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Pertubuhan Sains,Teknologi dan Inovasi (PPM-012-10-25102012)

No.16A, Jalan 21/12, Sea Park, 46300 Petaling Jaya, Selangor

Tel: 03-78778571/03-78655557 Website:



Dear Sir/Madam,


We would like to inform that your school has been SELECTED to participate in National Level
Science Fair for Young Children 2018.

However, we have insufficient funding to organize National Level Science Fair for Young Children
this year; we decided to change the format of the competition.

For the New Version of NSFYC 2018, your school is required to submit 10-15 minutes Video
Presentation and 20 pages report via email to by 31 July 2018 (Tuesday).

Below are the formats and requirements for 10-15 minutes video presentation and 20 pages report:

1) 10-15 minutes Video Presentation

o Students needs to present their experiments explaining the followings:
 Problem/Purpose
 Aim/ Objectives
 Hypothesis
 Variables
 Materials/Apparatus
 Procedure/Method
 Observations/Results
 Discussion and Recommendation
 Conclusion
o The video can be filmed in a style of your choosing and should be submitted in the following
file formats: wmv or mp4.
o You may send the video file through Dropbox, Google Drive or YouTube Link
o You are responsible for the cost (if any) of creating your video and sending it to us, as well as
all other costs associated with participation in the Competition.
o Only one entry is permitted per school.
o You own the copyright to your video entry as its author but ASTI reserves the right to
disclose it in its publications, broadcasts, productions and marketing materials.
2) 20 Pages Report
o Students need to submit a report of 20 pages following the format as below:
 Front Cover
 Title of the experiment
 Name of the school
 Name of group members
 Name of teacher advisor
 Contents with page number
 Introduction
 A brief summary about the project
 Project Details
 Title
 Problems
 Aim/ Objectives
 Hypothesis
 Apparatus
 Procedure/ Method
 Results/ Records/ Data collection
 Discussion and Recommendation
 Conclusion
 Photographs and Diagrams, Life Examples
 Acknowledgment
 References

Judging Criteria
The video presentation will be judged based on the following aspects:
 Experiment designed relevance to the theme “Sustainability : Doing more and better with
 Solution to the problem stated
 Scientific concepts accurately explained and applied
 Demo and presentation
 Level of creativity and innovation involved
 Audio and visual quality

After your video and report submission, the judging panel will mark your video and report and select
the top 10 teams for a presentation in KL, after which the following prizes will be determined:
 1 Platinum Award Winner
 2 Gold Award Winner
 3 Silver Award Winner
 4 Bronze Award Winner

Besides that all the participants will be getting certificate of participation and prizes which we will
post to the respective schools. We will announce the results on the 30 August 2018 (Thursday) via
If you are interested to take part in this New Version of NSFYC 2018, kindly confirm your
participation by filling up the form below and send it back to us by 8 June 2018 (Friday) via email
at If you have any inquiries on this letter kindly contact Ms.Gayatri or
Ms.Vanitha at 03-78778571 or email us at

Thanking in advance for positive response from you.

Yours Sincerely, Yours Sincerely,

Dr.Mohamed Yunus Yasin Mr.JayaShri Selvendran J.Thanapal

President Project Director
Association of Science, Technology & Innovation Science Fair For Young Children 2018
National Level Science Fair for Young Children 2018
Team Participation Confirmation Letter

Project Director,
NSFYC 2018
Association of Science, Technology and Innovation (ASTI)
No 16 A, Jalan 21/12, Sea Park, 46300 Petaling Jaya.

YES, my school would like to participate.

I ______________________________________________________(Teacher/Headmaster/
Headmistress) of ____________________________ (School Name) agree and confirm my
participation in New Version of National Level Science Fair for Young Children and will be
submitting the 10-15 Minutes Video Presentation and 20 Pages Report by 31 July 2018 (Tuesday).

NO, my school NOT participating.

Thank you.

Yours sincerely,

Name :
Position :
The Scientific Method
The following is a review of the Scientific Method with some key questions and directions on how to
design and conduct an experiment.

1. Problem/Purpose
• What is your goal?
• What idea are you trying to test?
• What is the scientific question you are trying to answer?

2 Hypotheses
• Explain how you think your project can demonstrate your purpose.
• Make a prediction regarding the outcome of your experiment.
• State the results you are predicting in measurable terms.

3 Procedures
• Give a detailed explanation of how you will conduct the experiment to test your hypothesis.
• Be clear about the variables (manipulated, responding and fixed variable) versus your controls
(elements of the experiment that do not change).
• Be very specific about how you will measure results to prove or disprove your hypothesis. You
should include a regular time-table for measuring results or observing the projects.
• Your procedure should be like a recipe - Another person should be able to perform your experiment
following your procedure. Test this with a friend or parent to be sure you have not forgotten

4 Materials/Apparatus
• List all materials and equipment that were used.
• Your list of materials should include all the ingredients of the procedure recipe.

5 Observations/Data/Results
• Keep a detailed log-book of observation, data, and results.Your log-book should contain data
measurements and written notes about what you are sensing (hearing, seeing, or touching) about your
• If appropriate, photograph your project results or phases of the project to help your analysis and
possibly to demonstrate your experiment on your exhibit board.

6 Analyses
• Explain your observations, data, and results. This is a summary of what your data has shown you.
• List the main points that you have learned.
• Why did the results occur? What did your experiment prove?
• Was your hypothesis correct? Did your experiment prove or disprove your hypothesis? This should
be explained thoroughly.

7 Conclusions
• Answer your problem/purpose statement.
• What does it all add up to? What is the value usage of your project?
• What further study do you recommend given the results of your experiment? What would be the
next question to ask?
• If you repeated this project, what would you differ?

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