Complaint Against Milo Pope For Public Urination in Baker City

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BakerCity, OR97814
54t -523-237

BakerCity PoliceDepartment
BakerCity, OR 97814


Statement Milo Popeurinatingin publicon the

eveningofAugust24, 2010.

Onthe eveningof August24, 2010,I wasinfomedthatMilo Popewasholdingmeeting,or "get

together"with ex-CityManagerSteveBrocatoandhis friendsat the law ofticesofYervas;and
PoDeat 1990Third Stfeetin BakerCity. Because them€etingwasoccurringwhenMilo Popewas
supposed to beattendinga City Councilmeeting,andbecause ofthe recentcity historyinvolving
thosehewasmeetingwith, includingSteveBrocato,who is suingthe city, four Councilors, anda
privatecitizen,I decidedto respondto the call by goingdownto meetJasonBlandso asto
document the event,

A little after7 PM, aswe satin a vehicleon the southsideofAce Hardware,we viewedMilo
Popeemergeftom thebackdoorofhis law officesandwalk overthe largetreeby the parkinglot
jLrstSEofthe building.I wastakinghisphotoat thetimeto docLrment his whereaboutsduring
themeeting.To my surprise,Mr. Popereached downaroundthecrotchofhis pantsandassumed
thepositionofa maleurinating.He heldthispositionfor p€rhaps a oinute, duringwhichtime I
tooka photograph. It badbecomedarkrather mpidly in thatshadedarea,andnot beingusedto
takingphotoswith a longlensat nightwithouta flash,I didn'thavethe shutterspeedset
appropriately, thusresultingin a poorgrainypholo.I haveattached a glossypapercopyoflhe
phototo this document.

Havinglookedat thousands ofmy own photosoverthelastl5 yea$ or so,afterdownloading the

photoon my computerthenextday,I wasableto detect a stream ofliquid on a traj€ctory
betweenthe dotch areaofhis pantsto the groundin front of him. I circledthe areaofthe
trajectoryon the photo. Whilecertainlynot crystalclear,the streamis visibleasa narrowblurred
line (shutterspeed,1 second)thatis lighterthanthesurrounding pixels. It is especiallyevidentas
it passesin front ofthe darkareaat the bottomof thebuiidingin the background.

My understanding to urinatein publicin the City of

is thatit is a violationof a city Ordinance
BakerCity, if, amongotherthingsit occursin a placethatis opento publicview. LE.,

Chapterl30. GeneralWenses

I30.045P blic Urination

It shall be unlawfulfot anypenon ta urinate ar defecatein ar uponan, street,alley,public

place, ot in anyplace opento public view.
Therefore,given what I saw, asattestedto by the attachedphoto,I formally file a complaint
againstMilo Popefor urinatingin publicandviolatingcity Ordinance130.045

I askthat the appropriateautho ties evaluatemy statementandthe photogaph to determiningif

they agee a violation hastakenplace,and if so,that appropriateaction betaken.

JasonBlandwasa witnessto the event.

Thankyou for yourconsideration

ofthis complaint.

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