Modelo de Coverletter

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Sample of Cover letter- TRAINEE PROGRAM

* NOTA: esta carta es un modelo, no la copies porque si no tu candidatura no tendrá

ningún valor y será igual a las demás. Es importante que la personalices y adaptes a tu
perfil, definiendo tus intereses y forma de trabajar.

(Month, Day, Year)

Dear Company Representative,

I am writing to explore the possibility of completing a training program with your organization.
As a student from Argentina pursuing a degree in Software Engineering, I am required by my
university to complete a program of practical training during the course of my studies.
Undertaking such a placement with your company would certainly prove an invaluable
experience, both personally and professionally.

As my resume indicates, I have extensive experience and knowledge in a wide array of fields
related to computer science and software development. As an intern at two local companies, I
have also gained valuable practical experience in programming and web design, and feel that
these skills could also be put to good use at your organization. Additionally, these experiences
have helped me to develop my communicative, organizational and project management skills and
to learn how to function as part of a larger team. Combined with my enthusiasm for learning and
ability to adapt to new surroundings, I am confident that I would be a positive addition to your

In the longer-term, my career goals are to find a position as a programmer or software designer
for a well-known company in Argentina. Completing a training program in the US would help me
not only to expand and refine my skills, but also to learn more about the international marketplace
and how to function in a fast-paced, global environment. This experience, I am sure, would prove
an immense asset to me in helping me to achieve my professional goals.

In regards to my legal eligibility to train with your organization, I would be participating in

CIEE's Internship USA program, which is sponsored by the Council on International Educational
Exchange [CIEE]. As my sponsor, CIEE is authorized by the U.S. government to issue the
necessary documentation for me to obtain a J-1 visa, which allows me to train legally in the U.S.
for up to eighteen months.

I thank you for your consideration of my application and hope you find my qualifications to be a
good match for a training position at your company. Should you have any questions or wish to
discuss my qualifications further, please do not hesitate to contact me at the following email
address or phone number.

Best regards,

(phone number)
(e-mail address)

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