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Bangladesh has a low literacy rate, estimated 57.7% of total population. (Meet Bangladesh).


rural areas most families are joint families. However nuclear families are increasing day by day.

Based on income, occupation and education, Bangladesh population can be divided into 5 socio

economic classes:

Class A: Individuals consists of who are about 2.52 % of total population,

businessman/businesswomen/service holder, income level is 60,000+ BDT per month and has a

bachelor degree or more.

Class B: 13.18% of total population, a house owner or officer/executive, income level is

minimum 30,000 BDT- 50,000 BDT and has a Bachelors degree.

Class C: 15.77% of total population, occupation generally supervisor level, income level

generally lies between BDT 20,000-BDT 30,000. Education level: SSC/HSC graduate, Diploma


Class D: 32.19% of total population occupation might be shop owner, salesman etc. Income level

generally lies between BDT 10,000 to BDT 20,000; has completed high school.

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