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SS/Science Unit 9:
Waves and Energy

In this unit, students will learn about the following topics:

 Understand the following vocabulary terms:

o Energy- the ability to move things
o Wave- the transport of energy
o Medium- the object or thing that sound waves and/or light
eaves travel through
o Longitudinal waves- a wave pattern that moves back and
o Transverse waves- a wave pattern that moves up and down
o Amplitude- maximum distance of a wave from its
undisturbed position
o Wavelength- length measured from one point to the same
point on the next wave
o Trough- the lowest point of the wave
o Crest- the highest point of the wave

 Describe the relationship between vibrations and pitch in sound


 Draw longitudinal waves

 Draw and label transverse waves

 Draw a diagram showcasing how light waves travel into our eyes
so we can see

 Experiment with how sound waves travel through telephones

 Demonstrate wave patterns using jump ropes and slinkies

As always, more resources can be found on the Ms. Baillie Website and by utilizing the
textbook’s Index and Glossary

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