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Goethe University Frankfurt

Goethe University Frankfurt was founded in 1914 as a unique “citizens’ university,”

financed by wealthy citizens in Frankfurt, Germany. But the beginnings of the university
were in 1484, where the Universitätsbibliothek was founded Johann Christian
Senckenberg, now part of the university, is known by its Institute of Social Research
founded in 1924, the institutional headquarters of the Frankfurt School, a pre-eminent
school of philosophy and social thought of the twentieth century.

The university was named in 1932 by one of the most famous natives of the city,
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe. some well-known scholars at the University of Frankfurt
went to the sociologist Karl Mannheim, the philosopher Hans-Georg Gadamer.

La Universidad de Frankfurt ha sido considerada liberal, o de tendencia izquierdista,

con una reputación de ser judío y marxista o incluso judío-marxista. Durante el período
nazi, "casi un tercio de sus académicos y muchos de sus estudiantes fueron
despedidos por razones raciales y / o políticas, más que en cualquier otra universidad
alemana", también desempeñó un papel importante en el movimiento estudiantil
alemán de 1968.

The university was also a forerunner in the "Bologna Process" that helped to ease
student mobility in and out of over 40 European countries by standardizing degree

The university has also been influential in the natural sciences and medicine, with
winners of the Nobel Prize such as Max von Laue and Max Born, and discoveries such
as the Stern-Gerlach experiment.

In 2001, the university was the first major university in Germany to become a
foundation university, Starting in 2005, Goethe University began offering the first
master's programs and the switch from the traditional German Diplom or Master

In the last decade the university has focused especially on law, history and economics,
creating new institutes, such as the Institute of Law and Finance (ILF) and the Center
for Financial Studies (CFS)

Goethe University now has a robust alumni association and has raised €145.5 millions
(feste Zusagen mit eingerechnet) and created more than 50 new endowed and visiting
professorships—an important re-affirmation of the university’s identity as a “citizens’
One of the ambitions of the university is to become the main university of Germany in
finance and economy, given the proximity of the school to one of the financial centers
of Europe. The University of Goethe has established an international prize for research
in financial economics, the Deutsche Bank Prize in Financial Economics.

Goethe University attaches great importance to its international ambitions: a large

number of Master's programs and individual Bachelor courses are offered in English,
and some programs are bilingual (German and English). Many master's programs can
also be completed without a thorough knowledge of the German language, and
doctoral theses in various fields can usually be done in English.

Also, a good example of Frankfurt's support for Goethe University is the "Goethe Goes
Global" scholarship program. With the help of the Johanna Quandt Foundation, the
Goethe University of Frankfurt now offers scholarships for 75 different Master's
programs. The "Goethe Goes Global" scholarship program is a pioneering and unique
project in the German scientific scene and will be aimed at outstanding candidates.


• GOETHE UNIVERSITY FRANKFURT (2004-2018) Recuperate of http://www.goethe-


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