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The most common religion in Germany is Christianity.

It was first introduced into in

Germany around A.D. 350 when the bible was put into Gotisch, by Visigoth bishop Ulfilas. This
was the beginning process of converting the pagan Germanic peoples to Christianity. (Religion
in Germany). Christianity is such a wide spread religion that is not just the most common
religion in Germany, but the most common religion all across Europe.
This world is so messed up that it is nice to turn to something that comforts you and
makes you feel safe. A lot of people turn to a religion and a God in a time of need or a really
rough situation. In Germany religion plays an important role in social development as it
provides a space for discussion, such as health, family, environmental protection and peace. It
also provides guidance for human interaction, far beyond legal regulations. In, Germany they
are patterned with countries on a religious level, such as Indonesia, Algeria, and Burundi. In
Burundi, Germany’s Civil Peace Service is working with local churches to revive dialogue
between groups that are deeply divided after years of civil war. (The role of religion in German
development policy) Germany is working very hard to make religion part of every aspect of
their lives and that is very important, so they can have peace with themselves and other
In, the religion of Christianity there are many sacred places around the world and
Germany is no exception to that. Germany have very many religious sites throughout the
country. The number one place is the Cologne Cathedral. In, Staffelstein the number one sacred
place is the Basilica of the Vierzehnheiligen.(Trip Advisory) There are way too many sacred
places in Germany to name all of them. Being in a religion it is nice to know that there is a place
for you to go to feel at mist peace and to never feel alone.
Religion and the law are interdependent on each other in Germany just like they are in
other countries. Many forms of religion are influenced by the government and the government
is also influenced by religion. Religion is such a strong and powerful force that it is intertwined
with so many other things. (The Interplay of Religion and Law in Germany)
Religion plays a big role in Germany. Social development is very dependent on religion.
More than half of the country is Christian and turns to God in a time of need. Germany has
many areas for Christians to go and feel loved and at peace. Germany does a wonderful job at
keep religion in every aspect of their live

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