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research & practice briefs

Global Care
for Pregnant
Summer Hunt

he World Health Organization estimated 140 million births that These recommendations establish
(WHO) has released WHO take place every year occur without global care standards for healthy
Recommendations: Intrapartum complications, trends over the last pregnant women and aim to
Care for a Positive Childbirth 20 years indicate increased use reduce any unnecessary medical
Experience, which includes 56 of interventions such as oxytocin interventions. Find the document here:
evidence-based recommendations administration or cesarean birth,
for childbirth care for women and which were previously used only to publications/intrapartum-care-
newborns. Although a majority of the avoid risks or treat complications. guidelines/en.
Top to bottom: Photo © Trish233, Photo © gpointstudio / iStock Collection /

Pregnancy, Motherhood, and Surgical Training

Multiple challenges facing conducted a national survey of
pregnant surgical residents 347 general surgery residents
may negatively influence ca- who had at least one pregnancy
reer satisfaction, according during residency. Results from
to a study published in JAMA their research show significant
Surgery. Researchers set out cultural challenges and infra-
to directly assess the resi- structure shortcomings that led
dent experience of childbear- 39% of respondents to seriously
ing during training and learn consider leaving residency and
more about the perception 30% to report that they would
and experience of pregnant advise a female medical student
general surgery residents. against pursuing a career in
To better characterize their surgery. Find the study here:
experiences and target
interventions, investigators surg.2018.0153. © 2018 AWHONN; doi: 10.1016/j.nwh.2018.04.002 203

Research & Practice Briefs

Summer Hunt is assistant managing editor

Sleep Apnea in Pregnancy
at AWHONN in Washington, DC. Snoring, older age, and obesity may probability of sleep apnea in early
increase a pregnant woman’s risk for and mid-pregnancy. This tool may
sleep apnea, according to a study in be used by obstetric providers to iden-
the American Journal of Obstetrics and tify women at risk for the condition.
Gynecology. Participants responded Find the study here: https://doi
to questionnaires about sleep habits, .org/10.1016/j.ajog.2018.01.031.
snoring, and daytime sleepiness in
early pregnancy (6–15 weeks) and
mid-pregnancy (22–29 weeks). The
women also underwent sleep apnea
testing with the use of an at-home
monitoring device. The researchers
found that 3.6% of 3,264 women in
early pregnancy and 8.3% of 2,512
women in mid-pregnancy had sleep
apnea. Risk factors included frequent
snoring (3 or more nights per week),
older maternal age, and being over-
weight or obese. The authors devel-
oped a calculator using maternal age,
Biologics in body mass index, and frequency of
snoring to arrive at a woman’s

Top to bottom: Photo © NataliaDeriabina, Photo © monkeybusinessimages, Photo © Stockbyte / iStock Collection /
Biologic therapies for wom-
en with autoimmune dis-
Diabetes Report Card
eases do not increase risk The Centers for Disease Control The Diabetes Report Card also
of preterm birth or having and Prevention’s Division of Di- recognizes ongoing challenges
a small-for-gestational-age abetes Translation has released among members of some racial
infant, according to a study its 2017 Diabetes Report Card, and ethnic minority groups that
in Annals of the Rheumatic which provides the most current are more likely to have diag-
Diseases. Researchers stud- information and data available nosed diabetes than non-His-
ied 6,218 women with 8,607 about diabetes and prediabe- panic Whites. Find the report
pregnancies who had an au- tes, along with diabetes-related here:
toimmune disease diagnosis; preventive care practices, health /library/reports/reportcard
of those, 109 women with 120 outcomes, risk factors, and .html.
pregnancies received a bio- national and state trends. Key
logic medication during preg- findings include the following:
nancy or 3 months before be- • The rate of new cases of dia-
coming pregnant. They found betes among U.S. adults has
no significant difference from decreased.
the risk for preterm birth
when compared with women • Overall rates of diagnosed
with autoimmune diseases diabetes seem to be stabi-
who did not receive biolog- lizing (although not in all
ics. Likewise, they found no populations).
significant difference in the • The number of organizations
risk of small-for-gestation- that deliver the National
al-age infants among the two Diabetes Prevention Program
groups. Find the study here: and the number of adults participating in the program
/annrheumdis-2018-213023. have increased.

204 Volume 22 Issue 3 doi: 10.1016/j.nwh.2018.04.002


Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders

A significant number of U.S. chil- weighted prevalence approach
dren have fetal alcohol spectrum that assumed that the rate of FASD
disorders (FASDs), with conserva- in children who were evaluated
tive rates ranging from 1% to 5% would be the same in all eligible
in community samples, according first grade children in each com-
to a study published in JAMA. munity, the researchers estimat-
The study was conducted by the ed that prevalence of FASD was
Collaboration on Fetal Alcohol higher than conservative estimates
Spectrum Disorders Prevalence of 1% to 5%—ranging from 3.1%
(CoFASP) consortium, which to 9.8% among the study sites. Of
studies the prevalence of FASD the 222 children diagnosed with Diet and
among U.S. schoolchildren. Be-
fore the study began, consortium
FASD in the study, only two had
been previously diagnosed with Endometriosis
members established standardized FASD, although many parents
A higher intake of fruits, espe-
classification criteria for FASD and guardians were aware of the
cially citrus, is associated with
based on facial features, growth, children’s learning and behavioral
a lower risk of endometriosis,
and neurodevelopmental perfor- challenges. These latest findings
according to a study in Human
mance. Researchers collected data represent more accurate preva-
Reproduction. Women who
from 2010 through 2016 on 6,639 lence estimates of FASD among
consumed at least one serving
children in four U.S. communities. general U.S. communities than
of citrus daily had a 22% lower
At each site, first graders in public prior research studies, which were
risk of developing endometrio-
and private schools were recruit- based on smaller study popula-
sis compared with women who
ed across 2 academic years and tions and did not reflect the over-
ate less than one serving per
evaluated based on the FASD crite- all U.S. population. Find the study
week. The researchers say that
ria. Prenatal alcohol exposure was here:
beta-cryptoxanthin in these
assessed by interviewing mothers jama.2017.21896.
foods may partially explain the
or other close relatives. Using a
Top to bottom: Photo © sumnersgraphicsinc, Photo © Jacob Ammentorp Lund / iStock Collection /

association. Conversely, study

authors found that consumption
of cruciferous vegetables—such

Crowdsourcing to Understand Pregnancy as cabbage, cauliflower, brocco-

li, and Brussels sprouts—may
in fact increase the risk for
The National Institutes of endometriosis. Compared with
Health has launched Preg- women who consumed less
Source, a research project than one serving of cruciferous
that aims to improve vegetables per week, women
knowledge of pregnancy consuming one or more serv-
by collecting information ings weekly had a 13% greater
directly from pregnant risk of developing endometrio-
women. Women who sign sis. Although it remains unclear
up for PregSource use on- as to what exactly in these
line surveys to share what foods might contribute to the
they are experiencing, and connection, researchers suggest
they can compare these that this link between vegeta-
experiences with those of bles and increased risk may in-
other participants. Over dicate a role of gastrointestinal
the course of their preg- development. PregSource also en- symptoms in the presentation
nancies, women can chart changes ables women to track their experienc- and exacerbation of endometri-
to their weight, sleep, mood, morning es after childbirth to help determine if osis-related pain. Find the study
sickness, and physical activity. In any outcomes, such as heart dis- here:
addition, they can access information- ease, can be linked to events during .1093/humrep/dey014.
al resources developed by experts on pregnancy. Find the website here:
pregnancy, childbirth, and child

June 2018 Nursing for Women’s Health 205

Research & Practice Briefs

Optimal Blood
Transmission of
Pressure for
Hepatitis B
Infant, Child CPR
Tenofovir disoproxil fumarate (TDF),
Infants and children who an antiviral drug commonly prescribed
suffer cardiac arrest while in to treat hepatitis B infection, does
the hospital have a greater not significantly reduce mother-to-
chance of survival if their child transmission of hepatitis B virus
blood pressure is maintained when taken during pregnancy and
above certain threshold levels after birth, according to results from
throughout cardiopulmonary a Phase III clinical trial in Thailand through age 6 months. Three infants
resuscitation (CPR), according published in the New England Journal in the placebo group had hepatitis B
to a study in Circulation. The of Medicine. Researchers tested TDF infection at age 6 months, compared
multisite, National Institutes therapy in addition to the standard with zero infants in the TDF treat-
of Health–funded study is preventive regimen—administration ment group. Given the unexpectedly
the first to address target of hepatitis B vaccine and protective low transmission rate in the placebo
blood pressure levels during antibodies at birth—to explore the group, the researchers concluded
CPR for infants and children. drug’s potential effects on mother-to- that the addition of TDF to current
Researchers analyzed hospital child transmission rates. More than recommendations did not significantly
monitors and charts of 164 2,500 women were screened for eligi- reduce mother-to-child transmission
children during CPR treat- bility, and 331 pregnant women with of the virus. Although the reasons are
ments at 11 U.S. hospitals hepatitis B were enrolled. The women unknown, the researchers speculate
from 2013 through 2016. They received placebo (n = 163) or TDF (n that the lower transmission rate seen
found that for infants, the = 168) at intervals from 28 weeks of in the study may relate to the number
optimal diastolic blood pres- pregnancy to 2 months after birth. All of doses of hepatitis B vaccine given
sure should be maintained at infants received standard hepatitis B to infants in Thailand, lower rates of

Top to bottom: Photo © cookie_cutter / iStock Collection /, Photo © DAJ /
greater than 25 mm Hg during preventives given in Thailand, which amniocentesis and cesarean births in
CPR. In children ages 1 year include hepatitis B immunoglobulin at this study, or the lower prevalence of
and older, the optimal diastol- birth and five doses of the hepatitis mutated viruses that result in higher
ic blood pressure should be B vaccine by age 6 months (which dif- vaccine efficacy in Thailand compared
greater than 30 mm Hg. When fers from the three doses given in the with other countries. Find the study
these blood pressure rates United States). A total of 294 infants here:
were maintained throughout (147 in each group) were followed Moa1708131.
the course of CPR, infants and
children had a 70% greater
likelihood of surviving and
being discharged from the Adolescents Riding With Impaired Drivers
hospital and a 60% greater
likelihood of surviving with Roughly one third of recent high impaired driver, according to a study
favorable neurological out- school graduates have ridden in published in the Journal of Studies on
comes. When the diastolic a motor vehicle with a substance- Alcohol and Drugs. Researchers found
blood pressure values were that during the first 2 years after
lower than these levels, surviv- high school graduation, 23% of young
al rates dropped markedly. adults had ridden with a marijuana-
Find the study here: https:// impaired driver at least once, 20% had ridden with an alcohol-impaired
TIONAHA.117.032270. driver, and 6% had ridden with a driver
impaired by glue or solvents or harder,
illicit drugs, such as amphetamines,
opioids, or cocaine. Find the study

206 Volume 22 Issue 3 doi: 10.1016/j.nwh.2018.04.002


Opioid Overdoses Behavioral

The U.S. opioid overdose epidemic overdoses increased for men and Counseling to
continues to worsen, according to
a Vital Signs report by the Centers
women, all age groups, and all
regions but varied by state, with ru-
Prevent Skin
for Disease Control and Prevention ral/urban differences. The findings Cancer
(CDC). Researchers examined the highlight the need for enhanced
timeliest data available to the CDC prevention and treatment efforts The U.S. Preventive Services
on emergency department (ED) in EDs and for greater access to Task Force (USPSTF) recom-
visits for opioid overdoses across evidence-based treatments for opi- mends behavioral counseling
multiple states. Overall, ED visits oid use disorder, including medica- to help reduce the risk of skin
(reported by 52 jurisdictions in tion-assisted treatment and harm cancer from ultraviolet radia-
45 states) for suspected opioid reduction services. Find the report tion in persons ages 6 months
overdoses increased 30% in the here: to 24 years with fair skin
United States from July 2016 opioid-overdoses. types. The USPSTF routine-
through September 2017. Opioid ly makes recommendations
about the effectiveness of
preventive care services. This
recommendation statement
updates a 2012 recommen-
Diuretic Therapy in more likely to require respiratory
dation on behavioral coun-
seling to prevent skin cancer
Preterm Infants support, compared with extreme-
ly preterm infants with similar
and a 2009 recommendation
on screening for skin cancer
Diuretic therapy, which is com- respiratory problems who did not
with self-examinations. Skin
monly given to extremely preterm receive the therapy. Researchers
cancer is the most common
infants to help them overcome analyzed data collected as part
type of cancer in the United
respiratory problems, appears to of the Prematurity and Respira-
States. There were an esti-
offer no benefit for this purpose, tory Outcomes Program study, an
mated 3.3 million new cases
according to a study published in effort to understand respiratory
of nonmelanoma skin cancer
The Journal of Pediatrics. Sur- difficulties in extremely premature
in 2012 and approximately
prisingly, infants in the study who infants during the first year of life.
90,000 new cases of melano-
received diuretic therapy were The study included 835 infants
ma skin cancer in 2018. Find
born between 23 and 28 weeks
the final recommendation
Top to bottom: Photo © herjua, Photo © poplasen / iStock Collection /

at 13 U.S. NICUs. An infant is

statement published in JAMA
considered full term at 39 weeks.
Researchers analyzed the infants’
daily medication and respira-
tory support records from birth
through 34 weeks. They found
that 90% of the infants on diuret-
ics needed supplemental oxygen
compared with 59% of infants who
did not receive the therapy. On the
day before the first diuretic treat-
ment (14 days of life), 56% of the
diuretic group were sicker and on
ventilator support, compared with
11% of the nondiuretic group. The
authors called for more research
to better understand diuretic
treatments. Find the study here:

June 2018 Nursing for Women’s Health 207

Research & Practice Briefs

Neonatal Abstinence
Sleep-Related Syndrome Among
Infant Deaths Medicaid
There are about 3,500
sleep-related deaths among Participants
U.S. infants each year,
Among infants covered by Medicaid,
including sudden infant
neonatal abstinence syndrome (NAS)
death syndrome, acciden-
incidence increased more than fivefold
tal suffocation, and deaths
from 2004 to 2014 (from 2.8 per
from unknown causes,
1,000), according to a study pub-
according to a new Vital
lished in Pediatrics. Medicaid-covered
Signs report. In the 1990s,
infants with NAS were significantly
there were sharp declines
more likely to be males from poor, ru-
in sleep-related deaths
ral counties; be transferred to another
after the national “Back to
hospital; and have a longer length
Sleep” safe sleep campaign.
of stay when compared with Medic-
However, declines have
aid-covered infants without NAS and nosis of NAS. The authors concluded
slowed since the late 1990s,
infants with NAS who were covered by that the continued growing incidence
and data from this report
private insurance. This study is the of NAS presents an opportunity to im-
show that the risk persists.
first to quantify the incidence differ- plement policies that improve opioid
Researchers analyzed
ence between Medicaid and privately use disorder treatment for women
Pregnancy Risk Assessment
insured infants over time. Research- before, during, and after pregnancy.
Monitoring System (PRAMS)
ers looked at 2004 through 2014 Additionally, they state that Medicaid
data from 2015 reported by
hospital birth data from the National programs could promote standard-
mothers about unsafe sleep
Inpatient Sample, a nationally repre- ization of clinical protocols to reduce
positioning, any bed shar-
sentative sample of hospital discharg- hospital costs and improve outcomes
ing, and use of soft bedding
es in the United States. The sample for infants with NAS. Find the study
from states with available
included 9.1 million hospital birth here:
data. Key findings include
records; 35,629 infants had a diag- peds.2017-3520.
the following:
• Approximately 21.6% of
mothers reported plac-
ing infants to sleep on Pediatric Medication Safety in the

Top to bottom: Photo © SzB, Photo © scyther 5/ iStock Collection /

their side or stomach—
this was more common Emergency Department
among mothers who were
non-Hispanic Black or The American Academy of Pediatrics, Physicians, and the Emergency Nurs-
younger than 25 years the American College of Emergency es Association collaborated on the
or who had 12 or fewer policy statement “Pediatric Medica-
years of education. tion Safety in the Emergency Depart-
• More than half of moth- ment,” published in Pediatrics and the
ers (61.4%) reported Annals of Emergency Medicine. The
any bed sharing with policy describes 18 recommendations
their infants. to improve medication safety in the
• Approximately 2 in 5 emergency department, including
mothers (38.5%) reported distraction-free safety zones for medi-
using any soft bedding in cation preparation, pharmacists in the
the infants’ sleep area. emergency department, and adding a
dedicated pediatric medication safety
Find the report here: curriculum to training programs. Find the statement here: https://doi
safesleep/index.html. .org/10.1542/peds.2017-4066.

208 Volume 22 Issue 3 doi: 10.1016/j.nwh.2018.04.002


Prenatal Tobacco Smoke Exposure

A study published in the journal exposure to smoking was assessed
CHEST highlights the burden of ob- through levels of cotinine in the
structive lung disease in U.S. chil- blood, a marker of the extent of
dren and implicates tobacco smoke current secondhand smoke expo-
exposure (TSE) through maternal sure. Thus, investigators were able
smoking during pregnancy as more to distinguish clearly between expo-
strongly associated with worse lung sure in pregnancy and ongoing sec-
function than current, ongoing TSE ondhand smoke exposure. Nearly
in school-aged children with asth- 10% of children with and without
ma. Investigators analyzed the rela- asthma in the sample had reduced
tionship between lung function and lung function. Investigators found
the type of secondhand smoke ex- that current tobacco smoke expo- Self-Harm Behavior
posure in a representative sample
of school-aged children ages 6 to
sure was independently associated
with airflow obstruction in school-
and Suicide Risk
11 years. The sample consisted of aged children, although the extent Youth treated for deliberate but nonsui-
2,070 children who participated in of the association was small. cidal self-harm, such as cutting, were
the 2007 to 2012 National Health However, prenatal tobacco smoke more than 25 times as likely as demo-
and Nutrition Examination Survey. exposure was associated with a graphically matched peers to die from
Detailed information about ongoing 2.5-times increase in the odds of suicide within the following year, accord-
secondhand smoke exposure and having airflow obstruction in chil- ing to a study in Pediatrics. Researchers
parental self-reported exposure dren with asthma. Find the study followed 32,395 youth between ages
before birth were obtained. During here: 12 and 24 years who were enrolled in
the study period, lung function was .chest.2017.10.003. Medicaid between 2001 and 2007. The
measured using spirometry, and risk of suicide within a year of self-
harm varied considerably by age, race,
and other factors. It was more than
four times greater for males (338.8
Top to bottom: Photo © grummanaa5, Photo © monkeybusinessimages / iStock Collection /

Importance of Hand Hygiene per 100,000) than for females (80.2

per 100,000). In addition, the risk was
Infection prevention practices markedly higher for American Indians/
centered on hand hygiene pro- Alaskan Natives than for non-Hispanic
tocols can save lives across all White youth and for youth who used
health care facilities, not just more violent methods of self-harm, es-
hospital settings, according to pecially firearms. The study also showed
results published in the American differences among adolescents and
Journal of Infection Control . Re- young adults who were treated for the
searchers studying hand hygiene initial self-harm. Although depression
in nursing homes found that in- and anxiety diagnoses were common in
corporating consistent measures both age groups, for example, adoles-
that prompt staff, residents, and cents with self-harm were far more likely
visitors to wash hands can lower to have been recently diagnosed with
mortality and antibiotic pre- attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder
scription rates and can increase and other disruptive behaviors, where-
overall hand cleaner use. This as young adults more commonly had
study is among the first to assess substance use and personality disorder
hand hygiene practices outside diagnoses. Authors of the study said
of the hospital setting through a that their findings underscore the impor-
randomized controlled trial. tance of follow-up care for youth treated
Find the study here: https://doi for self-harm to help ensure their safety.
.org/10.1016/j.ajic.2017.08.030. Find the study here: https://doi

June 2018 Nursing for Women’s Health 209

Research & Practice Briefs

Binge Drinking Among U.S. Adults

Adults in the United States
consumed more than 17 billion
binge drinks in 2015, or about
470 binge drinks per binge
drinker, according to a first-of-
its-kind study released by the
Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention (CDC) and published
in the American Journal of Pre-
ventive Medicine. Researchers
found that 1 in 6, or 37 million,
adults binge drink about once
a week, consuming an average
of seven drinks per binge. They
analyzed data on self-reported
binge drinking during the past
30 days from the CDC’s 2015
Behavioral Risk Factor Surveil-
lance System (BRFSS) and found • About 4 in 5 total binge • Binge drinkers consumed the
that binge drinking varied by drinks were consumed most alcohol in Arkansas,
age, sex, and social factors. Key by men. Mississippi, Kentucky, and
findings include the following: • Drinkers from lower-income Hawaii and the least in Wash-
• Binge drinking was more households (<$25,000 per ington, DC; New Jersey; New
common among young adults year) and lower education York; and Washington State.
ages 18–34 years, but more levels (less than high school) Find the study here: https://
than half of total yearly binge consumed more drinks per
drinks consumed were by year than those with higher .2017.12.021.
adults ages 35 years and older. incomes and education levels.

Top to bottom: Photo © JasonAckley925, Photo © bee32 / iStock Collection /

Managing Postmenopausal
Vulvovaginal Symptoms
Many postmenopausal women cal trial of 302 postmenopausal
have bothersome vulvovaginal women with moderate to severe
symptoms, including vaginal symptoms. They found that nei-
dryness, itching, and pain with ther a prescribed vaginal estradi-
sex. Researchers publishing in ol tablet nor an over-the-counter
JAMA Internal Medicine suggest vaginal moisturizer provided
that a better understanding of the more benefit than a placebo vagi-
underlying mechanism of post- nal tablet and gel to reduce post-
menopausal vulvovaginal symp- menopausal vulvovaginal symp-
toms is needed to guide efforts toms in women. Find the study
to improve treatment options. In here:
their study, researchers conduct- jamainternmed.2018.0116.
ed a 12-week randomized clini-

210 Volume 22 Issue 3 doi: 10.1016/j.nwh.2018.04.002



Biomarkers and AAP: Diversity and Inclusion Statement

Noisy Jobs AAP and ACOG: Guidelines for

Perinatal Care, 8th edition
CDC: 2017 Diabetes Report Card
High blood pressure and high reportcard.html
cholesterol are more common
ANA: Care Coordination:
among workers exposed to loud Blueprint for Action for RNs coordination-blueprint-for-action-for-rns
noise at work, according to a
study published in the American ACOG Practice Bulletin 193:
“Tubal Ectopic Pregnancy” Publications/Practice-Bulletins/Committee-on-
Journal of Industrial Medicine. Practice-Bulletins-Gynecology/Tubal-Ectopic-
Researchers also found that Pregnancy
a quarter of U.S. workers—an
ACOG Practice Bulletin 192:
estimated 41 million people— “Management of Alloimmunization Publications/Practice-Bulletins/Committee-on-
reported a history of noise During Pregnancy” Practice-Bulletins-Obstetrics/Management-of-
exposure at work. Researchers Alloimmunization-During-Pregnancy
from the National Institute for ACOG Practice Bulletin 190:
Occupational Safety and Health “Gestational Diabetes Mellitus” Publications/Practice-Bulletins/Committee-
analyzed data from the 2014 on-Practice-Bulletins-Obstetrics/Gestational-
National Health Interview Survey Diabetes-Mellitus
to estimate the prevalence of ACOG Committee Opinion 731:
occupational noise exposure, “Group Prenatal Care” Publications/Committee-Opinions/Committee-
hearing difficulty, and heart on-Obstetric-Practice/Group-Prenatal-Care
conditions within U.S. industries ACOG Committee Opinion 730:
and occupations; they also “Fatigue and Patient Safety” Publications/Committee-Opinions/Committee-
looked at the association be- on-Patient-Safety-and-Quality-Improvement/
tween workplace noise exposure
and heart disease. They found ACOG Practice Advisory:
Hepatitis B Prevention Publications/Practice-Advisories/Practice-
that 25% of current workers had
a history of work-related noise
exposure. Additionally, 12% of AWHONN Position Statement:
“Nursing Care of Incarcerated
current workers had hearing dif-
Women During Pregnancy and
ficulty, 24% had high blood pres- the Postpartum Period”
sure, and 28% had high choles-
AWHONN Practice Brief
terol. Of these cases 58%, 14%, Number 6: “Use of Nitrous
and 9%, respectively, can be Oxide in Maternity Care”
attributed to occupational noise
NICHD infographic: Don’t
exposure. Find the study here: Ignore Your Pelvic Floor media/infographics/dontignorepelvicfloor
Photo © SIphotography / iStock Collection /

NIH: PregSource

Office of Disease Prevention
and Health Promotion Webinar:
Preventing Adverse Drug Events
Relias White Paper: “Promoting
Vaginal Birth: A Guide to Understand birth
and Lower the Cesarean Birth Rate”
U.S. Preventive Services
Task Force Recommendation
Statement: “Behavioral Counseling
to Prevent Skin Cancer”
WHO Recommendations:
Intrapartum Care for a Positive intrapartum-care-guidelines/en
Childbirth Experience

June 2018 Nursing for Women’s Health 211

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