Dynamic Daylight Simulations: Impact of Weather File's Choice

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Solar Energy 117 (2015) 224–235

Dynamic daylight simulations: Impact of weather file’s choice

Laura Bellia a,⇑, Alessia Pedace a,b, Francesca Fragliasso a
Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Naples “Federico II”, Italy
Department of Energy, Information Engineering and Mathematical Models, University of Palermo, Italy

Received 16 March 2015; received in revised form 27 April 2015; accepted 1 May 2015
Available online 19 May 2015

Communicated by: Associate Editor Dr. J.-L. Scartezzini


This paper is the second step of a research project aimed at investigating the impact of the use of different weather data files on day-
light simulations’ results. Simulations were carried out for a simple standalone office using three weather files (IWEC, Meteonorm and
Satel-Light) for two European locations (Copenhagen and Rome); moreover the office’s exposure was changed according to the four
main orientations (North, East, South and West).
Results were analyzed both in terms of Annual and Monthly Light Exposures, dynamic daylight performance metrics (DA, DAcon,
UDI) and sunlight’s incidence.
It was demonstrated that differences between the results obtained with the different weather files are more significant considering
Annual and Monthly Light Exposures (highest value 20%), whereas they decrease when analyzing illuminances with a statistical
approach (DA, DAcon, UDI). The analysis of sunlight’s incidence also determined similar results using the three weather data files
and the maximum difference is 5% independently from the orientation.
Ó 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Dynamic daylight simulations; Indoor environment quality; Weather data files; Dynamic daylight performance metrics

1. Introduction year, considering its extreme variability over time. The

need to predict indoor daylight variations due to different
Daylight provision in indoor environments determines factors (building orientation, weather conditions, time of
many benefits both in terms of energy savings and in terms day, etc.) led to the development and the spread of the
of improvement of users’ comfort. It allows to reduce the Climate Based Daylight Modeling (CBDM) calculation
operating hours of electric lighting systems and conse- approach, based on dynamic daylight simulations and on
quently energy waste. Furthermore daylight enhances users’ the analysis of the obtained results in terms of dynamic
performances and productivity, affects mood and plays also daylight performance metrics (Mardaljevic, 2000;
a fundamental role in the human circadian system’s regula- Mardaljevich and Nabil, 2005; Reinhart et al., 2006;
tion (Partonen and Lonnqvist, 2000; Heschong, 2002; Boyce Rogers, 2006).
et al., 2003; Stevens et al., 2007; Duffy and Czeisler, 2009). The main characteristic of this calculation method is the
One of the problems connected with the design of day- definition of indoor daylight availability basing on the use
light is the correct definition of its availability during a of a reference weather data file of the design location.
Weather data files are climatic archives that contain hourly
⇑ Corresponding author. Tel.: +39 0812538778.
values related to specific meteorological variables, such as
E-mail address: laura.bellia@unina.it (L. Bellia).

0038-092X/Ó 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
L. Bellia et al. / Solar Energy 117 (2015) 224–235 225

dry bulb temperature, dew point temperature, wind speed, use of TRY determines indoor daylight levels which are
relative humidity, irradiance, illuminance, sky cover. always lower than those obtained with the other weather
Weather files can be uploaded in dynamic daylight sim- data files. The analysis of data obtained using four different
ulations software, which import data referred to global and weather data files for each one of the five cities determined
diffuse irradiances and convert them into illuminances a great amount of results; consequently the choice of a
thanks to a luminous efficacy model (Reinhart, 2006; North-oriented office simplified the data processing, since
Jakubiec and Reinhart, 2011). Then illuminances values it allowed to neglect sunlight’s contribution.
are employed to generate a luminance distribution which However the analysis of the impact of the use of a
is necessary to model the sky dome and finally simulate weather data or another on direct sunlight modeling is fun-
indoor daylight levels (Mardaljevic, 2000). damental for orientations different from North. Indeed, the
There are different types of weather data files that can be prediction of sunlight-related illuminances affects the eval-
used to perform dynamic daylight simulations: IWEC uation of disability glare risk due to daylight and of an
(International Weather for International Calculation), environment’s performances in terms of comfort. For
Meteonorm, TRY (Test Reference Year), TMY (Typical example, the incorrect prediction of sunlight’s incidence
Meteorological Year), DRY (Design Reference Year). may determine an imprecise evaluation of the number of
Meteorological data reported in each weather file are hours in a year for which it is necessary to use shading
obtained by processing historical sets of annual measure- devices and consequently it may influence their design.
ments through a statistical calculation model. For example, Considering that the use of shadings reduces indoor day-
an USA TRY weather file is obtained by selecting one real light levels, thus determining the need to use electric light,
year between those included in a historical set. The identi- the incorrect modeling of sunlight may also affect the eval-
fication of the typical year is based on an excluding process uation of energy savings.
which aims at eliminating years characterized by months Given these premises, the goal of this paper is to repeat
with very high or low average temperatures; this process the study reported in Bellia et al. (2015), varying the office’s
is repeated until only one year remains (Crawley, 1998). exposure according to the four main orientations (North,
On the other hand the procedure to develop an IWEC file East, South and West), in order to analyze the effect of
is different: it consists in selecting twelve typical months the use of different weather data files also on sunlight’s
from the different years available; then these months are modeling.
combined together to create a yearlong weather file (U.S. Given that previous researches (Crawley, 1998; Bellia
Department of Energy, Energy Efficiency & Renewable et al., 2015) did not recommend the use of TRY, only three
Energy). weather data files are considered: IWEC, Meteonorm and
Considering that each type of weather file is developed Satel-Light. In order to reduce the amount of results to
starting from different historical sets and by using a specific process, only two cities, characterized by very different
statistical process, the values contained in these files are weather conditions, are selected: Rome and Copenhagen.
likely to diverge if compared (http://www.satel-light.com/
; http://meteonorm.com/; U.S. Department of Energy, 2. Method
Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy; Crawley, 1998).
Consequently the use of a weather data file or another The study compares dynamic daylight simulations’
could affect the results obtained with dynamic simulations. results referred to a simple office located in two
Iversen et al. (2012) investigated the effect of using three European cities, Copenhagen and Rome, and exposed
different weather data file (DRY, IWEC and Meteonorm) according to the four main orientations.
on the output of dynamic daylight simulations carried out As already mentioned in the introduction, Copenhagen
for a South-oriented office located in Copenhagen. They (55°410 N 12°350 E) and Rome (41°530 3500 N 12°280 5800 E)
analyzed the data in terms of lighting dependencies and were chosen because they are characterized by very differ-
found that differences in results showed variations up to 2%. ent weather conditions. According to the Köppen climate
Bellia et al. (2015) compared results obtained by per- classification, Copenhagen belongs to the warm summer
forming dynamic daylight simulations of a simple continental or hemiboreal climatic zone and Rome to the
North-oriented office located in five European cities dry-summer subtropical-mediterranean one. In more
(Copenhagen, Milan, Nancy, London, Rome), each one detail, in Copenhagen the temperature varies between an
characterized by different weather conditions, using four average low equal to 12.3 °C and an average high of
weather data files (IWEC, Meteonorm, Satel-Light and 20 °C during summer and between an average low of
TRY). They found that the use of IWEC, Meteonorm 1.6 °C and an average high temperature of 2.5 °C during
and Satel-Light weather data files produces similar results winter. The Danish city is characterized by yearly precipi-
in terms of dynamic daylight performance metrics tation equal to 613 mm and by yearly mean sunshine hours
(Daylight Autonomy, Continuous Daylight Autonomy equal to 1539 (Danmarks Meteorologiske Institut). On the
and Useful Daylight illuminance), whereas significant dif- other hand, in Rome the temperature varies between an
ferences are obtained for Annual and Monthly Light average low of 16.2 °C and an average high of 30.4 °C dur-
Exposures. Furthermore the study demonstrated that the ing summer and between an average low temperature of
226 L. Bellia et al. / Solar Energy 117 (2015) 224–235

2.6 °C and an average high of 13.3 °C during winter.

Yearly precipitation is equal to 798.5 mm and 2473 yearly
mean sunshine hours are registered (Servizio
Meteorologico Aeronautica Militare).
Simulations are performed by using three different
weather data files: IWEC, Meteonorm and Satel-Light. An
in-depth analysis of the selected weather data and of their
calculation methods can be found in (Bellia et al., 2015).
IWEC data were developed by ASHRAE and are freely
available on the DOE website for 227 locations worldwide
(U.S. Department of Energy, Energy Efficiency &
Renewable Energy). They are deduced from an historical
set of 18 years (1982–1999) and contain information about
many weather variables such as dry bulb temperature, dew
point temperature, wind speed, relative humidity, irradi-
ance, illuminance and sky cover. Meteonorm data can be
bought online (http://meteonorm.com/) and are based on
measurements collected by 8325 meteorological stations
worldwide. They contain data referred to global irradiance,
ambient air temperature, humidity, precipitation, days with
precipitation, wind speed, wind direction and sunshine dura-
tion. Data are deduced from four different historical sets:
1961–1990 and 2000–2009 for temperature, humidity, wind
speed and precipitation; 1981–1990 and 1991–2010 for irra-
diance (Meteonorm, Handbook part II: Theory, 2014).
Finally Satel-Light database was developed thanks to an
European research project which goal was to define an
European daylight and solar radiation database and to make
it available on-line (http://www.satel-light.com/).
Satel-Light currently includes satellite measurements related
to only 5 years (from 1996 to 2000), a series of data too mea-
ger to deduce a typical year. However, as already demon- Fig. 1. Office measured plan, section and analysis grid.
strated in Bellia et al. (2015), the comparison between
weather data files and Satel-Light can be useful to investigate only results related to the three sensors belonging to the cen-
the level of correspondence between typical years and a real tral, perpendicular to the window, row are presented.
year. A comparison between the global irradiance values Annual daylight simulations were performed assuming
referred to each year contained in Satel-Light’s database that the office is occupied from Monday to Friday from
and related to the selected cities demonstrated that differ- 8:00 to 16:00 without breaks (total number of occupied
ences between them are minimal (Bellia et al., 2015). For this hours in a year: 2349) and that daylight saving time goes
reason in this study the authors considered that the use of from April 1st to October 31st. Considering the environ-
one year or another may have a negligible effect on the results ment’s use a target illuminance of 300 lx on the workplane
and decided to use the year 1998 for each city since it is not a is assumed (EN 12464-1 Light and lighting – Lighting of
leap year. work places – Part I: Indoor work places, 2011).
The office used to perform simulations is illustrated in Simulations were carried out with DIVA ( ver-
Fig. 1. sion), a daylighting and energy modeling plug-in for
In Fig. 1 the environment is South-oriented but, as men- Rhinoceros, based on Radiance and Daysim engines, ini-
tioned earlier, simulations were carried out varying the tially developed at the Graduate School of Design at
office’s exposure according to the four main orientations. Harvard University and now distributed by Solemma
A ground plane was also modeled (60 m  60 m). LLC (http://diva4rhino.com/).
Surfaces’ reflectances are the following: external walls Two different computers were used for the simulations,
35%, internal walls 60%; ceiling 80%; floor 30%; outside to reduce calculation time and achieve results in less time,
ground 20%. No furniture is present in the room. The win- and their characteristics and simulation times are the
dow has a double pane glazing (4–16–4 mm) with visual following:
transmittance equal to 80%.
The analysis grid used to perform the simulations is – IntelÒ Core i7 processor (2.70 Ghz), 8 GB RAM, graph-
4 m  4 m, it is located at a height of 0.85 m from the floor ics card: NVIDIA GEFORCEÒ 610 M (1 GB), OS:
and it includes 9 sensors. Therefore, for readability reasons, Windows 7 64 bit.
L. Bellia et al. / Solar Energy 117 (2015) 224–235 227

Table 1
DIVA simulation parameters.
Ambient bounces Ambient divisions Ambient super samples Ambient resolution Ambient accuracy
0 or 7 1500 100 300 0.05

Table 2 In the following graphs IWEC, Meteonorm and

Materials’ parameters. Satel-Light weather data files will be sometimes noted as
Description Material Modifier in DIVA I, M and S. Moreover, as previously stated, results will
External walls Void plastic outsidefacade_35 be reported only for sensors belonging to the central, per-
0 pendicular to the window, row. Independently from the
0 office orientation, the sensors will always be noted accord-
5 0.35 0.35 0.35 0 0 ing to their distance from the window; in other words they
Internal walls Void plastic genericwall_60 will be labeled as N (near), C (central) and F (far).
0 3.1. Annual and Monthly Light Exposures
5 0.60 0.60 0.60 0 0
Ceiling Void plastic genericceiling80 Results related to Annual Light Exposure are summa-
rized in Tables 3 and 4 and in Fig. 2.
5 0.80 0.80 0.80 0 0 Tables 3 and 4 report Annual Light Exposure expressed
in klx  h/year and referred to each city and each orienta-
Floor Void plastic genericfloor_30
tion. Graphs reported in Fig. 2 represent the percentage
0 differences between IWEC and Satel-Light results (indi-
5 0.30 0.30 0.30 0 0 cated as I–S) and Meteonorm and Satel-Light ones (indi-
Outside ground Void plastic outsideground_20 cated as M–S). Satel-Light is assumed as reference
0 because, as already mentioned, it is a real year and not a
0 typical one (Bellia et al., 2015).
5 0.20 0.20 0.20 0 0 Tables 3 and 4 and Fig. 2 demonstrate that differences in
Clear double glazing Void glass glazing_doublepane_clear_80 results obtained with the three weather data files are influ-
0 enced by many factors: the city taken into account, win-
0 dow’s exposure and also by the chosen calculation point.
3 0.87 0.87 0.87
In Table 3 it can be noted that IWEC weather files deter-
mine higher values, compared with those obtained using
– Simulation time: about 10 min. the other weather data files, for each orientation except
– IntelÒ Core 2 Duo (2.53 Ghz), 4 GB RAM, graphics for South. On the contrary, the lowest values are obtained
card: NVIDIA GEFORCEÒ GT 220 m (1 GB), OS: with Meteonorm files for East orientation, with Satel-Light
WindowsÒ 7 64 bit. for North and West ones. Annual Light Exposures referred
– Simulation time: about 30 min.
Table 3
Annual Light Exposure values referred to Copenhagen.
Simulation’s and materials’ parameters are reported in
Tables 1 and 2. Ambient bounces are set to 7 in order to Copenhagen Annual Light Exposure (klx  h/year)
calculate indoor illuminances considering both the direct IWEC Meteonorm Satel-Light
and the indirect component of daylight, or to 0 in order North
to evaluate only the sunlight contribution. N 3852 (max) 3460 3443 (min)
The study is divided in the following sections: C 999 (max) 941 923 (min)
F 535 (max) 512 502 (min)

– Annual and Monthly Light Exposures. East

– Analysis of the direct component. N 9565 (max) 8994 (min) 9318
C 1813 (max) 1682 (min) 1738
– DA, DAcon and UDI values.
F 935 (max) 882 (min) 903
3. Results
N 15,577 (min) 16,530 (max) 15,903
C 3194 (min) 3706 (max) 3430
The following sections analyze dynamic daylight simula- F 1527 (min) 1694 (max) 1620
tions’ output. In more detail, Sections 3.1–3.3 will report West
the outcome of the results’ analysis in terms of Annual N 8715 (max) 8303 7656 (min)
and Monthly Light Exposures (ALE and MLE), direct C 1689 (max) 1505 1407 (min)
sunlight and DA, DAcon and UDI values. F 811 (max) 776 734 (min)
228 L. Bellia et al. / Solar Energy 117 (2015) 224–235

to Rome (Table 4) assume completely different trends. and West exposures, Satel-Light determines the lowest val-
When the window is East or South-facing the highest val- ues for North orientation and Meteonorm for the East one.
ues are calculated with Satel-Light, when it is This means that it is not possible to identify a weather
North-facing they are obtained with IWEC and when it data file that always determines results higher than the
is West-facing they are achieved with Meteonorm. On the others and vice versa, indeed in Fig. 2 I–S and M–S per-
other hand, IWEC provides the lowest values for South centage differences assume positive or negative values
depending on the city taken into account, the orientation
Table 4 and the calculation point.
Annual Light Exposure values referred to Rome. Furthermore, I–S and M–S differences are characterized
Rome Annual Light Exposure (klx  h/year) by a dissimilar order of magnitude. Considering percentage
values, their variation can be quite significant, for example
IWEC Meteonorm Satel-Light
they can range between 20% (I–S, Copenhagen, West ori-
North entation, S5) and 22% (M–S, Rome, S5); or they can also
N 4870 (max) 4492 4018 (min)
C 1347 (max) 1298 1252 (min) be very small (i.e. Copenhagen, North orientation, S4).
F 735 (max) 717 712 (min) I–S and M–S values change depending on the calcula-
tion point. Only for North orientation, I–S and M–S values
N 14,128 13,140 (min) 16,256 (max) are always positive for all sensors and they decrease when
C 3134 2917 (min) 3747 (max) the distance from the window increases. This does not
F 1343 1232 (min) 1440 (max) occur for the other orientations.
South To provide an in depth analysis of the results obtained
N 21,376 (min) 23,708 24,860 (max) for each city, orientation and weather data file Montly
C 4599 (min) 4903 5398 (max) Light Exposure were also calculated. Figs. 3 and 4 show
F 1643 (min) 1691 1744 (max) the trend assumed by Monthly Light Exposures [klx  h/-
West month] (MLE) for each city and each orientation. For
N 11,162 (min) 12,950 (max) 12,392 readability reasons the maximum value of the y axis is dif-
C 2141 (min) 2377 (max) 2231
ferent depending on orientation, but a 500 klx  h/month
F 1038 (min) 1137 (max) 1098
step is always assumed between tick marks.

Fig. 2. Percentage differences for Annual Light Exposure referred to Copenhagen and Rome.
L. Bellia et al. / Solar Energy 117 (2015) 224–235 229

Fig. 3. Monthly Light Exposure referred to Copenhagen.

Figs. 3 and 4 demonstrate that the curves tend to be Consequently, considering that sunlight’s modeling
more similar in winter than in other seasons for North, depends on the direct irradiance data uploaded in the cal-
East and West orientations, whereas for South the contrary culation software, results related to indoor daylight avail-
applies. ability may show higher differences for orientations
Regardless of the window’s orientation it is interesting different from North.
to notice that also the slope of the curves can be very dif- For this reason the following paragraph reports an anal-
ferent depending on the weather data. ysis of the direct component of daylight entering in the con-
Differences in results observed for the four orientations sidered office.
are likely to be determined by sunlight’s incidence. Data
reported in the different weather files and related to direct 3.2. Analysis of the direct component
and diffuse component of irradiance can indeed diverge if
compared. Bellia et al. (2015) analyzed cumulative fre- An analysis of the direct component of daylight was per-
quency curves related to global and diffuse horizontal irra- formed. To do so, simulations were repeated setting the
diances, calculated starting from the data reported in ambient bounces (ab) parameter to zero, as previously
different weather files (IWEC, Meteonorm, TRY and reported, to exclude any reflection of light by surfaces.
Satel-Light) and concerning five cities (Copenhagen, This analysis was only performed for East, West and
Milan, London, Nancy, Rome). They demonstrated that South orientations.
global irradiance curves show very similar trends except Fig. 5a and b reports for Copenhagen and Rome the
for TRY, whereas those referred to the diffuse component annual percentages of occupied hours during which
turn out to be slightly different. For example, considering sunlight-related illuminances (Esun), calculated using the
the specific case of Rome, they found that Satel-Light’s dif- different weather data files for each orientation, are com-
fuse irradiance curve assumes lower values compared to prised between 0 and 1000 lux or they are greater than
those representing the other files, whereas its global irradi- 1000 lux. This 1000 lux threshold was assumed since it is
ance curve is very similar to those related to IWEC and the limit value considered in ASE calculation (IES
Meteonorm. This means that values referred to the direct LM-83-12 “Approved Method: IES Spatial Daylight
component of irradiance, reported in different files, diverge. Autonomy (sDA) and Annual Sunlight Exposure (ASE)”,
230 L. Bellia et al. / Solar Energy 117 (2015) 224–235

Fig. 4. Monthly Light Exposure referred to Rome.

2013). For readability reasons, the order of magnitude of 3.3. DA and UDI
the graphs related to the East and West exposures in both
cities is different. Fig. 6a and b reports DA and DAcon values for each
It can be noted that the total percentage of occupied city, orientation and weather data file.
hours during which sunlight is calculated is similar for From the graphs reported in Fig. 6a and b it can be
both cities. On the contrary, the percentage of occupied noted that the differences in DA and DAcon values
hours for which Esun is greater than 1000 lux is signif- between the chosen weather data files remain small for each
icantly higher for Rome. In the South orientation in orientation and each city.
Rome, using all weather data files, sunlight is not calcu- It is interesting to highlight that, for Rome, DA and
lated for the sensor farthest from the window, whereas DAcon values obtained using the Meteonorm file are gen-
the contrary applies to Copenhagen; the explanation erally a little lower than those calculated with the other
of this result resides in the fact that in Copenhagen weather data files. This is also true for Copenhagen’s
sun’s altitude is lower and therefore it enters deep into DAcon results, whereas DA values obtained with
the room. Meteonorm weather data file for this city are lower than
The greatest differences among weather data files are the others only in a few cases.
found for the sensor near the window in the East orienta- Another interesting finding is that, for both cities, DA
tion. In more detail, for both cities, using the Meteonorm values calculated for the central sensor (C) with the
file, the percentage of occupied hours for which Esun is IWEC weather data file are always higher than the others
greater than 1000 lux is higher than the one calculated with for each orientation. Moreover the use of Satel-Light
IWEC and Satel-Light weather data files (for always determines, for Copenhagen, the highest DA values
Copenhagen); whereas in Rome’s case it is only higher than for the sensor closest to the window, whereas in Rome’s
the one calculated with the IWEC file. case this only occurs in South and West orientations; in
Usually differences in the total percentage of occupied the other orientations IWEC’s and Satel-Light’s DA values
hours during which sunlight is calculated are small (not are almost coincident.
greater than 5%) and more evident for the sensor near Fig. 7a and b reports UDI values for each city and each
the window. orientation.
L. Bellia et al. / Solar Energy 117 (2015) 224–235 231

Fig. 5. (a) and (b): Annual percentage of occupied hours during which 0 < Esun 6 1000 lux or Esun > 1000.
232 L. Bellia et al. / Solar Energy 117 (2015) 224–235

Fig. 6. (a) and (b): DA and DAcon values for Rome.

L. Bellia et al. / Solar Energy 117 (2015) 224–235 233

Fig. 7. (a) and (b): UDI values for Copenhagen and Rome.

It can be observed from Fig. 7a and b that the use of for the sensors near the window in both cities and for all
Meteonorm files always determines slightly greater orientations. In more detail, in Rome such differences are
UDI100 values. more significant.
Moreover it is interesting to highlight that the greatest Furthermore the use of IWEC files generally determines
differences are found between UDI100–2000 and UDI2000 the highest UDI2000 values.
234 L. Bellia et al. / Solar Energy 117 (2015) 224–235

4. Discussion Meteonorm and Satel-Light) determines very similar

The paper presented comparisons between simulations’ In more detail, comparing the different weather files, the
results obtained using different weather data files (IWEC, average differences for ALE are 6% for Copenhagen and
Meteonorm, Satel-Light) and performed for offices 9% for Rome and the maximum ones are about 20%.
exposed according to the four main orientations and As regards DA, DAcon, UDI, the calculated values are
located in two different cities, Copenhagen and Rome. very similar in all cases. For example, the greatest differ-
The comparison between Annual Light Exposures ence in UDI values are found between UDI100–2000 and
demonstrated that the use of the three selected weather UDI2000 for the sensors near the window in both cities
data files can produce differences in simulations’ results, and for all orientations. The maximum difference is about
the percentage value of which reaches at most 20%. 20% and the average one is about 9%.
Furthermore these discrepancies may assume a different The analysis of Esun demonstrated that results are com-
weight depending on many factors (the chosen city, the parable also when considering orientations for which the
window’s exposure and also the considered calculation influence of the direct component of daylight is relevant.
point), but in some cases they can be very small (about Moreover the use of Satel-Light demonstrated that,
1%). The use of different weather data files also produces from a statistical point of view, there is a certain correspon-
variations in the annual trend of daylight indoor availabil- dence between real and typical years.
ity. Indeed, considering Monthly Light Exposure, it can be Results’ analyses performed in terms of ALE, DA,
noted that results diverge more in summer than in winter if DAcon, UDI and sunlight incidence are fundamental in
the window is North, East or West-facing and viceversa if lighting design to accurately evaluate the adequate config-
the office is South-oriented. uration of electric lighting systems, shading devices and
An analysis of sunlight’s incidence was performed and control systems and therefore they are related to the calcu-
the annual percentage of occupied hours for which direct lation of energy consumptions. Since the present study
sunlight is registered on the workplane was calculated. demonstrated that there are differences in the results
Independently from the orientation, the results obtained obtained carrying out daylight simulations with different
by using the three weather files diverge at most by 5% weather data files and that, even though such differences
and the differences are more relevant for the sensor near are usually not significant, in some cases they are instead
the window. Moreover the annual percentage for which relevant (20%). Therefore a further step of this research
Esun is higher or lower of 1000 lx is calculated. Also in this project may be the analysis of the impact of such differ-
case the use of a weather file or another does not greatly ences on the calculation of energy consumptions and on
affect the results and the highest differences are observed comfort’s evaluations.
for the N sensor and in more detail for East orientation,
both in Copenhagen and in Rome. Considering References
Copenhagen, using Meteonorm weather data file, the num-
ber of hours for which Esun 6 1000 lx is lower than that Bellia, L., Pedace, A., Fragliasso, F., 2015. The role of weather data files in
calculated with Satel-Light and IWEC. On the other hand, climate-based daylight modeling. Sol. Energy (112), 169–182.
Boyce, P., Hunter, C., Howlett, O., 2003. The Benefits of Daylight
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ber of hours for which Esun 6 1000 lx similar to that calcu- Crawley, D.B., 1998. Which weather data should you use for energy
lated with Satel-Light but lower than the one obtained with simulations of commercial buildings? In: ASHRAE, Trans. 104 (Part
IWEC. 2).
Finally an analysis in terms of dynamic daylight metrics Danmarks Meteorologiske Institut., n.d. <http://www.dmi.dk/vejr/arki-
ver/normaler-og-ekstremer/klimanormaler-dk/> (retrieved 28.10.14).
is presented. DA, DAcon and UDI values obtained with Duffy, J., Czeisler, C., 2009. Effect of light on human circadian physiology.
the different weather data files are very similar. Sleep Med. Clin. 4 (2), 165–177.
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Heschong, L., 2002. Daylighting and human performance. ASHRAE J.
5. Conclusions
(446), 65–67.
<http://diva4rhino.com/>, n.d. (retrieved 22 07 14).
The study reported in the present paper represents the <http://meteonorm.com/>, n.d. (retrieved agosto 1, 2013).
second part of a previous one (Bellia et al., 2015). In more <http://www.satel-light.com/>. n.d. (retrieved marzo 29, 2013).
detail, in the first study only the North orientation was IES LM-83-12. Approved method: IES spatial daylight autonomy (sDA)
analyzed, thus excluding the direct component of daylight. and Annual Sunlight Exposure (ASE), 2013.
Iversen, A., Svendsen, S., Nielsen, T.R., 2012. The effect of different
Therefore the present paper includes also the orientations weather data sets and their resolution on climate-based daylight
(West, East, South) for which sunlight has a relevant modelling. Light. Res. Technol. 1–12.
incidence. Jakubiec, J.A., Reinhart, F.C., 2011. DIVA 2.0: Integrating daylight and
Nevertheless the results here reported confirm what has thermal simulations using Rhinoceros 3D, Daysim and EnergyPlus.
already been highlighted in the first study, in other words 12th Conference of International Building Performance Simulation
Association. Sydney.
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