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Characterization of glomerular extracellular

matrix by proteomic analysis of laser
captured microdissected glomeruli
Liliane Hobeika1, Michelle T. Barati1, Dawn J. Caster1,2, Kenneth R. McLeish1,2,3 and
Michael L. Merchant1,3
Division of Nephrology and Hypertension, University of Louisville School of Medicine, Louisville, Kentucky, USA; and 2Robley Rex VAMC,
Louisville, Kentucky, USA

Abnormal extracellular matrix (ECM) remodeling is a Copyright ª 2016, International Society of Nephrology. Published by
Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
prominent feature of many glomerular diseases and is a
final common pathway of glomerular injury. However,

changes in ECM composition accompanying disease-
related remodeling are unknown. The physical properties xtracellular matrix (ECM) is a 3-dimensional network
of ECM create challenges for characterization of of cross-linked secreted proteins that exists in 2 major
composition using standard protein extraction techniques, forms, a form that surrounds cells as a structural scaf-
as the insoluble components of ECM are frequently fold and a specialized ECM that forms basement membranes.
discarded and many ECM proteins are in low abundance Genomic and proteomic analysis determined that mamma-
compared to other cell proteins. Prior proteomic studies lian ECM consists of w300 core proteins, including 43
defining normal ECM composition used a large number of collagen subunits, 35 proteoglycans, and w200 complex gly-
glomeruli isolated from human kidneys retrieved for coproteins.1,2 In addition to the core Matrisome, >700
transplantation or by nephrectomy for cancer. Here we matrix-associated proteins have been identified, including
examined the ability to identify ECM proteins by mass secreted proteins, growth factors, cytokines, and proteins
spectrometry using glomerular sections compatible with that regulate ECM organization and remodeling.3–6 ECM in
those available from standard renal biopsy specimens. different tissues contains a more limited number of proteins,
Proteins were classified as ECM by comparison to the as studies of ECM from lung and colon contained 146 and
Matrisome database and previously identified glomerular 106 matrix proteins, respectively, of which only 84 were com-
ECM proteins. Optimal ECM protein identification resulted mon to both tissues.3 ECM undergoes continual remodeling
from sequential decellularization and protein extraction of by adherent cells through the release of degradative enzymes
100 human glomerular sections isolated by laser capture and production of new ECM.1,6 Cells interact with ECM
microdissection from either frozen or formalin–fixed, through matrix component receptors, including integrins,
paraffin-embedded tissue. In total, 147 ECM proteins were discoidin domain receptor tyrosine kinases, syndecans,
identified, including the majority of structural and GBM CD44, and dystroglycan.2 In addition to receptors for specific
proteins previously identified along with a number of matrix components, cells express receptors for matrix-
matrix and glomerular basement membrane proteins not associated cytokines and growth factors, for degradative frag-
previously associated with glomeruli. Thus, our study ments of matrix components, and that recognize mechanical
demonstrates the feasibility of proteomic analysis of stress. Interaction of those receptors with their ligands acti-
glomerular ECM from retrieved glomerular sections vates intracellular signal transduction pathways that regulate
isolated from renal biopsy tissue and expands the list of cell adhesion, migration, proliferation, differentiation, and
known ECM proteins in glomeruli. survival.2,7 The signal transduction pathways activated by
Kidney International (2016) -, -–-; http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/
the interaction of cells with ECM also regulate synthesis
j.kint.2016.09.044 and secretion of ECM proteins. Thus, cells constantly
KEYWORDS: extracellular matrix; glomeruli; human; laser capture microdis-
remodel their surrounding ECM, whereas ECM regulates
section; mass spectrometry diverse cell functions. Aberrant ECM remodeling contributes
to a number of diseases and produces fibrosis and organ
Correspondence: Michael Merchant, Room 102, Baxter I Research Building, The glomerular ECM is generated, organized, and main-
University of Louisville, 630 South Preston Street, Louisville, Kentucky 40202, tained by all 3 resident cell types, podocytes, mesangial
USA. E-mail: mlmerc02@exchange.louisville.edu cells, and endothelium.8 Glomerular ECM functions as a
These senior authors contributed equally. structural matrix surrounding mesangial cells and providing a
Received 29 July 2016; revised 14 September 2016; accepted 29 scaffold for glomerular capillaries.9 The glomerular basement
September 2016 membrane (GBM) is a specialized ECM generated by and

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technical notes L Hobeika et al.: Proteomics of glomerular extracellular matrix

separating podocytes and fenestrated vascular endothelial feasibility of a proteomic analysis of glomerular ECM
cells.10 An increased accumulation of glomerular ECM occurs composition from glomerular sections isolated from limited
in a number of diseases, including diabetic nephropathy, IgA renal tissue and expanded the list of known glomerular ECM
nephropathy, and focal segmental glomerulosclerosis. Disor- proteins.
dered ECM remodeling leading to glomerulosclerosis is
postulated to represent a final common pathway of glomer- RESULTS
ular injury. Kidneys obtained from animal models of human Number of glomerular sections required for protein
disease have been used to provide insight into disease-specific identification
ECM alterations. Xu et al.11 analyzed glomeruli isolated by To compare protein identification from different tissue
laser capture microdissection (LCMD) from the 5/6 preparations and protein extraction techniques, we first
nephrectomy rat model of focal segmental glomerulosclerosis examined the total number of proteins and peptides identified
to show that the proteomic pattern of nonsclerotic glomeruli by MS from varying numbers of glomerular sections. Figure 1
was more similar to sclerotic than normal glomeruli. They shows the total number of tandem mass spectrometry (MS2)
also identified thymosin b4 in endothelial cells of sclerotic events and of proteins identified for different numbers of
and nonsclerotic glomeruli, but not in normal glomeruli. glomerular sections from each tissue preparation. For FR
Thus, identification of the components of the glomerular tissue, the number of MS2 events and identified proteins was
ECM under normal and diseased conditions may provide optimal at 100 glomerular sections (Figure 1a). For FFPE
insight into glomerular physiology and the pathophysiology tissue, the number of MS2 events was more variable with
of a number of glomerular diseases. optimal values at 75 and 140 glomerular sections. The
Several studies applied proteomic approaches to define number of proteins identified was at a plateau between 60 and
normal ECM composition using whole glomeruli isolated 130 glomerular sections, but increased at 140 sections
from human kidneys retrieved for transplantation12 or by (Figure 1b). Based on these findings, 100 glomerular sections
nephrectomy.13,14 Lennon et al.12 identified 144 core ECM were selected as the target for use in all subsequent studies.
and ECM-associated proteins from intact glomeruli isolated
from human donor kidneys unsuitable for transplantation. Reproducibility of protein identification
Identifying the composition of glomerular ECM from the To determine the reproducibility of protein identification by
limited tissue available from human biopsies has been hin- MS analysis, peptides from all 3 protein extraction methods of
dered by the technical difficulties of separating ECM from both FFPE and FR tissue were analyzed twice by MS. Repli-
cellular compartments and the limited amount of protein cates 1 and 2 correspond to proteins identified from each of
available for mass spectrometry (MS) analysis. The goal of the 2 analyses. Comparison of the 1097 proteins in replicate 1
the current study was to determine the feasibility of using with the 1082 proteins in replicate 2 is shown in Figure 2 (see
glomerular sections obtained by laser capture microdissec- also Supplementary Table S1). A total of 906 proteins were
tion of kidney biopsy specimens for proteomic analysis of identified in both replicates, whereas 191 proteins were found
the glomerular ECM. The tissue type (formalin-fixed only in replicate 1 and 176 proteins were only identified in
paraffin-embedded [FFPE] and frozen [FR]), protein replicate 2. Thus, performing duplicate MS analyses of a
extraction technique, and number of glomerular sections single peptide mixture from extracted glomerular proteins
isolated by LCMD were studied. Our study demonstrated the increased the number of proteins identified by w20%.

Figure 1 | Number of glomerular sections required for protein identification. Glomerular sections were retrieved from FR and FFPE 10-mm
human kidney tissue sections and extracted using 4% sodium dodecylsulfate before liquid chromatography mass spectrometry analysis. To
establish optimal numbers of glomerular sections (x axis) for liquid chromatography mass spectrometry analysis, numbers of MS2 events (left
y axis) and identified proteins (right y axis) were plotted against the number of glomerular sections. (a) Total number of MS2 events and
proteins identified from varying numbers of glomerular sections in FR tissue. (b) Total number of MS2 events and proteins identified from
varying numbers of glomerular sections in FFPE tissue. FFPE, formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded; FR, frozen; MS2, tandem mass spectrometry.

2 Kidney International (2016) -, -–-

L Hobeika et al.: Proteomics of glomerular extracellular matrix technical notes

Matrisome Replicate 1 Table 1 | Comparison of the number of total and matrix

proteins identified by MAX, SDS, and TX in both FFPE and FR
N = 1027 N = 1097
915 184 FFPE total 574 649 689
FR total 694 750 874
FFPE matrix 63 81 89
95 FR matrix 66 80 79
10 811 FFPE, formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded; FR, frozen; MAX, ProteaseMAX surfactant;
SDS, sodium dodecylsulfate; TX, Triton X-100.

166 compared with SDS (N ¼ 5) and MAX (N ¼ 1). Figure 3b shows

Replicate 2 the comparison of matrix proteins identified from FR tissue via
N = 1082 MAX (N ¼ 66), SDS (N ¼ 80), and TX (N ¼ 79). Of the matrix
proteins identified by MAX, 89% were also identified by SDS
Figure 2 | Reproducibility of protein identification. A comparison and TX. Of the matrix proteins identified by sequential
of protein identification rates within technical duplicate liquid
chromatography mass spectrometry samples is shown in a Venn
extraction methods, 86% were common to TX and SDS, 9
diagram. Although the total number of identified proteins is proteins were unique to TX, 6 to SDS, and 1 to MAX. Our data
consistent within a liquid chromatography mass spectrometry run, indicate that sequential extraction in which cellular proteins are
the number of unique proteins identified within only replicate 1 or removed, particularly that using TX, provided optimal identi-
only replicate 2 equaled w20% of the total. To define the matrix
protein identification rate, replicates 1 and 2 were each compared
fication of matrix proteins.
with the proteome contained in the Matrisome database. Replicate 1
(N ¼ 1097 total proteins), replicate 2 (N ¼ 1082 total proteins), and Effect of tissue preparation on matrix protein identification
the Matrisome database (N ¼ 1027 matrix proteins). See also
Supplementary Table S1. To determine the effect of tissue processing on matrix protein
recovery, the matrix proteins identified in glomerular sections
from FFPE tissue and FR tissue were compared for each
Because a goal of this project was ECM protein identifi- extraction method. Of the matrix proteins identified by MAX,
cation from limited kidney tissue, all proteins identified from 55 were common between FFPE (87%) and FR (83%) tissue.
replicates 1 and 2 were compared with the 1027 matrix Of the matrix proteins identified by sequential extraction with
proteins in the Matrisome database (http://matrisomeproject. SDS, 66 were common between FFPE (81%) and FR (82%)
mit.edu), a highly curated database of known ECM and tissue. Sequential extraction with TX identified 67 proteins
ECM-associated proteins. A total of 112 matrix proteins were common between FFPE (75%) and FR (85%) tissue. Our
identified, of which 95 proteins were present in both repli- results suggest that identification of matrix proteins from FR
cates, 10 proteins were present only in replicate 1, and 7 tissue and FFPE preserved tissue is similar for each of the
proteins were present only in replicate 2 (Figure 2). protein extraction methods.

Comparison of extraction methods Distribution of matrix proteins between cellular and

To determine an effective method of protein extraction for decellularized fractions in sequential extraction methods
matrix protein identification, 3 methods were examined: (i) To determine the distribution of matrix proteins identified
extraction with ProteaseMAX (Promega, Inc., Madison, WI) from cellular and decellularized fractions after sequential
Surfactant þ heating (MAX), (ii) sequential extraction with extraction with SDS and TX, matrix proteins identified in
0.4% sodium dodecylsulfate (SDS) to remove cellular proteins each fraction were compared. In glomerular sections from
followed by MAX (SDS), and (iii) sequential extraction with FFPE tissue, extraction with SDS resulted in identification of
NH4OH/0.5% Triton X-100 (Sigma-Aldrich, St. Louis, MO) 70 matrix proteins in decellularized fractions and 31 matrix
(TX) to remove cellular proteins followed by MAX (TX). proteins in the cellular fraction, 20 proteins were common to
Sequential extraction with either SDS or TX, compared with both fractions (Figure 4a). Extraction with TX identified
MAX, resulted in the identification of a larger number of total 63 matrix proteins in the decellularized fraction and 59
proteins and proteins common to the Matrisome in both FFPE matrix proteins in the cellular fraction with 33 proteins
and FR tissue (Table 1). Matrix proteins obtained from FFPE common to both (Figure 4b). Both cellular and decellularized
tissue using MAX (N ¼ 63), SDS (N ¼ 81), and TX (N ¼ 89) fractions contained glomerular structural and GBM proteins
were compared. Of the matrix proteins identified by MAX, 94% (Supplementary Table S2).
were also identified by SDS and TX. More than 80% of the In glomerular sections from FR tissue, sequential extrac-
matrix proteins identified by sequential extraction were com- tion with SDS identified 65 matrix proteins in the decellu-
mon to TX and SDS. Figure 3a shows that TX extraction larized fraction and 63 matrix proteins in the cellular fraction
identified a greater number of unique matrix proteins (N ¼ 14) with 48 proteins common to both (Figure 4c). For extraction

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a b
N = 81 N = 89 FR SDS FR TX
N = 80 N = 79

5 15 14 6 10 9

59 59
2 1 5 1

1 1
N = 63 N = 66

Figure 3 | Comparison of extraction methods. To determine an effective method of protein extraction from FFPE (a) and FR (b) tissue for
matrix protein identification, 3 methods common to tissue decellularization approaches were examined and include the use of an acid labile
detergent (MAX), a neutral pH anionic detergent solution (SDS), and an alkaline nonionic detergent solution (TX). Data are presented as a Venn
diagram to illustrate overlap of protein identifications between the extraction methods. (a) The number of matrix proteins identified from FFPE
tissue using MAX (N ¼ 63), SDS (N ¼ 81), and TX (N ¼ 89). (b) The number of matrix proteins identified from FR tissue using MAX (N ¼ 66), SDS
(N ¼ 80), and TX (N ¼ 79). FFPE, formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded; FR, frozen; MAX, ProteaseMAX surfactant; SDS, sodium dodecylsulfate; TX,
Triton X-100.

a b

Matrix proteins Matrix proteins

Matrix proteins Matrix proteins
cellular decellularized
cellular decellularized
N = 59 N = 63
N = 31 N = 70

11 20 50 26 33 30

c d

Matrix proteins Matrix proteins

Matrix proteins Matrix proteins in FR TX in FR TX
in FR SDS in FR SDS cellular decellularized
cellular decellularized N = 64 N = 55
N = 63 N = 65

15 48 17 24 40 15

Figure 4 | Distribution of matrix proteins between cellular and decellularized fractions in sequential extraction methods. The efficiency
of cellular and extracellular proteome isolation was examined by comparing the distribution of matrix proteins identified from cellular and
decellularized fractions following sequential extraction with SDS and TX from FFPE and FR tissue. For this comparison, the total numbers of
matrix proteins identified in each fraction were compared and shown in Venn diagrams to illustrate the overlap of protein identifications
between extraction methods, tissue storage, and cellular compartment. (a) Distribution of matrix proteins following sequential extraction with
SDS in FFPE tissue. (b) Distribution of matrix proteins following sequential extraction with TX in FFPE tissue. (c) Distribution of matrix proteins
following sequential extraction with SDS in FR tissue. (d) Distribution of matrix proteins following sequential extraction with TX in FR tissue.
FFPE, formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded; FR, frozen; SDS, sodium dodecylsulfate; TX, Triton X-100.

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L Hobeika et al.: Proteomics of glomerular extracellular matrix technical notes

by TX, 64 matrix proteins were present in the cellular fraction Lennon et al.12 divided their 144 glomerular ECM proteins
compared with 55 in the decellularized fraction with into structural (24 proteins), basement membrane (24 pro-
40 matrix proteins in common (Figure 4d). This analysis teins), and matrix-associated (96) proteins. We compared our
indicates that MS analysis of both cellular and decellularized ECM proteins with the proteins in each of those 3 categories.
fractions provides the most complete identification of matrix Our dataset contained 17 of 24 structural matrix proteins
proteins. (Table 3), 19 of 24 basement membrane proteins in addition
to 2 new basement membrane proteins (LAMA3 and
Comparison of glomerular matrix protein dataset with that LAMA4) (Table 4), and 55 of 96 matrix-associated proteins
previously published (Figure 5).
To determine the validity of using a number of glomerular
sections available from kidney biopsies for ECM protein Glomerular ECM protein interaction network
identification, we combined proteins from all 3 extraction All glomerular ECM proteins identified in the current study
techniques of both FFPE and FR tissue and compared that were converted to a protein interaction network model using
dataset with the Matrisome dataset and with a previously the Search Tool for the Retrieval of Interacting Genes (STRING
published report that identified the largest number of ECM v10) database with the highest confidence score (0.900).15
proteins using whole glomeruli isolated from 3 human Seven clusters of interacting proteins were identified,
donor kidneys unsuitable for transplantation.12 Our dataset including basement membrane and structural ECM proteins
contained 112 proteins present in the Matrisome project composed of 13 collagens, 6 laminins, and 8 heparan sulfate
dataset, and we identified an additional 35 proteins previ- proteoglycan GBM proteins (Figure 6a). Other clusters
ously reported by Lennon et al.12 but not contained in the included 5 complement components, 5 matrix remodeling
Matrisome dataset. Thus, 147 glomerular ECM proteins enzymes with cathepsin B as the central node, a group of 15
were identified in the current study, of which 91 proteins proteins involved in matrix remodeling with plasminogen as a
were previously identified by Lennon et al.12 The current central node, and a group of 10 proteins centered on apoli-
study identified 54 new glomerular ECM candidate proteins poprotein A1. The same analysis was performed after
(Figure 5). Analysis of these 54 proteins using the Human combining ECM proteins identified in this study and the report
Protein Atlas Database found that 22 proteins were previ- by Lennon et al.12 (Figure 6b). In addition to adding proteins to
ously shown to be present in glomeruli alone or in both the networks composed of proteins of the current study, 2 new
glomeruli and tubules, 14 proteins were present in tubules networks were identified. The first contained 7 proteins, with
only, and 18 proteins were not found in either glomeruli or matrix metalloproteinase 9 as the central node, that participate
tubules (Table 2). in cell-matrix interactions and cell migration. The second

Figure 5 | Increasing the known human glomerular ECM proteome. The experimental ECM dataset was analyzed using the online database
(Matrisome) and published literature12 to determine the ability to increase the known ECM proteome using the number of glomerular sections
isolated by laser capture microdissection modeling with the use of clinical renal biopsy material. As shown by a Venn diagram using gene
names, a large number of ECM-associated proteins not previously described in glomeruli (N ¼ 109) was identified. ECM, extracellular matrix.

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Table 2 | Localization of the newly identified ECM associated Table 3 | Comparison of the structural ECM proteins identified
proteins in the kidney using the Human Protein Atlas in this study to those identified by Lennon et al.12
Structural ECM proteins,
Gene name Location Lennon et al.12 Current study
A2M Present in glomeruli and tubules (N [ 24) (N [ 17)
A2ML1 Not detected in either tubules or glomeruli ASPN
ANGPTL6 Not available BGN BGN
ANXA1 Present in glomeruli, not tubules COL12A1
ANXA3 Present in glomeruli < tubules COL1A1 COL1A1
ANXA4 Present in tubules, not detected in glomeruli COL1A2 COL1A2
ANXA6 Present in glomeruli < tubules COL3A1 COL3A1
COL5A1 Not detected in either tubules or glomeruli COL6A1 COL6A1
CRELD1 Present in tubules, not detected in glomeruli COL6A2 COL6A2
CRIM1 Present in glomeruli, not tubules COL6A3 COL6A3
CST6 Present in tubules, not detected in glomeruli DCN
CSTA Not detected in either tubules or glomeruli DPT
CSTB Not detected in either tubules or glomeruli EMILIN1 EMILIN1
CTGF Present in glomeruli and tubules FGA FGA
CTSA Present in tubules, not detected in glomeruli FGB FGB
CTSB Present in tubules, not detected in glomeruli FGG FGG
CTSZ Present in tubules, not detected in glomeruli MGP MGP
DMBT1 Present in tubules, not detected in glomeruli NPNT NPNT
ECM1 Not detected in either tubules or glomeruli POSTN POSTN
FBN2 Not detected in either tubules or glomeruli RPESP
FGF1 Present in glomeruli>tubules TGFBI TGFBI
FLG Not detected in either tubules or glomeruli TINAGL1 TINAGL1
HRG Present in glomeruli<tubules VTN VTN
HRNR Present in glomeruli<tubules VWA5B2
ITIH5 Present in glomeruli and tubules VWA8
LGALS7 Present in tubules, not detected in glomeruli
LUM Present in tubules, not detected in glomeruli ECM, extracellular matrix.
MFAP2 Not detected in either tubules or glomeruli
MMRN2 Present in glomeruli and tubules
MUC5B Not detected in either tubules or glomeruli
using patient biopsy specimens could identify diagnostic and
NTN4 Present in glomeruli<tubules prognostic changes and define the molecular events leading to
PAPLN Present in glomeruli and tubules glomerular ECM remodeling. A limitation of all proteomic
PLG Present in glomeruli and tubules studies to date is the inability to differentially enrich basement
PLXNB2 Present in glomeruli<tubules
S100A10 Present in glomeruli and tubules membrane from other forms of ECM such as mesangial matrix.
S100A11 Present in tubules, not detected in glomeruli This current study capitalizes on the unusual physical proper-
S100A12 Not detected in either tubules or glomeruli ties of ECM that often create challenges for standard protein
S100A14 Present in tubules, not detected in glomeruli extraction techniques, such as the insoluble components
S100A7 Not detected in either tubules or glomeruli
S100A9 Not detected in either tubules or glomeruli of ECM that are frequently discarded during sample prepara-
S100P Not detected in either tubules or glomeruli tion. Furthermore, the presence of highly abundant cyto-
SBSPON Present in glomeruli<tubules plasmic and mitochondrial proteins limits detection of lower
SERPINB1 Not detected in either tubules or glomeruli
abundance ECM proteins. The current study combined
SERPINB12 Present in tubules, not detected in glomeruli
SERPINB3 Not detected in either tubules or glomeruli enrichment of glomerular ECM by LCMD and sequential
SERPINB6 Present in glomeruli and tubules protein extraction with highly sensitive MS to identify ECM
SERPINB9 Present in glomeruli not in tubules components from a number of glomerular sections compatible
SLPI Present in tubules, not detected in glomeruli
SPARC Present in glomeruli>tubules
with those available from renal biopsies. We identified a
TGM1 Not detected in either tubules or glomeruli majority of the structural and basement membrane glomerular
TGM3 Present in tubules, not detected in glomeruli ECM proteins, and the total number of ECM proteins found
THSD4 Present in glomeruli<tubules was comparable to that previously reported using whole
TNC Present in glomeruli not in tubules
VWF Not detected in either tubules or glomeruli
glomeruli isolated from 3 human kidneys.12
A number of studies have shown the feasibility of obtaining
ECM, extracellular matrix.
glomerular sections for proteomic studies using LCMD.16,17
The combination of LCMD and MS identified proteins
contained 6 proteins composed of enzymes, including angio- responsible for glomerular amyloid deposits,18,19 defined tar-
tensinogen, kininogen, cathepsin G, and cathepsin Z. gets of autoantibodies in glomerular immune complexes from
membranous nephropathy and lupus nephritis patients,20–22
DISCUSSION identified a patient with IgD heavy-chain disease23 and deter-
Glomerular ECM is histologically abnormal in a number of mined the components of the complement cascade in patients
diseases, and the ability to delineate ECM composition with C3 glomerulonephritis.24

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Table 4 | Comparison of the GBM proteins identified in this Both FFPE-preserved and FR tissue has been used for
study with those identified by Lennon et al.12 glomerular proteomic analysis. Use of FFPE tissue for
GBM proteins, Lennon et al.12 GBM proteins, current study MS-based studies has been discouraged because
(N [ 24) (N [ 21) formaldehyde-induced cross-linking makes proteins relatively
AGRN AGRN insoluble and unsuitable for extraction and subsequent MS
COL15A1 analysis.25 Our data indicate that FFPE-preserved tissue is
COL18A1 COL18A1 adequate for ECM protein identification. The advantages of
using FFPE-preserved renal biopsy tissue are that larger
COL4A3 COL4A3 amounts of tissue are typically available, FFPE better pre-
COL4A4 COL4A4 serves the cellular morphology and tissue architecture, tissue
COL4A5 COL4A5 can be stained to better identify abnormal glomeruli, and
tissue will remain stable longer. The use of FFPE-preserved
FBN1 FBN1 kidneys is supported by Nakatani et al.26 who used LCMD
FN1 FN1 isolated glomeruli from FFPE kidneys obtained at autopsy
FRAS1 from diabetic patients to show that nephronectin was asso-
ciated with the development of diabetic glomerulosclerosis.
LAMA2 LAMA2 To determine effective protein extraction for ECM protein
LAMA3 identification, 3 methods were compared. Our data showed
LAMA4 that sequential extraction with either SDS followed by MAX
LAMB1 LAMB1 (SDS) or NH4OH/TX followed by MAX (TX) resulted in the
LAMB2 LAMB2 identification of a larger number of total proteins and matrix
LAMC1 LAMC1 proteins compared with MAX alone. TX extraction may
NID1 NID1 provide a slight advantage over SDS because a larger number
TINAG of unique matrix proteins was identified. The use of
VWA1 VWA1 sequential extraction takes advantage of the insolubility of
GBM, glomerular basement membrane. ECM to enrich a sample for matrix proteins. Thus, we
expected ECM proteins to be in the fraction remaining after

Figure 6 | Glomerular ECM protein interaction network. Analysis of identified proteomes using network analysis tools can provide valuable
information for disease mechanisms. To demonstrate the robust liquid chromatography mass spectrometry dataset collection using limited
amounts of glomerular ECM material, a schematic overview of the protein–protein interaction network established by modeling the glomerular
ECM proteomes using the Search Tool for the Retrieval of Interacting Genes (STRING v10) database with the highest confidence score (0.900). (a)
STRING v10 ECM protein–protein interaction network model (this study) identified 7 clusters of interacting proteins including basement
membrane and structural ECM proteins composed of 13 collagens, 6 laminins, and 8 heparan sulfate proteoglycan glomerular basement
membrane proteins. (b) STRING v10 ECM protein–protein interaction network model (this and the Lennon et al.12 study) combined revealed 2
new networks containing 1 with matrix metalloproteinase-9 as the central node and a second with cathepsin’s –G and –Z as integral network
components. ECM, extracellular matrix.

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removal of cellular proteins. Surprisingly, matrix proteins matrix-associated proteins. Comparing our protein list
were present in both soluble and insoluble fractions. We were obtained using glomerular sections with the datasets from the
not able to discern from these proteomic data whether the Matrisome project and the report of Lennon et al.,12 the
matrix proteins present in the soluble fraction represented current study identified 147 matrix proteins. The majority of
nascent, soluble forms of ECM proteins that were yet to be the structural and basement membrane proteins identified
secreted and targeted for cross-linking into the glomerular previously were also found in the current study, whereas a
ECM. However, that finding suggests that procedures that number of new matrix-associated proteins and 2 new GBM
limit the number of proteins in the analyte are important for proteins (LAMA3 and LAMA4) were identified. These data
ECM protein identification. From a practical standpoint, MS highlight the need for the development of additional methods
analysis of both fractions optimally identified ECM compo- to enable isolation and characterization of unique ECM
nents. Additionally, duplicate analysis of the same peptide compartments such as GBM versus mesangial matrix.
mixture increased the number of ECM proteins identified by Combining our protein list with that of Lennon et al.12
w20%. Thus, the optimal work flow for identification of established 212 unique proteins as components of normal
glomerular ECM proteins in our study was to obtain 100 glomerular ECM. Our study confirms that the composition of
glomerular sections from FFPE tissue by LCMD, perform glomerular ECM is complex and provides methodologies to
sequential protein extraction with TX followed by MAX define ECM abnormalities in various glomerular diseases. The
surfactant, and perform duplicate MS analyses of peptides availability of the normal glomerular ECM proteome provides
from both soluble and insoluble fractions. a basis for comparison of ECM in those glomerular diseases.
Lennon et al.12 previously identified the largest human
glomerular ECM proteome using whole glomeruli isolated by
sequential sieving from 3 kidneys retrieved for trans-
Tissue collection
plantation. ECM enrichment was performed by sequential Human kidneys were obtained from deceased donors that were
decellularization with TX and protein extraction from the unsuitable for transplantation (courtesy of Kentucky Organ Donor
insoluble fraction with SDS. MS analysis identified 144 matrix Affiliates), as approved by the University of Louisville Human
proteins, of which 24 were determined to be structural ECM, Studies Committee. FR and FFPE tissue prepared from the same
24 were components of basement membrane, and 96 were human kidney was cut into 10-mm sections on polyethylene

Figure 7 | Tissue collection using LCMD. Images (bar ¼ 100 mm) demonstrating representative kidney tissue sections (10 mm) on polyethylene
terephthalate membrane slides stained with Mayer’s hematoxylin from FFPE (a,b) and FR (c,d) before and after LCMD retrieval and collection (e)
of glomerular sections. (a) FFPE tissue pre-glomerular collection (original magnification 10). (b) FFPE tissue postglomerular collection (original
magnification 20). (c) FR tissue pre-glomerular collection (original magnification 10). (d) FR tissue postglomerular collection (original
magnification 20). (e) Glomerular sections collected in the cap (original magnification 10). LCMD, laser capture microdissection. FFPE,
formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded; FR, frozen.

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terephthalate membrane frame slides. Tissue was stained with grade–modified trypsin in 100 ml of 1 M urea/0.1 M Tris-HCl (pH
Mayer’s hematoxylin following the Leica LMD6500 Laser Microdis- 8.5). This digest was filtered using the YM-10 10,000 Da molecular
section System staining protocol (Figure 7). Glomerular section weight cutoff device, and the digests were analyzed by a proteomic
isolation experiments were conducted separately (i) to determine a approach, as described in the following.
minimal number of glomeruli sections for proteomic analysis and Optimization of ECM isolation for proteomic analyses. To
(ii) to determine the superiority of 2-step sample preparation determine an optimal approach for isolation of ECM proteins from
methods that included first a decellularization step before a standard glomerular sections, 3 methods including 2 sequential-extraction
protein isolation method against a standard direct solubilization step approaches involving an initial decellularization step were used for
with an acid-labile detergent. In (i), increasing numbers of a side-by-side evaluation. These decellularization steps were based on
glomerular sections were collected from FR and FFPE tissue and modifications of the methods used by Ott et al.27 for heart tissue and
stored at 80  C. In (ii), 100 glomerular sections were isolated in the work of Lennon et al.12 for decellularization of whole glomeruli.
technical triplicates using LCMD from FFPE and FR tissue. In Method 1, the isolated glomerular sections were solubilized in a
Glomerular sections were collected in tubes containing 20 ml of single step using an acid-labile surfactant (0.1% Protease MAX
the storage buffer (10 mM N-2-hydroxyethylpiperazine- surfactant in 0.05 M ammonium bicarbonate) with heating for
N-2-ethanesulfonic acid at pH 7.0/0.67 mM ethylenediamine tetra- 5 minutes at 95  C (termed MAX) for total proteome extraction, as
acetic acid/1  Halt Protease and Phosphatase Inhibitor Cocktail published by Satoskar et al.16 In Method 2, the isolated glomerular
[#78442, Thermo Fisher Scientific, Waltham, MA]), and then stored sections were decellularized using a 0.4% SDS þ HALT protease/
at 80  C. phosphatase inhibitor cocktail (Thermo Fisher Scientific) followed
by solubilization of residual ECM pellets using MAX. In Method 3,
Protein extraction the isolated glomerular sections were decellularized using a method
Optimal glomerular section numbers. For determination of similar to the cellular “denudation” step of Byron et al.8 with 25 mM
the optimal number of isolated glomerular sections for proteomic NH4OH/0.5% TX þ HALT protease/phosphatase inhibitor cocktail
experiments, glomerular proteins were extracted using 0.1 M Tris pH (Thermo Fisher Scientific) followed by solubilization of residual
8.5/4% SDS with homogenization by 8 to 10 cycles of pipetting with ECM pellets using MAX (Figure 8). The isolated cellular and ECM
a freshly rinsed Hamilton syringe followed by heating to 99  C for proteins were digested using a filter-aided sample preparation pro-
60 minutes. The supernatant was recovered with the aid of a tocol as described previously. The filtered and digested samples were
dissection microscope at 30 magnification by manual pipetting. desalted and concentrated using a reversed-phase C18 PROTO Ultra
This sample was proteolyzed by digestion according to the filter- MicroSpin desalting column (Nest Group, Southborough, MA). The
aided sample preparation protocol. With this method, the residual recovered peptides were lyophilized and resuspended in 2% aceto-
insoluble pellet was rinsed twice with 0.1 M Tris-HCl (pH 8.5) nitrile/0.1% formic acid before quantification using a Nanodrop
and then digested overnight at 37  C with 20-ng sequencing 2000 (Thermo Fisher Scientific) at 205 nm.

Figure 8 | Optimization of ECM isolation for proteomic analyses. A schematic workflow for a 3-protein extraction methods comparison.
Method A is a single-step extraction/solubilization of tissue using the acid labile detergent MAX with heating for 5 minutes at 95  C (MAX).
Method B is the 2-step sequential extraction first with phosphate-buffered saline 0.4% SDS to isolate the cellular fraction followed by ECM
solubilization by MAX. Method C is the 2-step sequential extraction first with 25 mM NH4OH/0.5% Triton X-100 to isolate the cellular fraction
followed by ECM solubilization by MAX. ECM, extracellular matrix; MAX, ProteaseMAX surfactant; SDS, sodium dodecylsulfate.

Kidney International (2016) -, -–- 9

technical notes L Hobeika et al.: Proteomics of glomerular extracellular matrix

Proteomic analysis of isolated cellular and ECM samples Table S2. Compiled gene names for all glomerular structural and
Methods for the analysis of cellular and ECM protein samples using glomerular basement membrane proteins identified in cellular and
liquid chromatography MS were conducted as previously decellularized fractions.
described.28 Peptide values were estimated using absorbance mea- Supplementary material is linked to the online version of the paper at
surements at 205 nm by NanoDrop (Thermo Fisher Scientific). www.kidney-international.org.
Peptide samples were separated with a 170-minute LC gradient using
a Proxeon EASY nLC (Thermo Fisher Scientific) ultra high perfor- REFERENCES
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