Summary of The Weather

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Universidad Tecnológica de Honduras

English 4

Mayra Guadalupe Ruiz

Nicole Antonia Meza 201510040041

Summary about the weather phenomena


07 de Marzo del 2018

The weather has a different type of phenomena; to continue I will mention a few
types of natural phenomena:

One of those are the weather cloudy is when we see

the sky with a lot of clouds with color grey and blue
but it doesn’t rain.
Other is the heat in our country it will start to be hot
because the holy week is soon and are more few
months hot.
The Fog is when the clouds are down near the floor and we cannot see well and
looks like fuzzy.
In Honduras every year are a time of hurricanes, it’s when rain all the day with
windy and the rivers grow up and go out of her caudal. The people that live near
the rivers have to be prepare with essential things for get out her house and go
to a hostel.
Other common weather here is the Drought it’s when does not rain in a few
months and are so much hot, the earth and the rivers are dry.
All of us know what is rain and we know it since are small, and is when fall drops
of the sky to the earth in so much amounts.
The flood is when the rivers, streets and even houses have so much water and
is when we called flood. The cars, people cannot go outside of the lot of amounts
of water that are.
The freezing, sleet and hail in Honduras never happen because is a tropical
country, where it happens is in USA, Canada, Europe and other countries. People
talk about that and tell me that is so much cold and have to put a lot of clothes
and coats to be a little bit hot.
But a few years in the notice say that in the Esperanza Intibucá hail, we get
interested when hear something like that because here never happen.
The thunder happens when rain and the clouds collide that contain water that
produce the sound we heard when thunder.
I will mention the light rain, it’s when is cloudy or hot and only light rain, in my city
we say that the rain only riots the heat.
The weather refers a change that produce in the nature, no matter what is the
weather phenomena we have to prepare with basic things for every unexpected
thing haved a backpack in a strategic place with the essential things we need like
bottles with water, canned food, flashlight, razor and other things. Remember we
never know when we have to go out of our house in an improvised way.

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