Using The Internet As Resource ScoreCard

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Learning Activity – Using the Internet as a Resource

iConnect Academy – Orientation

🙁– Needs Revision 🙁 - Proficient 🙁-

In order to satisfactorily complete orientation and earn 0.25 credit, any “needs revision” will
require editing and rescoring.

Using the Internet as Resource

1. Create a graphic organizer, mind map, or infographic to highlight how to
locate information on the internet
2. Assess how to know if a website trustworthy and what clue to look out
for if it’s not and how to know if you can trust an author or their article
3. Develop two lists for trustworthy, not trustworthy for both website and
4. Locate at least three websites for each content area. Please contact
your teacher for help if you are having trouble – make them apart of your
5. Content: information is clear and understandable. Organized in logical

6. Language: no errors in grammar, punctuation, or spelling

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