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For a given ISA, design an one address machine implementation.
Write abstract and concrete RTLs for the required operations. Show the state
diagram of the machine and the datapath. Define the control signals, and design the
control unit.
1; Accumulator CPU
An accumulator machine contains a special register called an accumulator which usually
contains the value of one argument of an instuction and is also the destination of an
Machine Organization
A simple accumulator machine consists of a Store M (memory), an accumulator A, a
program counter PC, an instruction register I an input device Input and an output device
Instruction Set
An instruction consists of an operation code and at most one parameter. The action of the
instruction is described using a mixture of English language description and
mathematical formalism. The mathematical formalism is used to note changes in values
that occur to the accumulator, the data store, the program counter and the input and
output devices.
Instruction Operands Semantics Comments
add src A := A + M[src] Integer add
sub src A := A - M[src] Integer add
mult src A := A * M[src] Integer add
div src A := A / M[src] Integer add
load src A := M[src] Load accumulator from memory
store dst M[dst] := A Store accumulator in memory
jmp dst PC := dst Unconditional jump
jmpz dst if A = 0 then PC := dst Jump on zero
jmpn dst if A < 0 then PC := dst Jump on negative
halt Halt
read A := Input Copy input to accumulator
write Output := A Copy accumulator to output
src and dst designate source and destination respectively.

2; 1-BUS Accumulator CPU Architecture

Accumulator CPU block diagram
• 0 Acc→ bus • 1 load Acc • 2 PC →bus • 3 load PC
• 4 load IR • 5 load MAR • 6 MDR →bus • 7 load MDR
• 8 ALU →Acc • 9 Inc →PC • 10 ALU operation • 11 ALU operation
• 12 Addr→bus • 13 CS • 14 R/W’
The control signals

The instruction format Program counter circuit

The incrementer
Example ASM chart for the CPU state diagram

3; Accumulator CPU

Accumulator CPU block diagram

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