References: Pada Padi. Diambil Kembali Dari Old - Litbang.deptan -

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(Datta, 1933) 6

(Rupnik, 2018) 2

(Pertanian, 2005) 1

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(Maillo, Ramirez, Triguero, & Herrera, 2016) 3

(Watson, 1998) 5

(Suarez Sanchez & et al., 2015) 4

Datta, S. K. (1933). Principles and practices of rice production. canada: A Wiley-Interscience

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Rupnik, R. (2018). AgroDSS: A decision support system for agriculture and farming. Computers and
Electronics in Agriculture.

Suarez Sanchez, A., & et al. (2015). Applying the K-nearest neighbor technique to the classification of
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of Industrial Ergonomics, 1-8.

Watson, I. (1998). Applying case-based reasoning: techniques for enterprise systems. San fransisco:
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