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Spring-Summer 2010 www.pdtumich.

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Volume LXXXI, No. 2 Spring-Summer 2010

Active Chapter President’s Report Founders Day Dinner 2010 was

Chapter Had a Great Year, Optimistic Outlook an Outstanding Event
By Thomas Hardenbergh ’12 Active Members and Alums Enjoy Guest
One of the first things rushees see about Michigan Alpha is our stately mansion at Speaker During Engaging Program
the corner of Washtenaw and South University. When they walk in the door, they
find a fraternity that matches our home—solid, strong and The Michigan Alpha active chapter and the Michigan Alpha
respectful of worthy traditions. Alumni Association hosted our annual Founders Day Dinner on
I am pleased to report that Michigan Alpha is continuing Sunday, March 7. The event was
to make great progress as a leader in the U of M Greek attended by more than 50 active
System. Our success is a product of having a dedicated chapter members as well as fifteen
Executive Council with an active membership that works as alumni and guests. 
a team to achieve excellence in all our pursuits. The event started with a “meet
Of course, the Michigan Alpha Alumni Association and all and greet” at the chapter house
alums who support the chapter in effect collectively consti- during which a framed photo of
tute the twelfth man who helps to keep our team winning. Bill Mogk ’53, captain of the
As a fraternity president, I have had the opportunity to 1953 Wolverine baseball team, was
Thomas placed on the wall in the Trophy
Hardenbergh ’12 get to know the leaders of other houses on campus. I can
say with certainty that Michigan Alpha’s alums are second Room. In addition, a framed photo
to none when it comes to supporting the active chapter. of the 1955 Michigan football team
featuring numerous Phis was also The highlight of the
On behalf of the Executive Council and the entire active chapter, I want to
evening was an engaging
thank your for your unwavering support – especially during these difficult eco- dedicated for display. This photo
speech by sports
nomic times. We always strive to earn your trust and confidence as we know we was donated by Doug Roby, Jr. commentator and author
have been given a rich tradition to uphold. ’56 shortly before he passed away. John U. Bacon.
Here are some highlights from the 2009-2010 year that demonstrate the prog- Guests then made the brief
ress the active chapter is making: jaunt to the Michigan League for dinner and the main program. 
• Initiated eleven new brothers during fall of 2009 and added seven more in the Active chapter Alumni Secretary Matt Papadopolous ’11 organized
winter term of 2010. the event and introduced the program, which included “state of the
• Increased membership to 66 active brothers with 20 living in the chapter house. fraternity” speeches by active chapter President Tom Hardenbergh
’12 and Alumni Association President JT (Tom) Buck ’77.
• Placed second overall for IM Sports within the Fraternity League.
  Buck announced the winner of the “Alumnus of the Year
• Hosted major social events, including the Michigan vs. Iowa away football game, Award” which was, for the first time, simultaneously shared by five
which we watched on a giant inflatable screen on the front lawn with Alpha Delta alums: Dick Young ’51, John Buck ’54, Doug Roby ’56, Bob
Pi, a formal sit-down dinner with Pi Beta Phi and the Winter Formal in Windsor, Leland ’58 and Bernie Rinella ’58. These 1950s alums were hon-
Canada. ored for their generosity in donating a combined total of $12,750
• Sponsored highly successful philanthropy events throughout year, including the to pay for the reconstruction of the North Porch at the chapter
Second Annual Boxcar Derby, Banta Bash with Delta Gamma, and Haunted house. The North Porch was reopened and dedicated during 2009
House with Alpha Delta Pi. We were awarded “Best Philanthropy Event” by the Homecoming festivities.
U of M IFC for our Boxcar Derby. The highlight of the evening was an engaging speech by sports
• Won multiple events during Greek Week, including the Greek Olympics. commentator and author John U. Bacon. Bacon, author of the ac-
• Dominated the Go Greek! Awards by taking home the top prizes in New claimed book “Bo’s Lasting Lessons,” recounted both inspiring and
Member Education and Philanthropy. Phi Delt also won Honorable Mentions in amusing stories from the Schembechler era of Michigan football.
Recruitment and the AIFC Chapter of Excellence. He pointed out how Bo’s leadership skills and coaching techniques
could be used to improve the performance of many different enter-
• Alex Carrick ’10 was hired as a leadership consultant by the Phi Delta Theta
prises – even fraternities.
General Headquarters. To my knowledge, Carrick is the first Michigan Alpha
In addition, Bacon noted that during his undergraduate years
alum to be hired by the GHQ for this prestigious position.
at U of M he had actually played a little intramural hockey with
Although we are separated by distance, please make a point of stopping by the some of the men of Michigan Alpha, so he has always had a good
chapter house to learn first-hand about our accomplishments if you have a chance appreciation of the fraternity’s prowess in athletics.
to visit the U of M campus. Phi Delta Theta is a fraternity for life and alums are   The Alumni Association was pleased with the turnout for this
always welcome to visit. event and is seeking to continue the momentum for this celebratory
Thanks again for your support. The active chapter especially hopes to see you gathering next year. Alums are very much encouraged to attend, so
during Homecoming 2010 (October 16) and the 2011 Founders Day Dinner save the date for March 19, 2011.
(March 19).
2 The Sword & Shield Spring-Summer 2010

The Sword & Shield

Believed to have been founded in 1930,
Michigan Alpha Heritage Project Update
the Sword & Shield newsletter is published Help Us Preserve the Chapter’s Rich History
biannually by the Michigan Alpha Chapter of
Phi Delta Theta at the University of Michigan Michigan Alpha has one of the longest and most photos had previously not been seen by the
for its alumni members, active members and distinguished histories of any fraternity on cam- Alumni Association (from the son of Robert
friends. Printing and mailing of the Sword & pus. Learning more of the history of our notable C. Young ’36).
Shield is paid for by the Alumni Association house and the accomplished members is a key • Memories or pictures from Robert Cooper
with money from the Annual Fund. This is your part of the active chapter’s commitment to main- ’38, Martin Newcomer ’38, Ted Spangler
newsletter, so you are encouraged to contribute taining a sense of continuity in the fraternity and ’40 and Bob Chappuis ’48.
articles and information that can be shared with respect for tradition. • Picture of Michigan Alpha’s membership dur-
your fellow brothers. During the spring of 2008, the Alumni As- ing fall 1945 (From Dr. Arthur J. Prange,
sociation initiated the Jr. ’47).
“Michigan Alpha Heri-
The Sword & Shield Editor
Greg Karmazin ’87 - Harrison Township, MI tage Project” to better During a brief ceremony document, preserve, at Homecoming this fall,
and understand the his- the Alumni Association
Active Chapter Alumni Secretary tory of the chapter. In will be particularly proud
Matt Papadopoulos ’11 - Phoenix, AZ response to our request, to add framed photos of
alums have provided U.S. Navy Cmdr. Phil
Alumni Association Officers and copies of old photos, Craig ’63 and U.S. Lt.
Board Members personal memories, Scott “Harv” Walding-
President composites, Sword & er ’86 to the walls of
U.S. Navy Cmdr.
  JT (Tom) Buck ’77 - Farmington, MI Shield newsletters, and the Trophy Room. Both U.S. Lt. Scott “Harv”
Phil Craig ’63 other memorabilia that Brother Craig and Brother Waldinger ’86
Vice President 
tells the fascinating story of Michigan Alpha. Waldinger were killed
  Robert Lewandowski ’79 - Arlington, VA
Recent donations include: during military service. The Alumni Association is
Treasurer  honoring them for making the ultimate sacrifice in
• Pictures of Michigan Alpha’s membership during
  Joe Kraus ’82 - Shelby Township, MI defense of our nation.
1953 and 1954 (from Ken Cropp, Jr. ’55). Do you have some materials that tell the
• Framed picture of the 1955 Michigan football
Secretary  story of memorable events or even every day
team featuring a number of Phis (from Doug
  Greg Karmazin ’87 - Harrison Township, MI fraternity life? Please share them by contacting
Roby, Jr. ’56). the Secretary of the Alumni Association, Greg
• Framed picture of U of M baseball team cap-
Board Members Karmazin ’87, at 26110 Harbour Pointe Drive
tain Bill Mogk ’53 (donated by Bill).
  John Buck ’54 - Farmington, MI S., Harrison Township, MI 48045. He can also
• Pictures of the chapter house from the mid- be reached by e-mail at Brother
1930s. This was a tremendous donation given
  Kellyn Parker ’07 - Los Angeles, CA Karmazin will copy and return all items (if you these apparently professionally produced
ask for them to be returned).
  Cameron Young ’08 - Ada, MI

Chapter Advisory Board Graduating Senior in the Spotlight

  Jason Barley ’06 - Peoria, IL Plans to Study Law at the Other Big Ten U of M
Members   Name: Isaac Swaiman ’10 the fraternity, I have
  Mike Lisull ’76 - Ann Arbor, MI Hometown: Minnetonka, MN made lifelong friends and Hometown High School: Hopkins High School great memories. Being a
  Evan Isaacs ’06 - Washington, D.C. Pledge Class: Fall 2006 (Epsilon) member of the brother- Major(s): Economics & Political Science hood at Michigan Alpha
  Paul Wezner ’06 - Royal Oak, MI GPA: 3.8 has helped me develop my leadership skills and
Activities and Leadership Positions at U of M:
  Jacob Bach ’08 - Traverse City, MI become a better man.
Interned at the American Embassy in Colombo, I am amazed by the Isaac Swaiman ’10
Sri Lanka. Year abroad at the London School of
  Ronnie Brandt ’08 - Ann Arbor, MI progress we have made as Economics. Case Assistant at Robins, Kaplan,
a chapter during my four years, and look forward
  Jon Buck ’08 - Vienna, VA Miller and Ciresi, LLP. Member of U of M
to returning as an alumnus to see the growth of Student Government Student Life Committee.
the fraternity. I will forever cherish these four
  Alex Johnson ’08 - Ann Abor, MI Tutor with America Reads and Students for Edu-
years. I am extremely proud to be a Phi. cation Equality. Research assistant in the U of M
  Nick Lynn ’08 - Port Huron, MI Political Science Department. Plans After Graduation: During the fall of 2010, I will continue my education at University
Activities and leadership positions in Michi-
  Brian Velke ’08 - Ann Arbor, MI  of Minnesota Law School where I received a full
gan Alpha: Served as Treasurer, Chaplain, and tuition scholarship. While I will be attending law
Awards Chairman.
  Cameron Young ’08 - Ada, MI, school at one of Michigan’s old rivals, I can assure Experience in Michigan Alpha: Joining Phi Delt the brothers that I will cheer for the Wolverines
was the best decision I made in college. Through to retain the Little Brown Jug.
Spring-Summer 2010 3

Ufer Scholarship Winner for 2010 PDT Finishes Second

$1,000 Award Honoring the Memory of Bob Ufer ’43 in Intramural Sports
Name: Jeffrey Le ’11 amazing. It has been a true privilege to be a part Highest Ranking Since 1985
Hometown: San Diego, CA of such an outstanding organization. Com-
Hometown High School: Torrey Pines High ing all the way from Michigan Alpha excelled during the 2009-
School California, Michigan 2010 Intramural Sports Fraternity League
Pledge Class: Fall 2007 Alpha has made me feel competition and achieved a second place
Major(s): Economics and Political Science at home on campus. finish among the 24 teams. This is the chap-
(Minor in Modern European Studies) The fraternity has made ter’s highest ranking since Michigan Alpha
GPA: 3.19 attending U of M the won the all-sports IM Championship in the
best decision of my life. 1984-85 competition.
Activities and leadership positions in
Over the past three years,
Michigan Alpha: 2008-2010 Treasurer, 2010 The fraternity’s open motto of “One
I have matured as both a
Greek Week Representative, 2009 ALS Box Car Man is No Man” was demonstrated in the
student and a person. I Jeffrey Le ’11
Derby Co-Committee Chair-Race Day and unselfish teamwork that made Michigan
owe much of this growth
2009 Michigan Alpha Recruitment Boot Camp Alpha competitive in seventeen of the eigh-
to friendships with my Phi Delt brothers and the
Representative. teen sporting events held by the Fraternity
core values promoted by the fraternity.
Experience in Michigan Alpha: In a word, League. This achievement was particularly
impressive considering Michigan Alpha has
roughly half as many active members as the
Holmes Scholarship Winner for 2010 first place winner, Sigma Phi Epsilon.
Highlights of the 2009-2010 campaign
$3,000 Award Honoring the Memory of Perry Holmes ’17 included:
Name: Karl W. Cran ’12 seeking to become an Iron Phi. • First Place Fraternity “A” Soccer (Champi-
Hometown: Bloomfield Hills, Michigan onship Win vs. SAE)
Experience in Michigan Alpha: Michigan
Hometown High School: Lahser H.S. • First Place Fraternity “AB” Dodge Ball
Alpha has already been one of the best experi-
Pledge Class: Fall 2008 (Iota Class) Tournament
ences of my life. It’s given
Major(s): Psychology
me more than I could • Second Place Fraternity “A” Wrestling
GPA: 3.7
have ever imagined. In (Championships in 190 lbs and 150 lbs)
Activities and Leadership Positions at U of M: addition to providing a • Second Place Fraternity Golf Meet (lost by
Administrative Assistant in the U of M Trea- group of lifelong friends only one stroke)
surer’s Office, Member of New Life Church and and a vast network of • Second Place Fraternity “A” Volleyball
Greek Campus Crusade for Christ Bible Study. supportive brothers, my
• Second Place Fraternity “A” Wallyball
experience in Phi Delt
Activities and leadership positions in Michi- • Flag Football Team Sportsmanship Award
has made me a more
gan Alpha: Philanthropy Chair, Accolade Chair
(new four-year leadership development program Karl W. Cran ’12
independent, responsible, With many young athletes returning for the
and confident individual. 2010-2011 season, Michigan Alpha looks
for members), Events Coordinator (Social Com-
Most importantly, it has made me a better man forward to starting anew the hunt for the
mittee), Recruitment Bootcamp, Chaplain and
in aspects both measurable and immeasurable. championship.
participate in IM sports when possible. Currently

Alumni Profile
“Embrace and live the philosophy of Sir Winston Churchill: Never, Never, Never, Give Up”
Name: Bill Michaels ’54 my first wife. For the past 20 years, I’ve been carrier (USS KEARSARGE CVA-33) during the
happily married to a woman originally from mid-1950’s which patrolled the waters of the Far
Employer and Occupation: Worked as a stock
Boston. Enjoy spending time with my nine East with the Seventh Fleet. In fact, I earned a
broker with three large firms, and then was an
grandchildren. couple of medals for my service.
independent financial
advisor for 20 years. Career Overview: I made a good living by Favorite Memory of Michigan Alpha: All of
Now I just manage my working hard and taking calculated risks in the them! We had a great group of men in my era. I
own stuff. always challenging field of financial services. I also enjoyed competing on the Michigan Track
bet the farm on a stock at 56 years old and made Team and earning two varsity letters.
Current Residence and
big money, but rode the roller coaster down like I am proud to have been able to financially
Contact Information:
many other investors during the past decade. give back to the Michigan Alpha as an alum.
74 Morgan Lane,
However, I’m still in the black and very thankful
Basking Ridge, NJ Message for the Brothers: Embrace and live the
for what I have earned. Looking forward to the
07920-3816 philosophy of Sir Winston Churchill: “Never,
next bubble!
Never, Never, Give Up.”
Family and Activities:
Interesting Career Fact or Experience: I served
Bill Michaels ’54 Married in 1959 and
as a Naval Officer on a 27,100-ton attack aircraft
had four children with
4 The Sword & Shield Spring-Summer 2010

Michigan Alpha’s Re-Founding at 5 Years

A Review of the Chapter’s Impressive Comeback Story
Given all the good news during the last proceeds to the alumni members and write
several years about the improvements in the the epitaph for a worthy life well lived. After
physical condition of the chapter house, all, 116 years (including the first five years
substantial alumni support and active chapter of operations from 1864 to 1869) was one
accomplishments, it is easy to forget that just heck of a run. Michigan Alpha’s existence had
a little over five years ago Phi Delta Theta did already exceeded many outstanding American
not exist on the campus of U of M. institutions and companies.
December 11, 2009 marked the five
year anniversary of a remarkable come- The Turnaround Strategy
back story. It is now appropriate to take a In the years leading up to the suspension of
brief look back and celebrate a triumph in Michigan Alpha, the GHQ leaders decided
The men of Michigan Alpha today in the foyer
which Michigan Alpha alums, Phi Delta that the entire fraternity, and eventually the
of the chapter house during the 2010 Found-
Theta General Headquarters (GHQ) and a whole Greek System, had to change or else
ers Day “meet and greet.”
dedicated group of young men with vision it would face extinction. Certain practices
worked together to refuse to allow a great that were considered revered, although
sociation used proceeds from the refinancing
fraternity to die. perhaps distorted, traditions in fraternity life
of the property’s mortgage to invest more
were getting out of hand. These problems
than $500,000 in restoring and improv-
The Downfall were costing the entire Greek System a
ing structure. During part of this time,
After 111 years of continuous operations growing amount of money for insurance
the Alumni Association rented the chapter
during which Phi Delt was a pillar of the and litigation while resulting in a general
house to other fraternities on campus to
Michigan Greek System, a combination of loss of prestige.
generate revenue.
very unfortunate factors led to the suspen- GHQ decided it was time for Phi Delta
The result of this revitalization strategy
sion of Michigan Alpha’s charter in the fall Theta to stand up and be a national leader on
was a chapter house that provided safe
of 1998. the issue of reforming the Greek System. In
and comfortable living conditions while
When the lights went dark on the chapter, early 1997, GHQ announced the “Alcohol
complying with the building codes of Ann
some thought they might never again be relit. Free Housing Policy” for all chapter houses
Arbor. In addition, the historic character
Despite the Alumni Association’s signifi- with an implementation date of July 2000.
of the chapter house was restored and
cant past expenditures and diligent work to The core goals of the policy were to reduce,
maintain the chapter house, the combina- if not eliminate, the fraternity’s liability and
Matching the commitment to enhancing
tion of 95 years of hard living, increasingly encourage compliance with the law while
the physical assets, the GHQ and Alumni
strict Ann Arbor building codes, and higher promoting a safer and healthier living envi-
Association developed a plan to refocus the
expectations by prospective active chapter ronment for active chapter members.
chapter on the fraternity’s best traditional
members made the structure inadequate. A GHQ did not ban the lawful consump-
values while placing new emphasis on
significant amount of new investment was tion of alcohol by fraternity members at
leadership development. Thankfully, the
needed to rebuild and upgrade the chapter appropriate venues off of property owned
broader alumni membership of Michigan
house. or occupied by Phi Delta Theta. Contrary
Alpha supported this strategy and provided
To make matters more challenging, the to assertions of some critics, GHQ did not
financial donations that ultimately made the
entire national Greek System was under make the fraternity “dry.”
necessary progress attainable.
tremendous pressure to end counter-pro- At the time of this proclamation by
ductive, yet widely prevalent, practices such GHQ, Michigan Alpha’s chapter house
Refounding and Reemergence as a Leader
as hazing and excessive use of alcohol that was already required to be alcohol-free as a
After four years of careful planning and
were no longer being tolerated by campus result of probationary requirements. Late
hard work by Michigan Alpha alumni in
administrators, elected officials, law enforce- in the fall of 1998, GHQ determined that
conjunction with a small group of U of M
ment, parents and even prospective rushees. Michigan Alpha had not complied with its
students willing to take a chance on bring-
Many fraternity alumni leaders began to rules and the chapter’s charter was revoked.
ing the fraternity back to life, the GHQ
think it wasn’t worth the time, effort, costs While closing an old line “alpha chapter”
granted the chapter status as a colony on
and risks to change the Greek System as the is never easy, GHQ felt Michigan Alpha
November 9, 2002. The colony status made
growing list of negatives began to outweigh could have a brighter future with a fresh
the chapter eligible for reactivation once
the positives of the fraternity experience. start. GHQ officials joined with a dedicated
stringent standards were achieved.
Numerous traditionally top-ranked group of Alumni Association leaders to
By the spring of 2003, the colony was
fraternities at U of M and campuses around coordinate a turnaround plan for the Michi-
granted full-voting membership in the U
the nation were closing their doors with the gan Alpha.
of M Interfraternity Council. The colony
outlook for a future return looking bleak. One of the first major steps was to ad-
spent the next 18 months building the
In that context, it would have been easy dress the declining condition of the historic
organizational structure of the fraternity
for the Alumni Association to sell the chapter chapter house. In the period from 1999
house at 1437 Washtenaw, distribute the net through the early 2000s, the Alumni As- Continued on page 5
Spring-Summer 2010 5

Michigan Alpha’s Re-Founding…Continued.

while recruiting new members to reach the has enjoyed steady growth as the chapter
total number required for the chapter to be restored its tradition of leading in the U
reactivated by the GHQ. of M Greek System, competing vigorously
After a strong rush during the fall of in intramural sports and accomplishing
2004, the colony achieved the membership meaningful philanthropy projects as well as
requirements and completed other steps that engaging in responsible social activities.
Michigan Alpha’s graduating seniors
led the GHQ to reactivate Michigan Alpha’s Today, Michigan Alpha is proud to
proudly displayed their colors during the
charter. On December 11, 2004, during a remember its rich heritage and impressive 2010 graduation ceremony in Michigan
ceremony at the Michigan League witnessed comeback story while looking forward to Stadium. Michigan Alpha members
by key alumni leaders, the 34 members of the future with unlimited optimism. The began the annual tradition of wearing
the colony became Michigan Alpha initiates combination of the continued support PDT shashes in recent years.
of Phi Delta Theta. These men responsible of Michigan Alpha alums, GHQ, and
for the Second Refounding of Michigan active chapter members who believe in the
Alpha (the first was in 1887) are considered mission will ensure that the best years of the Winter Term Pledge
the Third Founding Fathers of the chapter. fraternity are yet to come.
Once re-established, Michigan Alpha Class 2010
Greg Cairns ’12, Shelby Township, MI
Michigan Alpha Alumni Association President Ryan Keating ’13, Ann Arbor, MI
Looks Back at the Re-Founding Adam Lewis ’13, Irvington, NY
By J.T. (Tom) Buck ’77 Mike Isaacs ’13, Bloomfield Hills, MI
The Alumni Association is extremely proud of tall once again. Evan Redmond ’13, Fort Gratiot, MI
the progress achieved by the active chapter during Of course,
the last five years. If anyone ever had a question none of the alums’ Eric Pillado ’13, Roswell, NM
about whether or not it was worth the effort to investments would
save Michigan Alpha, I believe the high quality have yielded a
young men it is attracting and engaging in positive return Michigan Alpha Active
responsible fraternity life, leadership development without a dedicated
and lifelong friendships provides the clear answer: group of re-founding Chapter 2009-2010 Facts
Yes, definitely. fathers accepting at a Glance
Today, Michigan Alpha is providing a new the risky mission
generation of Phis with the same beneficial of rebuilding the Current Active Membership: 66
opportunities that enhanced the U of M fraternity from J.T. (Tom) Buck ’77
experience of more than 1,000 living alums. the ground floor. Michigan Alpha shall always Number of New Initiates During the Year: 17
The Alumni Association is very grateful for the remember the 34 courageous young men who
financial and moral support of this endeavor signed the Bond of Phi Delta Theta during the Number of Actives Living in the House: 20
provided by literally hundreds of Michigan re-founding ceremony on December 11, 2004.
Alpha alums. Instead of taking the easy route to enjoying Geographic Distribution: More than 50%
Our victories did not come easily. There are Greek Life in one of the more than 20 established from Michigan, but all regions of the U.S. are
many alumni whom went above and beyond the fraternities on the U of M campus at that time, represented.
call of duty to make the restoration of the chapter they signed up for the difficult challenge of
house and active chapter membership possible. restoring a grand tradition step-by-step. Chapter G.P.A.: 3.18 (3.34 for new members/
The tremendous labor of Joe Fattore It is a true pleasure to serve as President of pledges)
’80 to manage the major maintenance and the Alumni Association and commemorate the
improvements of our historic home during the teamwork that has restored our great fraternity as IM Sports Standings: 2nd place Fraternity
early 2000s deserves special recognition. Rex the leader and best on the U of M campus. While League 2009-2010
Vaughn ’74 was an outstanding President of much work remains to be done, I am confident
the Alumni Association and tireless advocate for that Michigan Alpha is on the right course for a Major Philanthropy: Box Car Derby to benefit
reform during the period in which the active bright future. ALS also known as Lou Gehrig’s disease (Second
chapter was restored. His hard work and vision Thank you for your collective trust and Annual Event).
for a better Michigan Alpha has paid off in a big loyalty that made this milestone in Michigan
way. Alpha’s long, distinguished history possible. I Social Activities: Sorority events with Alpha
John Buck ’54, Charlie Green ’58, Larry invite all alums to visit the chapter house during Delta Pi, Delta Gamma, Pi Beta Phi, and the
Schramm ’74, Mike Lisull ’76, Doug Young Homecoming 2010 (October 16), Founders Day Winter Formal in Windsor, Canada.
’76, Bob Lewandowski ’79, Joe Kraus ’81, Diner 2011 (March 19), and at any time you are
Nat Love ’81, David Rand ’85 (Texas Tech), in Ann Arbor. Awards: U of M Go Greek! Awards 2010 top
Greg Karmazin ’87, Andy Cohen ’94, and prizes in New Member Education and Phi-
Mike Weikert ’94 as well as numerous other Phi Delta Theta is a fraternity for life, and this is lanthropy. Ann Arbor Campus Community
alumni made significant contributions of time, still your house on campus. Coalition presented Michigan Alpha with the
funds and effort to help Michigan Alpha stand “Unsung Heroes” award during fall of 2009.
6 The Sword & Shield Spring-Summer 2010

The Chapter Grand Alums in the News

Since publication of our last issue, we have Michigan Alpha great Tom Harmon ’41 work with the Michigan
learned of the deaths of: (Chapter Grand 1990) was honored in football and basketball
Charles T. Klein ’36
June by being programs.
Wickenburg, AZ inducted into the In addition, the article
(December 2, 2009) inaugural class reported about Brother
of the national Green’s long professional Charlie Green ’58
Richard M. Finch ’50 Phi Delta Theta career as a teacher at
Davisburg, MI
(December 8, 2009)
Sports Hall of schools in Willow Run and Taylor as well
Fame. Brother as his good family life. The article can be
Richard L. Strauss ’50 Harmon was one viewed online at:
Oklahoma City, Okla. of just seven Phis articles/printable/printable_ann_arborite_
(March 2010) chosen for this charlie_green.html.
Douglas Fergusson Roby Jr. ’56
elite group.
Grosse Pointe Farms, MI The Phi Michigan Alpha great Dr. Harry Huffaker ’61 was featured in
(February 27, 2010) Delta Theta Tom Harmon ’41 an online article published last fall in the
General (Chapter Grand 1990) World Open Water Swimming Association’s
Prescott Adams (Scotty) Crisler ’57 Headquarters was inducted into the web site blog at www.10kswim.blogspot.
Ann Arbor, MI national Phi Delta Theta
(April 30, 2010)
(GHQ) com/2009/11/open-water-swimming-
Sports Hall of Fame.
announced pioneer-harry.html.
Thomas C. Shearer ‘59 the selection of Brother Harmon during The articled highlighted Brother
Grand Rapids, MI a ceremony that took place at the 2010 Huffakers’ many accomplishments in open
(March 12, 2010) General Convention. water swimming which include a number of
Michael VanScoy ’94
GHQ has produced an excellent video firsts. For example, he was the first person to
Lake Bluff, IL tribute to Brother Harmon that is posted swim the 30-mile Alenuihaha Channel from
(March 23, 2010) on its Facebook page: the Island of Hawaii to Maui in 1970.
video/video.php?v=764659289660&ref. In addition to highlighting his
Phi Delta Theta mourns their passing and GHQ praised Harmon as “arguably the extraordinary stamina, the article also
extends condolences to their families and friends.
For full obituaries, view our web site at
greatest football player in the University of describes his daring experiences facing Michigan’s history.” sharks and other sea creatures.
Brother Huffaker said, “Open water
In coelo quies est. Charlie Green ’58 was the focus of a July 7th swimming became my favorite pastime by
article in the online publication Arbor Web. default as I was never very good at much of
The piece highlighted his 50 years of service anything else!” The Sword & Shield believes
Upcoming Alumni to the U of M Golf Course and decades of he is being a bit too modest.
Homecoming 2010 Open House
Michigan vs. Iowa football game
Second Annual Boxcar Derby Continues
Saturday, October 16, 10 a.m. Popular New Tradition
Brief ceremony and light Money and Awareness Raised to Fight ALS
refreshments at the chapter house.
On March 20, Michigan Alpha once again joined people, raised money and awareness for promis-
36th Annual Phi Delta Theta with Ann Arbor Active Against ALS (A2A3), a ing research to combat Lou Gehrig’s Disease
Alumni Luncheon in Grand local non-profit organization, to co-host the Sec- (ALS). Active chapter brother Peter DiLeo ’12
Rapids ond Annual Boxcar Derby on South University. served as chairman of the Derby.
The event, which was open to the community Ann Arbor City TV covered the event and an
Wednesday, December 15, 11:30
and attended by a crowd of more than 100 informative report about the race can be viewed
a.m. to 1:45 p.m.
Kent Country Club The Derby marked the fifth consecutive year
For reservations, call that Michigan Alpha raised funds to benefit ef-
616-531-3400, ext. 3351. forts to defeat ALS. ALS claimed the life of
brother Lou Gehrig (Columbia ’25) and is a
Founders Day 2011 Dinner major philanthropic focus of Phi Delta Theta’s
Saturday, March 19 national headquarters as well as local chapters
Chapter house and Michigan League. across the nation.
For reservations, e-mail pdtumich@ All combined, Michigan Alpha’s recent ALS philanthropy efforts have raised more than
$36,000. For more information, view the Alumni
Michigan Alpha’s recent ALS philanthropy Association’s web site at
efforts have raised more than $36,000.
Spring-Summer 2010 7

Alumni Updates School and expects to graduate in June of 2011.

He is President of his class at WSU Medical
School. Mancini is planning to do his residency
Martin Newcomer, III ’38 celebrated his in Radiation Oncology.
97th birthday on March 29 with his wife at his Mancini said, “I cannot thank the Founda-
residence in Cranberry Township, Pennsylvania. tion enough for this support which has made my
Brother Newcomer activated in Michigan Alpha Medical School education much more affordable.
on May 7, 1932. He is among the oldest known The Graduate Fellowship program demon-
living members of Michigan Alpha, and still strates Phi Delta Theta’s commitment to sound
keeps in contact with the chapter. learning is more than just encouraging words. I
In recognition of his 78 years of loyalty, and look forward to the day when I can give back to
congratulations for his milestone in longevity, the the Foundation and help it to provide the same
active chapter sent him a birthday card signed by Tony Hagelgans ’87 and Tim Gresla ’88 were assistance I received to a student in a similar
nearly 30 active brothers with their Bond Numbers. key members of a crew that raced the 39 foot circumstance.”
The highest Bond Number signed on the card is sailboat between Bermuda to Newport.
1953. Brother Newcomer’s Bond Number is 440. Patrick Moore ’08 graduated from the U.S.
In June, Tony Hagelgans ’87 and Tim Gresla
His daughter, who lives in Ann Arbor, Air Force Pararescue selection course in the
’88 were key members of a crew that raced, and
contacted the active chapter to inquire about the spring. From a starting class size of 122, he was
returned, the 39 foot sailboat (Pearson) “Shindig”
possibility of the fraternity helping her father to one of sixteen who managed to graduate from
between Bermuda to Newport, Rhode Island.
celebrate his birthday by signing a birthday card. the Indoctrination course. 
The boat is owned by a mutual friend.
The active chapter members were thrilled to Although this was a huge step toward his goal,
Brother Gresla was on the six-person race
demonstrate why Phi Delta Theta is considered a Brother Moore still has nineteen months of tough
crew, which finished 8th in their class in the
fraternity for life. training (e.g., dive school, survival, paramedic,
2010 Newport-Bermuda Race (www.bermu-
airborne, HALO, etc.) before he earns the right to He sailed the journey of over 635
Bob Chappuis ’48 and John Greene ’43 were be considered a pararescueman. View the following
nautical miles in about 82 hours and 25 minutes.
among five former U of M players or coaches video on YouTube to get a sense of the intensity of
Brother Hagelgans joined the four person
inducted into the Gridiron Greats of Michigan his training:
crew for the return sail from Newport back to
Hall of Fame on July 24 GJlNE&feature=player_embedded.
Bermuda. While taking his turn at the helm of
Brother Moore considered going to law
the boat, he encountered extremely rough seas
Bernie Rinella ’58 and Mike Jackson ’58. school after graduation, but decided to delay
sailing through the Gulf Stream in a storm.
During late fall of 2009, Brother Rinella and a possible legal education in favor of serving
During the heavy weather, a rogue wave smashed
Brother Jackson toured Egypt with their wives the nation in the military. During his years in
the vessel and caused the centerboard to break
and a group of other U of M alums. Michigan Alpha, Brother Moore held a number
off, but the boat was still able to make it back
This picture indicates that they enjoyed of leadership positions and served as president.
to port. Having no fear, our seaworthy Phis are
trying to blend in with the locals. The Sword & He can be contacted by e-mail at pwolfram@
looking forward to racing together in 2012.
Shield wonders if they also wore this garb while
riding camels?
Brandon Mancini
’07 received a $3,000
Graduate Fellowship
Award from the Phi
Delta Theta Founda-
tion to assist paying
for his education
at the Wayne State
University School of
Medicine in Detroit.
This is the fourth Brandon Mancini ’07
Graduate Fellowship received a $3,000
Award he has received Graduate Fellowship
from the Founda- Award from the Patrick Moore ’08 graduated from the U.S.
Bernie Rinella ’58 and Mike Jackson ’58. tion. Mancini is in his Phi Delta Theta Air Force Pararescue selection course in the
fourth year of Medical Foundation spring.

Visit the Michigan Alpha Alumni Rush Recommendations

Association on the Web! Wanted! Know a young man headed to the U of M who might make
a good Phi?
Register your e-mail address and receive our e-newsletter. Please contact Rush Chairman Carl Stanhope ’12 by
e-mail at
8 The Sword & Shield Spring-Summer 2010

The Third Re-Founding Fathers Commemorate Five-Year Anniversary

Looking Back and Where are They Now

All Re-Founding Fathers were invited to share their thoughts

about the five-year anniversary of the chapter’s establishment
and updates about what they’ve been doing since their years as
active members of Michigan Alpha. The Alumni Association
received fifteen responses, and the edited versions have been
printed in this newsletter. The full versions of the responses
can be viewed on the Alumni Association’s web site at
If you were a Re-Founding Father who did not have a chance
to submit a response at this time, the Alumni Association encour-
ages you to e-mail us your updates/recollections that can be posted
on the web site with all the others. The Alumni Association’s
e-mail address is

Josh Dimkoff ’05 Message for the Brothers: Remember the the early pledge classes never got to see the
Current Residence: Hinesville, GA. pledge you all made as Phikeia. Invest in full fruits of their labors while they were
Occupation: U.S. Army, the fraternity, and you will see more return undergrads, but they should feel proud to see
attorney and Captain in than you can imagine. Phi Delta Theta is a what they helped to build.
the JAGC. great organization that will teach you many
Role in the Refounding important lessons and values that will stay Greg Lavigne ’06
of the Michigan Alpha with you throughout your life. Current Residence: Cincinnati, OH
Chapter: After joining Occupation: Attorney
the Phi Delt colony Ben Hanson ’06 at Peck Shaffer and
during my sophomore Current Residence: Ann Arbor, MI Williams, LLP
year, I succeeded in recruiting many of my Occupation: University of Michigan School Role in the Refounding:
fellow Refounding Fathers from the halls of of Dentistry class of 2010, General Practice I was Treasurer during
Mosher Jordan when the rest of campus wasn’t Resident VA Hospital Ann Arbor colony status, and the first
producing pledges. I was named “Recruiter of Role in the Refounding: Member of Re- President after the official
the Year” for 2003-2004 which really was our Founding pledge class. refounding of the chapter.
make-or-break year. Favorite Memory of Michigan Alpha: The Message for the Brothers: Take advantage
Message for the Brothers About the 5 Year many friendships that I cultivated as a Phi of the incredible opportunity you have to be
Anniversary of the Reestablishment of Delt. a part of a great organization and campus
the Michigan Alpha Charter: Believe and community. Phi Delta Theta transformed my
achieve, keep the faith. It was looking pretty Evan Isaacs ’06 college experience, and I hope it does the same
dicey for several months leading up to the re- Current Residence: Washington, D.C. for each and every one of you as well.
founding as to whether we would indeed make Occupation: Touchstone
our recruiting goals to achieve the magic 35. Consulting Group Nabeel Obeid ’06
A few of us held an unwavering belief that our Message for the Current Residence: Ann Arbor, MI
work would not be for naught. Optimism is Brothers: I would have Role in the Refounding: Member of chapter
contagious, but so are doubts and pessimism. never imagined such a for the first two years
I ended up living in the fraternity for just my strong, beneficial bond of my undergraduate
senior year, but that turned out to be one of to my brothers and this experience (2002-2004)
the best choices I made in college. organization when I first which was the beginning
walked through the doors back in 2002. Proud years of Phi Delta Theta’s
Jason Barley ’06 to Be a Phi! return to campus.
Current Residence: Peoria, IL Message for the
Occupation: Peter Islip ’06 Brothers: To see
Development Engineer at Current Residence: Los Angeles, CA Michigan Alpha alive and well speaks volumes
Caterpillar, Inc. Occupation: On Set Production Assistant about the type of men who are part of this
Role in the Refounding: Message for the Brothers: In the early days fraternity. Eight years ago, when I stepped
I started out as Risk there were several times that we were sure that onto Michigan’s campus, the house was not
Manager for the Fall 2004 we were going to fail, and thought the house even occupied by Phi Delt brothers. It makes
semester. I then proceeded was done. I am certain every one of us back me very proud to see the chapter continue to
to serve two terms as the then thought about giving up and quitting grow and improve with each semester.
chapter’s Secretary. I also started the ALS walk many times, but we didn’t. We always found
that took place in Ann Arbor before the Box our way through the fog, and we worked
Car Derby. determinedly to achieve our goals. A few of
Spring-Summer 2010 9

The Third Re-Founding Fathers Commemorate Five-Year Anniversary

Looking Back and Where are They Now

Paul Wezner ’06 to current active brothers. They are continuing during the time of when the charter was
Current Residence: Royal Oak, MI a great tradition. I’m very proud that my restored.
Occupation: I am brothers and I had a hand in reestablishing Message for the Brothers: The first five
employed by Organic, Inc the premiere fraternity on campus that future years of the re-founding has only been the
– Senior Analyst, Marketing brothers will be able to enjoy as much as I did. beginning of Michigan Alpha’s return on
Intelligence. I am also campus. The future is in your hands and I
attending graduate school Matt Scarlata ’07 wish you continued success.
at the U-M Ross School of Current Residence: New York, New York.
Business and expect to earn a Occupation: Unilever. Jon T. Buck ’08
MBA by 2012. Role in the Refounding: Current Residence: Arlington, VA.
Role in the Refounding: As Alumni Secretary, I Occupation: BAE
I spent a term as the colony President of led the house in hosting Systems - Systems
Michigan Alpha from the spring 2003 through the first Founders Day Engineer.
winter of 2003. In addition, I served two Dinner event that had Role in the
terms as Secretary of the colony. been held in many years. Refounding: I
Message for the Brothers: You get out of the Since being reestablished, was Recruitment
fraternity what you put into it. The more you the Founders Day tradition has not only Chair in 2006 and
put in, the more fondly you’ll remember your continued, but it has flourished. Phikeia Educator in 2007. Went on to form
time with Michigan Alpha, and the more it Message for the Brothers: Although the the first State Street crew with Alex Johnson,
will mean when you return to see the chapter working world can be fun, challenging, and Nick Lynn, Tony Adan, Jon Lerner and myself
succeeding. rewarding, I envy the position you guys are as well as non-Phis Jon Acker and “Fisticuffs.”
in right now. The Phi Delt tradition is at an Message for the Brothers: One of my
Jacob Bach ’07 interesting point in time. Much of the tedious favorite things about the house has always
Current Residence: Ann Arbor, MI “grunt work” of re-establishing the chapter been watching it change and grow from year-
Occupation: Graduate school at U of M for has been complete for several years now, so to-year. It’s been amazing to see how far the
Education my hope is that you can take Phi Delt to an house has come in so short a time. It has also
Role in the Refounding: I served as Social even higher level on campus in terms of social, been encouraging to see how far the recently
Chairman. athletic and philanthropic activities. graduated brothers have gone. Stay strong
Favorite Memory of Michigan Alpha: The brothers. Show the world what you can do
Phi Delt road trips to away football games Kevin “Mr. Peace” Szawala ’07 both during your undergraduate years and
were great times. Current Residence: Northville, MI beyond. And of course, never stop striving
Occupation: to transmit the fraternity to those who may
Kellyn Parker ’07 Being Who I follow after not only, not less, but greater than
Current Residence: Los Angeles, CA Want 2 Be / it was transmitted to you!
Occupation: I’m working Motivational
in the agent training Speaker Cameron Young ’08
program at United Talent Role in the Current Residence: Grand Rapids, MI.
Agency, one of the leading Refounding: I Occupation: Marketing/
talent agencies in the served as IM Sports Chairman. Communications with
world. Message for the Brothers: Phi Delt is Nurture by Steelcase.
Role in the Refounding: different when compared to other fraternities Role in the Refounding:
I was in the last wave in the sense that it consists of a very special I was President of the
of brothers to join as we transitioned from group of brothers who have chosen to be a pledge class that put us
being a colony into a fully functional chapter part of something bigger than themselves. over the top -- getting
of Phi Delta Theta. I got to see us work our They have decided to put other’s needs and the enough guys to earn our
way through a lot of obstacles, and I helped needs of the greater community ahead of their charter and become a full-fledged chapter of
to establish our identity as a newly formed own. Focusing on that, along with striving to Phi Delta Theta.
chapter. I served as Recruitment Chairmen do what is morally right and always looking to Message for the Brothers: Being a member of
and President. It was extremely rewarding make a difference, are the basic principles in Phi Delt will be one of your fondest memories
when all our hard work culminated in the which Michigan Alpha was re-founded…As of your 4 (or 5 or 6) years in Ann Arbor. Work
refounding of the chapter. The Refounding you pursue your dreams, remember that the hard, recruit guys better than yourself, and
Fathers created a legacy at Michigan Alpha by opposite of success is not failure, it is quitting. foremost, enjoy one of the best times of your
both reestablishing old traditions and starting life.
up many new ones. William Todd ’07
Message for the Brothers: I cherish my time Current Residence: Los Angeles, CA
spent on campus and made some of my closest Occupation: Project Coordinator/Junior
friends through Phi Delt. I love to read the Architect at RNL
great updates in the Sword & Shield, and talk Role in the Refounding: I served as President
10 The Sword & Shield Spring-Summer 2010

2009-10 Honor Roll of Donors

Robert Morrison Level Century Club Thomas R. Walsh ’79 William R. Dougall Jr. ’62
($1,000+) ($100 - $249.99) N. Michael Dudynskay ’80 Charles Toby Schieman ’62
Richard B. Worsham ’67 Anonymous Scott G. Keider ’81 Michael J. Harmon ’63
Stephen S. Clark ’74 John W. Shields ’42 Nathaniel J. Love ’81 William A. Cilluffo ’68
Alexander R. Rothrock ’81 Charles W. Walton III ’46 Curtis J. Gano ’82 Josh D. Henson ’72
Arthur J. Prange Jr. ’47 Michael S. M. Buck ’83 Jon B. McLain ’77
Robert Ufer Level John F. Ingraham ’48 Michael D. Citren ’83 David L. Brower ’78
($500 - $999.99) Loyal W. Jodar ’49 David T. Liederbach ’84 Charles W. Fowler III ’79
Edward K. Aldworth ’47 Bill A. Emmert ’50 Robert S. Whims ’84 Tom M. Horlacher ’81
Norman E. Jackson ’50 *Richard Finch ’50 Robert C. Boylen ’85 Steven W. Levinger ’81
Robert R. Sommer ’57 T. Don Shreffler ’51 Paul F. Lamoureux ’85 Bradford J. Burrows ’88
Bernard B. Rinella ’58 Richard W. Young ’51 Michael O’Connor ’85 John A. Cacace III ’96
Anthony L. Petrilli ’63 Earl G. Keim ’52 Mike Staiger ’86
Scott Hamilton ’65 Peter C. Kinyon ’52 James B. Kelligrew ’87 Contributors ($35 - $49.99)
William D. Waterston ’72 James Witker Root ’52 Charles A. Abookire III ’90 George M. Broderick ’51
Carl G. Annessa ’79 Henry C. Heil Jr. ’53 Matthew P. Stump ’90 Kenneth W. Copp Jr. ’55
Jordan L. Dickstein ’84 John M. Jenks ’53 Drayke P. Dondero ’91 Douglas P. Spamer ’92
Greg Karmazin ’87 David W. Krupp ’53 Eric B. Shuffler ’92
Fred L. Leydorf ’53 Jonathan M. Harris ’94 Association Supporters ($25)
Bliss Bowman Level Terry N. Nulf ’53 Marc D. Latman ’94 Philip J. Laux Jr. ’39
($250 - $499.99) John T. Buck Sr. ’54 John D. Lobb Jr. ’39
James D. McNicholas ’40 Donald R. MacLaren ’54 President’s Club Douglas M. Jeannero ’51
Theodore R. Spangler ’40 Richard D. Harrison ’56 ($50 - $99.99) Donald J. Veldman ’52
John H. Kunkle Jr. ’52 Robert G. Dunn ’57 Martin Newcomer III ’38 James V. Bates ’55
William H. MacFarland ’56 David E. Hershey ’57 R. E. Reichert Jr. ’43 Richard A. Hildebrand ’63
James E. Barger ’57 Philip F. Brown ’58 Ed H. Atkins ’45 Edmond Ray ’63
James A. Maddock ’57 Charles E. Green ’58 M. Bliss Bowman ’46 Frank D. Bock ’78
Dean E. Finkbeiner ’58 William T. Woodell ’58 Clifford C. Wise ’47 Joseph E. Kraus ’82
James S. Van Pelt ’58 Thomas H. Sheehan Jr. ’59 Robert R. Chappuis ’48 Daniel S. Dretler ’88
Joseph M. Valerio Sr. ’69 Maynard L. Stetten ’59 Charles B. Hammond ’49
Roger M. Dooley ’76 Richard Staelin ’61 Bruce I Dutcher ’50 *Memorial donation by Tom
Mark S. Hopkins ’76 C. Gregory Spangler ’62 Carl A. Emmert ’50 Finch ’62, Michigan Beta
James R. Browne ’78 James R. Waterston ’63 Herald H. Hughes Jr. ’50
John L. Kraus ’79 Robert M. Estes ’67 Robert H. Johns ’50 Reflects gifts received as of
James M. Meidell ’81 Richard S. Rasmussen ’70 Richard J. Kempthorn ’50 August 17, 2010.
Frank Remington Sprague ’72 Richard C. Ridgway ’51
Frank Mills ’74 William B. Michaels ’54
Douglas R. Young ’76 Timothy A. Reiman ’55
Duane C. Bollert ’78 Peter S. Tillotson ’58
Bruce C. Young ’78 Clell C. Boyer Jr. ’62

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Michigan Alpha Chapter
FIRST CLASS MAIL The Alumni Association of the

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