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Chapter 1


This chapter contains the Background of the Study, Statement of

the problem, Statement of hypothesis, Significance of the study,

Conceptual framework of the study, Scope and limitations and Definition

of terms.

Background of the Study

One of nature’s unappreciated fruits is the kamias or bilimbi. The

sour fruit is a natural source of vitamins B and C, iron, phosphorus and

antioxidants. (R. Valencia and S. Bismark Archives,2015).

Kamias is the Filipino name for a tree scientifically known as

Averrhoa bilimbi. In English, it is known as the cucumber or sorrel tree.

This tropical tree is found naturally in Malaysia and Indonesia, and its

fruit is used both for cooking and traditional medicine. A kamias is

mainly used as a folk medicine in the treatment of diabetes mellitus,

hypertension, and as an antimicrobial agent (Sheldon, 2017). Kamias

juice is also useful for bleaching stains from the hands and rust from

white cloth, and also tarnish from brass (Mixph, 2015). Month of July is

the fruiting season of kamias according to Zsite 59 (2013). Out of the

existing products such as kamias wine which were pricked and soaked

in water overnight to reduce its acidity. After soaking for almost 8 hours

in water, the kamias juice was squeezed out using cheesecloth. On the

other hand, in boiling method, the squeezed kamias juice were boiled

and cooled. The ingredients such as brown sugar and yeast were then

mixed with the juice. The mixtures were stored in a covered jar for one

month. To remove the impurities, the mixtures were strained after one

month and stored it into sterilized bottles for another three months.

Afterwards, the straining processes were repeated and the mixtures

were stored into wine bottles for a year. The researchers wanted to

conduct an experiment producing pastillas made of kamias.

Pastillas or Pastillas de Leche if directly translated from Spanish

means “milk tablets” or “milk pills” which basically describes this Filipino

sweet delicacy. This is made from evaporated milk with some mixtures

to make it like a dough. The dough will be formed into small shape and

be coated with sugar. The pastillas has a standard ingredients, the

ingredients are the following: evaporated milk, milk powder, condensed

milk, vanilla extract, sugar, butter, cocoa and peanut, cheese and

honey. In this study, kamias will be added as the major ingredients in

making pastillas that will be treated with the inclusions or with the

flavors such as cocoa, peanut, cheese and honey (Souichi, 2013).

The researchers want to conduct this study to determine the taste

acceptability level of kamias pastillas for people to appreciate its taste


and for their consumptions. It is not just a typical pastillas but it is more

nutritious because of the main ingredient which is the kamias.

Statement of the Problem

The main purpose of this study is to determine the taste

acceptability level of Kamias Pastillas Production among the selected

3rd year BSED students of Southern Leyte State University-CBM, San

Juan, Southern Leyte. Specifically, it aims to answer the following


1.What is the profile of the students in terms of:

1.1 Gender and

1.2 Age?

2.What is the acceptability index of the different flavors of kamias

pastillas in terms of:

2.1 Apperance;

2.2 Taste;

2.3 Texture;

2.4 Aroma; and

2.5 Color?

3. Is there significant difference of acceptability index of appearance,

taste, texture, aroma, and color among the flavors:

3.1 Control Variable;

3.2 Treatment 1

3.3 Treatment 2

3.4 Treatment 3

3.5 Treatment 4

Statement of the Hypothesis

Based on the research questions, the following null hypothesis are


Ho1: There is no significant difference among the acceptability indices

on appearance, taste, texture, aroma, and color on the five treatments.

Significance of the Study

The society/community.They will know that the kamias that is

usually ignored can be a main ingredient of a homemade pastillas.

The Administrator.This study will serve as thier guide and

source for other related studies and articles that can be used in other


The Teacher.The study will help the teachers in terms of applying

to class to promote understanding about the standardization of Kamias

Pastillas Production.

Future Researchers.This study will be beneficial to future

researchers as it can be use as a background for other researchers

who wanted to venture on matters to this study.


Conceptual Framework

Figure 1 shows the Schematic Diagram of the Conceptual

Framework of the Study. As shown in the schema, the ehancers are the

cocoa, honey, cheese and peanut.These following enhancers will be

evaluated according to its appearanace, texture, taste, aroma and color.

The students taste acceptability level will be based on the taste of

kamias pastillas with different enhancers. And in this study, the

researchers are expecting to have a high acceptability level.





Pastillas with

T2 High
Kamias Pastillas Kamias Acceptability
Pastillas with Color
Cocoa Index


Pastillas with


Pastillas with

Figure 1. Conceptual Framework of the Study


Scope and Limitation

The study focuses on the acceptability of Kamias Pastillas among

the selected BSED 3rd year students of Southern Leyte State

University- CBM, San Juan, Southern Leyte.

Definition of Terms

In orders for the readers to have clear understanding of the study,

the following terms are conceptually and operationally defined.

Acceptability. The suitability, adequacy, appropriateness,

tolerability (Microsoft Encarta, 2009). In this study, it refers to the

acceptance based on the likeness of the student.

Appearance. A sense impression or aspect of a thing (Merriam

Webster’s Dictionary,1828). In this study, it refers to the physical feature

of the pastillas to be tasted by the student.

Aroma. It is a noticeable and usually t. pleasant smell (The New

Webster’s Dictionary, 2002).In this study, it refers to the smell or scent

of a product that is being smell by the person.

Color. The property possessed by an object of producing

different sensations on the eye as a result of the way the object refelcts

or emits light (The New Webster’s Dictionary,2002). It refers to the

quality such as yellow, brown, black, white and etc, that you see when

you look at the product.


Hedonic Scale. Used in tasting panels where the judges indicate

the extent of their like or dislike for the food (Encyclopedia, 2005). In

this study, it is use to indicate the taster’s reaction.

Index. A statistical aggregate that measures change (Merriam

Webster’s Dictionary,1828). In this study, it is used to measure the

difference among the taste, appearance, texture, aroma, and color.

Production. Producing or being product, something produced

(The New Webster’s Dictionary, 1828). In this study, it refers to the used

of senses in order to evaluate the product.

Standardization. A framework of agreement to which all relevant

parties in an industry or organization must adhere to ensure that all

processes associated with the creation of a good or performance of a

service are performed within set guidelines (Encyclopedia, 2017). In this

study,it refers to the exact measurements and procedure in producing

the product.

Taste. The sensation of flavored perceived in the mouth and

throat on contact with a substance (The New Webster’s

Dictionary,2002) it refers to the sense of flavor being tasted into the

mouth of a person.

Texture. The feel appearance or consistency of a surface or a

substance (The New Webster’s Dictionary,2002). It refers to a physical

feel of a product if it is smooth or rough.


Chapter 2


Republic Act RA No. 10611, also known as the food “ Food

safety Act of 2013 “ defines food as any substance or product whether

proccessed, partially proccessed or unproccessed that is intended of

human consumtion. It includes drink, chewing gum, water and other

substance, which are intentionally incorporated into the food during its

manufacture, preparation and treatment. On the other hand, food safety

refers to the assurance that food will not cause harm to the

consumerwhen it is prepared or eaten according to its intended use

(Aquino, et. Al, 2014).

According to Alhassan Muhammad and Qamar Uddin Ahmed

(2006) that averrhoa bilimbi Linn is principally cultivated for medicinal

purposes in many tropical and subtropical countries of the world.

Literature survey about this plant shows that Averrhoa bilimbi is mainly

used as a folk medicine in the treatment of diabetes mellitus,

hypertension, and as an antimicrobial agent. The prime objective of this

review is to accumulate and organize literature based on traditional

claims and correlate those with current findings on the use of Averrhoa

Bilimbi in the management of different ailments. Through interpreting

already published scientific manuscripts (1995 through 2015) retrieved

from the different scientific search engines, namely Medline, PubMed,


EMBASE, and Science Direct databases, published articles and reports

covering traditional and scientific literature related to Averrhoa Bilimbi's

potential role against various ailments have been thoroughly evaluated,

interpreted, and discussed. Several pharmacological studies have

demonstrated the ability of this plant to act as antidiabetic,

antihypertensive, thrombolytic, antimicrobial, antioxidant,

hepatoprotective, and hypolipidemic agent. Averrhoa Bilimbi holds great

value in the complementary and alternative medicine as evidenced by

the substantial amount of research on it. Therefore, we aimed to

compile an up-to-date and comprehensive review of Averrhoa Bilimbi

that covers its traditional and folk medicine uses, phytochemistry, and

pharmacology. Hence, this paper presents an up-to-date and

comprehensive review of the ethnomedicinal uses, different chemical

constituents, and pharmacological activities of Averrhoa bilimbi. So far,

the biologically active agents have not been isolated from this plant and

this can be a good scientific study for the future antidiabetic,

antihypertensive, and antimicrobial implications. Hence, this review

targets at emphasizing the diverse traditional claims and

pharmacological activities of Averrhoa Bilimbi with respect to carrying

out more scientific studies to isolate active principles through advanced


The bilimbi tree reaches 5–10 m in height. Its trunk is short and

quickly divides up into ramifications. Bilimbi leaves, 3–6 cm long, are


alternate, imparipinnate and cluster at branch extremities. There are

around 11 to 37 alternate or subopposite oblong leaflets. The leaves are

quite similar to those of the Otaheite gooseberry. The trunk and

branches of tree has to be exposed to sunlight for fruits to form

(traditional knowledge), which is achieved by removing leaves except

from branch end (Morton, 1987).

One of nature’s unappreciated fruits is the kamias or bilimbi. The

sour fruit is a natural source of vitamins B and C, iron, phosphorus and

antioxidants. Its other amazing benefits. Its leaves relieve coughing,

thrush, hemorrhoids, stings, itches, pimples and skin eruptions. Its fruits

can control gastrointestinal bleeding in the stomach, fight cholesterol,

fever and inflammation, and prevent cough, beriberi and scurvy. It’s

antidiabetic and antibacterial. The juice from its fruit can be used for

household purposes, like cleaning and bleaching. It removes rust and

stains. It can be eaten with salt, soy sauce or sugar. Just as some

people relish green mango juice, there are those who enjoy sweetened

kamias juice (R. Valencia and S. Bismark Archives,2015).

According to Mixph (2015), the bilimbi is generally regarded as

too acid for eating raw, but in Costa Rica, the green, uncooked fruits are

prepared as a relish which is served with rice and beans. Sometimes it

is an accompaniment for fish and meat. Ripe fruits are frequently added

to curries in the Far East. They yield 44.2% juice having a pH of 4.47,

and the juice is popular for making cooling beverages on the order of

lemonade. Mainly, the bilimbi is used in place of mango to make

chutney, and it is much preserved. To reduce acidity, it may be first

pricked and soaked in water overnight, or soaked in salted water for a

shorter time; then it is boiled with much sugar to make a jam or an acid

jelly. The latter, in Malaya, is added to stewed fruits that are oversweet.

Half-ripe fruits are salted, set out in the sun, and pickled in brine and

can be thus kept for 3 months. A quicker pickle is made by putting the

fruits and salt into boiling water. This product can be kept only 4 to 5

days. The flowers are sometimes preserved with sugar. Very acid

bilimbis are employed to clean the blade of a kris (dagger), and they

serve as mordants in the preparation of an orange dye for silk fabrics.

Bilimbi juice, because of its oxalic acid content, is useful for bleaching

stains from the hands and rust from white cloth, and also tarnish from

brass. In the Philippines, the leaves are applied as a paste or poulticed

on itches, swellings of mumps and rheumatism, and on skin eruptions.

Elsewhere, they are applied on bites of poisonous creatures. Malayans

take the leaves fresh or fermented as a treatment for venereal disease.

A leaf infusion is a remedy for coughs and is taken after childbirth as a

tonic. A leaf decoction is taken to relieve rectal inflammation. A flower

infusion is said to be effective against coughs and thrush.

In Java, the fruits combined with pepper are eaten to cause

sweating when people are feeling "under the weather". A paste of


pickled bilimbis is smeared all over the body to hasten recovery after a

fever. The fruit conserve is administered as a treatment for coughs,

beri-beri and biliousness. A sirup prepared from the fruit is taken as a

cure for fever and inflammation and to stop rectal bleeding and alleviate

internal hemorrhoid (Mixph, 2015).

Pastillas are made in different sizes, shapes, flavorsa and tetures.

Some are thin, some are thick, and some are light. For tihs reason, they

well go on any occassion in school, workplace, and even during travels.

They go along way and can be prepared at leisure and stored for the

busy days. We will need to coat it with sugar so that it won’t be sticky,

nd we laso need its packaging. Just get any container and fill it with

refined sugar you can also prepare your packaging bacuase cooling will

take time. In packaging you can use any material like cellophane,

bondpaper or even japanesse paper. The size and the design are up to

you to decide.

Gonzalez (2017) stated the Philippine foodway and craft form of

pabalat-wrapped pastillas by examining the different communities

involved in its practice and preservation. It analyzes how the

participatory framework reshapes the authorized heritage discourse and

argues for a more pragmatic conceptualization of community

participation that recognizes the different kinds of communities involved

in heritage work, shows sensitivity to the politics at play, and aims at

parity among actors--not exclusion. Tracing the history of borlas de


pastillas and assessing its uses in tourism demonstrations, festivals,

training programs and museum exhibits reveals the problematic issues

of disinheritance, dissonance, memory, and ownership that emerge

when dealing with intangible.


Chapter 3


This chapter includes the Research design, Preparaton of

experimental materials, Research environment, the materials, Research

instrument and equipment, Research respondents, General procedure,

Experimental treatment and design, Data gathering, and Statistcal data.

Research Designs

Experimental design is use in this study. This design involves

treatment with varied inclusions of enhancers. This consists of control

and experimental variables. The researchers improve the taste to

enhance the acceptability level of kamias pastillas among students.

Preparation of Experimental Materials

In this research, the ingredients needed are powdered milk,

kamias, sugar, condensed milk, vanilla extract, butter, cocoa, honey

cheese and peanut. The materials to be used are bowl, spatula,

blender, measuring cup, bondpaper or japanesse paper. The bowl is

where the ingredients are mix, spatula is use for mixing the ingredients,

bondpaper and the japanesse paper are use as the final wrapper to the

finish product, and the measuring cup is use to measure all ingredients.

Research Environment

The research study will be conducted at Southern Leyte- College

of Business and Management, San Juan Campus.

Southern Leyte State University- College of Business and

Management was founded in 1946 as Southeastern Leyte Provincial

High School. Being the only public high school among the six town of

pacific area it enrolled more than 1000 students in its second year of

operation. It was change to Cabalian Municipal High School in 1952.

Due to financial difficulties as a result of the destruction caused by

strong typhoon in that year the management of the school was

transferred to the provincial of Leyte and it was converted to Cabalian

Provincial High School a year later. In 1964 the school changed name

and curriculum to Cabalian National Vocational High School. In

changed this response to public demand to expand widen its curriculm,

R.A 4295 changed this school to San Juan Comprehensive High

School. Enrollment rose to more than 1200. On June 24, 1983 Batas

Pambansa Blg. 569 converted the high school into San Juan

Polytechnic College with a tertiary curriculum focused on Science and

Technology. Then in 1999, a special provision of general Appropriate

Act. No. 8745 mandated the integration of the college into Southern

Leyte State College of Science and Technology. Congress Bill

converted in Southern Leyte State College of Science and Technology


which includes the San Juan Campus into University on March 7, 2004

and this date marks as a founding anniversary of the institution.

The Materials

In this research, the ingredients needed are powdered milk,

kamias, sugar, condensed milk, vanilla extract, peanut, cocoa, honey

and cheese. The ingredients need materials such as bowl,

spatula,bondpaper, japanesse paper. The bowl is where the ingredients

are mix. Spatula is use for mixing the ngredients. The measuring cup is

use to measure the amount of powdered milk, condensed milk and

vanilla extract. Bondpaper and the japanesse paper is use to wrap to

the finsih product.

Research Instruments

The study will be using checklist questionnaires to verify the

respondent’s acceptability and food sampling for taste testing. The

checklist questionnaire will be answered by the respondents based on

the Hedonic Scale which means the respondents indicate the extent of

their like or dislike for the food.

Research Respondent

The respondent of this study will be the selected 3rd year BSED

students in five majors, officially enrolled in academic year 2018-2019


in Southern Leyte State University-College of Business and

Management, San Juan Southern Leyte. A random sampling procedure

will be used to get the 25% of the students.

General Procedure

The preparation of the needed ingredients and materials use for

this study include the following: first is the preparation of the recipes and

sun dried kamias, securing the materials such as bowl,

spatula,bondpaper and japanesse paper, and the preparation of

ingredients needed such as powdered milk, dried powederd kamias,

sugar, condensed milk, vanilla extract, peanut, honey, cheese and

cocoa. The general procedure are the following: first, combine the

powdered milk, condensed milk, vanilla extract then add butter and the

powdered dried kamias. Mix all ingredients in the bowl. Form the

desired pastillas shape and size. Roll the pastillas into the sugar then

lastly, wrap it in a bond paper and in a japanesse paper to determine

the shelflife, another experiment will be done.

Experimental Treatment and Design

The inclusion will be used to test the potential of kamias as main

ingredients for the kamias pastillas production. Appearance, taste,

color, aroma, and texture will be tested to determine the acceptabilitty


level using hedonic scale. The taster’s reaction will be indicated on

descriptive words on a (9 point hedonic scale).

Sale Value Interpretation

9 like extremely

8 like very much

7 like moderately

6 like slightly

5 either like or dislike

4 dislike slightly

3 dislike moderately

2 dislike very much

1 dislike extremely

The range values used to interpret the scores as the follows:

Scale Value Interpretation

8.6 – 9.0 like extremely

7.6 – 8.5 like very much

6.6 – 7.6 like moderately

5.6 – 6.5 like slightly

4.6 – 5.5 either like or dislike

3.6 – 4.5 dislike slightly

2.6 – 3.5 dislike moderately

1.6 – 2.5 dislike very much

1.0 – 1.5 dislike extremely


Data Gathering

The experimental procedure will be done wherein the

experimented pastillas are to be tasted by the respondents.

The data to be gathered will be the following:

1.Acceptability of Kamias Pastillas in term of:

a) Appearance;

b) Taste;

c) Color;

d) Aroma; and

e) Texture.

Statistical Treatment

The data gathered will be tabulated and interpreted according to

the research problem using the following statistical tools.

1. Frequency or percentage –This will be applied to get the

percentage of the respondents.

2. Weighted Mean- this will be applied to measure the standard

ingredients in utilizing kamias as a homemade pastillas.

3. ANOVA- This will determine the significant differences of

acceptability index of appearance, taste, texture, aroma and

color among control variable, peanut, cocoa, honey and


Budgetary Requirements

Table No. 1 Budgetary Requirements





TOTAL P1,4000

Gannt Chart/Work Table

No. 2 Gantt Char Schedule

Time Frame (Days

Activities 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

preparation of x
the working
of equipment,
tools and x
of supplies for
product x
process x x x x x x

x x


A. Thesis and Dissertations

Jeralyn Reyes M. et. al. (2017). Coco Nucifera Cookie


B. Websites

Lynn Sheldon (2017). Kamias Nutrition. Retrieved on January

7, 2018, from

R. Valenvia and S. Bismark Archives (2015). Benefits of

Kamias. Retrieved on Febuary 11,2018 from

Julia F. Morton (1989). Averrhoa Bilimbi. Retrieved on

febuary 11, 2018 from

Alhassan Muhammad and Qamar uddin Ahmed (2006). A

review of its ethnomedical uses phytochemistry and
pharmacology. Retrieved on january 21, 2018

Mixph (2015). Growing kamias and its many uses. Retrieved

on January 7, 2018


MILK CANDY). Retrieved on March 11, 2018

C. Other References

Republic Act RA No. 10611

Merriam-Webster Dictionary (2002)


Republic of the Philippines

College of Business and Management
San Juan, Southern Leyte

March ,2018

Dr. Gary D. Garcia

College Dean
Southern Leyte State University-CBM
San Juan, Southern Leyte



The undersigned are currently working in thier research proposal

entitled “Taste Acceptability Level of Kamias Level”. This is a partial
fullfilment of the subject requirements in T.L.E 324 (Educational
Research). The aim of this study is to develop pastillas with the
inclusion of kamias and test its acceptability level.

In this connection, we would like to ask permission in your good office to

conduct a research study to the selected students of 3rd Year BSED in
SLSU-CBM. This study will not be possible without your great support.

Your favorable action is highly appreciated. Thank you.

Respectfully Yours,


Lead Researcher



Adviser Program Chair, BSED



Campus Dean

Letter of Request



Campus Administrator
Southern Leyte State University-CBM


The undersigned are currently working in our research proposal entitled

“Taste Acceptability Level of Kamias Pastillas”. This is a partial
fulfillment of the subject requirements in T.L.E 324 (Educational

In this connection, we would like to ask permission in your good office to

conduct a research study in Southern Leyte State University-CBM. T his
study will not be possible without your great support.

Your favorable action is highly appreciated. Thank you.

Very truly yours,





Head Educ. Dept.




Republic of the Philippines

College of Business and Management
San Juan, Southern Leyte

Questions on Taste Acceptability Level of Kamias Pastillas

Dear respondents,


We are conducting a research proposal entitled Taste Acceptability

Level of Kamias Pastillas among selected 3rd year BSED students of
Southern Leyte State University-CBM. The aim of this is to develop a
pastillas with the inclusion of kamias and test its taste acceptability

In connection with this, we would like to ask your help to provide

necessary data in our study, please fill to answer the checklist.

We would like to appreciate your assistance and support in the

particular research endeavor.

Thank you very much for your cooperation.


Part 1

Demographic Profile

Name (optional) __________________

Gender: _______ Male _______ Female

Age: _________

Part 2

DIRECTION : Please put a check mark in the column that correspond to

the likeness of the task, color, aroma, texture and appearance.

Control Variable
A. Appearance

Extremely Like Neither Like or Dislike Extremely Dislike

B. Taste

Extremely Like Neither Like or Dislike Extremely Dislike

C. Texture

Extremely Like Neither Like or Dislike Extremely Dislike

D. Aroma

Extremely Like Neither Like or Dislike Extremely Dislike

E. Color

Extremely Like Neither Like or Dislike Extremely Dislike

Treatment 1
A. Appearance

Extremely Like Neither Like or Dislike Extremely Dislike

B. Taste

Extremely Like Neither Like or Dislike Extremely Dislike

C. Texture

Extremely Like Neither Like or Dislike Extremely Dislike


D. Aroma

Extremely Like Neither Like or Dislike Extremely Dislike

E. Color

Extremely Like Neither Like or Dislike Extremely Dislike

Treatment 2
A. Appearance

Extremely Like Neither Like or Dislike Extremely Dislike

B. Taste

Extremely Like Neither Like or Dislike Extremely Dislike

C. Texture

Extremely Like Neither Like or Dislike Extremely Dislike

D. Aroma

Extremely Like Neither Like or Dislike Extremely Dislike

E. Color

Extremely Like Neither Like or Dislike Extremely Dislike

Treatment 3
A. Appearance

Extremely Like Neither Like or Dislike Extremely Dislike

B. Taste

Extremely Like Neither Like or Dislike Extremely Dislike

C. Texture

Extremely Like Neither Like or Dislike Extremely Dislike

D. Aroma

Extremely Like Neither Like or Dislike Extremely Dislike

E. Color

Extremely Like Neither Like or Dislike Extremely Dislike

Treatment 4
A. Appearance

Extremely Like Neither Like or Dislike Extremely Dislike

B. Taste

Extremely Like Neither Like or Dislike Extremely Dislike

C. Texture

Extremely Like Neither Like or Dislike Extremely Dislike

D. Aroma

Extremely Like Neither Like or Dislike Extremely Dislike

E. Color

Extremely Like Neither Like or Dislike Extremely Dislike





Tambis 1, Saint Bernard, Southern Leyte
Contact Number: 09979185441

Career Objective

I am a consistent, hardworking, highly motivated person. I enjoy

working with the public. I feel that i am a friendly, outgoing and
dependable person. I feel it is crucial to demonstrate the importance of
my job duties and expectations.

Personal Information

Nickname : Ken
Age : 19 yrs. old
Date of Birth : March 31, 1998
Place of Birth : Anahawan District Ospital
Religion : Roman Catholic
Nationality : Filipino

Educational Attainment

Tertiary Southern Leyte State University

College of Business and Management
Bachelor of Secondary Education
Major in Technology and Livelihood Education
June 2015 – March 2019

Secondary Tambis National High School

Tambis 1, Saint Bernard, Southern Leyte
June 2011 - March 2015


Nathalie Jane T. Cinco

Magbagacay, Saint Bernard, Southern Leyte
Contact Number: 09355928669

Career Objective

To acquire a challenging position in an environment where i can

best utilize my skills and education.

Personal Information

Nickname : Nath
Age : 18 yrs. old
Date of Birth : June 10, 1999
Place of Birth :Marikina City
Religion :Latter Day Saints
Nationality : Filipino

Educational Attainment

Tertiary Southern Leyte State University

College of Business and Management
Bachelor of Secondary Education
Major in Technology and Livelihood Education
June 2015 – March 2019

Secondary Cristo Rey Regional High School

Malibago, Saint Bernard, Southern Leyte
June 2011 - March 2015


San Jose, San Juan, Southern Leyte
Contact Number: 09072815128

Career Objective

Obtain a challenging leadership position applying creative

problem solving and lean management skills with a growing company to
achieve optimum utilization of its resources and maximum profits.

Personal Information

Nickname : Ying
Age : 46 yrs. old
Date of Birth : April 22, 1971
Place of Birth : San Jose, San Juan, Southern Leyte
Religion : Roman Catholic
Nationality : Filipino

Educational Attainment

Tertiary Southern Leyte State University

College of Business and Management
Bachelor of Secondary Education
Major in Technology and Livelihood Education
June 2015 – March 2019

Secondary San Juan Polytechnic College

San Jose, San Jose, Southern Leyte
June 1986 - March 1989


Pretty Rose Q. Abengona

Pong-Oy, San Juan, Southern Leyte
Contact Number: 09489769895

Career Objective

To secure a position as a public relations in order to utilize my

administrative, marketing, and interpersonal skills with accuracy and
efficiency while maintaining a motivated, productive, and goal oriented
environment for the entire professional team on board while maintaining
extensive customer loyalty.

Personal Information

Nickname : Fretts/Frettay
Age : 20 yrs. old
Date of Birth : Otober 21, 1997
Place of Birth : Anahawan District Ospital
Religion : Roman Catholic
Nationality : Filipino

Educational Attainment

Tertiary Southern Leyte State University

College of Business and Management
Bachelor of Secondary Education
Major in Technology and Livelihood Education
June 2015 – March 2019

Secondary San Juan National High School

San Jose, San Juan, Southern Leyte
June 2010 - March 2014


Jonald P. Coquilla
Ayahag, Saint Bernard, Southern Leyte
Contact Number: 09267695358

Career Objective

To develop my expertise in my field profession and to enhance

my capabilities and weakness to a better man.

Personal Information

Nickname : Dodong/Nald
Age : 18 yrs. old
Date of Birth : August 12, 1999
Place of Birth : Anahawan District Ospital
Religion : Roman Catholic
Nationality : Filipino

Educational Attainment

Tertiary Southern Leyte State University

College of Business and Management
Bachelor of Secondary Education
Major in Technology and Livelihood Education
June 2015 – March 2019

Secondary Cristo Rey Regional High School

Malibago, Saint Bernard, Southern Leyte
June 2011 - March 2015

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