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New Inside Out Intermediate Unit 3 Test

Name Vladimir Ceran Score ______/50

Part A

1 Complete the words.

a) Ellie has the same mother as me, but a different father. She’s my half-sister .
b) My wife’s mother is my mother_in-law .
c) My sister has two daughters. They are my nease . Commented [SP1]: nieces

d) Sally is my husband’s daughter from his first marriage. She is my step-daughter .

e) Lucy and Gary have one son. He is their only child .

(5 points)


2 Complete the text with the words in the box. There is one extra word.

dating dreams propose relationship sight split up

When I met Tony it really was love at first (1) sight . He was the man of my (2) dreams and we started
(3) dating immediately. It was my first (4) _relationship and I was so happy. When we
(5) split up I was so unhappy I cried for a week.

(5 points)

New Inside Out Intermediate Unit 3 Test 1

© Macmillan Publishers Limited 2009
Describing character

3 Complete the table with words with the opposite meaning.

Positive qualities Negative qualities

witty dull
considerate a) thougtfull Commented [SP2]: thoughtless

b) out going shy

self-assured c) unconfident
d) modest big-headed
broad-minded e) narrow minded

(5 points)

Dynamic and stative meanings

4 Underline the correct form of the verb.

a) I think / I’m thinking of splitting up with my boyfriend. He’s so inconsiderate.

b) That girl reminds / is reminding me of my first girlfriend.
c) This isn’t the best photo of you because you don’t smile / aren’t smiling.
d) Do you take / Are you taking after your father? Commented [SP3]: .

e) Why do you show / are you showing him that photo?

f) I don’t know / am not knowing what she wants.
g) I really don’t understand / am not understanding what is wrong.

(7 points)

Present perfect simple and continuous

5 Complete with the present perfect simple or present perfect continuous form of Commented [SP4]: Ponovo uraditi
the verbs in brackets.

Maggie and Tom (1) have been knowing (know) each other since school and they (2) lived (live)
together for the last six months. They (3)have been talking (talk) about getting married but
(4) decided (decide) to wait a little bit longer. Tom (5) haved (have) a few doubts recently. They (6)
_argued (argue) a lot and he (7) started (start) to see someone from work, but he (8) haven’t told (not
told) Maggie yet.

(8 points)

New Inside Out Intermediate Unit 3 Test 2

© Macmillan Publishers Limited 2009
Useful phrases
6 Complete the conversation with the words in the box.

bad can exactly not tend

Julie: Who was that man you were with yesterday?

Lisa: That’s my new boyfriend.
Julie: Really! He’s (1) not bad looking.
Lisa: Thanks. I’m glad you approve.
Julie: Well, I’m not saying that. He is a bit young for you, isn’t he?
Lisa: Hey! I’m (2) not exactly old.
Julie: I suppose not. Anyway, you looked like you were getting on very well.
Lisa: Yes, we have a good time together, but he does (3) tend to dominate the conversation.
Julie: I guess you need a boyfriend with a strong personality.
Lisa: What do you mean?
Julie: Well, you (4) can be a bit bossy. You’re always telling people what to do.
Lisa: And you’re (5) not particularly sensitive!
Julie: Sorry, I’m just telling you what I think. That’s what friends are for.

(5 points)

Part B
Number of syllables

[Track 5]

7 Listen and underline the number of syllables in each word.

a) sociable 3 / 4 / 5 syllables
b) miserable 3 / 4 / 5 syllables
c) intelligent 3 / 4 / 5 syllables
d) interesting 3 / 4 / 5 syllables
e) unreliable 3 / 4 / 5 syllables

(5 points)

New Inside Out Intermediate Unit 3 Test 3

© Macmillan Publishers Limited 2009
[Track 6]

8 Listen to the conversation between Ally and Claire. Underline the correct

a) Ally keeps getting phone calls / text messages from her new boyfriend.
b) Claire knew / didn’t know that Ally and Gary weren’t going out together.
c) Ally and Dale started going out together at the Christmas party / a few weeks ago. Commented [SP5]: .

d) Ally used to think Dale was sensitive and thoughtful / selfish and dull. Commented [SP6]: .

e) Dale has a sports car / a good sense of humour.

(5 points)

9 Read the text. Is the information in these sentences true (T) or false (F)?

a) People have always been in a hurry when it comes to dating. T/F

b). The men choose which women they want to speak to. T/F Commented [SP7]: .

c) During speed dating the women usually stay in the same seats T/F
d) People sit and talk to each other for as long as they want. T/F
e) Speed dating doesn’t suit everybody. T/F

Dating in the 21st century is very different to how it was in the past. One reason for this is that people simply don’t
have the time to meet people in the way they did before. In our modern hectic world people need to do everything
in a hurry, and that includes dating.

The idea of speed dating started in the USA in the late 1990s and soon became popular not only in the USA, but
around the world. The idea is quite simple. People meet at a location such as a bar or café and register as they
come in. The women are usually seated at individual tables while the men are moved around the room. Each
‘date’ lasts for about five minutes. In this time the two people have a short conversation with the aim of finding out
as much about each other as possible. After five minutes the men stand up and move on to the next table where
they sit and talk to the person there. This continues until the men have sat at all the women’s tables. So, unlike Commented [SP8]:

online dating, people get to see each other as well as talk. As everyone is there with the same purpose – to find a
date – nobody needs to feel embarrassed. Of course, speed dating probably isn’t very suitable for someone who
is shy.

(5 points)

New Inside Out Intermediate Unit 3 Test 4

© Macmillan Publishers Limited 2009

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