the original attacker) may
any action other than Parry; if it does so, however,
Charge that figure (unless it loses its own Attack.
the Fanatic is already in Once the First Strike is
melee combat). If this completed, the Attack
morale check is passed, the proceeds normally (provided
Fanatic may perform the attacker is still alive, of
whatever action the player course).
intended; if it is failed, the The First Strike ability
Fanatic immediately may not be used against a
Charges the opposing figure that also has First
figure. Strike capability.
A Fanatic does not need
to pass a morale check to Flyer
perform a purely defensive A figure labelled as a
action, such as a Dodge. Flyer is able to (you guessed
it) fly across the battlefield.
First Strike Taking to the air requires
A figure with the First an action: landing takes
Strike ability may, instead another action. When flying,
of Parrying an Attack, the figure’s move score is
choose to make doubled, and it may ignore
its own Attack all terrain effects.
first! In order to Furthermore, a flying figure
do so, all cannot engage or be
conditions for engaged in melee combat: it
a Parry can only Attack or be
must be Attacked with missile
met (i.e., weapons. Attacks against
spend an flying figures are at a -1 per
action, die penalty; Attacks by
attacker flying figures are at a +1 per
must be die bonus. Terrain only
in the affects ranged Attacks by
front, flying figures if it is
etc.). The occupied by the target (e.g.,
First the target is inside a forest,
etc.). Terrain does not affect
ARES: Miniatures Wargaming System - 37

ranged Attacks against itself. A figure may not Hide

flying targets. while in contact with an
Flying figures may enemy figure.
Charge by first moving next Figures are
to their intended target and automatically revealed if
then spending the they perform any combat-
necessary action to land, related action (Charge,
which is then considered a Attack, etc.). While hidden,
Charge. a figure’s move score is cut
in half.
Glass Jaw Hidden figures may be
Figures with a Glass spotted: attempting to Spot
Jaw are highly susceptible takes an action. To see
to injury. While there may whether the Spotting
be a perfectly reasonable attempt is successful, roll
medical explanation for the one die: if the roll is equal
condition, it is very difficult to or greater than the range
to convince the figure’s to the hidden figure (in
comrades that this is due to inches), the attempt
anything other than pure succeeds and the target is
“wussiness”... no longer hidden.
All Attack rolls against The type of die used in
a figure with a Glass Jaw a Spotting attempt depends
receive a +1 per die bonus. upon the base
morale score of
Hide the spotting
A figure that can Hide figure:
is able to blend itself into
its surroundings, either
through camouflage or
more magical means. While
this is not true invisibility,
for the purposes of the
game, a figure that is
hidden cannot be Charged
or otherwise Attacked by
opposing figures.
Figures must use an
action to Hide. Once
hidden, a figure remains so
until it chooses to reveal
38 - Majestic Twelve Games

Morale Die Type represents better than

1 D4 average eyesight, hearing,
2 D6 smell, or whatever. The
3 D8 effects of this talent are
4 D10 threefold:
5 D12 1) Keen senses gives
the figure a bonus when
Individual attempting to detect
This figure does not hidden figures (see
have to be part of a unit; above). Whenever a figure
instead, it can be fielded on with Keen Senses
its own. Figures that attempts to spot a hidden
operate in such a manner figure, it may roll two dice
do not suffer from unit instead of one; e.g., a
morale tests (as there is no figure with a morale of 2
unit to trigger them), and and Keen Senses would
make all individual morale roll 2D8 rather than a
tests using a D6 instead of single D8.
a D12. In these cases, a roll 2) A figure with Keen
of 6 automatically fails. If Senses is immune to the
an Individual figure is made effects of the Backstab
part of a unit, it is treated ability (see above).
as a normal figure, but its 3) Finally, Keen
morale rating is Senses also gives a figure
increased by +1. a bonus in missile
combat; such a figure
Keen Senses gains a +1 per die bonus
The Keen to all ranged Attack rolls.
ability Leader
A figure with the Leader
ability is (obviously) in a
leadership role, and is not
prone to the same fears and
uncertainties that plague
those under its command.
As such, a Leader is
immune to the effects of all
unit morale checks.
Furthermore, the
command distance of a unit
ARES: Miniatures Wargaming System - 39

containing a Leader is Quick

increased by 1” per figure. A figure with the Quick
For example, a unit of 6 special ability is
figures normally has a exceptionally responsive
command distance of 12”; if and agile. It may use three
the unit contained a Leader, actions per turn, instead of
this diameter would two. It may still only hold or
increased to 18”. This borrow one action at a time.
bonus is only applicable
once, regardless of the Regenerate
number of Leaders in the Figures with the
unit. Regenerate ability have a
much faster healing process
Leap than normal creatures. By
A figure that can Leap spending an action, a
is able to jump over other regenerating figure may
figures and/or intervening replace a wound that had
obstacles, such as fences, been lost. This may not be
hedges, and the like. The used while in contact with
Leap takes one full action, an opposing figure, and
and may be used to move may not be used to give a
up to 1/2 the figure’s figure more wounds that it
movement score, started with.
disregarding any terrain or
figures in the way. A Leap Scale
may not be made in to or While most
out of melee combat. combatants
Magic Resistance generally fit
Magic Resistance forces within the
all spells cast against the
figure to take a -1 per die
penalty, whether the figure
wants the spell cast on it or
not. In addition, a Magic
Resistant figure is immune
to the +1 per die bonus
granted to Magic weapons
(see Weapon-Based Special
Abilities, below).
40 - Majestic Twelve Games

parameters of normal roughly twice the size of the

human proportions, in a previous level. Thus, a
fantasy game it is possible Scale +2 figure is actually
to encounter anything from 16 times as massive as a
tiny fairies (who go squish Scale -2 figure. Unless
between your toes) to specified otherwise, assume
enormous giants (who all figures have a Scale of
usually do the squishing). zero (human-sized).
To accommodate this, each In game terms, Scale
figure will have an has the effect of modifying
associated Scale. Attack rolls. The Attacker’s
The assumption here is Scale is used as a per die
that Scale will have an modifier in melee combat,
effect both on the amount as is the reverse of the
of damage a figure can defender’s Scale. For
inflict, as well as the example, a human
amount of damage it can attacking a Scale +1 giant
take. In other words, a would suffer a -1 per die
Scale +1 figure will do more penalty; when the giant
damage than a Scale -1 strikes the human, it
figure with otherwise receives a +1 per die bonus.
identical statistics. Scale also affects
Likewise, a Scale -2 figure ranged combat; in this case,
will break much the defender’s scale is used
more easily than a as a per die modifier to the
Scale 0 figure, Attack roll. Thus, a gremlin
even though they (Scale -2) would be much
may both have more difficult to hit with a
the missile weapon than a
same dragon (Scale +2).
value. Secondary Attack
A Secondary Attack
There reflects a figure’s
are five possession of more than
levels of one melee weapon; for
Scale: example, a two-bladed
each swordsman, or a reptilian
level is with rear claws. A figure
with a Secondary Attack
may always roll a third die
ARES: Miniatures Wargaming System - 41

when making a melee Attack rolls against any

Attack; this extra die is figure with a Thick Skull
equal to the close combat suffer a -1 per die penalty.
die, and does not require
the expenditure of an Taunt
additional action, as with a Some figures just have
normal combined Attack. a knack for getting under
A figure with a other creatures’ skins (or
Secondary Attack that scales, or feathers, or
wishes to make a combined whatever). Because of this,
Attack does not add a they are able to disrupt the
fourth die; instead, it enemy’s plans and lure
receives a +1 per die bonus them into combat (which, if
to its roll. the enemy is bigger, may
not be a Good Thing...)
Snap-Fire Whenever a figure
A figure with the Snap- wishes to perform an
Fire ability can bring its action, and there is an
missile weapon to bear with enemy with the Taunt
little or no preparation. ability within Charge
Whenever an enemy figure distance, the acting figure
is about to take an action, a must pass a morale check
figure with the Snap-Fire in order to avoid Charging
ability can interrupt and the Taunting
make an immediate ranged figure. This check
Attack against the acting must be made
figure. The firing figure can each time
use a held action, or borrow the figure is
one if none are currently about to
held. take an
Only one Snap-Fire action,
Attack can be made before unless
each opposing action. it is

Thick Skull
In direct opposition to
figures with Glass Jaws,
those with Thick Skulls have
the ability to shake off
blows that would flatten a
lesser man (or beast).
42 - Majestic Twelve Games

already in melee combat sound like: weapons that

with another figure. This have an effect across a
restriction does not apply to given area. This area is
purely defensive actions, expressed by a radius,
such as Dodge. given in inches (e.g., 2”).
This ability will not This means that all figures
work on figures that can within this distance from
themselves Taunt. the point of impact will be
affected. As such, only
Thrust ranged weapons will have
A figure with the Thrust an Area Effect.
ability is able to counter an When firing an Area
opponent’s active defenses Effect weapon, a player
and strike home. It is must designate a location
impossible to Parry any on the board as the target,
melee Attack by such a rather than a specific
figure. enemy figure. This location
becomes the point of
Weapon-Based Special impact, and a separate
Abilities Attack roll is made against
As the name indicates, each figure (friend or foe)
a weapon-based ability is within this radius. These
tied to one of a figure’s should be carried out as
weapons, and normal ranged Attacks in
would therefore all respects, using the range
only apply to die appropriate to each
actions taken target, not to the point of
with impact. The order in which
that these Attacks are resolved
weapon. is at the discretion of the
acting player.
Effect Chain
Area This designation is valid
Effect only for melee weapons,
weapons and indicates a weapon that
are just is held together by
what (surprise!) a chain (or
they chains): for example, a flail
or morningstar. Such
weapons have the benefit of
ARES: Miniatures Wargaming System - 43

ignoring an opponent’s Charges against this figure

shield, if present. from the front.

Cumbersome Persistent
A Cumbersome weapon Some weapons will have
requires two actions to use. the Persistent ability; this
Examples would be a means that when a target is
crossbow, which needs the hit with such a weapon, it
extra action to reload, or a will continue to suffer ill
very heavy war hammer effects for some time
that throws its wielder off- afterwards. Examples would
balance. be poison spit from a giant
A figure may borrow the cobra, or burning pitch
second action needed to use launched from a siege
a Cumbersome weapon; for tower.
example, a dwarf with one Whenever a figure takes
action remaining wishes to damage from a Persistent
fire his Cumbersome weapon, place an
crossbow. He must use his appropriate marker next to
last action and borrow one it. Whenever such a figure
from the next turn in order is activated, make a special
to do so. damage roll. Two of the
appropriate damage dice
Magic are rolled against
A Magic weapon gains two of the
an automatic +1 per die appropriate
bonus to its Attacks, unless armor dice
the target is Magic (e.g., if the
Resistant. weapon
has a D6
Polearm damage
A Polearm is an die,
extremely long weapon, and
used to hold opponents at a the
distance. This allows a target
figure using one to gain a has
+1 per die bonus to its D8
Attack roll whenever armor,
Charging, as well as a -1 2D6
penalty to all enemy are
44 - Majestic Twelve Games

rolled versus 2D8). If this and/or fantastic equivalents

roll results in no damage, of the submachine gun...
the Persistent marker is Whenever a Repeating
removed, as the weapon weapon causes a wound, it
has spent itself. However, if can immediately make
the roll results in one or another Attack: this Attack
more hits, the damage is must be made against the
applied and the marker is original target. This
left in place. The procedure continues until the weapon
is repeated each turn until fails to cause a wound.
no damage is inflicted. All subsequent Attacks
from a Repeating weapon
Powerful are made with just two dice,
A powerful weapon even if the attacker made a
inflicts +1 wound whenever combined Attack, or has the
it makes a successful Secondary Attack ability.
Attack. This means that a Likewise, if the defender
powerful weapon will Dodges or Parries the
always inflict at least 2 Attack, the third die is only
wounds if it hits. used in defense of the first
attack roll.
A weapon with the Weak
Repeating ability A weapon designated as
can attack Weak will never cause more
numerous times in than one wound in a single
one action: no Attack, regardless of the
real-world success level.

spring to
but one
could be
ARES: Miniatures Wargaming System - 45

SAMPLE FIGURE Human Longbowman (40)

Wounds 3 Move 4”
Morale 2 Armor D6
Close Combat D4
Human Hero (110) Ranged Combat D8
Wounds 6 Move 6” Weapons:
Morale 4 Armor D10+ Dagger (D4)
Close Combat D10 Longbow (5/D10)
Ranged Combat n/a Magic D6
Weapons: Spells:
Mace (D10) None
Magic D6 Special: None
None Human Mounted Archer
Special: Cavalry (99)
Wounds 6 Move 7”
Human Knight (88) Morale 3 Armor D8
Wounds 6 Move 6” Close Combat D6
Morale 4 Armor D10+ Ranged Combat D8
Close Combat D8 Weapons:
Ranged Combat n/a Sword (D6)
Weapons: Bow (3/D8)
Sword (D8) Magic D6
Magic D6 Spells:
Spells: None
None Special: Cavalry
Special: Cavalry

Human Noble (134)

Wounds 6 Move 5”
Morale 5 Armor D10
Close Combat D10
Ranged Combat n/a
Sword* (D10)
Magic D8
Special: Cavalry, *Magical
46 - Majestic Twelve Games

Human Pikeman (27)

Wounds 3 Move 4”
Morale 2 Armor D8
Close Combat D6
Ranged Combat n/a
Pike* (D8)
Magic D6
Special: *Polearm

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