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Maithreem Bhajatha Akila Hrith Jethreem - Let’s Pray

Devine Mother Earth to Cultivate Friendship and Humility,

which will conquer the Hearts of Everyone.
Atmavat Eva Paraanapi pashyata - Look upon others similar
to yourself.
Yuddham Tyajata - Renounce War
Spardhaam Tyajata - forsake Competition
Tyajata Pareshwa akrama aakramanam - Give up
Aggression don't be aggressive
Jananee Prthivee Kaamadughaastey - Mother Earth yields
all that we desire,'Kaamadughaastey'-she gives that all the
things we desire (cloths,food etc)
JanakO Deva: Sakala Dayaalu: - There is only one god in
common,god is our people, most compassionate of one and
Daamyata - practice Restraint
Datta - So, Donate your wealth to others
Dayathvam - So, Be Kind to others
Janathaa: - Oh People of the World
Sreyo Bhooyaath Sakala Janaanaam - May All People of
this World be Happy and Prosperous.

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