Advanced Composites - Assignment - Lect 1-5 Chapt. 1-2

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Advanced Composites – Assignment – Lect 1-5; Chapt.


1. How can you improve the strength and Stiffness of Table (2X1 m2) made of epoxy cured resin by
minimum 250 % in all the directions. Write your answers including type of reinforcement,
orientation of fibres and manufacturing techniques. Draw the schematic digram of final
composites (2 M)

2. Carbon fiber can be used as reinforcement to make Al matrix, phenol formaldehyde resin and
PEEK thermoplastic composites Write the two different processing techniques and two
advantages of each composite (2M)

3. Draw the (schematic )stress-strain diagram of carbon fibre, Glass fibre, viscose (rayon) fibre, PP
matrix, epoxy cured matrix (2 M)

4. How ceramic composites are different from polymer composites and typical applications (2M)

5. Explain about cross-section and sizing of aramid fibre keeping in mind buller proof vests are
made from Aramid fibre. (2M)

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