Year 2 - : Early Stage of Professional Experience

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Year 2 – Early Stage of Professional Experience.

Please refer to the following guidelines but be aware the Professional Experience Office staff
welcomes calls/email contact, particularly if you have questions

As a Pre-Service Teacher, you are expected to:

 take part in pre-placement and placement meetings with the university representatives;
 make contact with your school based coordinator prior to placement to discuss starting details
and expectations;
 ensure your first meeting with your mentor teacher/team clarifies teaching time and specific
expectations for the placement;
 learn about the context of the school, its culture, community and values;
 understand and follow all school based expectations;
 set learning goals based on the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers and collect
evidence of having attained them;
 document all lesson plans and discuss content and planning approaches prior to and after
 be actively involved in the school community (yard duty, professional learning activities etc.);
 be open and proactive about collecting feedback from students, mentors and other colleagues;
 reflect in order to monitor progress, identify learning needs and interests and critically examine
teaching practice;
 keep a copy of the completed Professional Experience Report.

As a School Mentor teacher, you agree to:

 meet with the PST to discuss professional goals and expectations;
 support the PST by welcoming them to the school introducing them to students and colleagues,
providing resources, workspace, timetables, policies and curriculum materials;
 arrange regular meeting times with the PST to discuss lesson plans, offer support and reflect on
 share personal professional knowledge/readings, teaching experiences and passion for teaching;
 offer both written and verbal feedback in a timely, ongoing manner;
 pose thoughtful, open questions to encourage the PST to think about their practice and justify
their actions;
 be involved in the PST’s final assessment by completing the report, sharing the contents, having
the student sign off and ensuring that he/she takes a copy and that the school based coordinator
is able to return the evaluation form to the Professional Experience Office as soon as possible
after the placement.
By completion of this placement, the PST is expected to have:
 observed a range of students in different contexts and subject areas;
 begin team teaching with supervising teacher and build towards delivering solo lessons to whole class.
 discussed lesson plans with their school mentor teacher/s prior to each lesson as well as after;
 reflected on their strengths and future needs as learners and teachers;
 familiarised themselves with the school policies and practices;
 engaged in extra-curricular activities, attended meetings and become familiar with the diversity of roles and
expectations of being a teacher;
 reflected on their learning and researching questions as they arise;
 continue to develop a professional portfolio that provides evidence of professional knowledge, professional
practice and professional engagement based on the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers

The Coordinator is asked to:

 allocate pre-service teachers to appropriate supervising teachers;
 meet with pre-service teachers at the beginning of the placement and provide them with information
relating to the school procedures, programs and administration;
 provide pre-service teachers with information about what materials and resources are available within the
school to assist their planning and teaching;
 receive and distribute Deakin University material;
 see each pre-service teacher and provide them with feedback if possible;
 ensure that assessment and report forms are completed, discussed with the pre-service teacher and then
email back to Deakin University at the conclusion of the placement (please keep a copy for school records);
 ensure that any days a pre-service teacher is absent are made up;
 contact Deakin University if a pre-service teacher fails to attend at all, is absent for more than 2 days, is likely
to receive an unsatisfactory or “at risk” report or is experiencing difficulties;
 forward the claim forms for payment to Deakin University Professional Experience Office

Supporting Professional Experience “At Risk” or “Unsatisfactory”

Deakin has developed the Pre-service Teacher at Risk Procedure. This process is to be used only when a PST has
been identified as being ‘at risk’ of failure during placement.
1. Mentor teacher identifies the likelihood of an “At Risk” or “Unsatisfactory” assessment and contacts the School
Based Coordinator (SBC).
2. The SBC arranges a visit from a Deakin representative as soon as possible.
3. Shared consultation and support for all stakeholders offered with direction to continue or options.
4. A Deakin representative must be engaged before an “At Risk” or “Unsatisfactory” assessment can be recorded.ded.
Deakin will conduct a formal review process for every pre-service teacher deemed “At Risk” or “Unsatisfactory”.
A Deakin representative will be available “at call’ every placement. Every pre-service teacher will meet with a Deakin
representative at least once for every placement from the beginning of second year

Assessing the PST and completing the Report Form

 The Report Form includes criteria that are aligned with the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers
 Report Forms must be completed before the end of the placement. Mentor Teachers should arrange a
meeting with the PST to discuss the feedback and PSTs should complete a personal reflection on their
learning during the placement.
 The PST should be assessed against the expectations for a competent beginning teacher in a school at the
completion of their placement.
 Report Forms must be promptly returned within one week of the completion of the placement, to the
Professional Experience Administrator at Deakin University, located at the Professional Experience Office.
Year 2 – Early Stage
Professional Experience Office
of Professional Experience
Faculty of Arts and Education
ETP 201 Deakin University
(10 days) 221 Burwood Highway
Theme for the Practicum – Learner Return email ETP201
Teacher Relationships – adopt a range
of ways of seeing learners
Phone 9244 3840


Pre-service teacher name: Lucy Walton Deakin PST #:

School: Orchard Grove School ABN:

Primary School
School Coordinator of pre-service Mrs Leeanne King Year level/s: Year 3
Name of supervising teacher: Mr Toby Keen Total number of days: 10
Dates of attendance: 2/5/2016 - Dates absences made up:
Dates of absence: None

Guidelines for using this report form:

This is the pre-service teacher’s second experience in a primary education setting. Supervising teachers
should review the expectations laid out here with pre-service teachers (team, pair or individual) on or before
day one of their placement. The main focus of this practicum experience is to continue the development of
their pedagogical repertoire and understanding of the importance of relationships when engaging learners.
The pre-service teachers will probably require significant guidance and support. The experience should begin
with observation of teacher, supervision of learning activities set by supervisor and move quickly to
collaboratively preparing for and team teaching with their supervising teacher for one lesson per day,
working toward two lessons per day later in the placement, all with a focus on establishing safe, inclusive,
engaging and challenging practices. Later in the placement, where the opportunity presents itself,
encourage the pre-service teachers to conduct some solo teaching of the whole class. Supervising teachers
may wish to comment on whether the pre-service teachers have taken up opportunities to assist and learn in
both the classroom learning routines and school activities. The information in this report should refer to the
degree to which the pre-service teacher orientates him/herself to the role of teacher in the primary learning
environment but focus mainly on the teacher-learner relationship he/she builds.
The report and the teaching portfolio should be used as catalysts for constructive discussion and the report
should be completed by the supervising teacher in consultation with the pre-service teacher.
* In each rubric, codes are used to identify the domain, standard and focus from the AITSL National
Professional Standards for Graduate Teachers to which the attribute can be associated.

Professional Knowledge – Early Stage – Second Interaction with students and teachers.
Please click on the appropriate check box to make one selection only for each standard. Simply click again if you wish to remove
the check.

CRITERIA No opportunity Needs work Meets Exceeds

to observe on meeting expectations expectations

regards all students as capable of learning and demonstrate an

understanding of, and commitment to, equity in their practice
PK1.1, P1.3, PP3.1, PP4.1
plans curriculum to embrace the learning needs of students
from diverse linguistic, cultural, religious and socioeconomic
backgrounds including Aboriginal and Torres Strait islanders
PK1.3, PK1.4, PP3.1, PP4.1
understands how students learn and the implications for
demonstrates knowledge and understanding of the concepts,
substance and structure of content of teaching area
uses ICT and other learning technologies to expand learning
opportunities for students
PK2.6, PK1.2

Pre-service Teacher Evidence (space will expand as you add text) I believe that i demonstated an
understaning and commitment to equity for every child in the classroom. Equity is important to my self and i didn’t
want any child to feel left out or less important than other students in the classroom.
I used the curriculum to embrace the learning needs of students however, the next step for myself would be to
develop a lesson bassed around the whole classes needs. To do this i could create a pre test and then see what areas
are needed for improvement and then teach those areas for development.
Development of ICT is something that i start to use in teaching as a pre serviced teacher. Every day i had my laptop at
school and used it on the interactive white board. To take it to the next step i could include ipads and computers for
the children to use to complete their work .

Teacher Comment (space will expand as you add text) Lucy joined 3TK and quickly started building
relationships with students and teachers. She supported students with needs with dignity and took iniatives when
Lucy was keen to teach lessons, and after the first week of observation, was keen to teach as many lessons as possible
a day, teaching up to 3 lessons a day.
Lucy's lesson plans were detailed showing that they were well though out and included names of students who might
need support or need extra watching. Her lessons have begun using a learning intention. The lesson plans included a
warmup, introduction, body and conclusion including a reflection. She has seen the importance of relating the
reflection to the learning intention/success criteria. With the detail in the plan, minimal reference is needed to the
plan during the lesson. Lucy must, however, remember to refer to the lesson plan to ensure she includes all the
planned details.
Lucy showed good knowledge of the content and could explain content in a way that students understand, using
appropriate vocabulary and examples.
Lucy used differetiation in her lessons based on regular class groupings and pre-determined requirements. Lucy
would benefit from instigating a pretest for a unit of work and use the data to determine her own groups,
differentiation and individual learning needs in the lessons she plans.
Professional Practice – Early Stage – Second interaction with students and teachers.

CRITERIA No Needs work Meets Exceeds

opportunity on meeting expectations expectations
to observe expectations

demonstrates empathy, and a positive regard for and rapport

with learners
PP3.5, PP4.1, PP4.4, PE7.1
is aware of and can use a range of strategies to establish a positive
and inclusive learning environment
PP3.3, PP4.1, PP4.4
is aware of and can use a range of resources, including ICT, to
engage learners
PP3.4, PP4.1, PP4.4
demonstrates knowledge and implementation of classroom
management routines and practical approaches to manage
challenging behaviour
PP4.2, 4.3
is aware of and uses a range of strategies to challenge learners in
their thinking and skills
PP3.1, PP3.3, PP3.5, PP5.2


Pre-service Teacher Evidence (space will expand as you add text) i have wanted to be a teacher ever since i
had my first day of school in prep. Because i knew what i wanted to do with my life at an early age i have been critical
of the teachers that i have had and analysed there teaching, what they did really well and things they didn’t do as
well. My favourite teachers demonstartated empathty and that is something that i believe every teacher needs to
have as one of their qualities. The best teachers get all students actively invlolved in the class discussions and a
positive learning enviornment.
I know and understand basic forms of technology that i can use in the classroom to engage learners but i have a lot
more to learn and develop. This placmeent round has helped me to have a broader understanding of how to engage
students with IT and different progarms that excite and engage students.
Im developing and implementing classroom management routines and practical approaches to manage challenging
behaviour. This will further develop with the more experience i get in the classroom. For this round routines were
kept stable so that students knew what they were going to do and to be prepared before they start the lessons.
Behvaviour was something that i struggled with. After observing Tobys teaching and ways of managing behaviours i
was able to understand the best ways to change behaviour positiviely to get all students engaged and excited to
I am building on ways to challenge students by questioning them and getting them to think out side of the box and to
expand upon their knowledge.

Teacher Comment (space will expand as you add text) Lucy's time in the classroom has been impressive to
watch. She is a natural with the students and shows confidence when delivering her lessons. She quickly developed
professional relatinships with the students and the students have shown her respect in return.
Lucy has tried different management strateries and is quick to judge the success or otherwise and adjust accordingly.
For example, when letting all students begin at once was noisy and inefficient, she quickly changed to allowing one
table to move at a time, without needing to be prompted by me. She has tried clap and response strategies to get the
students' attention and has begun 'demanding' their attention when wanted.
Lucy has seen the challenges of planning and teaching to ability groups including having a focus group while still
monitoring and controling other groups.
Lucy has regularly used her own computer and IWB in the delivery of lessons and included some student ICT,
especially in reading groups.
Lucy regularly uses her iniative both during lessons and in finding jobs that need completing in the classroom. She
appraches students who are having difficulties and answers student questions with confidence. She was particularly
helpful during NAPLAN, taking the iniative to entertain the class under the supervision of the other Year 3 teachers
while I helped with NAPLAN organisation.
Professional Engagement – Early Stage – Second interaction with students and teachers.

CRITERIA No opportunity Needs work on Meets Exceeds

to observe meeting expectations expectations

demonstrates an understanding of the complex nature of the

learning community and the teacher’s role
PE7.2, PE6.1
performs in a manner that demonstrates a willingness to become
a member of the teaching profession
PE7.1, PE7.2
demonstrates an understanding of professional engagement and
conversation as an integral part of the learning process for
PE6.2, PE6.3, PE7.1
applies the key principles described in codes of ethics and conduct
for the teaching profession
PE7.1, PP4.3

Pre-service Teacher Evidence (space will expand as you add text) My mum is a teacher and i see how much
work she does at her school but never fully understood until these 2 weeks of placment. Teaching is a huge job that
requires lots of out of hours time. In saying this, these two weeks have shown me just how much i want to be a
teacher and how i am willing to work as hard as i can to give the best opportunites for my students. OGPS staff was
extremely welcoming and kind towards my self which made it easy to feel apart of a teaching team. I feel extremely
lucky to have felt so at home so quickly, so thank you so much for that . I tried my best to counicate with other
teachers and get to know them and i believe i achieved this. In this classroom every child was seen as equal to
myself, they all had huge capabilities and they were all unique and incredible students.
i made sure that these two weeks at placement were my main focus. Cancelling out side actitvities gave me time to
prepare for lessons, correct students work and to organise for the next day.

Teacher Comment (space will expand as you add text) Lucy has emersed herself in the teaching profession in
her time at Orchard Grove Primary school. She has attended all meetings and PD and engaged in professional
discussion with teachers during meeting and in informal settings such as in the staffroom during recess breaks. She
has always dressed professionally and is always well prepared for lessons. She reflects realisticly on her lessons,
accepts constructive feedback and makes appropriate adjustments to her lessons and approaches.
Lucy understood the need to confidentiality in the classroom. She treated everyone as equals and showed no signs
of having 'favourites'. She expressed a need for patience, but never showed any level of irritaion or impatience to
Lucy has enjoyed her time in 3TK as shown by her enthusiasm and chearful nature. I was pleased to hear that she
had cleared her schedule of other commitments to allow for the requirements of a teaching practicum. This allowed
her to plan well, mark student work and relfect on her lessons.
Reflections (completed by pre-service teacher): Areas of strength, areas needing development
I have completely loved my time at OGPS. It is an extremely welcoming school with vibrant and happy staff
who are willing to have fun and laugh whilst working together. The children in this school are happy, friendly
and wanting to learn. I have learnt a lot about teaching in these weeks but i have learnt more about myself then
what i would have ever thought was possible. This placement has confirmed that i was ment to be a teacher and
that it is the thing that i want to do for the rest of my life. I was extremely nervous before coming into these
teaching rounds because i was scared that i wouldn’t be good at teaching and that was the only thing that i
wanted to do with my life. But with the help from Toby he gave me this incredible amount of confidence that i
didn’t think could be possible. I was reading infront of the class within the first week and teaching small groups.
By the end of the rounds i was taking 2 to 3 lessons a day and i did not feel nervous at all instead excited. I think i
could have kept teaching those kids for ever because i loved it so much. The days went extremely quickly
because i loved what i was doing and time definitly does fly when you are having fun. I have learnt how to
control a class, how to get a class engaged, possible behaviour modifications, how to talk to students who find it
difficult to understand and how to feel confident in yourself to be able to do something that you love. There are
still millions of things that i need to learn and i don’t think that i will ever stop learning in this profession and
that is exciting. The main strength i think i had throughout these two weeks was the relationships that i have
made. I made brilliant relationships with students. With them as learners, them outside the classroom and all
their different personalities. I also made possitive relationships with staff, some parents and other student
teachers. I would like to think of my self as a kind and caring person and i think that is an important quality to
have as a teacher. The amount of success that i have achieved out of these two weeks would have not been
possible with out Toby. He made me feel welcome within the staff room, making sure that i was okay and not
sitting by my self. He imediately introduced me to the children and made them get to know me and feel
confident with me imediately. I could not thank Toby, the students and the staff enough for the most amazing
two weeks that i will remember.

General Comments (completed by supervising teacher): Areas of strength, areas needing development
It has been a pleasure having Lucy in 3TK over the past 2 weeks. She is a natural in front of the class and treats
students with care and respect. Students have responded well to her, and she has been able to develop good
relationships with the students.

Lucy develops relationships quickly with the students and had learnt all the students names before the end of the
first week. She treats students with respect, dignaty and patience and encourages all students to achieve their
best. Her calm and natural personal in front of the class allows students to ask questions, participate in discussions
and take risks in their learning.

Lucy's planning has always been thorough and often arrived at school in the morning with more work done than
expected. She requested feedback from me and took onboard my suggestions. She also regularly reflected on her
lessons, highlighting the successes and areas for improvement. Lucy's careful careful planning allowed her to run
with a lesson as she had a clear picture of how she wanted it to look and the level of achievement from the

Lucy ran with the pre-planned reading groups that had differentiated groups, activities, learning intentions and
success criteria. Lucy would benefit from using class data and pre-tests in future teaching rounds. This will allow
her to begin independently analysing data and using it to drive student learning.

Congratulations Lucy on a successful practicum. You are welcome back into 3TK at any time.
General Comments (completed by School PST Coordinator, Assistant Principal or Principal):

In relation to the relevant developmental stage and in response to the comments made above
please tick the appropriate comment for this pre-service teacher.
Has exceeded the expectations for this Professional Experience

Has satisfied the expectations for this Professional Experience

Is at risk, having fulfilled some but not all expectations for this Professional
Will require support to meet the expectations of the next placement.

Has not satisfied the expectations for this Professional Experience

Signature of pre-service teacher coordinator: Mrs Leeanne King

Date: Friday, May 13, 2016

Signature of pre-service teacher: Mr Toby Keen

(verifying they have sighted this report)

Date: Friday, May 13, 2016

“I understand that comments made in this report will be seen by the pre-service teacher and
may be used by the pre-service teacher for inclusion in a portfolio for employment purposes in
the future. I consent to the Deakin University pre-service teacher named in this report retaining
a copy of this report.”

Signature of supervising teacher: Mr Toby Keen

Date: Friday, May 13, 2016

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