Clarity Idaho Voices For Change Now Poll Results July 2018

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Idaho Voices for Change Now Survey Results

July 12-15th, 2018
N size: 1,061
Sample: Likely 2018 GE Idaho voters
Margin of error: +/- 2.77% at 95% confidence interval

1. In November, there will be an election for Governor, Congress, and other important offices.
a. How likely are you to vote in this election?
Definitely 84%
50-50 12%
Unlikely 2%
Unsure 2%
b. How excited are you to vote in this election?
Very Excited 40%
Somewhat Excited 32%
Not Excited 22%
Unsure 6%

2. If the election for Governor were held today, would you vote for Lieutenant Governor Brad
Little or former State Representative Paulette Jordan or a third-party candidate?
Brad Little [R] 38%
Paulette Jordan [D] 28%
Third-party candidate [I] 7%
Unsure 26%

3. [Only asked of Q2=Unsure] I know you’re undecided now, but if you had to decide, which way
would you lean?
Brad Little [R] 24%
Paulette Jordan [D] 8%
Third-party candidate [I] 9%
Unsure 59%

4. Do you have a favorable, unfavorable, or neutral opinion of Lieutenant Governor Brad Little?
Favorable 25%
Unfavorable 22%
Neutral 40%
Unsure or Don’t Know 13%

5. Do you have a favorable, unfavorable, or neutral opinion of former State Representative

Paulette Jordan?
Favorable 26%
Unfavorable 16%
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Neutral 31%
Unsure or Don’t Know 26%

6. Do you think of yourself as a Republican, a Democrat, or an Independent?

Republican 44%
Democrat 18%
Independent 38%

7. [Only asked of Q6=Independent] Would you say you generally lean Republican, lean
Democratic, or are purely an Independent?
Lean Republican 33%
Lean Democrat 22%
Purely Independent 45%

8. Just to make sure we have a representative sample, are you from a Hispanic, Latino, or Native
American background?
Hispanic/Latino 5%
Native American 5%
Neither 90%

9. And also to make sure we have a representative sample, what is your race?
White 92%
Black 1%
Asian 1%
Other 7%

Sample Demographics

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