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Environment al

a nd Genetic Risk
Factors in Ob esity
Johannes Hebebrand, MD*, Anke Hinney, PhD

 Monogenic  Polygenic  Socioeconomic status  Television

Over the past 100 years, the etiology of childhood obesity has been perceived differ-
ently; the pendulum has swung from biological to psychological explanations and
back. In the beginning of the 20th century, dysfunction of the pituitary/hypothalamic
system was assumed to underlie obesity.1 Later, from the 1940s through the 1970s,
psychological and psychodynamic aspects were thought to play the most prominent
role.2,3 In 1956 Prader, Labhart, and Willi delineated the first syndromal form of obe-
sity. As of the 1970s the relevance of (psycho)social factors has been discussed.4–7
At the end of the 1980s and 1990s milestone twin and adoption studies substantiated
that genetic factors play a prominent role in body weight regulation.8–10
The cloning of the leptin gene in 199411 led to a virtual explosion of biomedical
research and marked the introduction of large-scale molecular genetic studies. The
detection of leptin deficiency12 in children and successful treatment with recombinant
leptin13 for the first time proved that mutations in a single gene can lead to hyperpha-
gia and obesity in individuals of normal intelligence. Genetic, biological, physiologic,
and pharmacologic research over the past 15 years has tremendously broadened
our understanding of the mechanisms involved in body weight regulation. It has
become evident that body weight is tightly regulated by way of peripheral and central
mechanisms; numerous hormones, including leptin and ghrelin, anorexigenic and
orexigenic neuropeptides, their respective receptors, and intracellular signaling path-
ways, underlie this regulation.14,15 One of the main functions of these pathways is to
enable adaptation to semi-starvation (see the article by Müller and colleagues, else-
where in this issue).
The most recent years have viewed a strengthening of the hypothesis that obesity is
a neuroendocrine and metabolic disorder, which results if ‘‘obesogenic’’ environmen-
tal factors and a polygenic predisposition act in concert. Put simplistically, ‘‘the
genetic background loads the gun, but the environment pulls the trigger.’’16 The
genetic predisposition is thought to affect metabolic and behavioral features. Obesity

Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Rheinische Kliniken Essen, University of

Duisburg-Essen, Virchowstr, 174, D-45147 Essen, Germany
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (J. Hebebrand).

Child Adolesc Psychiatric Clin N Am 18 (2008) 83–94

1056-4993/08/$ – see front matter ª 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
84 Hebebrand & Hinney

is thus a truly complex disorder that is caused by several genetic and nongenetic risk
Public interest in obesity has also witnessed an unparalleled boom over the past
20 years—reflecting the obesity epidemic, the discovery of novel pathways involved
in body weight regulation, greater health concerns, the perception of social inequality,
and a stronger awareness of the societal norms for body weight.


There is a general consensus that parental obesity is by far the strongest risk factor for
childhood and adolescent obesity. The degree of parental obesity influences this risk,
which is further elevated if both parents are obese.17,18 According to several studies,
offspring BMI is somewhat more strongly correlated with maternal than paternal
BMI,19 suggesting intrauterine influences, imprinting effects, an influence of mitochon-
drial genes, or a rearing effect. Formal genetic studies have led to the conclusion that
the strong predictive value of the parental BMI mainly stems from genetic rather than
environmental factors.20 Accordingly, older studies that failed to include parental
weight as a variable are seriously flawed. For example, the well-known finding that
parental neglect during childhood predicts obesity in young adulthood5 was not
controlled for parental obesity.
Twin studies have produced the most consistent and highest heritability estimates,
in the range of 0.6 to 0.9 for BMI.20,21 These high estimates apply to both twins reared
together or apart. However, only single and comparatively small studies exist for twins
reared apart, in contrast to the vast amount of studies pertaining to twins reared
together, some of which included thousands of twin pairs. Additionally, a substantial
number of reared-apart twin pairs were not separated immediately after birth.
Except for the newborn period, for which a lower heritability (approximately 0.4) has
been calculated,22 age does not affect heritability estimates of body weight to a sub-
stantial degree. The influence of the intrauterine environment on birth weight is strong;
it is well known that particularly in monozygotic (MZ) twins, other anthropometric mea-
surements, such as body height, also correlate less well in infancy. Genetic factors are
subsequently able to exert their influence; in school-aged children, high heritability of
BMI already applies. Possibly, the heritability of BMI is maximal (z0.9) during late
childhood and adolescence.23
Adoption and family studies have mostly derived considerably lower heritability
estimates for BMI ranging from 0.25 to 0.7.20,24 Twin studies have the advantage of
a better control for age effects on BMI. They are more valid if non-additive genetic fac-
tors play a relevant role in body weight regulation. It is worth pointing out that direct
and indirect genetic effects are subsumed under the genetic component. If for exam-
ple infant twins of an MZ pair are frequently irritable because of a biologically driven
hunger (direct genetic effect), frequent feedings by the caretaker ensue (indirect
genetic effect); even if the twins are separated at birth, the respective caretakers
can be expected to respond similarly.
Another interesting and important aspect of formal genetic studies has been the fre-
quent observation that non-shared environment explains considerably more variance
of the quantitative phenotype (BMI) than shared environment. In the large twin study of
Stunkard and coworkers,10 which comprised adult twin pairs reared together or apart,
shared environment did not explain variance at all; instead non-shared environment
totally explained the environmental component (approximately 30%). Accordingly,
only genetic factors would account for a familial loading with obesity. However,
studies that are more recent indicate that the shared environment might play
Risk Factors in Obesity 85

a more substantial role after all, particularly in school-aged children.24 Past research
may have underestimated common environmental effects on BMI because the
designs lacked the power or ability to detect them. Finally, the environment of modern
day societies (easy access to a large variety of cheap and tasty foods, a lifestyle pro-
moting physical inactivity) is quite similar for all children, irrespective of the family in
which they grow up.
The complexity of the genetic basis of obesity applies from different perspectives:24
Metabolic phenotypes, including resting energy expenditure, are partially under
genetic control.25 Behavioral genetic research has convincingly demonstrated that
approximately 50% of the variance of diverse complex quantitative behaviors is
genetically determined.26 Macronutrient intake27 and activity levels28 have been
shown to be genetically codetermined. For restrained eating, drive for thinness, and
other eating behaviors, heritability estimates range from 20% to 55%.24 It seems
that TV viewing may also have a heritable component, albeit a small one.29
Because the gene pool of a population cannot have changed within the past gener-
ation, environmental changes affecting energy intake and expenditure are assumed to
underlie the obesity epidemic.30 These changes are presumed to have a major impact
because, according to the thrifty genotype hypothesis,31 many common genotypes
render humans obesity prone. Gene variants facilitating energy deposition as fat
have accumulated over time in different species to enhance survival during periods
of famine.
A small genetic contribution to the obesity epidemic cannot be dismissed. For one,
overweight women have more children.32 Secondly, the recent increase in social stig-
matization (Hebebrand and colleagues, this issue) of obese individuals might actually
have led to an increase in assortative mating.21 This mechanism could conceivably
contribute to epidemic obesity, particularly by affecting the uppermost tail of the
BMI distribution through genetic and environmental factors.
Epigenetic phenomena have also been invoked to contribute to the obesity epi-
demic. Indeed, it is conceivable that modern-day living might affect methylation pat-
terns of specific genes, which in turn increase the risk for obesity. In line with these
considerations young monozygous twins are epigenetically indistinguishable from
each other during the early years of life, whereas remarkable differences in their overall
content and genomic distribution of 5-methylcytosine DNA and histone acetylation
with an effect on gene expression become evident with increasing age.33 Such
environmentally induced changes could have an influence on BMI. However, the
contribution of epigenetic factors to human obesity has not been proven as of today.


Syndromal Obesity
The Prader–Willi syndrome (PWS) is caused by the deficiency of one or more pater-
nally expressed imprinted transcripts within chromosome 15q11-q13, including
SNURF-SNRPN and multiple small nucleolar RNAs (snoRNAs). Recently, a microdele-
tion of the HBII-85 snoRNAs in a child with the typical features of the PWS provided
conclusive evidence that deficiency of HBII-85 snoRNAs causes the key characteris-
tics of the PWS phenotype.34 The pleiotropic Bardet–Biedel syndrome, of which
obesity is a feature, has been shown to have an oligogenic basis.35

Monogenic Obesity
Over the past 15 years, mutations in the genes for leptin, leptin receptor, prohormone
convertase 1 (PC1), and pro-opiomelanocortin (POMC)24,35 have been shown to lead
86 Hebebrand & Hinney

to autosomal recessive forms of obesity in humans. All of these mutations are rare and
lead to early-onset extreme obesity induced by an increased energy intake. Additional
phenotypic manifestations, including adrenal insufficiency (POMC), red hair (POMC),
reduced or impaired fertility (PC1, leptin, and leptin receptor), and impaired immunity
(leptin), are observed in the mutation carriers.
As of 1998, over 90 functionally relevant mutations have been detected in the mel-
anocortin-4 receptor gene (MC4R),36 which result in a codominantly inherited form of
obesity. About 2% to 6% of extremely obese children and adolescents harbor such
mutations. Relevant mutations lead to a reduced or total loss of receptor function;
the endogenous ligand a-melanocyte stimulating hormone (a-MSH) is not able to
induce its satiating effect. Adult male and female mutation carriers are 15 and 30 kg
heavier than their sex-matched wild-type relatives;37 estimates for children are not
available. The effect sizes of these mutations are lower than those of the leptin or leptin
receptor gene mutations. Phenotypic effects of MC4R mutations other than obesity
have been shown to encompass hyperinsulinemia, elevated growth rate, and higher
bone density.38 In contrast to the original report,39 MC4R mutations seemingly do
not induce binge eating.40,41 Children with MC4R mutations have been shown to
eat more at a test meal than obese controls.38

Polygenic Obesity
A large number of association and linkage studies have been performed in ‘‘normal’’
obesity.24 Whereas many associations have been reported, it is largely unclear which
of these represent truly positive findings. Presumably, the power of many of these
studies is too low to detect minor genes; false-positive findings can result from
a lack of correction for multiple testing. More than 40 genome-wide linkage scans per-
taining to obesity and related phenotypes have been performed; as yet unequivocal
evidence for the contribution of a specific gene to one of these peaks has not been
provided. The region on chromosome 16 harboring the currently most relevant poly-
gene FTO (‘‘fat mass and obesity associated’’ gene, see later discussion) was detected
in a meta-analysis of 37 genome-wide linkage studies comprising data on more than
31,000 individuals from over 10,000 families. However, the combined analysis of these
genome-wide linkage studies revealed that despite having substantial statistical
power, specific chromosomal regions for BMI or obesity were not unequivocally de-
tected.42 This most likely indicates that the effect sizes of genes influencing adiposity
are small to very small, and, in addition, suggests substantial genetic heterogeneity
and variable dependence on environmental factors.
Presumably, the effect sizes of most gene variants predisposing to obesity are small
(polygenic inheritance). The MC4R can also be considered as a polygene: The minor
alleles of the 2 (Val103Ile 5 rs2229616; Ile251Leu) MC4R polymorphisms are nega-
tively associated with obesity.43–46 Adult carriers of the minor alleles are on average
0.5 kg/m2 less heavy than wild-type carriers; the Ile103 variant also exerts an
as-yet-unquantified small effect in children.
Genome-wide association studies (GWA) have become feasible through major
improvements in high-throughput chip technologies, which can process hundreds
of thousands of SNPs quickly and affordably. The power of GWAs for the detection
of genes/alleles for different complex disorders was recently proved.47,48 The first
GWA, based on approximately 100,000 SNPs analyzed in families of the Framingham
study, identified the association of a single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) in the
proximity of the insulin-induced gene 2 (INSIG2; rs7566605) with obesity. Approxi-
mately 10% of the analyzed individuals harbored the CC genotype that, according
to this study, predisposes to obesity.49 Several attempts to replicate the INSIG2
Risk Factors in Obesity 87

finding have been or are currently being undertaken. Confirmations50 and negative
findings51–53 have been reported. Currently, data are being compiled for a large-scale
meta-analysis, which will in the near future help to clarify whether INSIG2 is a real poly-
gene. It was recently shown that CC homozygotes for the relevant INSIG2 SNP
(rs7566605) lost less weight in a 1-year lifestyle intervention program than individuals
with the 2 other genotypes. This finding further implicates a role for this polymorphism
in weight regulation.54
One of the genes picked up in GWA studies for type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) was
FTO (fat mass and obesity associated gene).55,56 Frayling and colleagues55 statistically
adjusted for BMI and thus found that the association to T2DM was actually due to the
higher BMI of diabetic cases in comparison to nondiabetic controls. Confirmation of
this effect on body weight was obtained in a total of 38,759 individuals. A meta-anal-
ysis showed that the A allele of SNP rs9939609 was associated with a 31% increased
risk to develop obesity. About 16% of adults who were homozygous for the risk allele
on average weighed about 3 kg more and had 1.67-fold increased odds for obesity
when compared with those not carrying a risk allele. A subsequent confirmation in
a total of 25,508 European individuals substantiated FTO as an important polygene
for obesity.57,58
The first GWA for early-onset extreme obesity was recently performed. Six SNPs in
FTO showed the strongest evidence for association with obesity.59 The finding could
be confirmed in independent obesity families based on at least 1 young obese index
patient. Hence, this first obesity GWA represents a further proof of concept for GWAs
to detect genes relevant to highly complex phenotypes, such as obesity, and demon-
strates the power of carefully selected patient samples.
Most recently and in the currently largest study, a GWA based on combined data of
7 studies (total n 5 16,876) identified an SNP (rs17782313) 188 kb downstream of
MC4R, which predisposes to obesity. The location of rs17782313 indicates that the
effect on weight regulation is likely to be mediated through effects on MC4R expres-
sion.60 The finding was confirmed in a further 60,352 adults and 5,988 children and
660 nuclear families encompassing 1 or more obese offspring and both parents.
Amongst the adults, each copy of the rs17782313 C allele was associated with a dif-
ference in BMI of approximately 10.22 kg/m2; a copy of the C allele also resulted in
a higher mean height (0.21 cm) and weight (760 g), suggesting that this SNP (or the
functionally relevant SNP[s] in linkage disequilibrium) influences overall adult size.
A copy of the allele resulted in an 8% and 12% increased odds ratio for overweight
and obesity, respectively; no significant gender differences were detected.
Genotyping of almost 6,000 children revealed that the effect of the C allele was not
detectable in children before age 7 years. However, in children aged 7 to 11 years the
effect size of a copy of the C allele was twice the amount observed in adults; no effect
was observed for body height. The effect on weight was disproportionately due to fat
mass. Finally, Loos and colleagues60 showed that FTO and the novel MC4R alleles
have additive effects.


Secular changes in energy intake and expenditure are assumed to underlie the obesity
epidemic.30 However, attempts to unequivocally pinpoint the relevant mechanisms,
even within a single country or society, have been largely futile. Controversy exists
as to the proportional contribution of an elevated energy intake in comparison to
a reduced energy expenditure due to the modern-day sedentary lifestyle. In England,
energy intake counterintuitively seemingly declined between 1970 and 1990;61
88 Hebebrand & Hinney

however, during the same time period, the physically active labor force declined, too.
Daily calories provided by the US food supply increased from 3300 to 3800 per capita
between 1970 and the late 1990s; how much of this 500-calorie surplus is actually
consumed is unknown. In addition, self-reported calorie intake also increased from
1800 to 2000 between the 1970s and 1996.62 As pointed out by Swinburn, (elsewhere
in this issue), an increased energy intake has potentially made a greater contribution to
the obesity epidemic than a reduced energy expenditure.

Decreased Physical Activity

The relationship between excessive TV viewing and obesity has been studied repeat-
edly in cross-sectional studies. Several, but by no means all, studies have shown
a clear-cut association in the expected direction; however, only single longitudinal
studies have been performed that allow a causal inference. Gortmaker and col-
leagues63 observed a dose-dependent effect of the daily hours spent watching TV
on obesity rates; a 5-fold higher rate applied to those children and adolescents who
watched TV for more than 5 hours/day than those who watched for less than 2 hours.
Over the 4-year study period, 60% of the obesity incidence was attributed to watching
TV. More recently, a longitudinal study of 980 children followed up biannually from age
3 to 15 years and at ages 21 and 26 years, revealed that the population attributable
fraction for overweight at age 26 years due to viewing between ages 5 and 15 years
was 17% after adjustment for potential confounders.64
Inactivity is prominent among children and adolescents of industrialized countries.
According to a Scottish study65 the mean time spent in sedentary behavior was 79%
and 76% of monitored hours of children at ages 3 and 5 years, respectively. Children
spent only 2% of their time pursuing moderate to vigorous activity. According to a rep-
resentative survey conducted in 2002, 61.5% of US children aged 9 to 13 years did not
participate in any organized physical activity during non–school hours.66 Overweight
and obesity are associated with a poorer body gross motor development and endur-
ance performance.67 Comparisons of motor skills, such as a 6-minute long run, a 50-m
sprint, and the number of push-ups within 30 seconds using the same test procedure
in German children, who were 10 years old in 1976 and 1996, revealed a significantly
poorer performance in the latter study group.68
Inactivity of children has increased due to several reasons apart from TV, video, and
personal computer use. The walk or cycle ride to the neighborhood friend or school
has become increasingly infrequent due to increased traffic and fear of crime. In ad-
dition, in some countries and regions, the birth rate has declined substantially entailing
the requirement to absolve longer distances by car to meet a friend. Children seem to
have more time constraints than in previous times, entailing the necessity to use public
transportation or the family car. Finally, physical education at school in many countries
does not figure as prominently as 20 to 30 years ago.

Increased Energy Intake

As stated earlier, US data indicate an increase in daily calorie consumption. Portion
sizes have increased substantially over the past decades. The energy content of
a McDonald’s menu item increased from 984 (medium) to 1150 (large) to 1258 (super-
size) calories between 1990 and 2000; in 1955 a regular soft drink roughly contained
0.2 L; nowadays, children receive 0.35 L, the large serving contains 0.47 L, and the
supersize soft drink filled 1.24 L. Food prices have declined, particularly for fast
food products. Advertisements are frequently based on the motto ‘‘eat more, pay
less.’’ In energy terms eating an apple (125 calories) for 50 cents is a poor deal in
comparison with a same-priced chocolate bar (500 calories).
Risk Factors in Obesity 89

Most of the implicated dietary factors are nevertheless viewed controversially, and
unequivocal data causally linking the obesity epidemic to any one of them are virtually
absent. Apart from increased portion sizes and energy intake,69,70 elevations in fat or
carbohydrate intake,71 reduced intake of fruits and vegetables, and increased
consumption of soft drinks72,73 have all been implicated in the obesity epidemic.
Consumer trends and food marketing strategies, including advertisement, have also
been deemed important.62,74,75

Other Factors
The relationship between socioeconomic status and obesity has been subject to
change over time in cross-sectional studies. In more recent years, most studies
have reported an inverse relationship, and, in contrast to former times, a positive
association was not detected in any study.76 Parental education seems to be the
major factor underlying the relationship between low socioeconomic status (SES)
and elevated childhood obesity rates.77,78 Complex interactions between SES and
parental overweight on BMI of 5- to 7-year-old offspring have been reported: SES
has no impact on offspring BMI if none of the parents are overweight. However, if
both parents are overweight, SES roughly explains variance of one BMI unit.78
Because low SES and low parental education are associated with a host of unhealthy
behaviors, it has proven difficult to pinpoint the exact mechanisms underlying the
elevated risk for obesity in such families.
Maternal smoking during pregnancy is associated with an increased risk for child-
hood obesity.17,79 A minor protective effect of breast feeding has been observed
repeatedly, which according to some studies is still detectable in adolescence.80
However, as-yet-undetected confounding variables cannot be excluded as underlying
the associations.81 Cross-sectional studies have revealed that a shorter duration of
sleep is associated with obesity during childhood17,82 and adulthood.83 In adults
with a short sleep duration, serum levels of the anorexigenic hormone leptin were
reduced, whereas those of the orexigenic hormone ghrelin were elevated, thus sug-
gesting a mechanism for the elevated BMI.83
It is an everyday experience that psychological traits, cognitions, and social factors,
such as mood, anxiety, stress, loneliness, and the perception of boredom, influence
our short-term eating behavior. However, long-term effects on body weight have
not been uncovered with one exception: an elevated depression score has repeatedly
and largely consistently been shown to predict a higher body weight at follow-up in
children and adolescents (Hebebrand and colleagues, this issue).

Several different kinds of medication can induce weight gain; for psychiatrists it is im-
portant to realize that this side effect is particularly common and potentially prominent
with atypical antipsychotics, lithium, and valproate.84,85 In adults, clozapine and olan-
zapine have been associated with the greatest weight gain, the individual extent of
which is apparently genetically codetermined.86 In children and adolescents weight
gain, obesity, and related metabolic complications can ensue on use of atypical
neuroleptics.86–89 Overeating and in some cases binge eating attacks have been
observed in adolescent patients receiving clozapine or olanzapine.87,90


Disentangling the diverse mechanisms underlying variation of BMI and, in particular,

overweight and obesity is proving exceedingly difficult. The advent of GWA will
90 Hebebrand & Hinney

continue to enable the detection of polygenes. DNA of tens of thousands individuals is

required to validate an initial finding, thus illustrating the small effect sizes. Complex
interactions between genes and environmental factors can be assumed to occur.
Treatment of obesity is difficult in both children and adults. Whereas weight gain is
comparatively easy to achieve, weight regain sets in over time; body weight is
defended through renewed exposure to risk factors or inherent physiologic mecha-
nisms. Current prevention strategies have frequently not proven successful in reduc-
ing BMI and obesity prevalence and incidence rates.
The following (preliminary) conclusions can be drawn from the current status of risk
factor research: (1) The total number of risk factors is likely to be large. (2) Many if not
most of the risk factors have small effect sizes. Accordingly, removal of a risk factor
with a small effect size will have a small individual impact. Nevertheless, on the pop-
ulation level its removal will entail a sizeable reduction of the obesity prevalence rate.
(3) Future treatment or prevention efforts tailored to the set of risk factors of a single
individual seem unlikely as a complete overlap of risk factors between two obese
individuals seems unlikely. From an economical perspective, it thus would appear
rather expensive to devise and carry out individual risk-based interventions. However,
interventions aimed at common combinations of different risk factors harbor the
potential to improve the currently dire outcomes of treatment and prevention programs.


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