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Name : Mutia Adeline

SRN : 1614401110053

Class : D3 Keperawatan KI

Physical Examination

Najwar, 2 year 4 month old

Weight = 11 kg

P = 140 x/minutes

RR = 32 x/minutes

T = 400C

Subjective Data

Client’s mother said “My son has a very bad fever, and after that he suddenly seizures
about once every fifteen minutes. Then he vomited once and defecated five times from this

Objective Data

Client look weak because of his seizures. His face color was red and skin felt hot, the
temperature was 400C. Client defecated five times and the feces was liquid. Because he
always vomited and defecated, his skin and lips mucous is dry. Client’s bowel sound was
35 times per minutes because of the diarrhea.

P = 140 x/minutes, RR = 32 x/minutes, T = 400C, Weight = 11 kg,

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