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Social Studies:
South Region

Below are the topics students will learn in this unit:

• List the names and abbreviations of all states in this
region AND be able to label them on a US map: Oklahoma
(OK), Texas (TX), Arkansas (AR), Louisiana (LA), Georgia
(GA), West Virginia (WV), Virginia (VA), Mississippi (MS),
Alabama (AL), Tennessee (TN), Kentucky (KY), Florida
(FL), Maryland (MD), North Carolina (NC), South Carolina

• Describe the physical characteristics of this region

• Explain how the physical characteristics impact the
economics or jobs in this region

• Define the following vocab terms: region, economics,
irrigation, petroleum, crude oil, refinery, import, export,
raw material, waterpower, reservoir, hydroelectric
power, slavery, plantations, cash crops, Union,
Confederacy, abolish, Civil War

• Civil War- describe the Civil War within the United States
and be able to utilize the following terms correctly-
slavery, Union, Confederacy, abolish

• Useful SS Textbook Pages- 206, 207, 238, 239, 184, 185,
242, 243, 173, 182, 183, 171, 172, 173, 202, 203, 204,
212, 213 As always, more resources can be found on the Ms. Baillie Website
and by utilizing the textbook’s Index and Glossary

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